Freelance graphic Designer at internet
Design and Engineering Zann
Design and Engineering Zann is a company based out of Germany.
Zelfstandig ondernemer
Als zelfstandig ondernemer hou ik mij bezig met drie thema's die onlosmakelijk met elkaar zijn verbonden: het creeren van betrokken medewerkers, het creeren van betrokken klanten en het continu leren en verbeteren van de organisatie als geheel.
Zanna's Publicity Group
ZANNIER is the vocation of a family with a passion for hospitality, gastronomy and viticulture.
Leonardo da Vinci's famous quote 'Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.' resumes perfectly ZANNIER's vision and philosophy. The key principle behind every project is the devotion to simplicity and the product's authenticity.
Groupe Zannier
Depuis plus de 50 ans, le groupe Zannier crée, commercialise et distribue des vêtements pour les enfants et les adultes. Le Groupe Zannier est aujourd'hui devenu le leader de la mode enfantine avec un portefeuille unique constitué de 15 marques et licences, complétées par 4 marques de prêt-à-porter adulte.
Zanzibar Telecom Ltd. (ZANTEL)
Company Profile
The Zanzibar Telecom (Zantel) story is one of investment, one of innovation, one of potential award-winning customer service. But, above all, it is one of growth and the ability to deliver the tremendous benefits of mobile communications in Tanzania. Zanzibar Telecom (Zantel) is the only integrated Telecom service provider in Tanzania offering International Gateway services, Fixed, Mobile and data services through its CDMA, GSM, 3G networks.
Zanzibar Telecom (Zantel) serves a growing subscriber base and consistently demonstrates its core values of affordable, consistent and seamless services and is known as the Best & Fastest Wireless Internet Service provider in Tanzania.
Zanzibar Telecom (Zantel) has received several awards and endorsements for its quality and innovative services. Some of these include - GSMA M - Health Award.
Indeed, at Zantel the future is a world in which technology extends people's reach on all fronts.
Zantia, Climatização SA
Shriram Foundry Ltd.
Check out company's website
ZAP - A minha TV
A ZAP iniciou a sua actividade no mercado angolano em Abril de 2010 e é actualmente o maior operador de TV por Satélite em Angola, mantendo sempre o compromisso de prestar aos seus clientes o melhor serviço de TV do mercado.
No 1º semestre de 2011 entra no mercado Moçambicano e torna-se rapidamente líder na disponibilização de conteúdos e canais em português e em alta definição.
Desde a sua criação, a ZAP apostou na qualidade de imagem e de conteúdos, definindo um posicionamento que a distingue e aproxima cada vez mais dos seus clientes, disponibilizando produtos e serviços que proporcionam mais entretenimento.
O reconhecimento geral da população de norte a sul do país, faz com que a missão da empresa se estenda a outras áreas, como a vertente social. Vidas ZAP é um projecto implementado em 2013 que selecciona anualmente vários orfanatos onde são montados parques infantis e oferecidas televisões com sinal aberto vitalício.
Em Março de 2014 surgiu uma nova oportunidade de crescimento para a empresa com a inauguração da produtora ZAP Studios. Um estúdio de produção de televisão que veio preencher a necessidade de mais programas e conteúdos nacionais, que são emitidos exclusivamente no canal ZAP Viva.
No mesmo ano, a ZAP prepara o lançamento da sua primeira oferta de Dual Play com o serviço ZAP Fibra, que vem materializar o novo posicionamento da empresa e dar continuidade a uma estratégia de inovação que, desde há muito tempo, tem vindo a caracterizar a actividade da ZAP. Este é um serviço que oferece Pacotes de Televisão + Internet, com funcionalidades inéditas em Angola, como o Restart TV, Timewarp e Videoclube e com as velocidades de internet mais rápidas do mercado.
Navegue pelo Site e explore todas as vantagens em ser cliente ZAP.
Para mais informações, contacte o Centro de Apoio ao Cliente através do 935 555 500 para a ZAP Satélite ou através do 935 555 600 para a ZAP Fibra ou peça para ser contactado pela ZAP aqui.
zap group
ZAP GROUP is the largest, leading consumer internet group in Israel.
The group incorporates over twenty different websites and portals in a wide range of content areas, among which can be found:
zap yellow pages
zap price comparison
zap weddings
zap rest
zap doctors
About the Group
In 1968, the group began as Yellow Pages. That year the company produced telephone directories nationwide and introduced small and medium businesses to a rich world of information and opportunities that have, over the years with the advancement of technology, developed into modern advertising platforms in the internet and cellular worlds.
At the beginning of the new millennium, the company purchased a number of content sites, directories and portals in various fields and became the Golden Pages Group.
In January 2012 the Group took an historical step and became zap group. The aim of this change was to provide the Israeli consumer with stronger potential in numerous fields in the various digital media.
זאפ גרופ (קבוצת דפי זהב לשעבר) הינה קבוצת האינטרנט הצרכנית המובילה והגדולה כיום בישראל.
הקבוצה מאגדת למעלה מעשרים אתרי אינטרנט ופורטלים שונים מעולמות תוכן נרחבים, ביניהם ניתן למצוא:
דפי זהב zap
השוואת מחירים zap
מתחתנים zap
zap rest
zap doctors
אתרי הקבוצה מציעים לגולש חווית חיפוש נוחה ומתקדמת בעולמות תוכן שונים ומעניקים לו כלים לקבלת החלטות צרכניות מיטביות,
ללא צורך בידע קודם.
כמו כן אתרי הקבוצה מהווים פלטפורמה פרסומית רחבה ועשירה לבעלי עסקים קטנים ובינוניים באמצעי המדיה השונים.
ZAPA beton a.s.
Společnost ZAPA beton a.s. je česká firma s dlouholetou tradicí. Na českém trhu působíme 26 let a v současné době máme v České a Slovenské republice 71 provozoven. Jsme jedním z největších výrobců transportbetonu na českém i slovenském trhu, doposud jsme vyrobili 30 milionů kubíků betonu.
Naše auta a provozovny nemůžete přehlédnout, mají jedinečný vzhled, který je spjatý s místní tradicí, historií, památkami či charakteristickým prostředím.
Jsme neobyčejná firma také díky lidem, kteří do našeho ZAPA SVĚTA vnášejí svou energii a nápady a kterých je aktuálně 550 v ČR a SR.
Nyní jsme součástí silného německého koncernu Dyckerhoff a nadnárodní skupiny Buzzi Unicem s působností po celém světě.
ZAPA beton a.s. je jedním ze zakladatelů a aktivních členů Svazu výrobců betonu ČR a dceřiná společnost ZAPA beton SK s.r.o. je členem Slovenské asociácie výrobcov transportbetónu. Jedná se o profesní zájmová sdružení nejvýznamnějších firem v oboru.
Résolument attachée à la culture urbaine, subtile et sophistiquée, la Maison ZAPA propose un univers singulier fort et Premium.
Depuis sa création en 1972, l'entreprise parisienne a toujours misé sur sa créativité. Aujourd'hui plus que jamais réactive et à l'écoute des tendances, elle répond aux exigences d'une clientèle mode et soucieuse de qualité.
Elégance, Contemporanéité, Exigence de Qualité, sont les valeurs qui animent au quotidien l'entreprise et le savoir-faire de la Marque.
Le vestiaire proposé est chic et trendy, les lignes épurées privilégient modernité et élégance, pour des Hommes et des Femmes au look résolument urbain.
Televizija Zapad
Local TV station for City of Zapresic and surrounding area in NW part of Croatia. Established in 2009 as local cable news programme Televizija Zaprešić. In 2015 we achieved digital terrestrial broadcasting license and changed the name to Televizija Zapad. Reaching more then 200.000 people in NW part of Zagreb area.
Zapak Digital Entertainment Limited
Zapak Digital Entertainment Ltd. is India's largest gaming company that addresses the complete value chain of Digital Gaming. With currently 10 million registered gamers, is not only the largest casual gaming sites in the country but amongst the top gaming sites in the world.
Over 6 million visitors come to Zapak network every month across PC & Mobile. has world's largest collection of online games in Single Player, Multiplayer & Download categories. It offers unique blend of games & social networking among gamers. Zapak also offers 1000 of free mobile games from its mobile store at
Zapak also offers subscription based PC gaming service called - it offers world class 150 PC games for just Rs.99 per month.Download and play as many games as you can.
Zapak is world's largest Advergames platform hosting over 500 Advergames for all leading brands in India. We have developed some of the best Advergames which has won several awards in India and abroad.
Check out for more...
Zapak works closely with most of the leading global gaming and entertainment players such as EA, Microsoft, Valve, Popcap, Boonty, Payfirst, Disney, Universal Studios, Shanda, Jagex, Cartoon Network, THQ, iPlay, Hands-On etc.
Zapala Go
Zapala Go provides removal, relocation and storage companies with a simple, end-to-end solution to schedule, cost, track and trace their consignments. Through the Zapala Go platform, clients are able to obtain detailed, real-time information on the exact status and location of their consignments while in transit or storage, as well as an easily accessible inventory of the goods being moved.
Zapala Go can help clients to reduce labour and error costs by 35% per year. This is achieved by enabling open access to job information from any device, resulting in the streamlining of operations processes.
Zapala Go is emerging as an innovative leader in the industry; facilitating a shift away from conventional paper-based documentation to a fully integrated, digital system.
Fundada en 1956, Corporación Zapata es una compañía que provee soluciones integrales de
transportación terrestre y de servicios de mantenimiento para vehículos de diversas marcas como
Ford, Mazda, JAC, Freightliner, Mercedes-Benz, Great Dane, FAW, Sprinter, Piaggio / Motoplex,
Newholland, XCMG, Genie.
Corporación Zapata está calificado como uno de los grupos automotrices más sólidos de nuestro
país gracias a su amplio catálogo de servicios y a que está clasificada dentro de las 100 mejores
empresas para trabajar "Great Place to Work" así como por contar con la certificación de ESR
"Empresa Socialmente Responsable".
En Corporación Zapata trabajan de manera directa, más de 1,600 personas. Además de que cuenta
con operaciones en países como EUA, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela, Colombia y Argentina, lo que la
convierte en una plataforma generadora de empleo fuera de nuestras fronteras.
Zapata Technology
We save lives by providing America's soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines with the technology and intelligence they need to serve and defend our nation from its enemies.
Our small business set-asides are: 8(a), HUBZone, Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB), and SDB.
We are a software solutions company focused purely on the U.S. Federal market.
Our incredible team promotes and aggressively facilitates the cost-effective integration of technology to enhance organizational performance in the areas of emerging technologies, information technology, intelligence and cyber solutions. Our employees are dedicated and ethical, holding the latest industry technical certifications and credentials and maintaining active Security Clearances.
At Zapata Technology, we realize that our contributions are critical to helping our customers and teammates successfully meet their critical goals and mission objectives. Whether conducting business in the United States or overseas, Zapata Technology is the strategic partner of choice.
To learn more about Zapata Technology, view our corporate capabilities.
Please take a look at our great culture.
"We save lives." –Randall Zapata, President
A unique independant award winning designer shoe / accessory shop in Knutsford Cheshire.Our aim to bring top quality products to our clients and to offer excellent customer care.Open for 5 years our shop is modern with walnut lit catwalk and plasma screen. We have recently won a worldwide competition for best window display and have been recommended as one of the best new Indies around.
Zapbuild Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Zapbuild is an IT consulting and services provider, providing end-to-end consulting for global clients. Zapbuild has partnered with several start-ups to SME in building their next generation information infrastructure for competitive advantage. The Zapbuild portfolio of services includes legacy application maintenance, large application development, e-strategy consulting and solutions. Our solutions focus on addressing business and technology challenges for customers across multiple industries. The offshore Model of the company leverages talent and infrastructure to provide high quality, rapid time-to-market solutions.
We have expertise across business domains and we have long list of satisfied customers. We have significant depth of expertise and experience in delivering Web, Desktop and Smartphone based technology solutions to our clients across industries. Our structured, project execution methodologies further enhance our ability to consistently deliver best of breed solutions to our clients.
Zapbuild, since its inception, has been committed to deliver services that surpass excellence & tailored to cater to the diversified nature & culture of growing businesses. We design, develop and deliver systems, services and software that drive today's business, ameliorate and enhance business capability, reduce customer acquisition lead times, accelerate top line growth, create better brand and ultimately beat competition. Supported by ex-cogitative research and development, we use the strength in technology, software, data mining and research, as well as services, to create new revenue-generating opportunities for its customers & at the same time reducing the overheads, while enabling them to quickly deploy and better manage and direct their businesses.
Zap Creative, Inc
ZAP Creative, Inc. is named after the fundamental elements that need to take place for successful communication:
• A charged atmosphere of goals and energy
• Leaders who have a direction to share
• Groups trying to make a connection
When that connection is made between leaders and groups- great energy is unleashed!
Great ideas do that:
They illuminate, create a buzz, and most importantly, create a wave of energy that compels action.
That is a ZAP moment. This is ZAP Creative.
Our scalable process allows us to flawlessly execute every aspect of a meeting including:
Pre and Post Communication Design And Execution
• Creative Direction and Theming
• Graphic Design for PPT
• Presentation Scripting and Coaching
• Thematic Pull Through
• Video Modules
• Staging and Production Direction
• Entertainment / Talent / Keynote
• Communication Measurement and Impact
Zapdill Technologies Pvt Ltd
We take privilege to introduce ZAPDILL TECHNOLOGIES as one the leading manufacturer and trader of Electrical and Electronics goods and accessories worldwide. Zapdill Technologies aims to be the most admired solution provider company that delights consumer have been working to meet the present need of them & innovating to meet the needs they will have tomorrow. We wish to help all our customers make their lives and businesses better with products and services that are tailored to their needs.
Our focus area covers the distribution & solution of the followings:-
a. Alarm Cable.
b. PCM Cable.
c. Microphone Cables.
d. Speaker Wire.
e. Automotive Cables.
f. Lan Cables.
g. Other Special cables (as per requirement).
a. RG-6 Drop Cables (75 Ohms)
b. RG-11 Drop Cables (75 Ohms)
c. RG-59 Drop Cables (75 Ohms)
d. 412 series Cables (75 Ohms)
e. 500 series Cables (75 Ohms)
f. 540 series Cables (75 Ohms)
a. Aluminium and Copper Conductors.
b. Single Core Cables.
c. Multi Core Cables .
d. Normal PVC or HR PVC Insulation.
e. Special purpose FR/FRLS Sheath.
1. KU-Band LNBF.
2. Dish (60cm,90cm,120cm).
3. Digital Satellite Receiver.
4. Pocket Size receiver.
1. CATV Line amplifier.
2. Broadband amplifier.
3. Co-axial Cable.
4. C-Band LNB.
5. Splitters and Tap offs.
For any Information mail us at :- [email protected]
For any enquiry mail us at :- [email protected]
Thanks And Regards
Beauty International Group is a Dubai holding company with major interests in the field of beauty and, in particular, in the aroma chemicals industry.
We are an internationally focused Spanish company specialising on the production of sublime flavours and perfumes manufactured with the purest and most delicate essential oils and aromatic chemicals.
Our objective is to offer highly refined fragrances together with outstanding services satisfying our clients' individual needs. Our key distinctions are the use of the highest quality raw materials combined with the most advanced and sophisticated technology. We are committed to low cost production policy resulting on efficient production and delivery times and competitive market prices.
Our top priority is to consistently fulfil your highest expectations. With an advanced production site in Spain, professional local team, extensive market knowledge and a strong international network, we are fully committed to "Think Global, Act Local'.
Zapier (YC S12) gives people internet superpowers by letting them easily connect and automate the apps they use. Partners, including Salesforce, Intuit, Google, and Dropbox, utilize Zapier to offer their customers integrations with 1,000+ apps. The Zapier Developer Platform enables developers to add APIs for private or public use.
Our growing, remote team has members around the world. We are on a mission to make work easier. We face formidable technical hurdles, unique marketing challenges, and exciting brand and design opportunities that come with serving a vast multi-sided audience. We are hiring.
We're a 100% distributed team helping people across the world automate the boring and tedious parts of their job. We do that by helping everyone connect the web applications they already use and love.
We believe that there are jobs a computer is best at doing and that there are jobs a human is best at doing. We want to empower businesses to create processes and systems that let computers do what they are best at doing and let humans do what they are best at doing.
O ZAP, uma empresa do Grupo Globo, é o mais moderno e eficiente portal de classificados de imóveis da internet brasileira, onde mantém liderança absoluta.
Para facilitar para o usuário, o ZAP é acessível tanto via website quanto por meio de um moderno aplicativo para smartphones e tablets.
E é permitido exibir fotos, vídeos e mapas de localização dos imóveis em todas as ofertas.
O portal ZAP oferece, ainda, produtos e serviços que facilitam o dia a dia de quem está procurando, reformando ou precisando de soluções para a sua casa, como:
- Índice FipeZAP: único índice gratuito e de abrangência nacional de preços de imóveis.
- Revista: área do site sobre o mercado de imóveis, arquitetura e decoração.
- Mapa de Preços: exibe a estimativa de preço dos imóveis em uma área desejada.
- ZAP Temporada: área do site destinada a aluguel de férias e temporada.
O ZAP também possui um canal para profissionais do mercado imobiliário, o ZAP Pro. Ele traz notícias do setor e dicas relevantes para melhorar as vendas e o relacionamento com o cliente (
O ZAP é isso: facilidade e agilidade. Utilizando a mais alta tecnologia para encontrar os melhores resultados ao navegar pelo site.
ZAP. Seu imóvel num ZAP.
Zap Courier Service
Zap Courier Service is a Package/Freight Delivery company located in 4 Mulberry Dr, East Greenbush, NY, United States.
ZaPOP are specialists in the in-store marketing arena.
The company provides marketers with an exciting opportunity to promote their brands directly to the target audience at the "moment of truth" (when the purchase decision is actually made), thus stimulating shopping interest and increasing sales in store.
Ayuntamiento de Zapopan
Incentivos fiscales
¿Voy a generar empleos en la instalación de mi negocio, el cual voy a instalar en un inmueble que voy a rentar, que incentivos me pueden otorgar?
En el caso de los arrendadores no aplican los incentivos fiscales ya que los derechos e impuestos que se generan no son obligación para los mismos, si no más bien para el propietario del inmueble.
¿Me pueden incrementar el % del incentivo, si mi proyecto va a generar una cantidad importantes de empleos (pero menos de 500)?
No, los porcentajes ya están definidos y son fijos, ningún incentivo se otorga a criterio.
Ya realice uno, algunos o todos los pagos de: la licencia de construcción, impuesto predial, transmisión patrimonial, licencia de urbanización, aprovechamiento de infraestructura básica ¿Cómo me van a aplicar los incentivos fiscales?
Aplica devolución, mediante solicitud previa a la Tesorería Municipal, donde anexe los recibos originales de dichos pagos y una copia del Acuerdo de Incentivos.
¿Cual es el tiempo de respuesta a mi solicitud de Incentivos Fiscales?
Zapp Tooling Alloys, Inc.
Zapp Tooling Alloys is a supplier of high performance tooling alloys to a variety of specialty markets.
East-European mobile phone company. Also known as ZAPP Romania. It operates on 450MHz being a CDMA network. It is the only CDMA network in Europe with 3G+ mobile data transfer capabilities. Starting from October 1-st, ZAPP Romania is part of Cosmote Group (OTE Greece).
Zapp360 – The Company
Zapp360 is a mobile technology company that has developed proprietary SaaS technology for local advertisers.
We've built a platform and unique tools for local advertisers to push out promo offers into their target customers mobile phones within minutes.
Our technology engine has been in development since 2013, pushing out billions of ad messages into mobile web and app browsers. During this period, we have built up a unique knowledge and understanding of how to effectively deliver ad messaging to local audiences on mobile.
Zapp360 now has proprietary algorithms, processes, distribution, ad formats and attribution methods that make us the market leader in mobile ad messaging.
Ad Messenger – The Product
Since launching our Ad Messenger product in 2014, we've delivered more than 3 billion promotion and offer messages for more than 2000 different advertisers, both large and small.
The simple process starts with the advertisers location, then selecting the catchment area of mobile devices they wish to target. The product is focused on making local mobile ad messaging easy to set up and effective to generate new sales off the back it.
Zappa & Peluso Advogados
ZAPPA & PELUSO ADVOGADOS é um escritório que presta assistência jurídica a empresas e vem se destacando no meio jurídico pelo atendimento e o desenvolvimento de trabalho nas mais diversas áreas do direito.
Com uma equipe de profissionais e advogados especializados, o escritório de advocacia atua nas seguintes áreas:
Visando otimizar e qualificar o atendimento a clientes e parceiros, mantém ligação com escritórios em outros centros do país, que lhe prestam e para os quais executa serviços.
Quality promised, Quality Delivered.
At Zappfresh, we are passionate in providing our customers with the finest quality fresh meat delivery in India.
From Chicken to Fish, from your ready to eats to special meats - we provide you with an extensive variety of the quality meat and seafood direct from farms and fisheries to your front door.
To find things out about your consumers, you need the right information from the people who know the best ways to learn about your consumers.
Until now, the best ways needed to take a long time with paper surveys, analysing spreadsheets and hours of meetings. With ZappiStore, you can quickly get reliable answers to your questions and use them to make better business decisions by involving consumers earlier and more often.
By automating the manual processes behind market research, ZappiStore enables clients and agencies to capitalise on efficiencies unlocked by technology with a self-service platform for buying research services, at lightning fast speed, low cost and of the highest quality.
In partnership with the world's leading research agencies, ZappiStore offers off-the-shelf research products targeted at solving business issues ranging from new product development, to pack testing, creative testing or social media monitoring - so you can learn about your consumers the same day you want to ask them a question.
Learn more about career opportunities at ZappiStore:
Make Your App Fantasies Come To Life with Zapporoo
Have you ever come across an app, and thought, "I can make something better!". With Zapporoo's help, you can go further than just dreaming up great apps, and actually make one yourself!
Zapporoo is a 100% confidential App help firm that has teams of professional and expert app designers. We're eager to work with anyone with an app idea, and may be in need of someone to do the design work. We're able to assist in the development of the app, its registration, and even its marketing.
Zapporoo's method starts at the very base- we meet you, hear about your app needs and create the very basic app design foundations. We give our clients the convenience of talking to the design teams directly about their desired app design. To make things even more accessible, every client has 24-hour access to their app in a secure online environment. Through this method, it becomes extremely easy for any client to check on the progress of his app, ask questions, and implement any design changes, saving everyone time and effort.
If you have an idea for an app, then we want to work with you! Your previous experience in apps does not matter. Your technical knowledge and ability don't matter either, as we have many different programs that should suit a wide variety of clients. As long as the app idea is there, we are in business!
If you want a stress-free and hassle-free time at creating your app, call in the experts, Zapporoo!
Zappos Family of Companies
The Zappos Family of Companies, a subsidiary of, is a leader in online apparel and footwear sales by striving to provide shoppers the best possible service and selection. We carry millions of products from over 1000 footwear and apparel brands. Established in 1999, we are located in Las Vegas, NV. We have approximately 1,500 Zapponians, but continual growth makes that number ever-increasing.
We've been asked by a lot of people how we've grown so quickly, and the answer is actually really simple...we've aligned the entire organization around one mission: to provide the best customer service possible. Internally, we call this our WOW philosophy. And, we believe that it's our unique "fun and a little weird" culture that drives the WOW.
Founded in 2008, Zapproved LLC is the leading e-discovery software provider for managing corporate litigation readiness. Our Z-Discovery Suite returns power to in‐house corporate legal teams and helps them navigate electronic discovery with minimal risk and cost, setting new standards for scalability and intuitive design. Zapproved's flagship product, Legal Hold Pro, is widely adopted by Fortune 500 and Global 2000 corporations. Zapproved has earned recognition with numerous awards, including:
• Best E-Discovery Legal Hold Product at the 2015 and 2016 Legaltech News Innovation Awards
• The 2016 and 2017 Deloitte Technology Fast 500™ lists ranked Zapproved as one of the fastest growing companies in North America
• The National Law Journal Best of 2018 survey lists Legal Hold Pro as one of the top Legal Hold Solutions
Zapproved software is also SOC 2® Type 2 certified, the industry's highest rating for data security. With 99% customer retention, we continue to cultivate ridiculously happy customer experiences year after year. We take pride in fostering an inclusive, innovative culture where diversity and bright ideas are welcome. Learn more at
ZAP Sistemas
A ZAP SISTEMAS, através da longa experiência de seus sócios e colaboradores, atua no mercado financeiro no desenvolvimento de softwares de gestão financeira através de suas três divisões: ZAP SIG, CFI e IBS.
Ao longo dos anos a empresa adquiriu o respeito e a confiabilidade dos clientes e parceiros por meio de produtos e serviços que vão ao encontro das necessidades do mercado. Produtos atuais, flexíveis e altamente amigáveis junto à um suporte técnico altamente profissional e competitividade de mercado são os pilares que tornaram e mantêm a ZAP SISTEMAS como uma das empresas mais sólidas dentro do mercado financeiro.
Atualmente, nossos clientes estão no principal eixo financeiro do país, São Paulo – Rio de Janeiro. Trabalhamos de forma contínua no aperfeiçoamento constante de nossos produtos, no desenvolvimento de novas ferramentas personalizadas que atendam as necessidades exclusivas de cada cliente e no treinamento constante de nossa equipe técnica.
Self Employed;
Self Employed: Talker & Teacher on Personal Growth giving seminars, workshps and courses. Writer on self help. Business on helping people sell their belongings.
Zaraffa Software
We're certified Symfony and Magento developers with huge expertise in e-commerce and high-tech industry.
Our key benefits:
- Free trial 1 week. Only 100% sure in our expertise and communication allow us to offer that for clients. Try our services for free for 1 week to ensure that ZaraffaSoft is a right choice.
- Agile development process. Get delivery each week and if something should be improved in process - we can do so without any problems with our certified Scrum Project Management team.
- Involvment. We not just dinosour-style bodyshop. We're team of experts who take care about every aspect your business. So you will get suggestion how to do things in the best way for your business, not just coder hours.
- We're cutting edge. Develop mobile apps for both iOS and Android with same codebase, make extremely fast searching system, creating blockchain solutions. We're on the edge and ready to bring innovation to your business.
- We're quite good as MVP development team for Startups ( see related use case for BagBNB from Italy )
- Also we know how to maintain existing products and coopearte with existing team overseas ( see related use case for Terravision from London )
Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza
Administración Local de la ciudad de Zaragoza (Spain). Zaragoza es hoy: una ciudad abierta, dinámica, moderna, atractiva, cargada de historia y de lugares de interés, un punto de encuentro y un espacio para la innovación y el desarrollo.
Zaragoza Restaurant
Zaragoza Restaurant is a Food and Beverages company located in 139 Brazosport Blvd N, Clute, TX, United States.
Zarakol has been providing countless communication services and solutions since its foundation in 1992, relying on an ever growing expertise in domestic and international corporate communications coupled with a highly skilled and motivated employee pool.
This and its use of client focused, sustainable and effective, measurable, sincere, transparent and honest communication practices has made Zarakol what it is today, one of the leaders in the industry.
Zara Logue
Zara Mining Share Company
Zara Mining Share Company is a Mining and Metals company located in Eritrea.
ZaranTech is a premier global E-Learning company based out of Midwest Iowa, USA. We cater to individuals and corporates and provide IT training and certification programs in Niche IT Courses. Modes of training include Instructor led Live online training and Self Paced Video training. Courses are designed with Role Based methodology in mind. Our training programs are suitable for entry level and experienced IT professionals seeking to enhance their skills or Learn a New Technology and get Certified.
Our IT training team, comprises of Sr. Solution Architects, Project Managers, Business Analysts, Technical Leads and Senior Developers. The team's extensive experience in the design, implementation, and management of IT systems includes consulting with big 5 companies and teaching and training in Business Analysis, QA, QTP Selenium, Java J2EE, .Net, Salesforce, Informatica, Android Development, Cloud Computing, Analytics, Big Data Hadoop, Data Science, CRM, ERP, SAP Enterprise Solutions, and Business Process Management (BPM) Implementation solutions.
ZaranTech provides e-learning courses for:
Contact: Email - [email protected] Phone - +1 (515) 309-7846
A Zaraplast iniciou suas atividades em 1967. Fabricava bobinas plásticas, com e sem impressão em flexografia e rotogravura, utilizadas para embalar alimentos. Em pouco tempo, cresceu e ampliou seu mercado ao atender indústrias de outros segmentos, como os de produtos de limpeza e higiene. Ao longo de quatro décadas a Zaraplast ampliou as especialidades das embalagens que fabricava, implantou novas unidades industriais e tornou-se a mais completa indústria de embalagens flexíveis do país.
Atenta às constantes inovações tecnológicas, investiu expressivamente na atualização de equipamentos industriais e processos tecnológicos que a diferenciam. Destacou-se, por isso, ao ser a primeira indústria brasileira de embalagem flexível a ter sua qualidade certificada pelas Normas ISO 9002. Todas essas práticas resultaram na consolidação de sua posição como empresa ágil e moderna.
Com unidades de negócios em diversos pontos do país, a Zaraplast atua também por meio de empresas coligadas, como a Altaplast, a Altacoppo e a Daviso.
Zara S.r.l.
Zara produce calzature di prestigiosi marchi Italiani. Laura Biagiotti, Brooke Logan, Swish, WO&MEN. La nostra esperienza ci consente di realizzare un prodotto di qualità e design, caratteristiche distintive del vero Made in Italy. Abbiamo due outlet di calzature basati a Montegranaro (FM) e Porto San Giorgio (FM), nel cuore delle Marche, regione leader nel mondo per la produzione di calzature.
Zara Techno
About Zara Techno
Specialists in onshore software development and digital technology in the Bangladesh
Our leading-edge solutions are designed, deployed and supported to empower organisations of all sizes to achieve their goals. Through our talented Bangladesh and Europe-based outsourcing teams, we are uniquely able to offer assured and benchmarked quality at prices comparable to offshore providers.
Zara Tours
Zara Tours is a local outfitter based in Moshi, Tanzania. Founded 23 years ago by Tanzanian woman Zainab Ansell, has evolved into Tanzania's largest Kilimanjaro outfitter and one of the country's largest safari operators, with daily departures up the Kilimanjaro Mountain with a choice of six routes. We put more people on the Kilimanjaro summit than any other company. In addition, weekly departures are available on seven group safari itineraries through the wild areas and amazing bush lands. We have friendly, experienced and professional officials for the safaris and our standard properties such as two hotels, Springlands and Highview, as well as at our tented camps.
Your safety and comfort are foremost as we bring your dreams to life and craft them into lifelong memories.
B.1 Climbing Kilimanjaro
Climbing Kilimanjaro is a once-in-a-life experience and major challenge. When you reach the top you can experience total freedom. It is not only a great shot, but also perfectly communicates "total freedom – being higher than the clouds – overlooking the whole continent of Africa"
Visit our
Zara Wood Illustration & Owner of The Woody Shop
Zarcam es un Operador Logístico Nacional con más de 100.000 M2 cubiertos, realiza operaciones en Centros de Distribución ubicados en el Parque Industrial de Pilar, en Zárate y Córdoba.
Realiza operaciones IN HOUSE en Pergamino, Rojas Provincia de Buenos Aires y en Tucumán.
El plantel de colaboradores de Zarcam supera las 180 personas y su flota de transporte supera las 60 unidades tractoras, todas habilitadas para el transporte de sustancias calificadas peligrosas.
La compañia esta certificada con el Sello CEDOL, ISO 9001:2008, por el "Programa Depósito OK" de CASAFE en su categoría más alta (Premiun) y por el PCRMA (Programa de Cuidado Responsable del Medio Ambiente) y ultimamente obtuvo Certificacion en el Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad Vial ISO 39001:2012.
Romanian beverages company producer.
Zaremba Brownell & Brown PLLC
Zarex Limited
We are a local website agency that was founded specifically to help businesses grow through the smart use of websites, online promotion / SEO and other technologies.
- We are based near Milford on Auckland's North Shore.
- We follow best practices, 'evidence based design' and documented processes for all aspects of our work which ensures we can consistently deliver the best possible outcomes for each customer
- We have extensive experience of sales and management so are able to understand and design solutions to meet real business opportunities
- We are in business for the long term and want to build mutually beneficial partnerships wit our customers.
And of course....
- We are experts in website design, development and site optimisation
- We have extensive knowledge of SEO and all aspects of online marketing
- We are able to talk technology in layman's terms
Protecting your equipment is our mission. For over 75 years Zarges has offered superior aluminum products, relying on engineering expertise and high quality to provide stock and custom solutions. Zarges delivers unparalleled protective aluminum transit and 19" rack mount cases. Today, advanced designs and robotics yield fast, cost effective manufacturing. Off the shelf or custom configurations, our packaging engineers will design the optimum protection solution. Our design and manufacturing methods allow for easily customized sizes, so your customers won't have to live with a case that is too large and heavy any more. Zarges is making the case for utmost protection.
The Greek Company ZARIFOPOULOS S.A. founded in 1972 with main goal the design, import, supply, installation and maintenance of the following systems: Security against theft and robbery, Fire Alarm and Detection of explosives and toxic gases, Extinguishing and Fire, CCTV, Picture Transfer and Telemetry, Access Control and Timing of attendance and Building Energy Management Systems.
Zarlenga Inmobiliaria
Zarlenga Inmobiliaria siempre ha trabajado basándose en la creencia de que el cliente tiene necesidades que deben ser cumplidas y para ello requiere de un correcto asesoramiento.
Esto no solo incluye el brindarle la información necesaria para dar los pasos hacia un negocio exitoso, sino también el estar en permanente búsqueda de oportunidades para lograr sus objetivos.
Zarley Law
Intellectual Property is all that we do—and we do it well.
Every morning we come to the office knowing what our clients demand—our best. That's nothing less than what we demand from ourselves. We have assembled a group of high-caliber professionals ready to roll up their sleeves, get to work, and get the job done right.
Protecting an idea takes more than knowledge and experience. It requires a partnership. We know how to get the best protection for your patents and trademarks, but we will never know your business or your customers as well as you. So, for us to do what we do best, our most important team member is you.
Zaro's Bakery
Zaro's Bakery - a fourth-generation family-owned and operated business with 12 stores in the most competitive market in the world. Zaro's Bakery is a household name in the New York Metropolitan area — which should come as no surprise. In addition to the unsurpassed quality of our baked goods, roughly 1.5 million people per day pass directly by our stores in the busiest commuter hubs in the world.
Zarov Marketing
A Zarov é uma empresa de assessoria em marketing que tem como principal foco buscar crescimento - em todos os níveis - para as organizações, através de planos e estratégias mercadológicas.
ZARP - Manifesto
In a gesture we seek beauty
In a movement we seek senses
In a perception we seek transformation
In space we seek a canvas
In a light we seek existence
In an object we seek culture
In emptiness we seek a meaning
Who are we?
ZARP is a cultural-artistic studio. Our team is specialized in design, communication, cultural production and curating and we aim to do it with care and devotation. Each of our works is unique and made especially for each purpose.
Our Services?
Communication Design
Product Design
Web design
Home Decoration
Editorial Design
Cultural production
Graphic Design
Video / Motion graphics
Zarrin Roya
Zarrin Roya , Since 1989, is a leading hygiene company active in the field of cellulose products, whose mission is to secure the welfare and comfort of families by providing the most effective solution for their daily hygiene.
"Zarrin Cellulose," with 3 leading brands, My Baby, My Lady and Easy Life are dominant in Iran and CIS FMCG markets.
Zartana is a Brazilian leading solution provider for mobile marketing and e-mail marketing. Our Software As A Service product is pay per use and it is a self service solution that can get high volume of message delivering (over 2.000.000 messages per hour/per campaign). We have clients using our software in several countries. Zartana was founded in 2005 and is based in Florianópolis, Brazil.
Zart Art
Zarwin Baum
Zarwin Baum DeVito Kaplan Schaer Toddy, P.C. was founded in 1960 and currently maintains offices in Philadelphia and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Marlton and Jersey City, New Jersey and Wilmington, Delaware. As a result of the Firm's dedicated service to its clients, Zarwin Baum DeVito Kaplan Schaer Toddy has developed an excellent reputation among clients, the judiciary and the legal community. The Firm is listed by Martindale-Hubbell as a preeminent law firm in the United States as well as being listed in Best's Directory of Recommended Insurance Attorney's and many of the Firm's attorneys were selected for inclusion as Pennsylvania and New Jersey 'Super Lawyers'. In addition, its members are leaders in a wide variety of civic and philanthropic organizations.
The Firm has prospered based on a commitment to providing the highest quality legal service at a reasonable cost. Zarwin Baum DeVito Kaplan Schaer Toddy has pursued this commitment by hiring skilled and energetic attorneys who understand the needs of clients and strive to meet those needs. The Firm's support staff adds a unique dedication and loyalty.
ZAS Architects + Interiors Inc.
ZAS Architects + Interiors Inc. is a full-service design firm offering expertise in all facets of architecture, planning, transportation, and interior design. With its head office located in Toronto, ZAS is led by the creative spirit of the firm’s three Principals and supported by a knowledgeable, reliable group of Associates and 75 talented staff. The firm’s Toronto, Vancouver and Dubai offices are supported by an affiliate network of design firms based in Canada, the United States, and China, enabling us to effectively draw on our extensive complement of multi-disciplinary professionals. The ZAS team is united in its dedication to the ongoing development of high-quality architecture, delivering results that are innovative, beautiful, and sustainable.
The firm's notable works include the Charles W. Stockey Centre for the Performing Arts + Bobby Orr Hall of Fame in Parry Sound, the Wellesley Community Centre, Toronto, the Honda Canada Headquarters in Markham, and the University of Waterloo Digital Media Campus in Stratford. Current projects under development include River City in the West Don Lands with Urban Capital/Saucier + Perrotte Architects and the Lassonde School of Engineering at York University in Toronto. With 45 recent distinctions to our credit, these and other international award-winning projects are a testament to our innovation and commitment across a broad range of building typologies.
Sobiesław Zasada Automotive
Największa sieć dealerska Mercedes-Benz i Mercedes-AMG w Polsce. W ofercie również Smart, Alfa Romeo, Jeep i Subaru.
Zásilkovna s.r.o.
Hledáte práci v Praze, Brně, Ostravě či v Olomouci? Nebo Vás to táhne na Slovensko, do Maďarska nebo do Rumunska? Neváhejte a pošlete nám svůj životopis! Určitě se pro Vás něco najde 😉
Každý rok rosteme dvojnásobným tempem, a proto pravidelně přijímáme šikovné muže i ženy na pozicích řidičů, skladníků, pracovníků zákaznického servisu, ale i manažerů či zaměstnanců backofficu.
Přidejte se k nám. Jsme jedna velká rodina 😊
Chcete vědět něco o nás?
Zásilkovna s.r.o. je logistická společnost, která internetovým obchodům umožňuje nízkonákladový a efektivní způsob dopravy jejich zboží – zákazník si balík vyzvedne osobně na vybraném výdejním místě. Přidanou hodnotou je možnost si zboží na pobočce rozbalit nebo ho podat k reklamaci.
Zásilkovna s.r.o. také nabízí alternativu k poštovním službám – levnější, rychlé a jednoduché doručování zásilek na adresu v ČR a podání na pošty všech sousedních států. Aktuálně máme více jak 1000 výdejních míst nejen v Čechách a na Slovensku, ale i v Maďarsku a Rumunsku.
Zasio Enterprises, Inc.
Zasio is an expert in records management and information governance. With a global footprint of over 100 countries, our team of experts can help your business at every stage of your information governance program. Depending on your needs, we can collaborate with you to draft a plan, develop a retention schedule, implement records management software, and ensure your program continues to evolve with technology, laws, and regulations over time. We're your full-service support system, every step of the way.
Zimmerman Architectural Studios, Inc.
Zimmerman Architectural Studios, Inc. is Milwaukee's oldest and largest full service architectural and engineering firm. Our business is formed around three basic principles: provide a high level of customer service; generate thoughtful and provocative design that stands the test of time and; maintain and grow our business for future generations.
Al Zaher General Facilities Supply
ZAT is a specialized exporter and domestic supplier to the global hospitality business.With 13 years of experience, ZAT has emerged as a market leader, providing high quality products to customers in the industry across the GCC region.
Since 1997, ZAT has developed a reputation for quality, integrity, innovation and service.
Zhuhai Ashina Trading Co. Ltd
Zhuhai Ashina Trading Co. Ltd. (Zatco) is located in Zhuhai, Guangdong province in China – one of the world's most dynamic trading and manufacturing hubs. With over 35 years experience in international trading (import and export) and customer service, we can source the wholesale products you need at the right price and quality.
Zátiší Group
Zátiší Group is our family – yours and ours alike. It has had its ups and downs since its establishment in 1991 developing into a group of four exceptional restaurants V Zátiší, Bellevue, Mlýnec and Žofín Garden, Zátiší Catering providing services all over Europe and innovative Fresh&Tasty division.
Zatnick Inc
Distributor for exclusive toys and clothes lines for children. Back to school, toys, gift and stationary.
Established in 2008, Zatnick is a company with an expertise in distribution of games and toys for children. From the « Petit Coulou » to carry an infant in winter, while keeping him warm to « Rebella » for girls who love fashion, via « Capt'n Sharky » for young adventurers, our collections shall delight children and adults alike. Discover them on this page or on our website :
We attend many trade shows in Canada. Follow our events in order to find out when we will be visiting your region.
Zattoo is designing the future of television, live and on demand. Our vision of a new TV experience is independent from location, time and device. We build Apps for mobile, web and big screen on platforms like Apple, Android, Samsung, Amazon Fire TV, Xbox One and many more.
Since our start in 2006, we bring a huge selection of sport events, movies and TV series to the favorite devices of our users. In addition, our B2B team delivers TV and VOD solutions to cable operators, internet service providers and many others, thus positioning Zattoo as a top notch technology partner.
We are growing and we are always looking for new team members. If you like space for creativity and ideas, if you prefer an atmosphere of continuous learning and the possibility to become a specialist or even an expert, the Zattoo team is the right place for you. We have a culture of embracing mistakes as a measure of learning and a very respectful style of working together. At Zattoo we can be ourselves and simply do what we are best at.
Zürich | Berlin | Ann Arbor
You can learn more about us at:
Zatus Investments LLC
Equity investment strategies involving technical analysis and fundamentals, angel investing, and research.
We are a full-service creative agency delivering bold marketing for small businesses.
Every day we help amazing people and great businesses amplify their impact.
Together we deliver:
>>turnkey websites with stunning imagery and compelling words crafted with marketing insights and love for your core customers
>>search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) so your customers discover your business online
>>persuasive and engaging content—blogs, articles, ebooks and videos—so your customers get to know your business and choose your products/services
>>easy, ongoing marketing solutions so you can focus on your business
Solutions for:
strategy | websites | social media | emails | photography | PR
GIFs | videos | blogging | ebooks | SEO & SEM | advertising
Zavarovalnica Sava
Zavarovalnica Sava is:
- an insurance company with more than 190 years of tradition,
- a universal insurance company,
- employer for 1404 employees,
- proud of its extensive branch network,
- present in every part of Slovenia and Croatia, with its numerous offices and local branches.
Zavarovalnica Sava consists of four merging insure companies - former: Zavarovalnica Tilia, Zavarovalnica Maribor, Velebit osiguranje and Velebit životno osiguranje.
Zavalla Independent School Dst
Zavalla Independent School Dst is a Primary/Secondary company located in P.O. Box 45, Zavalla, Texas, United States.
Zavanna, LLC
Zavanna, LLC is an exploration and production company that operates in the Williston Basin of North Dakota and Montana. The company, and its predecessors, have been working in the Williston Basin since 1981.
Zavanna is a privately held company formed on August 8, 1994. The corporate headquarters is located in Denver, Colorado, with a field office in Williston, North Dakota.
Zavanna has marked its growth through the generation of oil and gas prospects for itself and industry partners. In North Dakota, the company has grown from 100th producer in 2007, to 23rd in 2010, 25th in 2011, and 20th at the end of 2012.
The Williston Basin of North Dakota is the Company's core area of interest with the Bakken as its target. The company operates 102 wells in North Dakota and will be managing a three rig infield drilling program. In addition to its Williston Basin production, Zavanna has production in New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.
Zaver is a payment solution reducing fraud and enabling credit financing at point-of-sale in P2P transactions. Zaver is free to use and our open BETA is available on the App Store and Google Play. The Zaver trademark is owned by Frink AB. has designed and developed a Virtual Marketplace for Gems and Jewellery which is a flexible and more effective Digital platform offering Brand Store, Directory, Trading, Inventory and marketing solutions.
Every Customer wishes to look for a wide selection, competitive pricing and the most convenient experience before they purchase. is the place offering all these under a single Domain.
To know more about how Internet and Digital Media can help you drive customers to your showroom or your Estore at a fraction of the cost of developing them on your own,Please contact technology expert today.
Zavod za udžbenike
"Zavod za udžbenike' je institucija sa najdužom tradicijom i iskustvom u oblasti izdavaštva udžbenika na prostoru Srbije. Pored udžbenika, u ponudi imamo širok asortiman ostale literature (lektira i knjige za decu, kapitalna dela, biblioteke itd.) Zavod je savremena institucija - uvek ćemo biti spremni da osluškujemo i anticipiramo potrebe i želje naših potrošača, kao i da konstantno podržavamo razvoj društvene zajednice, što smo i do sada činili."
Tradiciju Zavoda za udžbenike dugu 55 godina obeležava ne samo postojanje kompanije koja se bavi izdavaštvom, već, pre svega kompanije koja je doprinela i doprinosi ostvarenju dugoročnih prosvetno-pedagoških ciljeva.
Kao Javno preduzeće, u odnosu na sve ostale izdavače nalazimo se u težoj poziciji, jer je svest o društvenoj odgovornosti i ulozi koju imamo u edukaciji građana Srbije i očuvanju nacionalne pisane reči, značajno iznad ostalih kompanija koje se bave istom delatnošću!
ZAVORRE INDUSTRIALI is a company based out of Italy.
zavvie is the Digital Power Farming platform that delivers a complete system to build your listing business and make you the dominant agent in your neighborhood.
Zaw Artisan Pizza
What: From scratch, made-to-order handcrafted pizza and salads and an all Northwest wine and microbrew store, all in one, and all delivered to your door.
No, like really, what: Simply the best bake-at-home pizza.
Wherever and whenever possible a simple celebration
of soul: Seasonal, organic, unique, and local.
Who: For carnivores, herbivores, and localvores.
How: Just select from one of our tummy-nourishing,
life-enhancing pizzas. Preheat the oven or 'cue and
prepare as directed. And minutes later, enjoy.
Why: Because not all pizza comes on a grease-bottomed box. (Ick!)
Al-Zawaya Group
Al-Zawaya Group is a company based out of Sudan.
Zawaya Oman
"Zawaya Oman" is a 100% Omani company, founded in 2001 as a general contractor that aims to add to the local construction industry by being focused on quality, safety, cost and speed of work. Furthermore, we have developed over the years an empowering working environment directed towards providing clients with value oriented architecture, construction, interior design and real estate development services. At "Zawaya Oman", everyone is involved in the development of the company's processes and quality standards, and we all work towards maintaining our promise of guaranteed quality properties handed over on time.
Zaxby's Franchising LLC
Enjoying great chicken in an atmosphere where you could be yourself? That's what childhood friends Zach McLeroy and Tony Townley wanted to achieve when they founded Zaxby's back in the 1990s.
Many years and locations later, Zaxby's is still delivering on that promise: to serve delicious chicken fingers, wings, sandwiches and salads in a fun, offbeat atmosphere.
As of July 2017, Zaxby's has grown to more than 800 locations in 17 states and is headquartered in Athens, Georgia. For more information, visit or
Creating great games for Mobile and PC/Steam based on great stories and state-of-the-art 3d graphics brought to life with Autodesk 3ds max, Adobe CS suite, Z-brush and Unity3d/C#.
Games published so far include:
'99 levels to hell'/Steam/PC/Mac/Linux
'Marco Macaco' iOS/Android
'Harry the Fairy' iOS/Android
'Smack-a-Seal' iOS/Android
'Angry Viking' iOS/AAndroid
Titles in production:
'SpinFish' for iOS/Andriod
'FimBul' for Steam/Console
Z-Axis Tech Solutions Inc
Z-Axis is a leading global provider of technology solutions and globalization consulting. Powered by both proprietary products and partner products, our services come with a single goal – "to help you be the best".
With locations spanning across multiple countries that include USA, Peru, Mexico, Japan and India, we offer economical solutions that can help businesses become more productive, efficient and highly sustainable. Our vast expanse of services includes Product development, Application Maintenance, Managed Services, Linguistic QA & Functional QA Services, Customer Relationship Management, Human Capital Management, Business Intelligence, Content Management, and Data Warehousing.
Backed by unparalleled 24/5 customer service, our approach towards client satisfaction is cohesive with high benchmarks of quality. Z-Axis boasts of a diverse and dedicated workforce hailing from over 25 nationalities, with a rich experience that embraces various backgrounds and areas of expertise that we bring to every project that we undertake.
Zaxity Ltd
Zaxity has been building beautifully simple web applications since the start of 2015. Zaxity have quickly carved out a reputation for themselves as one of the leading software development houses in Leeds, West Yorkshire. In a short space of time, Zaxity have also established themselves as experts in the area of Python+Django as well as NodeJS software development. Zaxity's clients range from large 'blue chips' to small start-ups.
As Zaxity is a fast growing software development startup, we are always on the lookout for talented developers who want to advance their skills working in a dynamic environment. If you are passionate about development, keen to push capability boundaries and want a chance to shape the future of a business then we would love to hear from you.
Zayan Takaful
Invite people toward the first and the only Sharia Compliant Takaful solution in America.
Zayas Dental
We provide our patients with the most up-to-date dental services. These procedures are done using the latest state-of-the-art hi-tech equipment. The combination between the two allow our dental office to be the best choice for your dental appointments. We create dazzling smiles for everyone in the family!
Our Miami Springs dental office features:
- Dental Implants
- Cosmetic Dentistry
- Orthodontics
- Periodontal
- Pediatric Dental Care
- Bilingual Staff
- New Patients Welcome!
Call to schedule your appointment today:
Miami Springs Dental Office (305) 888-1742
We always accept new patients!
Dr. Francois Zayas, DDS
Dr. Zayas graduated from Creighton University in 1993. He is also a member of the following professional organizations:
- Fellowship, Mastership, Diplomate of The International Congress of Oral Implantologist
- Board Member of Latin American Association of Osseo-integrated Implants (LAODI)
Zayaz woningcorporatie, 's-Hertogenbosch
Zayaz is met ruim 13.000 woningen de grootste woningcorporatie in 's-Hertogenbosch. Door te werken vanuit ‘onze bedoeling', helpen we mensen die het moeilijk hebben op de woningmarkt aan passende en betaalbare woonruimte. Via goede woningen en vitale, aantrekkelijke wijken wil Zayaz mensen mee laten doen in en aan de samenleving. Dat vinden we belangrijk. Daarvoor zetten we ons actief in. In onze manier van denken en doen, herken je onze kernwaarden: integer, dienstbaar, in verbinding én met een gezonde zakelijkheid.
Wij zijn er voor huishoudens die financieel niet zelfstandig in woonruimte kunnen voorzien. Dat zijn huishoudens in alle soorten en maten. Hierbij sturen we vooral op woonlastendruk en minder op harde inkomensgrenzen. Middeninkomens sluiten we daarmee niet langer op voorhand uit. Ons vertrekpunt is altijd een eigen woning, een eigen plek. Als voorwaarde voor ‘leven' en ‘erbij horen'. Dat doen we niet alleen: we werken steeds intensiever samen met al onze partners.
Fabricación de máquina-herramienta, fresadoras y centros de mecanizado (Bancada fija, puentes, columna móvil, gantrys y maquinaria especial). Ubicada en Vitoria-Gasteiz (Alava), con filiales comerciales y de asistencia técnica, en Italia, Brasil y China.
Zayo Group
Zayo is the leading global provider of Communications Infrastructure. We provide fiber and bandwidth connectivity, colocation and cloud infrastructure to the world's leading businesses, including wireless and wireline carriers, media and content companies, finance, education, government, healthcare and other large enterprises.
Mission: Accelerate our customers' capabilities to advance freedom and prosperity by providing enormous, high-quality bandwidth.
Vision: Amass fiber and data center assets, then unleash their value by providing exceptional communications infrastructure services.
Zaporozhye Automobile Building Plant
JSC 'Zaporozhye Automobile Building Plant' (JSC 'ZAZ') is the only enterprise in Ukraine, which has the complete cycle of passenger cars' production, including stamping, welding, painting, trimming the bodies and assembling the vehicles. The company has established and is continuously improving the qualitatively new, modern, high-tech production. The priorities of JSC 'ZAZ' are permanent aspiration for improvement of own products, working in implementation of new ideas and expanding the model range of vehicles.
High level of technical provision of production became the basis for the fruitful cooperation of JSC 'ZAZ' with the leaders of world automotive industry: Adam Opel, Daimler AG, GM DAT, VAZ, ТАТА, Сhery, КІА. The production is oriented mainly on the consumers of class C cars (the most intensively growing segment of the market).
JSC 'ZAZ' is included into 'UkrAVTO' group of companies. Ukrainian Automobile Corporation - is the leader of automotive market in Ukraine; the largest manufacturer and distributor of vehicles, provider of high-quality auto services
ZaZa Energy Corporation
ZaZa Energy Corporation (NASDAQ: ZAZA) is an independent oil and gas company focused on the exploration and production of unconventional oil and gas assets.
We began our operations in February 2012 with the combination of ZaZa Energy, LLC and Toreador Resources Corporation. We currently operate primarily through joint ventures in the Eaglebine trend in East Texas and the Eagle Ford trend in South Texas. Our strategy is to enhance shareholder value through consistent growth in cash flows by focusing on the organic development of our existing assets within our core areas. We also look for opportunities to diversify and build upon our current portfolio through the acquisition of additional unconventional assets with a focus on Texas.
Zaza Eunice
Zaza is dedicated to be a complete service provider for all publishing needs in the contemporary electronic era. Technical, Medicine, Scientific, Scholarly and Reference publishing are our primary markets. The business solutions span over Typesetting/Composition, Graphic Design, Multimedia Solutions, e-Publishing, Digitization and Project Management
Zaza Eunice ensures the best quality of service delivered which, not only meets the customer expectations, but also exceeds the expectations. We ensure that Service Level Agreements are met at reasonable cost. We support business in planning and realizing its business objectives and overall business continuity management.
Founder and Designer of textile accessory studio - Zazou
Zazove Associates
Zazove Associates, LLC is an independent; employee owned investment management firm with $3.1 billion Assets Under Management (AUM). Zazove specializes in convertible securities and has focused solely on this hybrid bond since it the firm's founding in 1971. The investment team manages a broad range of convertible strategies and invests across the credit spectrum and around the globe.
Zazu Film
Zazu film is a film production and distribution company from Romania.
It is regarded as the most successful young motion pictures company in Romania, having produced only best selling hits and the highest grossing domestic film in recent history.
More details about achievements and leadership structure can be found on the website:
Zazzle is a marketplace of custom products created by designers selling their art and makers showcasing their customizable products. Launched in 2005 and based in Redwood City, California, Zazzle has grown from a Silicon Valley startup to an international brand with multiple offices and manufacturing facilities. Zazzle's mission is to give people the power to make anything imaginable, and proprietary technology enables individuals and professional artists to see exactly how the final product will appear before the product is even made. Major brands including Disney and Warner Bros. offer billions of unique products for customers worldwide. At Zazzle, we believe that everything we do is an expression of love because life's special moments deserve more than off-the-shelf products.
ZB Financial Holdings Limited
ZB Financial Holdings Limited is proud to be one of the most diversified financial services companies listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. Incorporated in 1989 from a selection of leading financial services, corporate and merchant banking companies, ZB Financial Holdings Limited provides a wide range of financial services to private individuals and companies, insurance, executor services, in addition to corporate and merchant banking services.
As a proudly Zimbabwean company, we combine our heritage with leading international standards and are committed to being the best at creating and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with all stakeholders to achieve our vision of business excellence.
Our subsidiaries include:
♦ ZB Bank
♦ ZB Capital
♦ ZB Life Assurance
♦ ZB Reinsurance
♦ ZB Transfer Secretaries
Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation
ZBC is Zimbabwe's national broadcaster. ZBC operates 2 TV stations (ZBC - TV and Channel 2) and 5 radio stations (Spot FM, Radio Zimbabwe, Power FM, National FM and Voice of Zimbabwe)
ZBC - Zealand business College
ZBC har adresser i 8 byer - i Slagelse, Holbæk, Roskilde, Køge, Ringsted, Næstved, Haslev og Vordingborg.
Med cirka 7.000 årselever, en omsætning på 710 millioner, 1000 ansatte og adresser i 8 byer er vi Danmarks næststørste erhvervsskole og det største gymnasium på Sjælland. Vi udbyder mere end 30 forskellige erhvervsuddannelser mange med EUX, og så har vi efter- og videreuddannelser inden for alle dominerende brancher.
Selvom vi er en stor skole, så er vores primære mission at bevare bredden i uddannelsesudbuddet og have en høj kvalitet i uddannelserne. Derudover er vi også kendetegnede ved at have mange faglige og sociale miljøer. Der er plads til individuel udfoldelse, men vi lægger også vægt på, at man under uddannelsen er en del af et stærkt fællesskab. Undervejs udnytter mange elever, at skolen er internationalt orienteret, så man på alle uddannelser har mulighed for at komme i praktik i udlandet.
* ZBC - lyst til at lære *
ZBD Solutions (Now Displaydata)
ZBD is the leading provider of fully graphic dynamic digital display solutions for retailers globally. The company has developed a solution suite that comprises a range of fully graphic displays, comprehensive price and product information management software, together with a complete two-way wireless infra-structure. The solution provides retailers with the means to cost-effectively and efficiently execute current and future shopper-centric pricing and marketing, manage and synchronise multi-channel strategy, and drive promotional and merchandising tactics at point of purchase. Retailers are empowered with the ability to change all information at the shelf edges, not just the price - dynamically. Our solution is fully proven and has been deployed by retailers across 18 retail sectors in over 30 countries. To date over 6 million of ZBD's fully graphic displays have been implemented globally.
Zibo Besto Products Co.,Ltd
Zibo Besto Products Co., Ltd. is a family owned comprehensive trading company, operating to import and export a variety of products,including architectural and decorative mirror glass, glass fittings, mechanical hardwares, casting products, and processing trade, entrepot trade,compensation trading. Products cover high and low level market, custom made, industrial raw materials, semi-finished and finished products wholesale and retail. we have established a cooperative relationship with a number of enterprises in shandong province, products are widely exported to Japan and South Korea, West America, Australia, Western Europe and other developed regions, also India, Southeast Asia, South America and other markets. We have created a number of sites, we are based in Zibo, Shandong province and provide service businesses,we put all our energy to provide the best platform and talents to help to sell your products to international markets, expand sales. At the same time, we also provide fair and transparent environment,decent income to our employees, sincerely welcome friends to join the ZBESTO family to learn, share, grow, succeed, just give us a call!
Music Instructor
Zach Bartholomew provides the following services:
Professional jazz musician:
Solo pianist, rhythm section pianist, band leader, and accompanist.
Perform at clubs, cruise ships, festivals, private parties restaurants, and weddings.
International experience performing with the Zach Bartholomew Trio and as an accompanist.
Music Instructor:
Teach piano lessons.
Specialize in jazz.
Teach adults as well as children.
Teach students of all levels.
ZB Joint Venture Limited
ZB Joint Venture Limited is the EPSCC for TOTAL OML 58 Upgrade Phase 1 O.U.R Gas Pipeline.
ZBM Inwestor Zastępczy Sp. z o.o.
Zakłady Budownictwa Mostowego Inwestor Zastępczy Sp. z o.o. deals with a wide range of management services, engineering supervision, cost control over works and project management, as well as widely understood advisory services adjusted in each case to the specific needs of the Customer – Investor.
Our services include supervision over investor's development constructions, such as: road engineering, including motor- and expressways, railway-, road structure-, airport-, general purpose-, and industrial building engineering.
The ZBM IZ regular staff consists of engineers with the highest level of qualifications and many years of experience, as well as specialists in law-management field.
The company has ISO 9001 Quality System Certificate, fulfils all the requirements of FIDIC Standards and possesses the IQNet Certificate.
The most important achievements of our Company are associated with management and supervisions over construction of road structures including bridges, overpasses, tunnels and road construction (such as: national roads, motorways and expressways).
Lavanderia Industriale Z.B.M. S.p.A.
Our company targets its services to healthcare facilities and welfare generally (hospitals, clinics, nursing homes and care) providing, for hire, all items necessary for the carrying out of sanitary and catering activities, work clothes and PPE required for operational or support staff.
La nostra Società rivolge i propri servizi alle Strutture Sanitarie e Assistenziali in genere(ospedali, cliniche,case di riposo e di cura) fornendo, a noleggio, tutti gli articoli necessari all' espletamento delle attività alberghiero-sanitarie e gli abiti da lavoro e DPI richiesti per il personale operativo o di supporto.
We are a team of over 100 architects, interior designers and project managers, based in Dubai, London and Phoenix USA, with expertise in hospitality and retail design. Our collective experience spans the delivery of hundreds of interior design concepts and roll out of global brand programs in over 90 countries.
We have been trusted by many reputable brands to design and implement their restaurant or retail interior design projects globally. Through a combination of creativity, a deep understanding of a myriad of cultures and a total immersion into our clients' vision, we can ensure each brand is not only internationally recognisable but feels local and relates to its target customer.
Our extensive experience, local knowledge and commercial common sense enables us to deliver concepts and roll out programmes quickly and on budget worldwide.
We would be delighted to strengthen your hospitality or retail brand, shape each space and define the customer / guest experience. Work with us to create your vision.
To discuss how we can best support you, email us at [email protected] or call us at any of our offices:
London - +44 (0)207 940 9040
Dubai - + 971 6 5981203
Phoenix USA - +1 602 734 9200
At ZBrains, we provide solutions to your most common Zoho CRM challenges. Out of the box, Zoho is extremely flexible, capable of serving many business models - but, it isn't as easy as it looks to implement on your own. That's where we come in! With the help of our customized ERP integrations, proprietary Zoho add-ons, and certified team of Zoho consultants and developers, your business will flow like never before with Zoho as its hub.
Our solutions tend to work best for SMBs in field services or professional services, but we serve companies of all industries and sizes. Want some more info? Drop us a line!
Zorgbedrijf Roeselare
Het Zorgbedrijf Roeselare is een verzelfstandigd overheidsbedrijf dat een maatschappelijk verantwoorde, kwaliteitsvolle, betaalbare en toegankelijke openbare zorgverlening wil leveren binnen het sociaal-economische kader van een lokale overheid met focus op ouderen en kinderen.
Ziolkowski Construction, Inc.
Commercial Contractor doing business in the Michiana (South Bend, IN) area.
ZbW - Zentrum für berufliche Weiterbildung
ZbW - Zentrum für berufliche Weiterbildung is an information technology and services company based out of 6 Gaiserwaldstrasse, Saint Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
Zeal CAD Services
Established in Melbourne, Australia, Zeal CAD is the one of leading mechanical engineering solution Provider Company in Australia and currently engages in variety of engineering projects in Australia to support our customers in their use of engineering technology.
Zeal CAD has Technical Specialists plus technical assistance (Advanced manufacturing technology) from one of the highly reputed university in Australia headquartered in Melbourne. With this technical strength, Zeal CAD represents the one of the strongest procedural team in Australia.
Honesty and Integrity are the most important qualities to Zeal CAD and the practical application of these qualities in every aspect of our business. The management team at Zeal CAD believes that if we can maintain these two qualities, that our organization will achieve great things. It will be an organization that will achieve great success for many years to come.
At Zeal CAD, our commitment is to always invest into knowledgeable personnel that have worked in the same industries as our customers. Our commitment is to invest in people that have the technical expertise that is important to our clients. Our commitment is to find people that put our customer's needs, and needs of others first, before their own. We feel that we have an obligation to provide this level of expertise and experience for our customers.
Z Capital Group, L.L.C.
Z Capital Group, L.L.C. and its subsidiaries ("Z Capital") are leading global alternative investment managers with approximately $2.3 billion of regulatory assets under management having offices in New York, NY; Lake Forest, IL; and Zurich, Switzerland.
Z Capital manages opportunistic, value-oriented private equity and credit funds. Z Capital operates in an integrated manner, yet has distinct business platforms of private equity and credit funds . Our principals have applied this investment philosophy for over 20 years, deploying capital across the balance sheet of industry leading businesses and seeking to create value for our investors throughout economic cycles.
Z Capital's investors include prominent global sovereign wealth funds, endowments, pension funds, insurance companies, foundations, family offices, and other institutions in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Z-CARD® Türkiye
1990'lı yılların başında Serbest gezi yazarlığı ve British Airways'in uçuş tarifeleri bölümünde danışmanlık yapan George McDonald, yolcuların yanında üç yüz sayfalık gezi rehberleri, havayolu şirketlerinin sayfalar dolusu uyarı ve tarifeler dizisini taşımak istemediğini fark etmiş. 1992 yılında basit ama zekice bir çoklu katlama ve yapıştırma tekniği olan Z-CARD® ile yapıştırma makinesinin patentini alan George McDonald ilk teklifini British Airways'e götürmüş İlk anda bu fikre çok sıcak yaklaşmamış olan devasa şirket bir süre sonra Z-CARD® 'ı denemeyi kabul etmiş ve ilk siparişini vermiş.
1997 yılında Güney Afrika'daki bölge distribütörüne bağlı olarak çalışan Z-CARD® Türkiye temsilciliği Kasım 2005 yılında kurulan Z Kart Basım Dağıtım Ltd. Şti. bünyesinde Türkiye'de üretime başladı. Z-CARD® 'ın Türkiye'deki tek lisanslı üreticisi olarak her sektörden onlarca yerli ve uluslararası markaya hizmet veren Z Kart aynı zamanda Orta doğu bölgesine de ihracat yapmaya başladı. 2012 yılında Anonim şirkete dönen Z Kart Basım Dağıtım Z-CARD® 'ın Türkiye'deki tüm patent, marka ve fikri mülkiyet haklarını satın aldı. Ayrıca know-how'ını aldığı farklı Pocket media™ çözümleri ile de ürün yelpazesini geliştirdi.
Uluslararası bir networkün parçası olmanın sağladığı avantajlar ile müşterilerinin basılı işler, reklam-tanıtım ve promosyon malzemeleri, alıcıya yönelik pazarlama, satış noktası aktiviteleri ihtiyaçlarına cevap verecek yeni fikir ve ürünler geliştirmeye devam ediyor.
The Community Choice
The founders of the Cash Coupon community created this concept because they realized that nowadays many things have changed. The economy has turned around, funds are not easily available, many people lost their job and cash is also limited.
Whether you run a non-profit in need of funds to finance your projects. Whether your are a small business owner looking for ways to drive more traffic to your establishment and build return customers without breaking the bank. Or whether your are a mom at home looking for ways to save money smartly while preserving your quality of life. The situation is such that many of us could use some extra help.
How do we help? We have created a system where whenever a non-profit needs funds, a small business owner wants to build more traffic to his store or someone needs to save money, his action will automatically benefit all the others. We created a system that can be used by any non-profit, any small local business and everybody out there. You can use it when you need and as often as you like. There is no restriction.
What is it? Every time you show and use our discount coupons, you will automatically support local business owners, help local charities or non-profit, and even financially reward the person who introduced you to the Cash Coupon community concept.
Become a member of the Cash Coupon community. Start helping others and yourself. Join today!
Feel free to contact me or visit the Cash Coupon community at
ZCC Europe GmbH
ZCC Europe GmbH is a company based out of Germany.
ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc (ZCCM-IH) (a successor company to Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines Limited-ZCCM Ltd) is a premier diversified investments holding company,
The Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) indirectly holds 60.28% of the ZCCM-IH shares through the Industrial Development Corporation Ltd (IDC), an investment company wholly owned by the Zambian Government. GRZ also owns 17.25% of the shares directly through the Ministry of Finance with the remaining 22.47% of the ZCCM-IH shares held by Institutions and private investors.
ZCCM-IH shares are listed on the Lusaka Stock Exchange, Paris Euronext and London Stock Exchanges under ISIN number ZM0000000034. The geographical spread of the minority shareholders, who number around 4,000 covers about 29 countries in Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, Australia, Asia and the USA.
ZCCM-IH currently has an investment portfolio of 15 companies, with core assets largely in the mining sector in Zambia, including biggest mines such as Kansanshi Mining Plc, Mopani Copper Mines Plc and Konkola Copper Mines Plc. Its shareholdings in the 15 companies range from 10% to 100%, with commodities and services that are diversified in nature, including copper, gold, cobalt, coal and power, telecommunication, limestone, mining consultancy, financial services and gemstones.
In order to deliver compelling long-term returns and continue to maximize shareholder value, ZCCM-IH has embarked on diversifying its investment portfolio to other sectors beyond mining such as the energy, agriculture and real estate sectors.
Zcholar as an academic social network for all scholars around the world to share, interact and exchange ideas in their field of study. This social network has the ability to make a user more active "productive "and provide you with what you need in a study group like papers, books and conferences shared by users for users.
ZCIC is an EHS oriented compay.
Consulting, Measurement, Engineering, Solution Provider.
Zambia Centre for Interparty Dialogue
promote, defend and consolidate democracy by building the institutions of political parties
ZCL Composites Inc.
Established in 1987, ZCL Composites Inc. has grown to become North America's leading designer, manufacturer and supplier of cost-effective fibreglass storage tank systems to the petroleum industry. An unrelenting drive to manufacture superior fibreglass tanks that "simply will not corrode" has made ZCL the preferred choice in many industrial and retail sectors.
ZCL offers underground and aboveground tank options that can be used for a variety of applications including storage of fuel / petroleum, potable water, wastewater and hazardous chemicals.
ZCL Chemicals Ltd
We (formerly Zandu Chemicals Ltd) are one of the fastest growing Pharmaceutical companies in India that combines the power of Science & Technology together. Established in 1991, we are headquartered in Mumbai and have a state-of- the- art US FDA successfully inspected facility with a capacity of 214 KL along with strong research & development capabilities strategically located in the industrial park of Ankleshwar, Gujarat.
We are a 100% EOU (Export Oriented Unit) engaged in manufacturing and exports of advanced drug intermediates and Active Pharma Ingredients (APIs). We are a specialized Pharma company focusing on the niche therapeutic areas of CNS, ARVs and Controlled substances having tremendous future growth potential. By virtue of this niche focus we have registered an impressive growth over the years.
Our strategy going forward is to further consolidate our pre-eminent position in the high growth therapeutic areas by expanding our capacity for present advanced intermediates and moving up the value chain by expanding capacity for APIs and diversifying product portfolio into the other high growth therapeutic areas.
We are a US FDA, KFDA, WHO-GMP and Japanese MOH accredited company having certifications of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001. We enjoy the CRISIL rating of A(-) and have SAP system in place.
While over 90% of our revenue is from established markets, we are growing rapidly in the emerging markets. We have an established track record in pharma business with focus on low to medium volume and high value products.
Zcodia Technologies
Zcodia Technologies was founded in Sydney Australia in 2012. We currently present in Australia, Canada, Cameroon and India with our Headquarters in Sydney.
Today Zcodia Technologies is renowned for delivering innovative solutions to members of the IT ecosystems.
We at Zcodia Technologies believe in Sustainability, Perfection, Intelligence and Commonsense. Our Mission is to develop our customer's ideas and deliver an effective online strategy formula, set for success. We strive to set our customers well ahead of their competition on both functional and operational levels to gain maximum return on their product or service offering..
'Our existing customers contribute over 80% of our revenue because we are focused on creating a long-term relationships.'
We offer following services,
Web, Desktop and Mobile App development
UI and UX Design and Solution Architecture
Corporate Branding Solutions and
SEO and SEM services.
Más de 10 años de experiencia en el mundo de las transacciones prepagas, tanto electrónicas como las que requieren distribución física.
Fundada en 2002, ZCOM se inicio con la creación de una tarjeta para llamadas de larga distancia 'Tarjeta Unica', en plena crisis desarrollamos este producto, iniciador para todo lo referido al concepto prepago.
ZCOM cuenta con un Centro de Distribución en CABA y 10 Oficinas Regionales donde se distribuyen productos físicos para operadores móviles, transporte urbano, y televisión satelital.
Desde 2006, ZCOM comercializa además transacciones prepagas puramente electrónicas bajo la marca 'Telerecargas' que cubre una red de 8000 puntos de venta a nivel nacional en permanente crecimiento. ZCOM abastece hoy a un área con 26 millones de habitantes.
También abastece a redes transaccionales con el alquiler o venta de terminales POS LAN / GPRS, Móviles y Autoservicios.
zCon Solutions
zCon's mission is to work relentlessly towards "translating ideas into working solutions with a value addition" for our Global customers.
zCon team's expertise in Product Life-Cycle development has provided us the opportunity to work with more than 130 Global customers till now. The team is a 105+ developer team now and growing multi-fold on YOY basis. zCon's revenue growth is constantly above market averages for Indian IT SME Sector.
Clients rely upon teams expertise for tailored product development in accordance with Business needs as well as to achieve better time to market and ROI on new launches and cost optimization with ongoing maintenance and enhancements.
zCon Solutions help their customers right from product conceptualization to product releases to it's commercial proposition considering product's target market.
Service Offerings:
- Outsourced Product/ Custom Development on Cloud
- Enterprise IT Integration
- Enterprise Mobility
- Reporting and Analytics
Application Domains:
- Healthcare IT
- IT in Manufacturing
- IT in BFSI
- Logistics IT and IT in Supply Chain Optimization
- IT in Sports, Hospitality
* USA Office
zCon Solutions Inc.
DOVER, DE 19904
* Headquarters / Global Delivery Center - India
zCon Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
S.No. 98, Hissa No. 1 to 7, Plot no. 23,
Behind Reliance Mall, Right Bhusari Colony,
Kothrud, Pune – 411038
Z Consulting
Nous sommes une SSII spécialisée en Nearshore Francophone créée en 2010, basée à Sfax et implantée à Paris. Nous accompagnons nos clients dans la mise en place de leurs projets Web et Mobile, en apportant une expertise et des solutions adaptées, performantes et évolutives. Nous réalisons des projets en régie, en forfait et de la tierce maintenance applicative.
ZCorum is a leading provider of Broadband Internet and Communication Solutions. We leverage our industry experience, engineering strength, unsurpassed customer service and the resulting economies of scale we generate to empower broadband service providers to efficiently and cost effectively offer superior broadband services to their customer base.
We're always looking for great people. To see career opportunities at ZCorum, please visit
ZCR Informática
O Linkedin é o canal escolhido pela ZCR Informática para divulgação das suas vagas de emprego e estágio.
A empresa atua no seguimento de Tecnologia da Informação e tem como objetivo fornecer soluções de qualidade para seus clientes.
Para os interessados, conectem-se e acompanhem nossas vagas e oportunidades de trabalho!
Zionsville Community Schools
Zionsville Community Schools provides customized 21st century experiences that ensure maximum student growth leading to productive citizenship in the world community.
Zucchetti Centro Sistemi Spa
Zucchetti Centro Sistemi Spa was born in the 1985 as Software House, thanks to the innovative imprinting of the founder Fabrizio Bernini, today CEO and shareholder, quickly establish itself in robotics and automation markets around the world. Since November 2000, Zucchetti Centro Sistemi Spa has been part of Holding Zucchetti Spa, one of the leading ICT companies in Italy.
The Company is made up of five Business Units (Automation Division, Healthcare Division, Innovative Solutions, Robotics Division and Software Division) that meet the need to diversify and extend the know-how acquired in the design of management software to different and complementary fields, aimed at ensuring excellence in three areas: information technology, electronics and mechanics.
Innovation as a culture. The courage to conceive and create a product that does not exist yet, but that can improve and simplify the everyday life of the customer. Independent ideas and projects that can be used in all the company divisions are developed by highly qualified personnel working inside the "Laboratory of Ideas," the real driving force behind the Research & Development Department created in 2005.
ZCS has received numerous recognitions and awards in the field of innovation; one of the most prestigious is the Prize of Prizes for Innovation, established by the Prime Minister's cabinet.
M/s Z C S Technologies
M/s ZCS Technologies is a web portal design & software solutions provider for all verticals of business world wide.
University of West Bohemia
Public University in Pilsen, Czech Republic consisting of 8 schools (faculties):
ZD LAB is a top-level IT training center in China.It was founded in 2006 by an expert team of networking and database instructors. Their goal was to build a business by offering the best possible training experience for students.
Unlike other training companies that have been founded by non-technical business persons, ZD LAB deeply understands the needs of today's IT professionals and is best positioned to offer world class training.
The company tenet of ZD is: "ZD helps you to make it". Currently, ZD has organized a group of experts who have 10+-year experience in their corresponding IT industry fields, and most of them have already obtained the worldwide highest IT certifications, such as: CCIE(Cisco Certified Internet work Expert) and OCM(Oracle Certified Master).A lot of students of ZD are working for the Top 500 Global/Domestic corporations.
The Oracle and Cisco certifications delivered by ZD-Lab are worldwide recognized ; more and more recruiters are looking for owners of them.
Moreover, studying and living for more than 6 months in China, an economic super-power with a proper and unique culture, is also very beneficial. It is a consequent plus on the resume, and an extremely enriching experiment.
In a competitive job market, each opportunity to outstrip the others must be taken. The WDTTP could be a boost for your career and a great experiment !
Inne is a company based out of Poland.
Z Desarrollo + Arquitectura
Es una empresa verticalmente integrada, en la que desarrollamos, diseñamos, construimos y comercializamos productos inmobiliarios con un alto valor agregado. Esto lo logramos mediante un apego a nuestros valores y un compromiso con nuestros clientes.
ZData is a leading provider of reconciliation and electronic payment software.
ZData makes complex finacial departments more efficent and streamline financial close operations. More than 5.000 companies in Europe, from Fortune Global 500 companies to midsize businesses, have choosen ZData's solutions.
Find out more at and
Zdeněk Merta
ZDF Digital Medienproduktion GmbH
ZDF Digital is your gateway to innovative premium productions and excellence in film, television and digital media design. At our offices in Mainz and Munich, we bring documentary reports, TV magazines, TV shows, corporate and advertorial films, transmedia productions, apps, e-books, interactive and broadcast designs, animation and visual effects to life.
Digital Media
ZDF Digital designs and develops cross-medial formats such as websites, mobile apps, enhanced eBooks and web documentaries. From initial concept to completed product, we take a cross-departmental approach with our excellent editorial, design and technical departments working together as a team.We provide our customers with guidance concerning brand development and placement, communication initiatives and comprehensive targeted marketing.
360° represents barrier-free access. Our experienced subtitle department produces and edits subtitles for pre-recorded and live shows in German and other languages for national and international TV stations.
Our business activities include:
Programming and concept development (apps, websites, enhanced eBooks)
Interactive design (websites, eBooks, mobile apps and video-on-demand portals)
Corporate Design (on air, off air, online)
Subtitles for Film, DVD and live shows
Cross-medial formats for TV, web and mobile device
Special heads perform special work. This is why fresh talents are more than welcome. What does ZDF Digital offer? An exciting job in a dynamic environment with flat hierarchies. Equally important: an attractive, performance-based pay.
We look forward to the reels and portfolios of our new colleagues: [email protected]
ZDF Digital
Medienproduktion GmbH
ZDF-Straße 1
D-55127 Mainz
Tel.: +49-6131-5533-300
Fax: +49-6131-5533-533
E-Mail: [email protected]
Geschäftsführer: Carim Aadam
Amtsgericht Mainz 90, HRB 7384
UiD: DE211473939
LinkedIn Admin: Martin Krieg
Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen ('Second German Television'), ZDF, is a public-service German television channel based in Mainz. It is run as an independent non-profit agency established by joint contract between the German federal states (Bundesländer). ZDF is funded from a television licence and advertising.
The station began broadcasting on 1 April 1963. In 1974 ZDF moved its base of operations to Mainz-Lerchenberg.
ZDI - Brand Marketing & Advertising
ZDI is a concept-driven digital agency that takes the branding, marketing and advertising of your business to a whole new creative and strategic place — a nudge ahead of competitors, and closer than ever to your customers. Our specialty is inside-out/outside-in 360° multi-angle branding, where we architect original brands as well as champion existing identities with high-visibility/high-return marketing that performs for your bottom line: generating awareness, strengthening affinity, instilling loyalty and driving sales. Nailing your business goals.
ZD Kamnik
ZD Kamnik is a company based out of Slovenia.
ZDL Executive Search
An excellent executive search company in China
ZDNet brings together the reach of global and the depth of local, delivering 24/7 news coverage and analysis on the trends, technologies and opportunities that matter to IT professionals and decision makers.
Whatever your role in the IT buying cycle, ZDNet provides support -- from investigating options to optimizing a solution. Whether you want to follow hot topics or emerging trends, or keep up to date with the latest news and events, ZDNet is the destination for professionals seeking to research technology-related issues, and solve business technology problems.
Zavod za javno zdravlje
Zavod za javno zdravlje is a company based out of Serbia.
Fitness Klub ZDROFIT
Nasze kluby zrodziły się z pasji do ruchu. Powstaliśmy w 2005 roku jako mała rodzinna firma, w której wszystkim przyświecał jeden główny cel. Chcieliśmy pokazać innym jak ważna dla zdrowia jest aktywność fizyczna.
Stworzyliśmy sieć nowoczesnych klubów, w których oprócz kompetentnego podejścia do treningu chcemy zarazić każdego zdrowym stylem życia i umiejętnością cieszenia się ruchem.
Każdy z nich posiada siłownię wyposażoną w światowej klasy sprzęt, przestronne, klimatyzowane i wygodne sale do zajęć grupowych (fitness, cross training, zumba etc.). W części klubów dostępna jest sala przystosowana do zajęć na rowerach stacjonarnych. W szatniach można zrelaksować się, zażywając kąpieli w saunie.
ZDS Design/Consulting Services
ZDS Design/Consulting Services provides engineering for all types of facilities, including Commercial, Governmental, Health Care, Industrial, Schools and Universities. Recognized nationally for excellence in engineering, ZDS provides design expertise in HVAC, electrical, plumbing, commissioning, IAQ and energy management. We employ highly-skilled and experienced engineers and powerful tools, such as 3D Laser Scanning and BIM Modeling. Our clients appreciate our ability to meet budgets and timelines while matching and exceeding expectations. Our credibility encourages industry leaders to consult us as expert witnesses in engineering.
ZDS is best known for a unique ability to blend an intimate knowledge of ASHRAE codes with solutions that deliver maximum performance and energy efficiency. For example, ZDS designed the first and largest commercial geothermal system in our region. Our projects have earned awards that distinguish our work, such as Energy Star, LEED and AEE recognition. Often, we are invited to join other teams on projects because we work well as either team leaders or as members. Ask us for a list of projects and referrals.
Zhong De Securities - JV of Deutsch Bank and Shanxi Securities
Incorporated in April 2009, Zhong De Securities is a joint venture of Deutsche Bank and Shanxi Securities.The Company is strongly positioned within the People's Republic of China, and draws on Deutsche Bank's expertise as a leading global investment bank, and Shanxi Securities' position as one of the first group of securities firms to operate within the country. Zhong De provides a full range of investment banking services to its clients, including securities underwriting and capital markets related advisory services.
Background Info: A joint venture with a Chinese company is so far the only way for foreign banks to do investment banking business in mainland China. According to Chinese laws, foreign banks can own no more than 33% equity in the JV, but almost all such JVs are actually run by the foreign bank.
As of July 2010, UBS, Credit Suisse, Deutsch Bank and Goldman Saches have owned such JV securities in China. JPM, Citi, Mcquaire, RBS are actively seeking to establish such one.
ZE PowerGroup
ZE PowerGroup Inc. (ZE) is an experienced software development and strategic consulting firm with its head office in Vancouver, BC. Combining industry expertise with advanced technical capabilities, ZE serves small to large-scale globally positioned clientele in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, through its operations in Richmond, Calgary, Raleigh, Houston, New York, London, Madrid and Singapore.
ZE is the developer of ZEMA, an integrated data management and analytics software solution for energy and commodities markets. ZEMA begins with collecting any market, business, and operational data; it then automates a wide variety of business processes, including feeding and integrating with downstream financial, business intelligence, modeling, risk and trade systems. ZE provides a full range of services supporting its offering, including consulting, managed services, training, data monitoring, hosting solutions and 24/7 support.
Zenith Engineering Pte Ltd
Zenith Engineering Pte Ltd is a company based out of Singapore.
ZeaChem Inc.
ZeaChem is creating tomorrow's chemicals and fuels—today. We take wood, grasses and other non-food plants and convert them into chemical building blocks like organic acids, acetates and esters, which are used by our customers to make a wide range of familiar consumer products, including plastics, paints, solvents, and more. Our bio-based chemical products can also be converted via thermochemical processes into transportation fuels including ethanol, jet, diesel, and gasoline. Our chemical and fuel products are cost-competitive with petroleum-derived products in the marketplace today, and deliver superior environmental benefits.
ZeaChem combines efficient processes found in nature with proven industrial technology. We have a track record of steady execution that includes an operating demonstration-scale facility, and we are actively developing commercial-scale biorefineries. From the laboratory to the market, we are building the path to economical and sustainable chemicals and fuels.
HUB Parking Technology Canada
Since 1999, ZEAG Canada has been driven to make parking a pleasure, profitable and easy to manage for users and operators.
Located in Mississauga, Ontario, ZEAG is determined to continue to provide the best parking solutions for their clients. Other technical offices are present in Hamilton, ON and Calgary, AB.
ZEAG Canada is part of the ZEAG Group, headquartered in Switzerland, with office in the United States, South Africa and the United Kingdom.
In 2011, ZEAG Group became a part of FAAC Group, which is an international company giving us a stronger presence in many other markets.
As of March 22, 2013 - Zeag Canada will be part of the HUB Business Technology Parking Business Unit. The choice of the new name reflects the historical heritage of the three 'souls' which contributed to the creation of the Parking Business Unit; Zeag, Datapark and FAAC. This heritage is all about Parking Technology. At the same time HUB is the centre of a wheel in which Zeag, Datapark and FAAC can be regarded as its spokes.
From now onwards HUB will be the 'identity card' of the Parking Team within the FAAC Group.
Zeager Bros., Inc.
Founded in 1967, Zeager is a leading North American manufacturer of certified playground and trail surfaces that meet ADA, ASTM, CPSC and CSA standards. These surfaces have been used in all 50 states, all Canadian provinces and in some parts of Mexico. Today, we are taking common playground surfaces and making them better!
We also offer some of the best looking landscape mulches you'll find anywhere! Plus they are made with natural materials and are available color-enhanced or natural.
Additional specialties include, green roof products and equine surfaces for training tracks and barns.
Our background is rooted in renewable or recycled materials that are recovered and enhanced for the benefit of our customers and the communities we serve. May our service, integrity and innovation be evident in our work.
Zeal Advertising & Events
Zeal Advertising And Events is a leading Advertising & Digital Marketing company in Pune, established in 2006. With hands on experience in event management, zeal has Femina, City Hoopla and many more biggies in it's kitty. We offer end-to-end solutions of services including strategy, creative development, design, production, staging of event programs, promotions of products and digital marketing. Zeal offers 360° solutions to all your Advertising & Event needs with a. We at Zeal have been in this field since 2006. Our endeavor is to use the expertise we have gained over these years to your advantage.
Our branches of Advertising, Printing and Events are resilient and dependable. This becomes Zeal's USP. Zeal strives to ensure that your brand name is placed at a proper vantage point. The branding done by us is also at par with industry's best standards and we use the latest technology used in the market. We ensure speed & quality. Zeal is the one-stop solution for all your designing, printing, fabrication, advertising campaigns, digital media campaigns and event requirements.
Apart from the usual services of the web supermarket, including web consulting, design, development, and marketing. We offer your business with printing & advertising solutions to overcome cost constraints to meet the business needs. We are a young group of exceptional, passionate, hard working and zestful people with a sweet tooth for spontaneity (and a dislike for rigidity). We strongly believe in working with people in a peaceful, relaxed and non restrictive human environment.
Zealand Care A/S
Zealand Care is a service provider within the aid area to both the public and private sector. Further we provide solutions within Health and Welfare technology.
Since1995, Zealand Care has aimed to be an innovative company, who deliver first-class products and services at very competitive prices. Today, the company has established itself as a leading supplier to the Danish municipalities, hospitals and institutions with nationwide representation. Through our retail chain Seniorland we offer products and services, which makes everyday life a little bit easier.
The head office is situated in Holbæk, Zealand.
Zealand Pharma A/S
Zealand Pharma A/S (Nasdaq Copenhagen: ZEAL) ("Zealand") is a biotechnology company focused on the discovery, design and development of innovative peptide-based medicines. Zealand has a portfolio of medicines and product candidates under licence collaborations with Sanofi, Boehringer Ingelheim and Helsinn, and a pipeline of proprietary product candidates which primarily target specialty diseases with significant unmet needs.
ZEALER在创业前期作为"新媒体",借助网络的传播优势,目前ZEALER的直接关注者在各大前沿社交平台总数已超过150万人,间接关注者超过1200 万人。我们的受众群体面向任何对于科技数码及科技资讯和知识有兴趣的人。
zeal exim
we are the manufacturer and exporter of fashion scarves and stoles,viscose pashmina,arafat scarves and many more items at resonable prices
and we have been manufacturing the goods since last 18 years.,we develop all these goods in our factory unit..we also take order to make all these goods ..
best regard
Zealong Tea
Greetings from Zealong tea!
You may be aware we're producing premium oolong tea here in the Waikato. If you haven't tried it yet, Zealong is delicious and refreshing, with a fresh fragrance and flavour. Its natural leaf allows for up to six or seven re-infusions from a single serving.
Our tea is grown organically without chemical sprays or fertilisers. Zealong is hand-picked, and guaranteed from a single source. Each pack is totally traceable back to the day and the block from which it was picked.
But the key difference is our total business is ISO 22000 HACCP certified, through SGS of Switzerland. This includes the farm, factory and packaging.
We're the only tea business in the world to achieve this. ISO22000 means Zealong drinkers are assured their tea is absolutely safe and pure.
Zealot Digital Private Limited
Welcome to Zealot Digital Pte Ltd
Zealot Digital Pte Ltd is a newly established and rapidly expanding game development studio, we are well-positioned to become one of Asia's leading game developers.
Our philosophy is to Recruit, Develop and Retain the best talents in the game industry, and at the same time, Singapore is Zealot Digital's springboard into South East Asia and the World Market.
Zealous Co
Creativity enriches lives. That's why we created Zealous – a place where creative talent and opportunities meet, where any creative discipline is welcome, and where barriers separating you and the right talent for your events and projects are removed.
(Photo: Tsoku Maela,!creative;id=5754458737737728)
Zealous Creative
At Zealous Creative, we love telling stories. Whether that's live action video, animation or books, we're passionate about making emotional connections with our audience.
Our films have gone viral online, picked up 37 international film festival awards, and have been nominated for an Australian AFI and Academy Award. We're especially proud of our film ‘Zero' which has been used in schools to teach social justice issues. The Simpson's Matt Groening also watched Zero saying he was "thoroughly entertained from beginning to end"!
Another of our films, ‘The Maker', has garnered such a following, it inspired a diversity of fan projects including illustrations, paintings, costumes, a game, a cake and even tattoos! Because the film has been so popular, we expanded the world into a novel called ‘The Magnum Opus' which won three awards and is rated five stars on Amazon.
If you're looking for a team of zealous creatives to work on your next project, we'd love to have a chat.
Zealous Services
With our 8+ years experience with providing Business Process Outsourcing (BPO), we've developed an BPO platform which flawlessly combines Business Transformation Services, Knowledge Services, Front Office Services, Back Office Services, and Technology Enabled Services. Instead of focusing on a single aspect of the business process, Zealous Services drives performance improvement across multiple aspects of our clients business processes with integrated BPO; the primary element that separates us from our competition. Zealous Services has a proven record in: increasing revenues, reducing costs, capital utilization, maximizing customer satisfaction, and enhancing the client's overall competitive position.
ZealousWeb Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
The company was started a decade ago by two enthusiastic entrepreneurs, where at that point of time there were very few firms providing total solutions for web based issues.
We provide services to all kinds and sizes organizations, be it small, medium or large. We offer wide range of services for our clients to select from which include web development, designing & maintenance, website redesigning, web programming and digital marketing solutions for businesses.
We have a well resourced and experienced team that helps you to promote your business online in an effective manner.
Our forte is to take your requirement, apply our understanding of web methodologies and propose innovative & technical features and site enhancements that help you to achieve your goals - while taking into account commercial considerations & time-frame with high level of communication and support.
By choosing ZealousWeb, you get more than our programming and design work. You also get our years of experience and expertise.
Verzot op mode en verslingerd aan shoppen? Wij ook!
Welkom bij ZEB, de jeansspecialist bij uitstek met winkels in heel België (Vlaanderen + Wallonië) én een funky e-shop.
Bij ons sta je als klant echt centraal en dat merk je aan alles: leuk ingerichte, goed bereikbare winkels met ruime parkings, een aantrekkelijke goed gevulde e-shop, professionele service online & in de ZEB stores en uiteraard ... straffe acties het hele jaar door!
We zijn dan ook terecht trots op de drie trofeeën voor beste winkelketen van België voor damesmode die in onze kast staan.
Bij ZEB vind je het beste van cultmerken als Diesel, Levi's, Pepe Jeans en vele anderen. Skinny, regular, bootcut of boyfriend, basis of extravagante wassingen, dure of goedkope jeans ... je vindt ze allemaal bij ZEB. Onze deskundige medewerkers geven je aan de Jeans Wall in de winkels advies op maat. In de e-shop begeleiden we je met foto's, gedetailleerde beschrijvingen, een uitgebreide matengids enz.
Dames, combineer je jeans met leuke topjes van ONLY, een prachtige jacket van Vero Moda en mooie accessoires van Pieces tot de perfecte outfit. Mix & match met keuze uit tientallen topmerken en creëer jouw unieke look. En vergeet onze exclusieve Flair-collectie niet!
Heren, stel je outfit samen met topmerken als Jack & Jones, Petrol, Hilfiger Denim, Quiksilver en vele anderen. Stijlvol urban, sportief comfortabel, gewaagd mixen & matchen ... we've got the goods, you've got the power.
ZEB staat voor eerlijke en heel scherpe prijzen, zowel in de e-shop als in de ZEB stores. En straffe acties maken shoppen bij ons nog interessanter, het hele jaar door.
zeb consulting
zeb is an internationally renowned consulting company and leads the way in the financial services sector. We see the excellent methodical knowledge and deep sector expertise of our consultants as essential for our successful consulting services.
Whether it is for the conceptual design and implementation of informative income statements or essential risk quantification and assessment tools, the establishment of risk organization or the improvement of processes and development of an efficient retail organization, zeb has been providing effective support in these and other areas to companies, banks, insurances and other institutions for many years now.
We offer:
• Innovative and scientifically-founded consulting services and implementation of developed solutions in the areas of human capital, organization and transformation, financial risk management, strategy and sales
• Development and introduction of business management software, advisory services regarding IT management, IT system integration or IT strategy and transformation
With nearly 1,000 employees behind our success, zeb develops strategies, visions and company-specific solutions.
Zebec Marine Consultants & Services Pvt. Ltd.
Zebec Marine Consultants and Services, an ISO 9001:2008 certified company, offers design, engineering services and consulting solutions to the marine and offshore industry.
The Company was incorporated in the year 2000 with the purpose of providing a single-window solution for maritime expertise while ensuring that only the best engineering and business ethics are practiced.
From humble beginnings, Zebec has, in a short span of time, grown to be a professionally managed project management and ship design organization with a experienced staff and a multi nationality client base.
ZMCS is headed by a team of Marine Engineers, Master Mariners and Naval Architects. In addition our people have a well-rounded exposure to the requirements of the international maritime trade.
Zeben Sistemas Electrónicos Lda
Fundada em 2005, a Zeben - Sistemas Electrónicos dedica-se ao desenvolvimento, fabrico e comércio de soluções de automação, bem como na prestação de serviços eletrotécnicos de excelência.
Com um leque alargado de clientes nas mais diversas áreas de actividade, contamos diariamente com o input de inúmeras realidades que dinamicamente interagem com os nossos técnicos especialistas na busca das melhores soluções. O resultado é um portefólio de serviços e soluções altamente especializado e baseado numa filosofia B2B verdadeiramente valorizada pelos nossos clientes. Inovação e a prestação de um serviço de excelência têm sido os eixos centrais de actuação da Zeben - Sistemas Electrónicos que procura, contribuir para a modernização, e que se posiciona como parceiro preferencial dos seus Clientes, assumindo um papel preponderante na resposta às suas necessidades cada vez mais exigentes.
Com parcerias sólidas com os principais fabricantes mundiais, garantindo uma permanente vasta gama de equipamentos e soluções de qualidade comprovada, abraçamos distintas aplicações na industria da:
• Água (Captação, Tratamento, Distribuição);
• Química / Petroquímica;
• Maquinaria (OEM`s);
• Celulose / Papel;
• Mineira / Inertes;
• Naval;
• Energia (Aerogeradores, Fotovoltaico, etc.)
• Ambiente;
• Etc...
Groupe ZEturf
Acteur du gaming en France et à l'international, le groupe ZEturf intervient sur le marché des jeux en ligne (paris hippiques, paris sportifs) avec ses marques ZEturf et ZEbet. L'entité du groupe Massecom offre des services BtoB pour les opérateurs de jeux en ligne souhaitant proposer des paris hippiques.
zebian is a company based out of Sudan.
Zebian Industries
Zebian Aluminium and Glass Industries was founded in 1977 to become a leading sub-contractor for façade and glazing products in United Arab Emirates, Middle East and Africa.
Zebian offers to the market, technical advice, designs, proper planning and implementation of projects, timely delivery, products and services fully compliant with the international quality standards, competitive prices and flexibility in production plans.
ZEBRA Unternehmensberatung GmbH
ZEBRA Unternehmensberatung GmbH is a company based out of 26 Rothenbaumchaussee, Hamburg, Germany.
Zebra Technologies
Zebra (NASDAQ:ZBRA) builds tracking technology and solutions that generate actionable information and insight, giving companies unprecedented visibility into their businesses by giving physical things a digital voice.
Zebra's extensive portfolio of solutions give real-time visibility into everything from products and physical assets to people, providing very precise operational data not only about where things are, but what condition they are in. This allows business leaders to use data to make better, more informed decisions, respond in real-time and ultimately, help businesses understand how they work, and how they could work better.
Zebra moto école
Zebra propose des stages de formation au permis moto et scooter se déroulant au Circuit Carole à Tremblay en France (93).
Fondée en 1989, nous organisons des stages accélérés pour l'obtention des permis A, A2 et A1 ainsi que les formations obligatoire pour la conduite des 50cc et 125cc/3-roues.
Zebra Cross Pvt. Ltd.
We are an ala carte' advertising agency geared towards providing integrated marketing and communications solutions. The company was started in 2010. Though the company is young, it has high hopes to revolutionize the advertising and marketing atmosphere of Maldives.
Zebra Design + Retail
Zebra Design + Retail is a company with more than 20-year experience in the creation and implementation of retail spaces. The studio, led by a team of creative minds, is revolutionizing the retail sector through the design of points of sale that not only look great but are a commercial success.
The company develops unique solutions that lead to emotion focusing on the customer experience. Through the fuse of sensorial experiences, Zebra Design + Retail presents expressive, captivating and functional systems capable of enticing the client into the purchase.
RETAIL DESIGN: We are uniquely designing, manufacturing and installing all kind of retail spaces: temporary pop-ups, promotional spaces, fair stands, RMU, corners, shop in shop, boutiques, flagships stores, travel retail (duty frees), department stores (shopping malls), mainly in the parfume & cosmetics, jewellery & watches, wine & spirits, fashion & accessories, and confectionery sectors.
HOSPITALITY & CORPORATE DESIGN: We also design, manufacture and install exclusive hospitality & contract spaces: hotels, food & beverage, resorts, lounges, common areas, residential, VIP areas, and events.
Thanks to our global partner network, we are capable of implementing projects worldwide:
- Europe; Madrid, London, Paris, Zurich, Lisbon, Athens, Istanbul, Moscow
- Asia; Singapore, Jakarta, Shanghai
- Middle East & Africa; Jeddah, Dubai, Beirut, Doha, Port Elizabeth, Casablanca, Tanger
- America; Mexico DF, Panama, Atlanta
Zebra Finance Ltd
Zebra Finance is a specialist loans provider that offers tailored finance products – via Introducers - to meet the needs of their customers.
We operate in areas such as season tickets (including some of the leading English Premier League, Championship and Scottish football clubs), healthcare, education, caravan asset finance and golf club membership fees.
We are a vibrant, agile and innovative company based in Derby.
Zebra Imaging
3D Holographic Prints
Zebra Imaging's holographic technology represents a leap forward in three-dimensional imaging. Our technology creates a compelling 3D visual experience unlike anything you have seen. Our unique film-based prints are true 3D holograms, made from 3D digital models and displayed with a simple light and viewed without glasses.
3D Motion Displays
The Zebra Imaging holographic motion display is a self-contained system that's linked to your preferred 3D application software and computer workstations via an Ethernet connection. Featuring support for industry-standard 3D graphics APIs, such as OpenGL, our holographic displays are compatible with a wide range of visualization and graphics applications. This enables the images displayed on your computer monitor to appear as dynamic, 3D holograms.
Zebra Management Solutions
Committed to establish and maintain a positive difference to your staffing needs, We at Zebra Management Solutions are a headhunting and manpower recruitment firm of high repute and acknowledgment.
We have gained this recognition by providing exemplary customer service and competent employees to diverse corporates of all sizes.
We assist talented professionals find their dream organizations and help organizations find the right people they need. We work towards assisting professionals in the management cadre. As we like to put it, Zebra aspires to help the right crop of professionals find their perfect fields.
Committed to establish and maintain a positive difference to your staffing needs, we at Zebra Management Solutions , are a headhunting and manpower recruitment firm of high repute and acknowledgment. We have gained this recognition by providing exemplary customer service and competent employees to diverse corporates of all sizes .
We are in the business of effectively understanding your manpower requirements, procuring the candidate with the desired profile and building trusting relationships. With our industry expertise, we understand that company's today require more than a skilled candidate; they reach for employees who are productive, exhibit a positive attitude and have the ability to become a member of their team.
Apart from traditional practices to source candidates, we also incorporate innovative means to procure right professionals. Our experts leverage the power of technology-based recruitment and focus on online media to make sure that our clients receive the most suitable candidates for their organization.
Zebra Mapping
Zebra Mapping is a team of creative and technical experimenting, designing and manufacturing cutting-edge visual experiences.
Excite, attract attention, experience new visual languages innovative and overwhelming are our target.
Keys elements of performances, installations and implementations of Zebra Mapping are personalization and creativity to ensure the customer to meet their needs of visibility.
Zebra Mapping is synonymus with technological innovation applied to modern visual requirements of advertising and entertainment.
▷ Viral and visual marketing
▷ Video and projection mapping
▷ Custom visual shows
▷ Audio and stage design
Viral advertising online and offline, events, concerts, stands, installation for trade shows are the application fields of services branded Zebra Mapping.
☛ Do you have any creative idea to realize to point out your company or your event? Or do you want something special for it? Contact us at; [email protected]
Zebra People
We're a digital recruitment agency who bring together the smartest digital talent and the best-loved brands, leading agencies and innovative start-ups.
Founded in 2001, we specialise in permanent and contract User Experience, Creative, Client Services, Project Management and Technical roles. Whatever area you're working in or looking to recruit for, we'll listen to your requirements and work with you from start to finish to ensure the recruitment cycle is seamless and enjoyable. | @zebrapeople | 0207 729 4771
We're also proud hosts of Zebra Labs – one day digital best practice workshops taught by industry leading experts. | @zebralabs
ZEBRA project
Zebra Project offers an array of complex solutions for automotive business.
We have a deep understanding of automotive business and therefore both dealers and OEMs are our customers. We have extensive experience in project work, design and construction of industrial, trading and multifunctional complexes. Our core competence is architectural and engineering project work for automotive business. We create and develop corporate brand standards and brand books, scale models. We organize effective research studies thorough Russia and provide customers with analytical reports in accordance with their needs and preferences. We take part in a partnership program in terms of business training organization and consulting services.
We work for such OEMs as AUDI, LAND ROVER, MARUSSIA, LADA, HYUNDAI, KIA, SKODA, MERCEDES BENZ, MAZDA, RENAULT, etc. and for many dealer groups in Russia.
We value professional and effective solutions that we can offer to customers.
Zebra A.G.R Technologies
Zebra AGR Technologies founded at the year of 2008 by Eli Vudinsky as a Leading Israeli Distributor and specializes in the fields for Network, Security & Virtualized infrastructures.
Our company moto:
"Serving as an Extension of the Vendor by offering the necessary SERVICES in order to empower and enable our partners to actively market and promote the Vendor's products and solutions"
Among our leading vendors you will find:
Juniper Networks, Palo Alto, Trend Micro, Imperva, Force Point, Veeam, A10 Networks, Vasco, BlueCoat & Pulse Secure.
זברה טכנולוגיות הינה חברת הפצה המתמחה במתן פתרונות מובילים בתחומי תשתיות ה - IT. החברה מייצגת בישראל קשת רחבה של ספקיות טכנולוגיה מהמובילות בעולם ובכלל זה פתרונות אבטחת מידע, תקשורת נתונים, ניהול רשתות וירטואליזציה ועוד.
החברה מפיצה את פתרונותיה למערך של עשרות אינטרגרטורים ומשווקים מובילים בשוק הישראלי. הקשר של החברה עם מערך המשווקים שלה מתחיל באספקת הפתרונות על פי המפרט הדרוש וזמני האספקה הדרושים, ממשיך בהדרכה והכשרה של המשווקים, בשירות שוטף הניתן לאורך חיי המוצר וכן בסיוע מתמיד לאיתור הזדמנויות עסקיות בשוק ולמימושן.
Zebra Techies Solution
Conversion. That's what we're about. We are Zebra Techies Solution, a qualified techies solution that cares about bringing clients more business. We work with ambitious business organisations & professionals local and global, delivering cutting-edge design, web and marketing services.
Zebra Techies Solution manage high definition web services for USA,UK,Canada,Australia,India base clientele.If you'd like to advance the way your business, website, or marketing looks and performance, drop us a line or pop in for a chat. The coffee's on us.
Zebra Tree
Zebra Tree is a company based out of United Kingdom.
Zebra Welzijn
Zebra is de organisatie voor brede maatschappelijke ondersteuning die opereert in de wijken Centrum, Schilderswijk en Transvaal in de gemeente Den Haag. Zebra zet zich in om de zelfstandigheid van mensen te vergroten. Wij bieden een veilige omgeving, waarin we onze klanten helpen zo goed mogelijk te functioneren in de maatschappij. Zodat ze op eigen kracht verder kunnen gaan.
Zebra Productions
Zebra Productions operates in cutting-edge media production where printed material, games, etc. are one of a number of central platforms.
We cooperate with Fictions Works ApS to develop transmedia content solutions. and a number of other subsuppliers.
Founded in 1997, Zebronics is a Multimedia Sound Systems, IT & Gaming Peripherals, Surveillance Product, Mobile & Lifestyle Accessories Brand, with 31 Offices and 127+ Zeb Care (Service Centers) across India. Also, winner of 60+ Industry Awards.
Zebula Golf Estate & Spa
Zebula Golf Estate & Spa is a company based out of South Africa.
Zebware AB
Zebware is a software company specialized in development of next generation storage solutions focused on performance and protection.
Driven by customer needs and strong innovation, Zebware has developed a patented erasure code which outperforms existing solutions. We believe we can make erasure coding the default choice for any type of data availability and protection scenario. This includes data stored in your own data centers, public cloud or at the edge.
Our vision is to revolutionize data storage management giving our customers dramatic cost reductions but also enable use cases previously considered out of reach using existing solutions. We do this by selling components for others to integrate into their own solutions but also providing stand-alone systems for specific use cases.
La Zona Especial Canaria (ZEC) es un instrumento económico que se enmarca en el Régimen Económico y Fiscal (REF) de Canarias cuya finalidad es la de promover el desarrollo económico y social del Archipiélago a través de la diversificación de su estructura productiva.
zecchetti is an industrial automation company based out of Via Galileo Galilei, Montecchio Emilia, Italia, Italy.
Zech Group
Online retailer specializing in home decor and fashion accessories.
Zeckro Designs
We understand how to connect with people.
We listen to your needs and develop a suitable solution based on initial research and incorporating an integrated approach. You see, it's not really about us, it's about the experience of our team and how we implement those skills to communicate with you and your digital marketing objectives.
Our designers and developers have been playing around with a sketch pad and a circuit board since they were barely able to walk and our marketing and sales team have project managed customer relations, developed communication strategies and implemented sales and marketing campaigns since the sands of time!
Well, maybe not quite that long but it's safe to say we have a plethora of experience at our fingertips to get you where you want to be. Push your business to the forefront of the digital sphere, contact us today, we guarantee it'll be the best call you've made 01902 504500.
Zecon Berhad
ZECON had completed nearly 26 major projects with total values of approximately RM1.4 billion. Recent undertakings in the Group total a sizeable RM1.8 billion, mainly comprises of Construction, Infrastructure and Property Development related projects. With a proven track record and a robust network of resources, ZECON has established its presence in the construction industry in Malaysia and is now ready to take to the international market.
Zed-Axis Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Zed-Axis Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is a New Delhi, India based Software Development Company in operation since the year 2000. Zed-Axis has a proven track record of designing, developing, deploying and maintaining end-to-end Business Critical Software Solutions for companies ranging from Start-ups to Fortune 500.
Zed-Axis is a Microsoft Partner company with certified competencies in the field of Custom Software Development, Business Intelligence, Mobility & Data Management Solutions. Zed-Axis adheres to industry best practices and is ISO 9001:2008 Certified and NASSCOM member company.
Flagship Products:
Zed-Service™ - After-Sales Service / Warranty / Repair Management Software Platform
Zed-Sales™ - Channel Sales & Distribution Management System [Secondary / Tertiary Channel Levels]
Key Industries Served by Zed Axis Technologies Pvt. Ltd.:
- Mobile Handset / Tablet / IT Products
- Consumer Electronics
- Home Appliances
- Health & Wellness
- Home ware, Kitchen Ware, Sanitary Ware
- Computer Hardware and Networking
- Computer Peripherals
- Electrical and Electronics
- Power Technology
- Pharma & OTC Products
- Medical Diagnostic Equipments
....many more
Zed is # 1 company worldwide in monetization of value added products and services for mobile devices..
The company operates in 65 countries in 5 continents with +1,000 employees, 50% of them dedicated to R&D. Zed products are available to more than 380 million potential consumers through exclusive agreements with 130 wireless operators and media companies all over the world.
Zed's business model is based on three complementary activities: the creation of digital content and services for mobile devices, its subsequent distribution and transaction management as well as a sophisticated digital marketing system.
For more information visit:
Follow us on twitter @ZedGroup
ZED (Zoo Ethnological Documentaries)
For almost 20 years ZED produces and distributes documentary films for major French and international broadcasters.
Specialized in natural history, ethnology, science and adventure, our films are regularly nominated by festivals around the world and have won many prestigious awards.
ZED has been nominated three times - in 2004, 2005 and 2007 - among the best French documentary producers by the Procirep, a French governmental organization.
We have also been nominated five times and won three times the Export Award (in 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010 and 2011), an award that recognizes the best French exporter of documentaries.
Our catalog of 300 hours has been broadcast in over 200 countries on channels such as Discovery, National Geographic, PBS, CBC, ZDF, ARD, Five, TVE, RAI, ABC, SBS and NHK.
We also distribute films from other 30 producers such as Bonne Pioche, Essential Media, Films D'Iici, Telfrance, MC4, Roche Productions, Maha, What's Up, Media 9, Cloud South Films, Flach Films, Seppia, One Planet,...
In 2010, we opened a Cinema Department to produce feature length films (Nomadic Nights by Marianne Chaud) and also to release foreign cinema films in France (The Light Thief, Apart Together by Wang Quan'an).
ZED, the market face of BCIL, delivers ecologically sustainable living solution and believes that conservation is possible in the urban context. The ideas-led approaches at ZED has marked the organization as a clear leader in pioneering building technologies and building management systems in India today.
ZED has offered homes to over 400 happy families, with clear directions that celebrate sustainable architecture. We are today the largest green residential developers in India. We have built, in the past, the most coveted properties and had some of the legendary corporate leaders of India today as clients. BCIL is set out to create a thousand more homes in just the next 3 years.
Zedd Customer Solutions LP Inc.
We are pleased to announce that on June 23rd, 2010, a group of Canadian investors acquired TRG Customer Solutions and that the company will, henceforth, be known as: Zedd Customer Solutions L.P.
Zedd is pronounced the ‘Canadian Way' (we believe Canada is the only country that uses a soft 'e' when pronouncing the letter 'z') and we are entirely committed to making our company one of the country's preeminent outsource call centre service providers. This will require capital and talent and we've got both!
Zederkof A/S
Zederkof er Skandinaviens største leverandør af møbler, interiør, isenkram og storkøkken til cafe, restaurant og hotel branchen.
Kontakt: Tlf: 89121200. eller mail info[@]
Varetager totalindretning af virksomheder.
Yder 3 års garanti på købte varer.
Forhandler blandt andet følgende møbler:
Restaurant stole
Lounge møbler
Rattan stole
Parasoller incl tryk
Aluramme telte
Standup messe telte
Grill til proffessionelle
Søg flere oplysninger på webshoppen.
Ring 89121200.
Besøg vores showroom på 700 m2 på adressen:
Prins Christian Kvarter 28
7000 Fredericia
Zedi is a leading technology and services company in the field of production operations. Through technology backed by expert consultation and services, we help our customers realize their production potential. With our unique combination of award-winning software, automation, measurement, artificial lift and field services, we offer complete solutions for the challenges our customers encounter.
Zediker Publishing
Zediker Publishing is a company based out of P.O. Box 1497, Oxford, Mississippi, United States.
Zedis, S.L.
En Zedis transformamos cualquier tipo de material e idea en un elemento de PLV, con la garantía de una experiencia de más de 30 años.
En nuestra nave de Llicà d'Amunt de 22.000m2 disponemos de todos los recursos necesarios para el diseño y la transformación de hierro, madera, plástico o cartón, así como de incluir elementos audiovisuales, luminosos o de movimiento, creando la PLV más actual.
Llevar las soluciones PLV más acertadas a los puntos de venta de toda Europa
* Servicio Integral de PLV para una amplia gama de sectores:
Aerolíneas, Alimentación, Automoción, Banca, Cosmética, Electrónica, Farmacias, Moda, Óptica, Tabacos, Telecomunicaciones, Construcción
* Mobiliario Comercial
Zedmed Medical Software Solutions
At Zedmed, we provide general practice, specialist, allied health clinics with turnkey software solutions for their most common practice needs. We're committed to producing best in class products and services and are consistently striving to provide additional value-added products and services to help practices work more profitably and efficiently, so our customers can focus on delivering patient care.
Zedmed - Focused Innovation.
ZEDO, Inc. is a platform offering high impact formats. Known for technical innovation and ability to scale, ZEDO offers publishers products and services - including ad serving - and high impact formats with 99% viewable impressions. ZEDO also serves advertisers through ZINC, a suite of high impact formats including video and native ads on premium sites. Founded in 1999, ZEDO is headquartered in San Francisco with offices in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Seattle, and Phoenix, and development centers in Russia and India. As the largest independent ad server and the developer of high impact video formats for mobile devices, the company is distinguished by its global reach and technology leadership.
Empresa dedicada al diseño y producción de proyectos de mobiliario e interiorismo. Entregando un servicio orientado a particulares y empresas que buscan soluciones de alto nivel para sus espacios. Zedra es una empresa formada en el año 2006 por la periodista Lorena Reyes y el diseñador Felipe Escobar, quienes hasta el día de hoy -y junto a un seleccionado equipo creativo y de producción- llevan a cabo proyectos únicos y de alta calidad.
ZEDRA is an independent global specialist in Trust, Corporate and Fund services.
Our vision is shaped by the past, present and future: a legacy of solid foundations, local knowledge and expertise; the boldness to take on today's global challenges in an ever-evolving regulatory environment; and the fresh ambition to Do More. Achieve More.
Zed Telecom
Privately held telecommunication company founded in 2010 in operating status
ZEDventures, Inc
ZEDventures is a leading provider of big data, decision science, analytics, visualization and mobility services. We have a strong portfolio of solutions and services designed to help companies discover insights, leverage new opportunities, and be prepared for change proactively.
ZEDVentures recently launched ZenOptics ( a dynamic information delivery reporting platform that aggregates disparate information silos into business-centric dashboard views for analytics.
With ZenOptics, ZEDventures enables digital execution for organizations, by helping them pivot Systems of Insights as they transform from a System of Record to a System of Engagement.
Zee.Dog is a new way to manufacture, package, market and sell Dog products. If Nike did it for shoes, Burton did it for snowboarding, Skull Candy did it for headphones, and Ralph Lauren did it for Polos, Zee.Dog will do the same for Dog Products.
We're a lifestyle brand connecting dogs and people.
Zee & Zo
Zee & Zo is a very nice beachwear brand for kids. Caroline van de Berg and I have founded this brand. We have created this brand because we believe in a brand which is specilised in beachwear with fashionable designs, great quality and a good fit.
we are selling in West Europe and are looking for agents to grow in every market where we can sell nice beachwear.
Zee Aero
Zee.Aero, a division of Kitty Hawk, is developing revolutionary aircraft concepts, working at the intersection of aerodynamics, advanced manufacturing, and electric propulsion. We are actively building a team of world-class engineers who have experience in fields ranging from power electronics to aerodynamics.
We are located in Mountain View just a couple of hundred feet from Shoreline Lake and its surrounding walking/jogging trails. We offer a comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental, vision and life insurance (company pays 100% of employee premium), 20 PTO days, 10 company holidays, a 401(k) plan with 50% company matching (no vesting period), commuter assistance, and education assistance. And on top of all that, we also offer a variety of perks such as free catered lunches, snacks, drinks, fruits, employee referral bonus, IP bonus program, gaming tables, afternoon chocolate, happy hours and many more.
A Zee acredita que a experiência digital deve ser marcante. Somos uma equipe focada na qualidade e no sucesso de cada projeto. Trabalhamos com grandes empresas e start-ups, mantendo sempre uma relação direta e aberta com nossos clientes e suas equipes. Nosso método de trabalho é colaborativo, descobrindo problemas, interagindo e criando soluções. Um processo contínuo, direto e sem burocracia.
Trabalhamos com design para qualquer interface digital, valorizando a usabilidade, a simplicidade de navegação e explorando a arquitetura de informação para promover a melhor experiência em cada usuário.
Fundada em 2004, a Zee hoje atua 100% remota, atendendo clientes de diversos locais do país.
Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited
Zee Entertainment Enterprises Ltd., is one of India's leading media and entertainment companies. It is amongst the largest producers and aggregators of Hindi programming in the world, with an extensive library housing over 222,000+ hours of television content. With rights to more than 3,818 movie titles from foremost studios and of iconic film stars, ZEE entertains over 1 billion viewers across 172+ countries. With a rich channel bouquet of 80+ channels, ZEE has always provided quality entertainment, touching lives and emotions of a wide cross section of audiences across the globe.
ZEE has bagged many awards and accolades in its journey over 2 decades like the Dun & Bradstreet Rolta Corporate Award and IMC Award for Excellence in Media. ZEE has been ranked in the Forbes 100 Most Innovative Growth Companies in the World and also as the number one brand in the media category, in prestigious rankings like the ET 500 and Fortune 500.
Launched in 1992, ZEE has not just formed a family of millions of viewers but has also enriched the lives of all the internal as well as external stakeholders, including the shareholders, bankers, investors, employees and business partners. ZEE considers each one of these stakeholders as family and aims at making the entire World a part of this Family. Inspired by this thought, ZEE has incorporated - "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam" – The World is my Family, as its brand positioning.
Logistica Zeebra Comercial s.l.
Suministros integrales medico deportivos para empresas, clubs, instituciones, federaciones y aficionados.
Asesoramiento y atención personalizada al cliente.
Distribución de marcas internacionales en el sector del deporte y medicina deportiva. Spenco,Ironman, Globus, Salomon Socks, Foor,Conechamp
Stadsdeel Zeeburg
Zeeco, Inc.
Since 1979, Zeeco is the trusted worldwide source for the design and manufacturing of combustion and environmental solutions for the refining, petrochemical, production, power and pharmaceutical industries. Beginning as a small operation, Zeeco focused on the ideas of expertise, innovation, and reliability that today are the company's foundation of success.
ZEECO® product lines include next generation ultra-low emission burners, gas and liquid flaring systems and hazardous and non-hazardous waste incineration. Zeeco has supplied some of the world's largest combustion systems. These include the largest enclosed ground flare, acid gas thermal oxidizer, enclosed flare and elevated flare. We also have developed the industry's best performing ultra-low NOx burner.
From refining, onshore/offshore production, power, well testing, petrochemical, gas processing and LNG industries, Zeeco has the experience and technical expertise to design the right combustion solution for your application. Our Combustion Research and Test Facility was the first in the world to become ISO 9001-2000 certified, and our staff strives to stay ahead of rapidly changing emissions requirements. With over three decades of industry experience, we have developed a worldwide reputation for excellence in engineering, reliability, and integrity.
In 2006, ZeeDimension was founded by Prof. Ezz Hattab, who is one of the well-known experts in software development and deployment in Jordan.
ZeeDimension is a leading computer software company, located in Amman, Jordan. ZeeDimension offers a set of services and products that distinguished ZeeDimension among other development and deployment software companies in the Middle East. The Pre-sales, Post-sales services are our points of power.
ZeeDimension offers set of products; GoogleApps, ACL, and PMS (Parking Management System). And offers Out Sourcing, and customized applications as its services.
We provides solutions for cibersecurity auto-management . ADA
Through our solutions , clientes in different sectors such as industry, education, health or public bodies know the real state of the security of your IT infrastructure , manage the identified improvements and increase your IT department efficiency.
We monitor and help manage the security of their IT infrastructure (LAN+DMZ+Cloud) 24/7.
Currently our solutions can be found in HP's services Top Value Catalog (Daas)
ZEEEN is a first Iranian design shop with the most comprehensive selection and best Iranian craft and design. Iranian crafts and Persian carpets was revival by ZEEEN and this new exciting design led products to contained traditional and new techniques as the same time with quality and aesthetics.
Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited
We believe in dreamers, we believe in magicians, we follow hearts with all our minds. We welcome you all to the world of ZEE #ExtraordinaryTogether.
We are a Global Media and Entertainment conglomerate with a presence across television broadcasting, News broadcasting, movies, music, live entertainment and digital businesses. Spread over 170 countries and connecting and entertaining over 1.3 billion people globally, ZEE has been powering Media & Entertainment space across the world for 25 years.
Pioneer of television entertainment industry in India, Zee's well-known brands include Zee TV, Zee Cinema, Zee Action, Zee Classic, Zee Cafe, Zee Studio, & TV, &Pictures, &Prive, Zing, ETC Music. The company also has a strong offering in the regional language domain with channels such as Zee Marathi, Zee Bangla, Zee Telugu, Zee Kannada, Zee Tamil, Zee Talkies etc. Expanding our reach to rural landscape, we also provide FTA offerings with Zee Anmol and Zee Anmol Cinema.
Zee has also forayed into the movie production business under the Zee Studios brand and music publishing under the Zee Music Company label.
Our OTT platforms are catering digital needs of consuming exhilarating entertainment, news, shows, and niche reading. Our youngest business vertical, Zee LIVE, is creating fresh and unique concepts for different types of live events, such as music concerts, food festivals and theatre among others.
ZEE's aim is to continue to provide extraordinary entertainment content across genres, languages, and geographies; delighting consumers across screens, platforms and devices.
ZEE Entertainment - Americas
ASIA TV USA, Ltd. (ZEE Entertainment), a subsidiary of Essel Group, produces and distributes over 35 television channels and related media properties in North America and South America, including ZEE TV, Z Living TV Network, ZEE Mundo TV, dLife,, The Teal Mango, ZEE 5X, Zee Studios International and Y01 Wellness Center & Veria Lifestyle.
Our offices are located across North America in New York, California, Florida, New Jersey, & Canada.
J S&F Global BV
Ontwerp en leverancier van RVS spleetroosters, spleetbuizen en cilinders samengesteld uit V-profielen, evenals filterelementen uit gaas.
Deze worden ondermeer gebruikt voor vaste stof/vloeistofscheiding in de (Afval)Waterindustrie
Chemische- en Petrochemische-industire,Voedings- en Genotmiddelenindustrie, Papierindustie, Farmaceutisch industrie e.v.
Daarnaast wordt nauw samengewerkt met bedrijven in de OEM markt.Tevens speciaal gericht op onterp en produckit van Reactor Internals zoals Catalyst Support Grids e.d.
Introducing digital and offset printing technologies.
ZEEJ offers fast service, convenient automated online order system, fantastic prices and, a 100% Quality Guarantee with all of our products we do not burden our customers with print material they do not need, instead we provide our customer with the exact needed quantity to ensure efficiency and cost control .
If this is your first time to read about us then you should visit our website we encourage you to browse around and see what we have to offer. You'll quickly discover why doing business with Zeej is a smart, time-saving choice.
Become a very satisfied customer today, Order Online and get the 20% of your order. We're looking forward to doing business with you...
Business Cards,Brochures,Letterheads,Flyers,Banners,Rollup,Popup,Certificates,Labels,
Folder,Envelops,CD Jackets,CD Labels,Computer Invoice,Diaries,Calendar,
ID Cards,Cups,Stamps,Business Forms,Acrylics Sign System,Posters,T Shirt,Polo T Shirt,
,Paper Bag,Address Label,Sticky Note,Notepad,Caps,Pens,Key chains
contact us
Customer Service 00966-114097500
Riyadh Branches:
Mohammadiya 00966-11 4097551
Malaz 00966-11 2913355
Sulaimania 00966-11 4097555
Aqariya 00966-11 2150872
Hamra 00966-11 4097554
Palestine Rd 00966-11 4097560
Salamah 00966-11 4097561
Dammam 00966-138255178
Al-Khobar 00966-13 8993454
jubail 00966-1336149
Al-Qasim 00966-16-3850611
Madinah 00966-14-8158442
Hail 00966-165335456
Hofuf 00966-0114097559
Khamis Mushayt 00966-011409563
Taif 00966-0114097562
Tabuk 00966-0114097566
Dubai- business bay 00971-045547642
Finding out you can't get your money back is disappointing, realizing that a store credit you got will go unused or has already expired, is enraging. When this frustration rises, we want people to know they're not stuck. They have Zeek, a gift voucher marketplace.
We're on a mission to rescue £1 Billion worth of unused gift cards and vouchers for users. Zeek is a web-based and app marketplace platform that allows you to buy gift vouchers for over 350 leading UK brands at discounted rates, as well as sell your unwanted gift vouchers for cash.
Zeekit is poised to disrupt the retail industry by finally cracking the code of virtual try-on. Zeekit's patented virtual try-on technology seamlessly integrates an entire catalog of products in a matter of hours. All the shopper has to do is upload his or her photo, and the algorithm can map any garment accurately on to his or her image, accounting for measurements and fit.
Zeekit is available to customers as an app and web platform. On the platform, users can search for any clothing item sold online or browse curated content, and try on every product with either his or her own uploaded image or a fit model of similar size. A user can also try on different sizes of the same garment and receive guidance about what size to order and how it will fit.
Zeekit is also available for integration into other web platforms, as well as in experiences beyond the web. The Zeekit Button can be plugged into any retail website or blog with just a single line of code. And Zeekit can also create interactive and engaging in-store experiences, converting physical shoppers into digital shoppers, and keeping them trying on clothes and purchasing long after they've left the store.
Illustration, Comics, Effigies, Toys.
working with Traditional media, Computer, Wood.
Zeel created the Massage On Demand® category in 2012 and was the first company to bring same-day, in-home massages to customers. Zeel is the leading and largest on-demand massage company, with more than 9,000 licensed massage therapists in its network. Zeel offers the most reliable on-demand massage service in as little as an hour, or up to a month in advance, seven days a week, 365 days a year, with start times as early as 8am and as late as 10:30pm. Zeel delivers the highest quality, five-star massages from licensed, vetted massage therapists to homes, hotels, workplaces, and events. With best-in-class security protocols and white glove customer service, Zeel customers enjoy a massage in the comfort, convenience, safety, and privacy of the place and time of their choosing. Booking, scheduling, and payment are made easy with the Zeel Massage app for iPhone and Android. Zeel is available in 65+ U.S. cities and their surrounding areas, with more locations coming soon.
Provincie Zeeland
Het gebied dat de provincie Zeeland beslaat wordt bestuurd door dertien gemeenten, één waterschap en het provinciaal bestuur. Binnen de organisatie van de Provincie Zeeland is het provincie bestuur gedualiseerd. Provinciale Staten is de rol toegekend van bestuurder én initiatiefnemer op hoofdlijnen. Het college van Gedeputeerde Staten heeft de rol van beleidsuitvoerder.
Zeeland Collision Inc
Collision Repair and Automotive Repair Zeeland Collision is a leader in the West Michigan area, and is a certified automotive direct repair facility for several major insurance companies.
Zeeland Family
Zeeland Family is the most diverse marketing communications group in Finland.
The professionals of Zeeland Family know marketing communication like the back of their hand. This is the expertise we use every day to make our customers shine. Thanks to our wide range of services, our customers can use precise methods and channels of marketing communication in the right context.
Our core competence is to increase our clients' sales through marketing, communications and expert services in Finland and in the Nordics. With offices in Helsinki and Turku Zeeland Family employs almost 200 professionals. Zeeland Family Plc is listed in NASDAQ OMX Helsinki First North under trading code ZEE1V.
Contact us
Address: Ruoholahdenkatu 23, FI-00180 Helsinki, Finland
Telephone: +358 (0)10 231 9000
Tuomas Airisto, CEO
Mobile +358 40 566 1331
Zeelandia (Royal Zeelandia Group)
Zeelandia is creating new possibilities in the world of baking
Inspiring bakers around the world with smart ingredients that help them perform better and create top quality products. That's the everyday concern of almost 3,000 employees at Zeelandia - a Dutch family firm with a global presence.
We are a Dutch family-owned firm with employees in almost 30 countries. Founded in 1900, our company has over a century of experience developing innovative bakery ingredients, processes and marketing concepts.
The Royal Zeelandia Group serves the professional bread and confectionery trade worldwide with high-quality baking ingredients. Our portfolio covers thousands of products and services, both standard and tailor made, and is continually renewed and fine-tuned to reflect the latest consumers trends and technological possibilities.
With thorough knowledge of local markets and a global R&D network we can support customers around the world in exploring new ground and creating new products that prove a success both with bakers and consumers.
Our motto: Creating Possibilities