Tailormade Properties
Tailormade Properties is a company based out of South Africa.
Tailor Media - Content & Ad Networks
Somos uma agência de Branded Content para produção de conteúdo customizado e Ad Networks, monetização de plataformas de mídia.
Áreas de negócios:
Content - Especialistas em conteúdo customizado.
Atuamos com a estratégia e a execução de projetos de branded content para que sua marca ganhe espaço e relevância no mercado ao conseguir explicar seus propósitos, valores e diferenciais, oferecer entretenimento, serviços e informações, além das ofertas e, assim, estreitar laços com seus diversos públicos.
Media - Especialistas em desenvolvimento de plataformas de mídia (Ad Networks).
Acreditamos que toda empresa é uma empresa de mídia.
Nossa atuação estratégica elabora projetos de mídia que viabilizam a monetização dos espaços publicitários proprietários para atrair anunciantes que agreguem valor, informação e experiência ao público-alvo e, assim, gerar receita para sua plataforma de mídia.
Como fazemos:
Acreditamos no poder transformador do conteúdo customizado e nas novas plataformas de mídia. Para ajudar a sua empresa a se comunicar com efetividade e fazer com que seu conteúdo gere resultado, a Tailor Media criou metodologias sob medida para cada projeto. Tailored for your Business.
Especialistas em revistas customizadas, conteúdo estratégico para venda direta, rádios sob medida, desenvolvimento e monetização de plataformas de mídia.
O Boticário, Frimesa, Recco, Casa Nissei, Digital Premium Jornais, Alphaville Graciosa entre outros.
Tailor Plan
Servicio Fiscales
Manejo de Nominas
Servicios de defensa fiscal
Factoring en nómina
Tai Loy S.A
Tai Loy es la primera cadena de Stationery en el Perú. Somos los especialistas y líderes del sector de útiles escolares y de oficina a nivel nacional, con 50 años de experiencia ofreciendo la mayor variedad y los mejores precios del mercado.
A lo largo de los años hemos desarrollado un sistema comercial que logra atender de forma eficiente y rápida los pedidos de nuestros clientes. Tenemos una gran fuerza de ventas que llega a todo el Perú.
En la actualidad contamos con 47 sucursales, 42 en Lima, 2 en Chiclayo y 3 en Arequipa y nos encontramos en constante proceso de expansión. Tenemos tiendas de formato mayorista, en las que atendemos principalmente a clientes de librerías e instituciones, y tiendas de formato retail o minorista, en las que se atiende a instituciones y al consumidor final.
Tailsweep är Nordens största och ledande mediekanal inom bloggar och social media.
Vi erbjuder dig som medieköpare möjligheten att nå kvalitativ trafik inom specifikt utvalda kategorier med riktade budskap. Vi erbjuder en bred kommunikationsplattform med flera miljoner besökare i alla våra sociala mediekanaler, så som blogg, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Snapchat, men också kreativa lösningar som event och sponsrade samarbeten i olika kanaler.
Tailwaggers Pet Grooming
Tailwaggers Pet Grooming is a company based out of 2921 Bemidji Ave N, Bemidji, Minnesota, United States.
Tailwater Capital, LLC
Tailwater Capital LLC is a highly specialized middle market private equity firm focused exclusively on the energy industry. Tailwater has a strong history of creating solutions oriented, value-added partnerships with experienced management teams to invest growth equity across the midstream and upstream sectors.
Edward Herring and Jason Downie, the Firm's two Managing Partners, co-founded Tailwater Capital in 2013 to be the preferred source of private equity capital for the energy industry. Tailwater currently manages $1.7 billion in committed capital.
With a well-established track record consisting of more than 35 transactions in the upstream and midstream sectors representing $11 billion of value, the firm believes that alignment of interests and a long-term partnership approach are two of the key components to creating a strong foundation for a successful investment.
A "one-size-fits-all" approach to private equity often risks falling short of achieving this goal, and a focus on alignment from the start makes Tailwater Capital a preferred source of private equity capital for leading energy entrepreneurs.
Tailwater has a strong history of creating solutions-oriented, value-added partnerships with experienced management teams to invest growth equity capital in the energy sector. We believe that alignment of interest and a long-term partnership approach are two of the key components to creating a strong foundation for a successful investment.
We target investments in the Midstream and Upstream sectors where we can utilize our significant transaction experience to complement our management partners' operating expertise in a true "win/win" fashion.
Tailwind Capital
Tailwind Capital is a leading private equity firm investing in growth-oriented middle market companies in the healthcare and business and communications services sectors. Tailwind partners with management teams to build businesses through organic growth, strategic acquisition, and operational improvement. The firm currently has over $1 billion under management. Representative Tailwind investments include VersaPharm (generic pharmaceuticals), Aircast (orthopedic devices), Freedom Innovations (prosthetic devices), TowerCo (wireless infrastructure), Archway (marketing logistics), and Trover Solutions (insurance services).
Tailwind Web LLC
We love everything about web development.
And we have the drive to see your ideas realized exactly as you envisioned.
This helps us craft capable and innovative web applications.
Tailwind Web is a company that provides a full solution for web applications from beginning to end. We will develop the back-end, design the look, provide mobile solutions (iOS/Android), supply maintenance and hosting for your web application. All you need is an idea.
Mission Statement
Customers: We have a commitment to our customers. We will go above and beyond to listen to your needs and follow through on them.
Professional: We aim to make our work cutting edge with a high level of quality.
Integrity: We do things the right way. We work hard, in a transparent manner, and do excellent work for the appropriate value.
Faith: We strive to follow our beliefs as Christians in all we do.
Taimaz Co. شرکت تايماز
In a world where technology increasingly touches every aspect of our daily lives, Taimaz co. is a leading solutions provider in the areas of healthcare, lifestyle and enabling technology, aspiring to become the most admired company in our industry as seen by our stakeholders.
Taimin - Cienlabor Indústria e Comércio Ltda
A CIENLABOR Indústria e Comércio Ltda., conhecida como TAIMIN, é uma empresa de produtos médicos hospitalares que importa, fabrica e vende desde 1998 produtos de alta qualidade, tecnologia e inovação de mercado.
Com um portfólio de mais 3 mil produtos, a Taimin possui 4 Unidades de Negócios: Ortopedia (Trauma), Cirurgia Geral, Artroscopia e Medicina Tradicional Chinesa.
A empresa possui a sede em João Pessoa-PB, local onde concentra-se a fábrica, assistência técnica e o estoque. Na Filial em São Paulo-SP estão centralizadas todas as decisões comerciais, financeiras, administrativas, assuntos operacionais, importação e marketing.
Nossa missão é promover o bem estar dos pacientes, oferecendo produtos e serviços de qualidade em uma relação eficiente de custo x benefício e alinhados com as tecnologias disponíveis no mercado, trabalhando para a construção de um ambiente integro e com relações sustentáveis, contribuindo para a melhoria contínua da sociedade brasileira.
A nossa visão é ser reconhecida como uma empresa de presença nacional e que entregue valor aos seus clientes.
Os nossos valores são Respeito, Comprometimento, Inovação, Qualidade, Espírito Empreendedor, Ética, Sustentabilidade e Senso de Urgência.
A Taimin é a importadora exclusiva no Brasil de produtos da Kanghui Medical Medtronic
Desde 1998 disponibiliza produtos médicos hospitalares de alta qualidade e tecnologia. A Kanghui é líder na fabricação de implantes ortopédicos, reconhecida há 17 anos pela inovação e credibilidade no mercado internacional, seus produtos são certificados pela RDC16 e registrados pela ANVISA. Em setembro de 2012 a multinacional Medtronic, concluiu a compra da Kanghui. Essa integração Kanghui/ Medtronic trouxe um forte posicionamento no segmento de ortopedia, acelerando as estratégias da globalização econômica, pela liderança da China no forte portfólio de produtos de ortopedia e a força americana da marca Medtronic. .
TAIM WESER is an international company with presence in more than 60 countries and more than 100 years of experience, specialized in the development of high technological degree turnkey projects all around the world in the fields of:
- Cranes
- Bulk materials handling
- Waste treatment plants
- Renewable energy.
Our headquarters are located in Zaragoza (Spain), in a 64.000 m² factory, and we have affiliate companies in Germany and Brazil as well as branch offices and representatives in the five continents.
We have an R+D+I department where research programmes are carried out for creating new products, and an Engineering Department where we develop our projects with our own technology and patents.
We have also highly specialised workshops, equipped with state of the art machinery, where key components are manufactured according to the most demanding quality controls. And through our erection and commissioning team, we ensure the best fulfilment of the whole manufacturing process.
Our commitment continues after the delivery through our after sales service, with whom we ensure our clients quick assistance to whatever eventuality and a fast response to solutions and spare parts.
All this has turned TAIM WESER into an international point of reference and places our company in the best conditions to offer our clients the most advanced and, at the same time, the most competitive solutions.
TAIN procures designs, creates, manages and maintains the perfect real estate space in some of the fastest developing regions in the world. Our client's expectations become our blueprint, the core of our construction. Strategy, insight, innovation and strict adherence to time and costs, are just a few of the TAIN deliverables, which come with a premium product and sustained service.
At TAIN, we have been building partnerships with clients since we opened in 2001. We are one of the few real estate firms that combine an extensive global reach with the in-depth, specialized knowledge that comes from being in local markets close to our clients. Today we are dedicated to providing unsurpassed client service and are uniquely situated to provide customized solutions to meet all your wealth management needs.
"Exploring Possibilities" THAT IS TAIN;
These are the traits that permeate the way we do business. TAIN has consistently delivered solid financial performance and demonstrated that our future global strategy – specific initiatives designed to drive profitable growth – is working. We continued to position ourselves for growth in some of the world's fastest developing regions. The diversity of our business mix and targeted growth strategies position us well for success. The crowning differentiator continues to be the TAIN Portfolio Management service model, whereby a specially trained professional truly understands a client's business, and then brings industry and marketplace knowledge to create strategic, innovative, tailor-made solutions. At every turn, our clients come first.
TAIN's business verticals in the real estate space include:
• Residential
• Commercial
• Retail
• Specialized construction
• Property management
• Project Management
• Portfolio Management
• Investment advisory services
Tain is a technology driven leading provider of online gaming software and services, having been around since 1999 when we built our first sportsbook platform. The Tain Sportsbook is recognised as one of the most successful sportsbook platforms in the business.
After launching the sportsbook, Tain went on to develop and results service, a betting exchange, then adding casino, poker, bingo and games to the portfolio. In addition to these, Tain also offers a robust, feature rich payment gateway solution and what we call the Tain Commons Platform, which ties together all your gaming products into a single management interface.
Tain has established itself as being a one-stop-shop into the online gaming market. We can help you with every aspect of getting your operation up and running, from software, hardware, license acquisition, support staff, and hosting. Leaving you free to deal with growing your business.
TAINA Technology Limited
TAINA is a computer science RegTech with a mission to help financial institutions automate compliance with FATCA and CRS regulations whilst cutting their costs and operational risks.
TAINA is a Level 39 company and a member of Innovate Finance.
Team TAINA have been voted number 1 in the European New Venture Challenge 2017 and is the winner of the Global New Venture Challenge 2017.
TAINA is continuing to grow. We are always on the lookout for exceptional technology and financial services talent and right now we are hiring for the following new roles in our London hub:
- machine learning engineers with 5+ years of hands-on experience of LSTM and deep learning or Hidden Markov Models
- full stack Java developers 8+ years of experience
- experienced project manager with implementation experience of FATCA and CRS processes at financial institutions
- exceptional DevOps engineer
- specialist expert sales - on permanent or contract basis. You will need a deep understanding of our clients - financial institutions and their pain points as they pertain to FATCA/CRS.
These experts can be US or Canada based - NYC, Chicago, Washington, Boston, Toronto or Montreal.
Please reach out to us on [email protected] for more details.
TAINA on stackoverfow:-
Distribución de material eléctrico, sanitario, agua y calefacción,ferretería.
Grup TAINCO, fundado en 1973, está constituido por 15 unidades de negocio. También forma parte del Grupo un almacén logístico y una Ingeniería especializada en el desarrollo de proyectos punteros. En la actualidad hay 450 trabajadores distribuidos en toda Cataluña y Comunidad Valenciana.
Grup TAINCO se basa en tres pilares fundamentales:
- Ofrecer calidad y buen servicio.
- El personal del Grupo.
- El espíritu de trabajo.
Dichos pilares se apoyan en la base más importante, que son nuestros clientes y proveedores a los que agradecemos su confianza, poniéndonos a su disposición y a la de todos los que deseen visitarnos en nuestras instalaciones, donde confiamos serán muy bien atendidos.
Taino Beach Resort
Taino Beach Resort is a company based out of Bahamas.
TA Instruments
TA Instruments, the world leader in thermal analysis, rheology, and microcalorimetry, has now added a full line of thermal conductivity, rubber test, and the world's most dynamic mechanical test instruments. Our analytical instruments span a myriad of material types for characterization and applications that has been recently expanded by the acquisition of the ElectroForce Systems Group (formerly of Bose Corporation). TA Instruments' reputation for high technology products, quality manufacturing and unbeatable after sales support is why more customers recommend TA products to their colleagues around the world.
Headquartered in New Castle, Delaware, TA Instruments prides itself on the technical competence and professionalism that our sales force offers, as well as the largest worldwide service and support team in the industry. We are the only thermal analysis, rheology, and microcalorimetry supplier recognized worldwide for our prompt, courteous and knowledgeable service staff, the hallmark of our company. With direct operations in 24 countries, we are uniquely positioned to support all of our customers with an extensive, local support network. We are committed to handling all of your thermal analysis, rheology, microcalorimetry, rubber test and analysis, and dynamic mechanical test needs, and are available by phone, email, or through the internet.
Taipan Canada
Taipan Canada is committed to developing a comprehensive range of quality industrial abrasive and polishing products under the Taipan® brand, welding consumables under the Weldclass® brand and distributing this range through its expansive network of approved distributors. Taipan Canada is all about realizing potential and converting this to sales growth.
It's about you. Whether you hold the angle grinder, the welding torch or you support the folks that do. Whether you work in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, the Atlantic Region or the Northern Region. The Taipan Canada customer-driven approach is here to make your job an easier one. Through our comprehensive national network of distributors Taipan Canada provides you with the best products and solutions for your specific applications.
Tai Pan Tours
Tai Pan Tours is a company based out of Canada.
Taipei European School
The mission of Taipei European School (TES) is to provide educational excellence and European culture and values within the context of Taiwanese society.
The School has attracted regional and worldwide attention with its unique model for integrating British, French, German and High School sections in terms of their curricula, administration, finance, buildings and facilities. Taipei British School, Ecole Francaise de Taipei and Deutsche Schule Taipei began around 1990 in response to the needs of expatriate families living in Taipei. The schools soon realized that there was much to be gained by joining forces to establish a combined European campus, and moved onto a shared campus in 1992. TES is now a single legal entity operating through a non-profit Foundation and comprising the original British, French and German school sections plus a High School established in 2002.
TES has grown steadily since its establishment and now has 1,600 students of some 50 nationalities with a target enrolment of around 1,800. TES operates from two campuses with well-appointed, modern facilities and has a total staff of almost 300. Teaching staff from TES come predominately from the UK, France and Germany with smaller numbers from other European countries, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and USA. ROC staff are employed in a variety of positions across the school. Class sizes are maximum of 22 in the British Sections with smaller classes across the High School and in the IB Diploma and French and German Sections in particular. TES is well supported by the various foreign institutes as well as the international chambers of commerce and foreign businesses in Taipei.
Oxford is a company based out of Taiwan.
Therapeutic Associates Physical Therapy
We are Therapeutic Associates Physical Therapy; a physical therapist-owned and operated partnership of clinics. Our structure is unique and has contributed to our significant history and success. Each clinic director is a practicing PT and owner in their facility and/or the company at large and is committed to providing all customers with the highest quality care and service available. All clinics share administrative services and many other resources that allow us to learn from each other and grow together. But, each clinic operates autonomously to best serve its staff and its community. Our Company Ownership Track, One-on-One Mentorship Programs, Orthopedic Residency Program and Leadership Development Training Program are among our unique opportunities for employees.
We opened our first clinic in 1952 and have always been committed to working hard and having fun, showing compassion for others, and advancing our company and the professional through education and innovation. Over the years we have developed, refined, and continued to utilize practice management tools to guide and measure the effectiveness of our clinical care. Not only do all of our clinics use these tools, but many physical therapy facilities around the country use them too. Through our CareConnections Outcomes Program, we follow evidence-based treatment guidelines and track patient outcomes and satisfaction.
We always welcome new teammates and partners. Visit our website to read more about our legacy and our vision for the future.
Shenzhen Taiqiang Chemicals Co., Ltd
Tairawhiti Polytechnic
Tairnot is a company based out of Oman.
At every level of distribution, our company dedicates itself to providing its clients with the highest quality of service. From the moment a retailer places its order, through the shipping of products, all the way through the support for sell-through at the point of sale, our mantra is 'we provide the absolute best' service.
This commitment to service extends to our supplier/partners, whereby TAIRO provides its suppliers with top notch support for the brands within each manufacturer's portfolio. TAIRO works hand in hand with each partner to assure that the vision and goals for each brand are followed through at the point of sale.
TAIS is a developer and provider of services for Airlines and Travel Agents.
For Airlines, TAIS offers a Passenger Service System (PSS) known as TAIS Airline Solution. The comprehensive portfolio addresses the needs of full-service, low-cost and charter carriers alike. It includes Schedule, Inventory, Reservation services and E-ticket sales via Airline's web site and GDS, as well as Departure Control (including online features).
TAIS products and services are compliant with standards of IATA and other applicable standard-setting organizations. Airlines from different countries (Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Turkey, Kyrgyzstan and Israel) use TAIS Airline Solution as their main system.
For Travel Agents and Tour Operators, TAIS offers TAIS TravelShop, e-commerce platform. TAIS TravelShop powers an Online Travel Agent with flexible tools to sell airline flights and other content all over the word.
TAIS offers full-service functionality at competitive prices and is flexible to make customizations based on customer requests.
Hace ya más de dieciocho años, un grupo de profesionales estrechamente ligados al mundo de las tecnologías de la información, decidieron iniciar una experiencia empresarial que al día de hoy es toda una realidad, TAISA.
TAISA, fundada en 1989, es un proveedor de productos, soluciones y servicios de infraestructura informática, con amplia implantación en el mercado español. La compañía desarrolla proyectos innovadores, consolidados con Servicios Profesionales de calidad, y aporta valor a los clientes, que acreditan con su confianza el crecimiento continuado de la empresa.
TAISA tiene una amplia experiencia en diferentes mercados y áreas de actividad pero destaca su presencia en la Administración Central del Estado y, en general, en el sector público. Desde siempre, la compañía mantiene una estrategia de proximidad a los clientes que permite conocer sus necesidades y proponer, en colaboración con nuestros proveedores y socios tecnológicos, las mejores soluciones y servicios. Esta capacidad de llegar al profesional de IT que demanda cada vez servicios más rápidos y fiables, es fundamental a la hora de diferenciar nuestra oferta.
Actualmente el equipo profesional de TAISA cuenta con más de 90 profesionales con amplia experiencia en el diseño, implantación y gestión de todo tipo de Soluciones de IT: Sistemas, Almacenamiento, Desarrollo, Gestión, Backup, etc.
TAİSAD (Taşıt Araçları İhtisas Sanayici ve İşadamları Derneği) 2010 yılında Yalova'da kurulmuş olup, Türk Taşıt Yan Sanayinin rekabetçi üstünlüklerini geliştirecek ve mevcut potansiyelinden azami ölçüde faydalanabilecek uygun bir yapı oluşturulması hedeflenmektedir.
TAİSAD üyelerince imal edilen başlıca ürün gruplarını aşağıdaki şekilde sınıflandırmak mümkündür;
Komple motor ve motor parçaları,
Isıtma / soğutma sistemleri
Aktarma organları,
Süspansiyon parçaları,
Emniyet aksamları,
Şasi aksam ve parçaları,
Dövme ve döküm parçalar,
Elektrik ekipmanları ve aydınlatma sistemleri,
Oto camları,
TAİSAD Çalışmaları:
Taşıt Araçları Yan Sanayi İhtisas Organize Sanayi Bölgesi(TAİOSB)
Firmaların dünya pazarından pay kapmaları için ileri teknoloji kullanımı, yüksek kalite standartları yakalanması, eğitilmiş istihdam olanakların sağlaması ve çevreye duyarlı üretim zorunlu hale gelmiştir. Bu gelişim sürecinde yarıştan kopmamak için TAİSAD üyeleriyle birlikte Yalova-Çiftlikköy Taşıt Araçları Yan Sanayi İhtisas OSB'yi kurmuştur. Organize Sanayi Bölgesi için çevre-sanayi uyumunun en iyi örneğini oluşturma adına coğrafi yönden kolaylık sağlayan Yalova seçilmiştir.
Doğu Marmara Kalkınma Kurulu
TSE Otomotiv Çalışma grubu
Automotive Cluster
TAİSAD, Almanya merkezli "Automotive Cluster"a üye olarak üyelerinin yurtdışına açılımını sağlamaktadır.
Automotive Cluster, Volkswagen şirketinin merkezinin bulunduğu, Continental, Gummi, Jager, Woco, Johnson Controls, Bosch, Faurecia gibi firmaların faaliyet gösterdiği; Hannover-Braunschweig-GöttingenWolfsburg Metropol Bölgesindeki kümelenme, her yönü ile hem bölgeye hem de global otomotiv endüstrisine katkı sağlamaktadır.
Taise Corporation Pte Ltd
Indenting Company dealing in Pharmaceutical Raw Materials and Pharmaceutical Machinery. We have 6 employees. We represent Manufacturers from India, China, USA, UK, Switzerland and Germany. Some of these companies manufacture Pharmaceutical Raw Materials. Some of them Make Machines.
Taisei Corporation 大成建設株式会社
Taisei Corporation (大成建設株式会社) is one of the oldest and largest Japanese General Construction Contractors and a major International General Contractor.
The main areas of business are building construction, civil engineering, and real estate development.
Taisei Corporation's head office is in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan with overseas offices at Taipei, Middle East (Dubai ,Doha), U.S.A (California), Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, India (New Delhi), Pakistan (Islamabad), Vietnam (Hanoi, Hochiminh City), Sri Lanka (Colombo), North Africa (Egypt), Thailand (Bangkok) and Istanbul (Turkey).
Taisei Corporation
Taisei Construction Corporation is a leading General Contractor, serving both private and public sector clients in Southern and Northern California, and on client specific projects throughout the U.S. The Company, founded in the U.S. in 1982, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Taisei Corporation of Japan, one of the world's oldest and largest Global Contractors with annual revenues in excess of $14B.
Market sectors served include hospitality, transit oriented mixed use, multi-family residential, commercial, industrial, civic and educational uses.
Taishin Financial Holdings
Taishin Financial Holdings runs international banking, securities, asset management and venture capital business from the base in Taipei, Taiwan.
Winning customers' recognition and society's trust has always been the goal of Taishin. As a leading financial institution, Taishin recognizes the foundation of success is to maintain consistent and steady growth together with our customers through excel services. As a young financial institution, our employees pursue changes and innovation; FinTech and international business are our present focus area.
At strategic level, based on the core values of 'Integrity, Commitment, Innovation and Collaboration', Taishin is committed to strengthen its competitiveness through recruiting and providing extensive training for top-tier financial professionals, which will allow Taishin extend beyond Asia Pacific region.
Tidgewell Associates, Inc. (TAI Software)
At Tidgewell Associates, Inc. (TAI Software) we strive to be the leader in the healthcare information technology field. We develop, evaluate and disseminate customized software solutions for behavioral health and human services organizations. Our outstanding specialists empower our clients with innovative solutions to help them achieve maximum efficiency in clinical, financial, and administrative management.
Taisun Enterprise Co Ltd (1218)
Taisun Enterprise Co Ltd (1218) is a retail company.
Kunnan Taitoa Oy
Yhdessä parempia kuntapalveluja.
Olemme kunta-alan suurin valtakunnallinen talous- ja henkilöstöhallinnon toimija. Tuotamme ja kehitämme yhdessä asiakkaidemme kanssa näitä palveluja kuntatoimijoille koko maassa.
We are a leading provider of accounting and HR services for municipalities in Finland. We develop our services together with our customers and produce them nationwide.
Tait Communications
Our clients protect communities, power cities, move citizens, harness resources and save lives all over the world. We work with them to create, support and unify the critical communication solutions they depend on to do their jobs.
Digital wireless communication forms the central nervous system of everything we do. Around this resilient, robust core we design, develop, manufacture, test, deploy, support and manage innovative communication environments for organizations that have to put their total trust in the systems and people they work with.
We've worked hard to develop genuine insight into our clients' worlds, and have pursued engineering, operational and services excellence for more than 40 years. This understanding, and our belief in championing open-standards technology, means we can give our clients the best possible choice and value to achieve the human outcomes they're driven by.
We're not simply aligned with our clients; we're devoted to their cause.
Tait Communications' sole dividend receiving shareholder is a charitable trust which shares the company's operating profits across several donation and investment streams responsible for research and development, regional reinvestment and education. This rare model means clients can rely on Tait Communications to be an independent long-term player in the critical communications industry and to continue to play its role of ‘open-standards champion'.
Travel Agents International
Will get back to this latter
TAIT Stage Technologies
*Check www.stagetech.com/careers for opportunities at Stage Technologies and Delstar Engineering *
Stage Technologies supplies engineering and automation solutions for entertainment venues worldwide. Our range of flexible control and mechanical equipment fulfils any application for fixed installations, tours, and rental events. A few of our recent work credits include the Made in Dagenham, Gypsy at the Chichester Festival Theatre, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The Bodyguard musical, flying P!nk on her 'Truth About Love' tour, San Francisco Opera (Memorial Opera House), Taylor Swift's Speak Now Tour, Roald Dahl's Matilda The Musical, Dragone's House of Dancing Water, and many more exciting projects around the world.
A long-term promoter of stage engineering in the world of performance, Stage Technologies has evolved hand-in-hand with and been a key developer of this exciting market. We have helped realise many industry firsts and defining moments in live entertainment history since our inception in 1994. Now a global organisation with projects in over 30 countries, encompassing a worldwide network and driven by offices in London, Haverhill (UK) Las Vegas, Macau, Hong Kong, and Melbourne.
In 2008 we merged with Delstar Engineering (delstar.co.uk) in recognition of the strong synergy between Delstar's design and manufacturing capability and Stage Technologies' automation expertise. Between us we offer turnkey design, stage equipment manufacture and installation solutions for the largest of international venues as well as rental products. In July 2013, we merged with TAIT, the staging specialists.
TAITUNG COUNTY GOVERNMENT is a Civil Engineering company located in 276, Zhongshan Rd.,, Taitung City, Taitung, Taiwan, Province of China.
Tait Walker
We are an independent, award winning accountancy practice with offices across the North East, including Newcastle, Teesside and Northumberland. Our specialist team provides large corporates, owner managed businesses and individuals with a complete set of accountancy and advisory services.
TAIVEXMALO Day Hospital & Spa Macau
TAIVEXMALO Day Hospital & Spa, Macau introduces a new wellness concept to Asia with an inviting environment totaling 9,000 square meters, is one of the world's largest centers of its kind and is comprised of a day hospital, Dental, spa and Beauty Care. Our mission is to transform lives and prevent illness by helping our guests maintain a good level of health.
Tai Wah Ltd
Tai Wah Ltd is a company based out of New Zealand.
Taiwan Artec Inc.
Taiwan Artec Inc. is a company based out of Taiwan.
Taiwan is a government administration company based out of Calle Laguna del Marquesado Nª 19, Nave 16 Edificio Adriana 1ª Planta, Polígono Industrial La Resina (Villaverde), Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain.
Taiwan Alpha was founded in 1970 as the first potentiometer manufacturer in Taiwan. With the insistence of management concept 'Quality, Responsibility, and Service,' Taiwan Alpha has successfully expanded and became one of the top 5 manufacturers in the industry worldwide.
Taiwan Cement Corporation
Established in 1946, Taiwan Cement always believes in the idea of "taking from society and giving back to society" and aims to provide cement products of steady quality. This is how we thrive and lead this industry in Taiwan.
The business and technical teams of Taiwan Cement always work together for constant innovation, and help our clients find out solutions that best fit them. The spirit of "better is not enough" pushes us forward and has made us highly regarded amongst clients in Taiwan and the rest of the world. For 6 decades, Taiwan Cement has been proud of our quality, characters and taste, and made great achievements.
Formosa Transnational Attorneys at Law
Formosa Transnational Attorneys at Law is a company based out of Taiwan.
Taiwan Mobile
Taiwan Stanch
Taiwan Stanch is a company based out of Taiwan.
Taiwan Trade Centre, London
Founded in 1970 to help promote foreign trade, the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) is the foremost non-profit trade promotion organization in Taiwan . Jointly sponsored by the government, industry associations, and several commercial organizations, TAITRA assists Taiwan businesses and manufacturers with reinforcing their international competitiveness and in coping with the challenges they face in foreign markets.
TAITRA boasts a well-coordinated trade promotion and information network of over 600 trained specialists stationed throughout its Taipei headquarters, four local branch offices in Hsinchu, Taichung, Tainan and Kaohsiung, and over 52 overseas branch offices worldwide. Together with its sister organizations, Far East Trade Services, Inc. (FETS) and Taipei World Trade Center (TWTC), TAITRA has created a wealth of trade opportunities through effective promotion strategies.
For more information please go to : http://london.taiwantrade.com.tw/
Like us on Facebook : http://bit.ly/TTCLondon
Shandong Taixin Electronics Co., LTD
Shandong Taixin Electronics Co., LTD has becoming a leading digital television techniques company specializing in DCAS (Downloadable Conditional Access System) R&D, providing Home Media Gateway products and an open android based hardware and software platform for OTT Android boxes with embedded digital TV tuner in it. Located in High-tech development zone, Jinan, China, Taixin closely follows the the most up-to-date global technologies.
Founded in 1995, Taixin is one of the earliest digital television techniques developer in China. Currently there are over 70 employees in which more than 70 percent are striving for innovation. Our main focus is designing and developing DTV hardware and software, and currently we possess over 80 technical patent and design patent.
Taxin Electronics develops the open DCAS without the custom chip on internet based and implements DRM in software with a complete Java interface compatibility. The working DCAS prototype created by Taixin Electronics for which products has been applied in China operators. Jointly with the Chinese CE giant such as Hair, Skyworth, TCL, etc Taixin founded the very first China Network Convergence LAB to develop the integrated DTV. The total shipment of integrated DTV and smart box which embedded DCAS is over 60,000.
Currently, with the experience in DTV technology we has been able to provide various technical proposals ranging in IPTV, OTT, HD, QAM modulation,etc. With our research and development strive and quality technique support to province class operators, the number of our customers has been over 5 million.
Taiyo Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd.
Taiyo Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd. is a Pharmaceuticals company located in Nagoya, Aichi, Japan.
Taiyoung Shipping Co., Ltd.
Taiyoung Shipping Co., Ltd. is an Investment Management company located in 6/F Hanjin B/D, SEOUL, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
TAJ International College
TAJ International College is a higher education learning centre that provides quality education as well as professional/executive programmes in Perak,Malaysia. Since its establishment in 1996, TAJ International College has produced over 5,600 graduates. We also provide programmes that enable you to further your studies at university level. These programmes are designed to prepare and equip you with the right tools and knowledge to venture into the industries or for furthering your studies.
TAJ International College bears a unique responsibility to be a steward of the public trust. We meet this responsibility by running an efficient and effective organization, dedicated to productivity and sound financial management that provides our students an exceptional education, strong financial and academic support, and outstanding service. Our challenge today is to find entrepreneurial ways to sustain the momentum of the past decade-to manage today for a better tomorrow.
Taj, société d’avocats, une entité du réseau Deloitte
Taj is one of the leading French law firms, specialising in international tax and legal strategies. Taj employs more than 500 professionals, including 51 partners.
Taj is a Deloitte network entity, a leading global network of member firms with more than 40,000 tax and legal professionals located in over 150 countries.
Taj has offices in Neuilly-sur-Seine, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, and Marseille.
Our partners and associates support CEOs of businesses that are leaders in their industry, whether as part of the Fortune 500 or CAC 40 indices, or as family-owned enterprises, assisting with the global design and execution of their tax and legal strategies. We build long-term relationships with our clients, most of whom have placed their trust in us for many years.
We offer new solutions designed and implemented by our experts, who combine thorough mastery of complex tax and legal issues with an economic and financial culture enabling them to identify suitable responses to our clients' strategic challenges
Tax Administration Directorate, Large Taxpayer Office
Administration of government revenue earned through taxation from companies with turnover in excess of $500m.
Taj24 provides a full spectrum of marketing and design solutions both print and digital.
We specialize in Web Development, Internet Marketing Solutions, and Branding.
We create a global gateway for our partners and our cutting edge systems help them to stay on top of their game.
Our highly qualified and experienced team works seamlessly to provide a great experience from the start of any
project to hand over and beyond.
Taj24, a part of Taj Group of Companies, is a mixed pool of talent. It includes brilliant designers,
experienced marketing personnel, photographers, SEOs, writers, and Database Managers who are constantly
working towards a great user experience and consistent audience engagement.
That is why a project maybe challenging to us, but never intimidating.
Tajan System
Tajan was established on 2003 based on innovative and creativity and the integration Nvpast expertise and experience (as two inseparable principles) and backed by many years of experience of its executive team, try to provide quality services in the field of information and communication technology is. Mr.Amir Pournasserian is CEO and board member.
The Middle East is home to the world's best airlines and with tajawal, now also the birthplace of a world-class online travel platform that caters to the discerning needs of travellers to and from the region. A collaboration between some of the top minds in the industry, tajawal was built as the answer to all your travel requirements, presenting users with a convenient booking experience for thousands of flight connections and more than 500,000 hotels all around the world.
tajawal is by no means exclusive to the Middle East, but we do have a special fondness for our community in the region and we understand their needs: from family-friendly destinations that offer halal cuisine, to private beaches and villas for our privacy-conscious travellers, we aim to be more than just a flight and hotel comparison website - we want to be the place you come to, when you're looking for inspiration, tips and comforts that will help you travel with your mind at ease.
We know how to make travel exciting and accessible, offering price comparisons, discounts and special deals for your trips to near and far away destinations. With car hires, travel insurance, holiday packages, tours and activities soon to launch, we are working hard to make sure we have all aspects of your trip covered.
So when you're planning your next trip, don't just let your mind wander; make the most of your vacation and book an adventure with tajawal.
Hills Cement Company Limited
Hills Cement Company Limited (HCCL) – one of the largest Cement manufacturing companies in the North East , a company promoted by reputed business families of North East, incorporated on Dec'2007 with an object of setting up an integrated cement plant at village Mynkree, 116 Km stone (NH-44) Sub Division Khleihriat, in Jaintia Hills district of Meghalaya having all the resources and cost competitiveness spread over an acquired area of 200 acres.
HCCL proposes to produce around 1 million tonnes per annum of different types of cements like Ordinary Portland Cement – 43 & 53 Grade and Portland Pozzolana Cement. We also propose to install a captive thermal power plant of 10 MW to become cost competitive.
Mining of Limestone which was earlier planned to be contracted has been fully bought within the ambit of the Company resulting in reduced costs, greater raw materials security and ensuring the best quality limestone for the final product. Limestone reserves in our mines have the richest lime content and is famous for it's premium quality.
PPC (Portland Pozzolana Cement)
Portland Pozzolana Cement (PPC) is manufactured by blending pozzolanic materials, OPC clinker, and gypsum either grinding them together or separately. Today Portland Pozzolana Cement is widely in demand for industrial and residential buildings, roads, dams, and machine foundations.
OPC 43 Grade
The OPC 43 grade cement is the most popular general-purpose cement in the country today. The production of 43 grade OPC is nearly 50% of the total cement production of the country.
OPC 53 Grade
OPC 53 Grade cement is a higher strength cement to meet the needs of the consumer for higher strength concrete. As per BIS requirements the minimum 28 days compressive strength of 53 Grade OPC should not be less than 53 MPa.
Taj Clubhouse Inc
Taj Clubhouse Inc is a Hospitality company located in 1050 Ala Moana Blvd Ste A, Honolulu, Hawaii, United States.
Tajco Group A/S
Tajco Group is the leading supplier of premium exhaust trim solution for the global automotive industry. Among others, our main customers are e.g. Daimler, the BMW Group, Chrysler, Volvo, VW Group and General Motors.
TAJCO Group is a corporation with global presence, unique expertise and a strong product portfolio and thus offers many professional challenges and exiting career opportunities. The company is headquartered in Vejle / Denmark and has sales offices in Stuttgart /Germany, Detroit / USA and Ningbo/China. The global R&D and Production unit within Tajco Group is located in Ningbo/ China as well.
Our employees are our most valued asset, and we do our utmost to develop their potential and talent. TAJCO currently employ approx. 1200 dedicated and highly skilled employees around the world in a global culture, which is characterized by an open, professional and respectful culture. We work as a team to reach our goals and ambitions. Our global company language is English.
If you have a global mindset, not scared of changes, enjoy working in a fast-paced and exciting environment, and if you are passionate about making a real difference, then working at Tajco could be just the right place for you.
Taj EduGlobe Ltd
Discover Brain gives you the mirror to view your real self. It is all about discovering your innate potential and coming face to face with your innermost inborn strengths, enhancing them, making them your support system, and coming to terms with your weaknesses and trying to improve them. Discover Brain is the brand name of the Company, Taj Eduglobe Ltd., and it has three very impactful services under its name:
Psychometric: it is related to the determination of an individual's acquired or environmental strengths and weaknesses.
Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligences Test (DMIT): it is related to the determination of an individual's inborn or genetic strengths and weaknesses.
Mnemonics: they are "Mark Enhancer" tools and help an individual recollect or remember the stored information in the most comfortable manner, and therefore lead to an improvement in the marks and percentages obtained by student.
Vision & Mission
Vision: The Company visualises a world of children who grow up to become strong and confident individuals with no doubts and confusions in their minds regarding their real and innate potential.
Mission: The Company is on its way to conduct a Complimentary Discover Brain Psychometric Test for 10 crore students across schools and colleges in India in order to understand their acquired strengths and weaknesses.
Taj Hotels Palaces Resorts Safaris
Established in 1903, Taj Hotels Palaces Resorts Safaris is one of Asia's largest and finest group of hotels, comprising 98 hotels in 61 locations across the globe, including India, North America, United Kingdom, Africa, Middle East, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bhutan and Nepal.
From world-renowned landmarks to modern business hotels, idyllic beach resorts to authentic grand palaces, each Taj hotel offers an unrivalled fusion of warm Indian hospitality, world-class service and modern luxury. Taj Hotels Palaces Resorts Safaris is part of the Tata Group, India's premier business house.
Taj Hotels include in-room check-ins, lobbies as cozy living rooms, world-class concierge service, 24/7 services including breakfast, fitness centers, spas and an exceptional sleep experience apart from all-day dining, comfort food, and the world of Taj cuisine.
Taj Palaces have a rich, regal history and lineage and offer royal experiences that include themed suites that can be completely personalized to guest preferences, unique dining experiences and dedicated butler service for suites.
Taj Resorts have distinct architecture and design that brings out the natural beauty of the locations where they operate. Resorts offer complete personalization for suites, sustainable food menus and signature Jiva Spas which are inspired by the ancient healing traditions of India.
Taj Safaris, located in or near National Parks, have sustainability at their core. They will operate with lighter carbon footprints and will champion local community engagement. Highly trained naturalists will be the key to these safaris; experiences will include adventure trails, breakfast in the woods and other unique dining experiences with farm-to-fork concepts for guests.
Tajima do Brasil
Tajima do Brasil is a company based out of Brazil.
The company TAJMAC-ZPS, a.s., is a complex firm and a strong contender in development and manufacture of machine tools. Being owner of a foundry ZPS - Slévárna, a.s., placed on the company premises in Malenovice, gives us a concentrated capacity comprising all the stages of development and production, and thus enabling us to prepare a complete documentation and manufacturing schedule based on customer's concept.
Within the Czech Republic, TAJMAC-ZPS,a.s., is second to none in machining centres and multispindle automatic lathes. It is also one of major Czech exporters, and ranks high among the world top manufacturers. More than 80% of annual production is exported.
The production programme consists of high efficiency machining centres and of world - class multispindle automatic lathes. The machines come in useful in the most demanding industries in the market all over the world and have become renowned for their top engineering characteristics, accuracy and reliability.
Managing my own business
Tajo Group
Tajo Group is a european business group dedicated to the development and manufacture of plastic components and sub-assemblies for automotive and household appliances.
The Group has 3 manufacturing plants in Europe (Tajo Oiartzun in Spain, Treboplast in CZ and Tabiplast in Poland), and a Purchasing office in China. Over 350 people work in Tajo Group and the TO in 2016 was 36 million EUR.
Tajo Group is member of Mondragon Corporation (www.mondragon-corporation.com) a business organization with over 75.000 employees around the world and more than 100 cooperative companies.
Construction Link
Construction Link is a renewables and environment company based out of 3396 Sutton Rd, Geneva, New York, United States.
TAK Learning
La filosofía de TAK se basa en la integración de tres pilares: Tecnología, creatividad y pedagogía.
No somos una empresa de tecnología, somos una empresa de formación y nos apoyamos en la tecnología para que los participantes de nuestras acciones de formación aprendan más en el menor tiempo posible. Tecnología al servicio de las personas, fácil e intuitiva, accesible desde cualquier lugar y dispositivo.
En TAKnos apoyamos, además, en la creatividad como herramienta para crear un hilo conductor que aporte unidad y coherencia al sistema de aprendizaje generando ideas creativas, utilizando recursos gráficos, casos prácticos, personajes, todo ello para construir experiencias agradables y favorecer la motivación de los participantes siempre mediante interfaces intuitivas que siguen los principios de usabilidad. En TAK nos servimos de la creatividad para aportar claridad y mejorar la adquisición de conocimientos.
Junto a la tecnología y la creatividad la pedagogía es uno de nuestros pilares fundamentales. En TAK creamos acciones de aprendizaje a medida para tu organización. Para ello nos apoyamos en expertos que nos aportan el conocimiento específico. Después integramos la más adecuada tecnología la mejor creatividad y la última tecnología para convertir ese conocimiento en acciones de aprendizaje eficientes.
Power Generation Services & Repairs for many more different types of Rotating Equipments & Turbomachinery, Accessories & Parts.
* Field Services Division
* In Shop Repair
* Turbo Parts Manufacturing
* Pump Services Division
Experiences in :
Project Management, Engineering, Qualified Technicians, Inspections, Repairs, Overhauls, Installation, Erection, Commissioning, Electrical, Instrumentation, Control Systems, Refurbishments & Reverse Engineering.
Takachiho University
Takachiho University is a private univeristy located at Tokyo, Japan.
An urban university with enhanced campus amenities Located adjacent to the historic Omiya-Hachimangu shrine forest, and situated in front of the Zenpukuji-river green belt and Wadabori Park, the entire campus is surrounded by nature and greenery. By taking advantage of this lush environment to improve the facilities and equipment, reinforce the network among facilities, and establish a community place with abundant nature and greenery, Takachiho University will become an urban university with sophisticated campus facilities. Our aim is to create a new Takachiho University with a campus that combines the harmony of nature with educational pursuits.
Takaful Ikhlas Berhad
Takaful Ikhlas Berhad (Takaful IKHLAS) was incorporated on 18 September 2002 as Takaful Ikhlas Sdn. Bhd. and is a wholly owned subsidiary of MNRB Holdings Berhad. Subsequently on 5 May 2014, the Company converted it's status to a public company, Takaful Ikhlas Berhad. The Company is principally involved in the provision of Islamic financial protection services, based on principles and rulings of Shariah. Takaful IKHLAS has established a strong presence in the provision of Islamic financial protection services based on the takaful system, which places an emphasis on a spirit of cooperation and joint responsibility among participants. The Company's objective is to be the preferred provider of Islamic financial protection services and it is making a concerted effort to achieve this ambition.
More than two (2) million individuals and corporations have placed their trust in the Company and become its certificate holders (participants). Takaful IKHLAS' commitment and adherence to Shariah values, coupled with the application of cutting-edge technology in conducting its business, have reinforced the Company's reputation for its ethical approach and service delivery.
The Company offers individuals and commercial enterprises a comprehensive range of Individual Family, Group Family, General Retail and Commercial Takaful products. Its distribution channels comprise of highly knowledgeable and well-trained people that number more than 5,000 agents, brokers, financial institutions, motor franchise holders, co-operatives and Islamic bodies.
Takaful IKHLAS has 13 regional offices in Kuala Lumpur, Kedah, Perak, Selangor, Putrajaya, Negeri Sembilan, Melaka, Johor, Pahang, Terengganu, Kelantan, Sabah and Sarawak with its Corporate Head Office in Bangsar South.
Takaful Ikhlas Berhad is registered under Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 and regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.
Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad
Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Berhad (Takaful Malaysia) was incorporated on the 29th of November 1984. The current authorised capital of Takaful Malaysia is RM500 million and paid-up capital is RM162.817 million.
It commenced operation on the 22nd of July 1985.
PT Asuransi Takaful Umum
PT Asuransi Takaful Indonesia is the first pure syariah general islamic Insurance in Indonesia.
Hong Leong MSIG Takaful
Hong Leong MSIG Takaful is an Insurance company located in Jalan Perak, Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Amãna Takaful (Maldives) PLC
The country's first Islamic Finance outlet was established 15 years ago in 2003, with Amãna Takaful Maldives' agency operation. In 2011, Amãna Takaful Maldives PLC was listed in Maldives Stock Exchange as the first and only public quoted Insurance Service Provider and the lone fully-fledged Takaful Operator in Maldives.
As the leading Takaful operator in Maldives we have comforted our customers offering back-to-back innovative risk management solutions. In fact, Amãna Takaful Maldives has evolved to meet clients' needs by working closely with them and our consistent profitable growth over the years has enabled our company to provide high returns to our valued shareholders. With our portfolio of General Takaful businesses, our multi-channel distribution capability, strong strategic partnerships, customer-centric products and services, and considerable brand equity, Amãna Takaful Maldives is committed to helping people achieve their ambitions of a brighter and financially more secure future.
Takaful Insurance of Africa Limited
Takaful Insurance of Africa Ltd (TIA), is a pioneering and dynamic Takaful company which has introduced a new and exciting ethical perspective to risk management in the Kenyan market.
Founded in the year 2008 and formally licensed in 2011, TIA is the first fully fledged Takaful operator in the East and Central Africa region.The rationale behind TIA is founded on the need to provide risk management and financial security, based on ethical principles and values.
Takaful Emarat-Insurance (P.S.C)
Takaful Emarat was founded in March 2008. The capital of Takaful Emarat is AED 100 million. The Head office is located in Dubai. The company is listed at Dubai Financial Market under the trading symbol ‘Takaful-Em'.
To become an international leader of Takaful Insurance in GCC, Middle East, North Africa and other Islamic countries.
To manage participants financial security with full compliance of Shariah.
To gain trust and confidence by providing value added products and services backed by international expertise.
To act fairly and transparently in the best interest of participants.
To promote the concept of Takaful as a genuine shariah compliant alternate to Insurance.
To design & promote Takaful products based on emerging needs and modern approach.
To achieve the best financial results for participants and shareholders.
To expand Takaful Emarat regionally and globally.
Takaful Emarat PSC, is one of the leading Shariah -Compliant Life and Health Takaful Provider in UAE. Takaful Emarat market a wide range of life and health Takaful products including protection, savings and investments plans through variety of distribution channels. Takaful Emarat is also one of the two Takaful providers approved by Dubai Health Authority to provide Basic Mandatory Health Insurance in the Emirate of Dubai.'.
The concept of Takaful is established on following principles:
The participants co-operate among themselves for their common good;
Every participant pays his contribution in order to assist those who need assistance;
Takaful contract represents donation agreement which is intended to divide losses and spread liability according to the community pooling system;
The element of uncertainty is eliminated insofar as contribution and compensation are defined;
It does not aim at deriving advantage at the cost of other individuals.
Takaful International
Takaful International Company, established in 1989, is the first Islamic Insurance company in the Kingdom of Bahrain and one of the pioneering Islamic insurance companies in the Middle East. The company provides insurance coverage and services that cope with the individuals/corporations needs and the vast growing demands of the new millennium. Over the past twenty years Takaful International was able to achieve a high ranking position and build upon a trustworthy reputation in the local and international insurance market which has enabled us to compete with elite Takaful insurance companies worldwide.
• Established in 1989
• In 1998 the Takaful International Co. was re-launched. The new name reflects the company's new futuristic vision and ambition to expand its business operations within and outside the Kingdom.
• Listed in the Bahrain Stock Exchange as well as a member of the Bahrain Chamber of commerce and industry.
• In 2008 the company was rated (BBB) with a stable outlook from Standard and Poor's rating agency.
Takagi Co., Ltd.
Takamolat is a global technology and services firm that helps clients transform and realize their digital strategies. With a focus on enterprise solutions, and user experiences, Takamolat strives to accomplish and surpass your business goals.
Our team is differentiated by an emphasis on excellent design skills that we bring to every project. Takamolat's work environment and culture inspire team members to be innovative and creative, and to provide clients with an exceptional partnership experience.
Takamol Holding
Takamol Holding is a government company. With its modern concept, Takamol Holding targets and serves individuals and prominent labor segments of the public and private sectors. The company aims to empower, achieve, and create a positive sustainable change in the Saudi labor market and strives to sustain a lasting impact that would benefit society.
Emerging from the Ministry of Labor and Social Development (MLSD), Takamol Holding remains the Ministry's filial daughter. Its name (Takamol = integration) reflects the essence of its activities which aim to integrate roles, efforts, and goals. Thereby, one of its prominent roles is to represent the Ministry of Labor and to achieve its goals to improve and develop the Saudi labor market and the work environment in both government and private institutions benefiting employers, employees, and job-seekers alike.
Eastern Ring Rd, Exit 9
Granada Oasis, B4
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Takamul Investment Company SAOC
Takamul is a subsidiary company of Oman Oil Company (OOC), a Commercial Venture of the government of Sultanate of Oman. The Company was established with an objective to develop, promote and invest in green field projects as well as in existing companies to support their operations and develop value added chain of Metal, Mineral,chemicals and Industrial Services.
Takara Belmont USA, Inc
The World Leader in Salon & Spa Design, furniture, equipment & technology.
From New York to Los Angeles, from Paris to Tokyo, Takara Belmont is recognized as the innovative leader in furnishings and equipment for beauty salons, spas, and barber shops.
What has earned Takara Belmont the title of World Leader?
•Distributors in 80 countries - 9 major showrooms in the U.S. and Canada
•More seating and styling station designs than all other manufacturers combined
•Award winning salons, year after year
•The largest staff of professional designers
•The design trendsetter in every corner of the world
Our Philosophy of Customer Care
Takara Belmont has long been recognized as the innovative leader in design and technology. Underlying this reputation is our philosophy through products and services that provide ease-of-use, comfort, convenience, and safety. Our philosophy of caring includes the professionals who select our products and their clientele. We believe that by maintaining our focus on the needs of people throughout the world, Takara Belmont will continue to lead the way.
Takara Bio Europe
Takara Bio Europe is a member of the Takara Bio Group, a leading supplier of tools for life scientists worldwide. We serve customers in a wide range of scientific settings, including academic institutions, government research facilities, clinical research, and pharmaceuticals in Europe, Middle East and Africa.
We are a dynamic team of professionals, all dedicated to providing best-in-class solutions to research scientists in advanced biology. Quality, efficiency and the care of our customers, suppliers and staff are paramount to the way we work.
With offices in Paris, France and Göteborg, Sweden, Takara Bio Europe is an outstanding place to work offering the unique opportunity to take an independent position within a European organization.
We are always looking for skilled and motivated professionals.
At Takara Bio, we strive to deliver innovative technologies that help push every experiment to its fullest potential. Through our brand names TAKARA®, CLONTECH® and CELLARTIS™ we develop innovative technologies in the fields of Cell Biology, Molecular Biology, Proteomics and Stem Cell Research.
Key products include SMART cDNA synthesis kits for a variety of samples and applications, including NGS, high-performance qPCR and PCR reagents, Cellartis stem cells and stem cell reagents, RT enzymes and SMART library construction kits, the innovative In-Fusion® cloning system, Guide-it gene editing tools, Tet-based inducible gene expression systems, and Living Colors® fluorescent proteins.
Recently, Takara Bio acquired Rubicon Genomics and WaferGen Bio-systems. As part of the Takara Bio family, they expand our NGS portfolio as well as add R&D, manufacturing, and support for automation systems for NGS and qPCR applications. Takara Bio's portfolio supports applications including NGS, gene discovery, regulation, and function studies, as well as genetic analysis, protein expression and purification, gene editing, stem cell studies, and plant and food research. For more information, visit takarabio.com.
Our best-in-class products are backed by expert technical assistance, because good science needs great support.
TAK architecten
TAK architecten, in 1983 opgericht door Kees Tak, heeft opdrachten in de portefeuille op het gebied van restauratie, herbestemming, reconstructie, nieuwbouw en onderzoek. Een enthousiast team van twintig medewerkers, verdeeld over onze vestigingen in Delft en Arnhem, werkt aan zeer uiteenlopende opdrachten in onderzoek, ontwerp en uitvoering. Tot het opdrachtenpakket behoren zowel woonpanden, boerderijen, kerken, overheidsgebouwen, stations, kastelen en industrieel erfgoed, als fortificaties, gemalen, sluizen en bruggen. Hierbij spelen de kwaliteit van het werk en de professionaliteit van de medewerkers een belangrijke rol in het bereiken van een succesvol project.
Waar het cultureel erfgoed betreft, willen wij zorg dragen voor instandhouding van het architectonische verleden. Dit erfgoed heeft echter niet alleen een verleden, maar verdient ook een toekomst waarvan de levensvatbaarheid gegarandeerd is. TAK architecten heeft als werkwijze om, alvorens met een restauratie of herbestemming wordt begonnen, eerst een analyse van de architectuur op te stellen. Het aanpassen van een gebouw met behoud van de monumentale waarden vraagt namelijk eerst om een onderzoek en analyse van de architectuur, de structuren en het gebruik van het gebouw. Zo kan een conclusie worden gevormd, die een ruim en compleet beeld geeft en tevens ingaat op aspecten als immateriële waarden en duurzaamheid. De architectuuranalyse is aldus de basis voor een geslaagd ontwerp van een restauratie of herbestemming, die het gebouw respecteert en voldoet aan het programma van eisen, waardoor een toekomst wordt gewaarborgd.
Al geruime tijd is TAK architecten een van de weinige gecertificeerde bureaus in Nederland op het gebied van cultureel erfgoed. Dit houdt niet alleen een procedurele kwaliteit in, maar tevens vakinhoudelijke kennis. Elk bouwplan is professioneel opgezet en omvat een solide bestek, een set hoogwaardige tekeningen en gedetailleerde begroting.
Takasago International Corporation
Takasago International Corporation was founded in Japan in 1920. For more than 95 years, Takasago has developed flavors and fragrances for some of the world's most successful food, beverage, fine fragrance, household and personal care products. Takasago is a leading global company especially in the Asian region.
The global Takasago organization maintains offices, production sites and R & D centers in 24 countries. Through our network of global research, production, creativity and marketing, we develop products tailored to the needs of individual markets.
Takasago has vigorously pursued pharmaceutical intermediaries, functional materials, and other fine chemicals in which asymmetric synthesis, cultivated in our aroma chemical development work, is a key technology.
By utilizing our technologies and our global network, we will develop high-quality and innovative products that contribute to cultural and social progress.
Takasbank - İstanbul Takas ve Saklama Bankası A.Ş.
İstanbul Takas ve Saklama Bankası A.Ş. – Takasbank, temel olarak, sahip olduğu ‘merkezi takas' ve ‘bankacılık' lisansları ile Türk sermaye piyasalarında üyelerine takas, merkezi karşı taraf ve bankacılık hizmetleri sunmaktadır.
Istanbul Clearing, Settlement and Custody Bank Bank Inc. - Takasbank, with its "central counterparty" and "banking" licenses, mainly provides clearing, settlement and custody, central counterparty and banking services to its members in Turkish capital markets.
Our dream is for a society with zero fatalities from traffic accidents, and our mission is to make this dream a reality.
Our Business:
Takata is one of the world's leading automotive safety system companies, supplying nearly all the world's major automakers with a product range that includes seat belts, airbag systems, steering wheels, interior trim, fabrics, electronic devices such as satellite sensors and electronic control units, as well as child restraint systems
Major Customers:
Fuji Heavy Industries
Mitsubishi Motors
Worldwide Locations:
Takata currently has 55 locations in 23 countries.
Takatuf Oman
Takatuf Oman is a Human Capital consultancy that provides innovative and strategic human capital solutions for a wide variety of corporate and institutional projects across the Sultanate of Oman.
We partner with our clients and their people to support long-term personal, organisational and national growth.
Our expertise includes:
- Human Capital Consulting: We create customised and effective solutions for our clients that enable their organisations to attract, develop and retain employees. Our projects focus on: Compensation & Benefits, Employee & Labour Relations, Organisational Development & Effectiveness, Talent Management and Learning & Development.
- Assessment: We work with our clients to build the capacity and strengthen the capability of their organisations. We support our clients in making objective and informed decisions about staff selection and development.
- Coaching: We offer coaching with a focus on developing leadership skills that allow you to thrive under the most challenging conditions-- the skills needed to drive change, manage complexity, build top performing teams and maintain a strong personal foundation.
- Takatuf Scholars Programme: We equip Omani students with skills and abilities for the global knowledge economy of the 21st century through a rigorous academic enrichment programme that prepares them for personal and professional success in the Sultanate and abroad.
- Training Institutes: We establish strategic partnerships with global organisations to create internationally-accredited training opportunities, helping our clients create successful teams.
TAK Communications, Inc.
TAK Communications, Inc. is a nationally recognized Cable Installation Contract Firm for the Cable TV and Telecommunications industry. TAK provides a wide variety of services including Cable Installation, Fulfillment Services, Direct Sales, Underground Construction, Structured Cabling and more. We are an employee-based company headquartered in Sioux Falls, SD. We currently have over 900 associates operating in more than 30 project locations in twelve states.
TAK provides countless services for its Cable TV and Telecommunications business partners, with the overall customer experience at the forefront of our minds. Whether you are a TAK business partner, company employee, or consumer, expect nothing less than a positive and professional experience from everyone at TAK Communications, Inc.
At TAK Communications, Inc. we understand any company is only as good as its employees and our employees are the most important part of our company. When becoming an employee at TAK Communications, Inc., you are part of a team that looks out for your best interests. We set our employees up for success and are happy to say we have countless veteran employees that are making their career with TAK Communications, Inc.
Take 1 Transcription
Take 1 Transcription is the media industry's favourite provider for transcripts, post production scripts and translations.
Take1 specialises in time-coded transcripts, post production scripts and translations, we have been delivering quality scripts to the TV and film industry since 1995.
With thousands of programme credits under our belt we know that accuracy, fast turnaround, and price are critical. Whatever the size of your project, we have the experience and resources to meet your needs.
We work with Discovery, BBC, Ofcom, PriceWaterhouse Coopers, ITV and many, many more. They choose Take 1 because of the great service we provide.
Open an account today! Call 0800 0854418 (UK) or (818) 748 9781 (USA).
Take Two Communications Limited
Take Two Communication a global Media, Branding and PR company, with a focus on brand expansion, media, corporate strategy, event management, creativity, leadership and client results; this, with a commitment to consistently produce output that is both original, creative and highly impactful.
Take Two Communications has helped develop and position brands and organizations, in a manner that supports their overall business goals – whether that is as a Parastal, NGO, start-up, or SME. We take pride in the professionalism and specialist skill-sets of our team. From conceptualization, to the delivery of any project or long-term communications support, Take Two Communications in-house team is responsible for producing and delivering on dynamic and effective support for both B2C and B2B clients.
Take Two's brand extensions include conferences, office supplies and financial services.
Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc.
Headquartered in New York City, Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. is a leading developer, marketer and publisher of interactive entertainment for consumers around the globe. The Company develops and publishes products through its two wholly-owned labels Rockstar Games and 2K. Our products are designed for console systems, handheld gaming systems and personal computers, including smartphones and tablets, and are delivered through physical retail, digital download, online platforms and cloud streaming services.
During fiscal 2014, Take-Two set new records for both our Company and the entertainment industry. Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto V reached $1 billion in sales faster than any entertainment release in history, NBA 2K14 enjoyed the franchise's strongest launch, Borderlands 2 became 2K's top-selling title, and our digitally-delivered revenue grew to its highest level ever. As a result, we delivered record revenue, earnings and cash flow for our shareholders.
The Company's common stock is publicly traded on NASDAQ under the symbol TTWO. For more corporate and product information please visit our website at http://www.take2games.com.
Take 5 Oil Change
Take 5 Oil Change Mission Statement
To set service standards and achieve customer satisfaction standards that exceed every customer's expectation by maintaining the highest possible level of employee training and development.
About Take 5
At Take 5, we make vehicle maintenance fast and convenient while you relax in the comfort of your car. Enjoy a complimentary soft drink or water while our trained and certified technicians complete the services you request.
Check out our locations for available services. We offer quality services such as our Multi-Point Full Service Oil Change, Air Filter Replacement, Automatic Transmission Flush, Coolant Exchange and Wiper Blade Replacement. All our services meet or exceed warranty requirements. Plus you get a windshield reminder sticker and options to receive an email and/or postal mail reminder for your next scheduled oil change! Or download the Take 5 Reminder App to your mobile phone.
Evolution of the Brand
In 1996, we designed the first '5 Minute Drive-Thru Oil Change' concept. This reflected a new direction in our business model, all centered on improving customer experience and the speed of our service. Eventually, we converted our Rapid Oil locations to the 5-Minute format. The conversion to Take 5 'Home of the 5 Minute Oil Change' is an advertising agency's dream come true - with emphasis and branding on changing your oil, not your schedule.
Locations in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Texas, and Florida!
Take a Break Chile
Take a Break es una empresa que realiza actividades de gimnasia de pausa y prevención de estrés en diversas empresas. Nace con la convicción de entregar una experiencia única a los trabajadores de nuestros clientes, disminuyendo el ausentismo laboral y aumentando la productividad.
TakeaHand is created for a world where everyone has thehands they need.
For the majority of people who requires a prosthetic solution on the market, these are not available or are not fully operative. But since our entrepreneurial perspective, we think that both problems can be solved.
Considering that each person has different qualities and conditions, TakeaHand offers customized prosthesis with sophisticated technologies and a significant social value .
We desing high quality prosthesis and we connect people who need them with people which intend to help.
We use modern technologies of 3D printing to provide a service fully adapted to the needs and through the tools of Web 2.0 promote the support network that recipients of the prosthesis also needed.
Founded in 2011, takealot.com is a leading South African online retailer.
Our mission is to be the most customer-centric online shopping destination in Africa, built around the simple concept that the customer comes first.
All of our focus is dedicated to improving the customer experience, from the moment they arrive on our website to the moment their order arrives at their door. By aligning ourselves to this philosophy, we believe takealot.com will be the #1 shopping destination across Africa.
Everyone who works at takealot.com subscribes to the following values:
The success of any business today depends on quick decisions and decisive implementation. Big does not beat small but fast definitely beats slow.
Make it easier for customers, refine your ideas, refine them again and when you think you have arrived, refine yet again.
Each and every customer needs to be treated as an individual, it is not about averages, it's about the individual. Obsess about the customer.
Systems are important, resources are important, but the best people are the most important asset to any business. This does not mean that the company panders to individual whims and fancies, this means that the company will only employ the most dedicated, smart, results-orientated, team players around.
You have to love what you are doing; if you don't then you should reconsider working here.
Innovation is not about ground-sweeping changes but about consistent, everyday, iterative improvement. This applies to every work stream in the business.
If you see a problem, find the solution, it's your responsibility not someone else's. Be accountable.
Spend only where it needs to be spent and spend wisely.
We value strong relationships in all areas encouraging authentic, thorough, complete, direct and effective communication. We are robust in debate and challenge each other to be the best.
TakeCare Insurance Company, Inc.
Originally established in 1973, today TakeCare is a privately held consumer health organization delivering solutions that enhance people's lives. We fulfill this mission through our TakeCare medical and dental insurance products covering a combined 41,500 lives as well as delivering quality health services through our standalone, full-service FHP medical, dental and vision centers. TakeCare also has branch offices and affiliated companies in Palau, Saipan and the Philippines.
Besides being Guam's longest established health insurance company, we are also consistently ranked as one of Guam's Top 10 companies by Deloitte & Touche/Guam Business Magazine. From this proven, solid foundation TakeCare is poised to be a regional consumer health organization throughout Asia.
Take Care Health Systems
As part of Walgreens Health and Wellness division, Take Care Health Systems, LLC manages over 400 Healthcare Clinic locations at select Walgreens drugstores nationwide. Patient care at each of the Healthcare Clinic is provided by Take Care Health Services, an independently owned state professional corporation established in each market. For more information on careers at Healthcare Clinic, please visit: takecarejobs.com
Take Care Employer Solutions, Inc. is now Premise Health.
Premise Health believes that healthcare should be about helping people get, stay and be well. Premise Health operates over 500 onsite health centers, pharmacies, and fitness centers in 46 states and 2 U.S. territories. For more information about a career at Premise Health, please visit www.premisehealthjobs.com.
Take Care Private Duty Home Health Care
From its inception, passion and integrity have been at the heart of Take Care Private Duty Home Health Care, founded by Susanne S. Wise, RN, MBA. Opening in Sarasota, Florida in 1995 with four employees, Take Care has successfully grown to more than 500 staff with locations in Sarasota, Bradenton, Venice, and Charlotte. Our services range from providing personal care, whether in the client's home or facility, to professional RN geriatric care management, helping clients navigate their overall health care.
Establishing a benchmark as the leading private duty home health care company in the southwest Florida region, Susanne and her staff meet and exceed the increasing standards at a professional and committed level. Susanne and her caregivers provide their clients with a greater quality of life and a positive outlook by intuitively understanding their health care needs. Take Care's sincere commitment to their clients and respect for their privacy is an integral part in fulfilling this vision.
Furthering Take Care's interest and mission to elevate health care standards, Susanne integrated geriatric care management into Take Care's existing services. Take Care Advisor propels clients into the future offering comprehensive care management services using state-of-the-art online master health care records.
Take Care International is a General Trading L.L.C. We have number of services to offer and provide best customer satisfaction in our allied industries and these services are : -
1. Web Development -
We incorporate fresh approach to website design and ensure that all of the websites that we produce not only look great, but most importantly, work hard for your business
2. Printer Toner & Cartridge -
Take Care International takes pride in offering only top quality toners/cartridges to our customer at the most reasonable prices.
3. Annual Maintenance Services -
We understand the role of printers and computers in your day to day business hence our annual maintenance services will safeguard your devices and keep your business go uninterrupted from office room to board room
4. Hardware & networking -
Take Care International provides wide range of IT hardware and accessories at our IT Store for our customers to choose from.
5. SMS & Email Marketing -
Our Email and SMS Marketing is the most efficient, convenient and economical way for businesses to communicate with their existing customers and reach new customers anywhere in the world.
6. SEO Services -
Search Engine Optimization is a way to draw traffic to your website and improve your customer base.To do this, we create content that is based on keywords and make your website the popular amongst the crowd .
7. Event Management -
Our event management team provides customized, strategic event experiences where guests connect with our client's brands and products in ways that are personally relevant and memorable.
8. Marketing and Sales Consultancy -
We provide optimized and cost effective solutions to your marketing problems and help you emerge as the pioneers in the corporate world
Healthcare Clinic
Our Healthcare Clinic Group(HCC) manages more than 400 Healthcare Clinics at select Walgreens locations throughout the country. Each Healthcare Clinic is open 7 days a week to provide easy, affordable access to high-quality healthcare for adults and children. At Healthcare Clinic, we champion the compassion and caring that treat patients not just as human bodies, but as human beings. Delivering that kind of exceptional above-and-beyond quality care takes a special skill set not taught in school textbooks or expressly defined in a job description. The invaluable experience, unique patient skills and practiced expertise are the intangibles that set us apart. That's why we've made it our mission to create an autonomous workplace—a culture that trusts and encourages our Providers to assess patients' individual needs on a case-by-case basis—and to use their clinical judgment on behalf of your patients' health.
Walgreen Co., through its subsidiary Take Care Health Systems, LLC., provides management services to provider practices and in-store clinics.
Take Control
Young association of former managers with a strong specialization in corporate performance (CPM) projects. Co-founded with VAR Group, the biggest IBM italian partner , has a focus on:
Finance analytics design
Planning - Budget & Forecast
What if scenarios
Enterprise managerial reporting
- Financial reporting
- BSC Balanced scorecards
- Management cockpit
- Tableau de bord
- External stakeholder portals
Business intelligence & Datawarehouses
Are you ready to tackle the ESI problem in your organization? Tired of sleepless nights wondering when the next eDiscovery or data loss event is going to occur?
Controle is singularly focused on Information Governance of Electronically Stored Information (ESI). Our mission is to help you Take Controle of your ESI. We do this by helping you build an ESI framework that includes eDiscovery, Archiving, Data Classification and Defensible Deletion of data. Our approach is simple: if it is worth keeping—protect it and be able to find it. If it isn't worth keeping—get rid of it.
So if you are serious about putting in place an Information Governance Program, Controle is the team for you.
For more than 230 years, Takeda has brought hope to people around the world through our people-centered and innovation-driven approach to science and medicine. As a global pharmaceutical leader, we focus on solving unmet needs where we can make a real difference—and on putting patients first. Our therapeutics focus is oncology, gastroenterology, and the central nervous system, as well as vaccines.
MISSION: To strive towards Better Health and a Brighter Future for people worldwide through leading innovation in medicine.
Takeda in Deutschland
Takeda ist ein forschendes, weltweit tätiges Pharmaunternehmen mit Schwerpunkt auf verschreibungspflichtigen Arzneimitteln. Seit über 235 Jahren dient Takeda der Gesellschaft mit innovativen Gesundheitslösungen, die dazu beitragen Krankheiten zu heilen, Leiden zu mindern und Patienten zu helfen, ihren Erkrankungen wertvolle Lebenszeit abzuringen. Der Fokus liegt auf Spezialpräparaten für Gastroenterologie, Onkologie, Urologie und Chirurgie.
In Deutschland betreibt Takeda vier Standorte, Hauptsitz ist Berlin. Neben der Takeda Niederlassung in Berlin sind am Standort Konstanz Verwaltungs- und Servicefunktionen der DACH-Region gebündelt. Oranienburg und Singen sind als Produktionsstätten Teil des globalen Produktionsnetzwerks von Takeda.
Insgesamt sind in Deutschland mehr als 2.000 Mitarbeiter für Takeda tätig, die sich in dem Unternehmen erfolgreich für mehr Gesundheit engagieren. Ihr Ziel ist es, unter dem Leitsatz „Bessere Gesundheit, schönere Zukunft" das Gesundheitssystem aktiv mitzugestalten und die Lebensqualität des Einzelnen spürbar zu verbessern.
Die Takeda Werte bilden den Kern der Unternehmenskultur. Sie ermöglichen jedem Takeda Mitarbeiter in einem Umfeld voller Inspiration erfolgsversprechende Ideen zu entwickeln und diese in kompetenten, interdisziplinären Teams voran zu bringen. Tägliche Herausforderungen bieten Raum zur Mitgestaltung und sorgen für ein abwechslungsreiches Arbeitsumfeld.
Weitere Informationen zum Thema Karriere finden Sie auf: http://www.takeda.de/karriere/
Takeda Pharma A/S
Takeda Pharma A/S er det danske datterselskab til Japans største medicinalvirksomhed Takeda Pharmaceutical International Limited, en af de førende medicinalvirksomheder på verdensplan med kontorer i mere end 70 lande. Vi er særligt stærkt repræsenteret i Asien, Nordamerika, Europa og på vækstmarkeder som fx Latinamerika, Rusland og Kina. Når vi inkluderer salg via vores partnere, markedsføres vores produkter i omkring 100 lande.
I Danmark er vi blandt de førende leverandører af receptpligtige lægemidler, håndkøbsmedicin, vitaminer og mineraler. Vi leverer omkring hver 6. pakning af medicin, der sælges på danske apoteker. Vi har en bred produktportefølje, hvor produkter indenfor onkologi og gastroenterologi udgør vores innovative fokusområder. Vi har desuden en lang række af både receptpligtige og håndkøbsprodukter af lokal karakter, der støtter op om vores fokusområder.
Det er vigtigt for os at være stærkt repræsenteret i Danmark. Vores danske hovedkontor ligger på Dybendal Alle 10 i Taastrup, hvor den danske ledelse og cirka 200 medarbejdere fra medicinsk information, salg & marketing, produktion, juridisk afdeling og administrative funktioner har kontor. I Hobro har vi en tabletproduktion med cirka 50 medarbejdere.
Vores virksomhed er baseret på vores filosofi "Takeda-isme", der er bygget på Integritet, Retfærdighed, Ærlighed og Vedholdenhed, og som er udviklet gennem virksomhedens mere end 230 års-historie. Vores aktiviteter tager altid udgangspunkt i vores mission. Vi stræber efter øget sundhed for patienter i hele verden ved at være førende inden for innovative løsninger.
Læs mere om vores virksomhed på www.takeda.dk
Takeda Farmacéutica España
Con sede central en Osaka (Japón), Takeda es una compañía global basada en la investigación que se dedica principalmente a los productos farmacéuticos. Con más de 230 años de historia, es la compañía farmacéutica más grande de Japón y uno de los líderes mundiales de la industria, y su propósito es mejorar la salud de los pacientes de todo el mundo mediante una innovación líder en el campo de la medicina. Sus más de 30.000 empleados ponen en el mercado 700 productos diferentes en 70 países, en los que factura más de 12.000 millones de euros.
La filial de la compañía japonesa en nuestro país, Takeda España, garantiza a los pacientes españoles soluciones innovadoras en atención sanitaria que mejoran su calidad de vida. Esto forma parte del triple compromiso de la compañía con los pacientes (a quienes pone siempre en el centro de todas sus actividades), los profesionales sanitarios y las administraciones públicas.
El objetivo de Takeda España está en línea con el que persigue la compañía desde hace más de dos siglos: mejorar la salud de las personas mediante la innovación en medicina, con el reto de satisfacer las demandas de pacientes y médicos en el entorno sanitario. Takeda cuenta en España con una cartera de más de 20 productos, y centra su actividad en la atención especializada, entre otras, de las áreas terapéuticas de Oncología y Gastroenterología. Si desea obtener más información sobre Takeda, visite su sitio web www.takeda.com.
Laboratoires Takeda
Takeda Ireland Limited
Takeda is a research-based global company with its main focus on pharmaceuticals.
We strive towards better health for individuals and progress in medicine by developing superior pharmaceutical products.
Takeda has had operations in Ireland for 15 Years.
Takeda Italia
As a provider of leading innovations in the areas of gastroenterology and oncology, we are committed to advancing healthcare.
We're working to increase access to our new medicines by developing new ways of connecting with our physicians and customers, and providing solutions and insight that can help them in their efforts.
Together, we can build a new model of healthcare that will address what really matters to our patients and their carers.
Takeda San Diego, Inc.
Takeda San Diego is a center for excellence in Structure-Based Drug Discovery. Takeda San Diego (TSD) is Takeda's global center for excellence in structure-based drug discovery. TSD integrates cutting-edge protein crystallography and drug discovery technologies to efficiently generate Investigational New Drug (IND) candidates for the treatment of metabolic diseases and cancer. Multiple drug candidates discovered at TSD are currently in clinical trials including Alogliptin (SYR322), a potential treatment for type II diabetes.
Takeda Canada Inc.
Takeda is a global pharmaceutical company with a strong heritage in primary care and well-established treatments in a number of therapeutic areas. Takeda Canada is transforming into an agile specialty care provider, delivering better health for Canadians through leading innovations in gastroenterology and oncology while continuing to meet a diverse range of patient primary care needs. Takeda's top priority is the health of Canadians and the needs of patients guide our actions. Their well-being is central to our work and drives our commitment to deliver a diverse portfolio of innovative treatments.
To learn more about Takeda Canada, visit www.TakedaCanada.com
Takeda Oncology
At Takeda Oncology, "We Aspire to Cure Cancer."
Takeda Oncology is a leading biopharmaceutical company focused on oncology that combines the agility, ideals and camaraderie of a start-up with the resources of Japan's largest pharmaceutical company. The result is a creative, entrepreneurial environment where quality science and making a difference in patients' lives are the priorities.
Here, employees who share a drive and commitment to innovation for the benefit of oncology patients find their ideas, experience and contributions are valued and rewarded. Takeda Oncology offers great benefits, a friendly and respectful atmosphere, and a culture that promotes flexibility between work and life and encourages employees to give back to their community.
Takeda Oncology is also proud to have been recognized by Fortune Magazine as one of the Top 100 Employers for 2011 and 2012! As well as the #1 Best Place to Work by the Boston Globe (largest company category).
If you are interested in learning more about current career opportunities, please visit Takeda Pharmaceuticals Career Page.
TAKE INC. is a company based out of Japan.
Take it Digital
Take it Digital is an internet marketing company based in the Atlanta area (Kennesaw, GA). We specialize in online branding services for companies of all sizes. Our specialities include web design, SEO, branding, and sales lead generating services. Whether it be WordPress websites, email marketing, social media, organic SEO, SEM, or video marketing, we have the expertise and tools to improve & grow your business presence on the web.
Juice Plus+ Health and Wellness, UK and Worldwide
Health and Wellbeing in a capsule!
26 fresh, raw, whole, sun-dried fruits, vegetables, berries and grains dried and encapsulated or put into powderdrink mix or sweetie format. Juice Plus+ is much more than a vitamin pill - it is packed with minerals, enzymes, phytonutrients, antioxidants, fibre, and more.... in fact thousands and thousands of vital natural elements which our bodies need (but sadly do not get from our normal diet) on a daily basis. Distribution in more than 20 countries.
More than 20 gold-standard peer-reviewed independent scientific research papers published to date, from universities round the world, endorsing Juice Plus+ and showing that it does get into the bloodstream, raises immunity, raises antioxidants, lowers free radicals and homocysteine, protects cells and DNA, lowers inflammation, improves the whole cardiovascular, lowers gum disease, and much more. This publication record is absolutely unique - no other food supplement has such a shining record of research.
Juice Plus+ is recommended for everyone, from babies upward - in fact it is even recommended for pregnancy.
This is a highly ethical company and product, with massive benefits for all its customers and offering longterm opportunities for anyone seeking to create a secure financial future. The whole well-being sector is at the beginning of a massive growth period, and now is the time to join the party.
Please ask me for details!
TakeLessons is the trusted online marketplace for finding great private instructors. At TakeLessons.com students can follow their dreams and fuel personal growth by connecting with the perfect instructor in areas ranging from music, dance and acting to foreign languages, math and photography. Instructors rely on TakeLessons to simplify marketing and manage their business with integrated scheduling, billing, payment, and communication tools that work seamlessly across desktop and mobile devices.
Learn more at TakeLessons.com, and engage with us on Facebook and on Twitter @TakeLessons. To get the inside scoop at our corporate office, follow us on Instagram @LifeAtTL.
Fundada em 1981, acumula 30 anos de experiência, acompanhando a modernização e constante mudança dos procedimentos e legislação vigentes.
Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation
The Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation (RBFF) is a national, non-profit organization that is leading the drive – in partnership with industry and government, and through its brands Take Me Fishing™ and Vamos A Pescar™ – to increase participation in recreational boating and fishing, thereby helping to conserve and restore our country's aquatic natural resources.
RBFF uses marketing, outreach and education strategies to grow participation in boating and fishing, and offers a variety of free tools to its stakeholders to help them more strategically and effectively focus on their boater/angler recruitment, retention and reactivation efforts.
More info is available at: www.takemefishing.org/corporate
take me HOME
Projektowanie, produkcja mebli w stylu loftowym, industrialnym i skandynawskim i sprzedaż pod własną marką take me HOME w sklepie internetowym www.takemehome.pl. Wykonywanie nowoczesnych, designerskich mebli na zlecenie biur projektowych oraz klientów indywidualnych.
Self Employed Network Marketer
Take My Word
Take My Word is a company based out of New Zealand.
PT. Takenaka Indonesia
Planners, Architects, Engineers & Contractors
Takens Admiraal advocaten
Takens Admiraal Advocaten is een gerenommeerd advocatenkantoor in het centrum van Amsterdam. Cliënten waarderen ons om onze bevlogenheid, vasthoudendheid en creativiteit. Wij zijn helder, duidelijk en laten nooit los. Heeft u een vraag of direct onze hulp nodig? Neem vrijblijvend contact op.
TAKE Solutions
TAKE Solutions is a leading international consulting, technology and services provider. We leverage our Life Sciences and Supply Chain Management domain knowledge to help clients address business critical issues. In Life Sciences our expertise covers Clinical, Regulatory, Content Management, Safety, Business Intelligence and QMS. In Supply Chain we work across a number of sectors in the areas of robust supply chain collaboration and data collection solutions.
With solutions and technology expertise in Life Sciences, Supply Chain Management, Business Process Management, and Business Intelligence, TAKE's track record in delivering world-class solutions throughout global markets is well proven.
TAKE Solutions Ltd is assessed at the Level 5 of the Capability Maturity Model Integrated (CMMI), Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA. CMMI contains an enormous amount of information and guidance to help organizations improve their processes. The CMMI model firstly helps you evaluate the content of your processes - information essential to technical, support, and managerial activities. Secondly, the CMMI model helps improve process performance - information used to increase the capability of your organization's activities.
TAKE Solutions is also a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and is a Registered CDISC Solution Provider. With more than 500 current employees, TAKE Solutions' world headquarters are in Chennai with U.S. headquarters in Princeton, NJ. TAKE Solutions has offices in Singapore, Malaysia, Philadelphia, Research Triangle Park, NC, and Austin, TX. TAKE Solutions conducts business today in 9 countries with more than 150 FORTUNE 1000 customers.
TakeStock LLC
TakeStock is the professional choice for home and business inventories—an invaluable tool for use in insurance claims, family law, and estate planning. A comprehensive inventory brings you peace of mind in having a record of every single thing you own, protecting economic, as well as sentimental, value.
Body By Vi
Transform your life starting today! For Anybody, and Any BODY – this challenge is customized for YOU. Take the challenge to Save money, save time, and reshape your body!!
Take the Cake Productions
Take the Cake aim to make people laugh, educate young talent and become a household name within the uk over the next few years.
Michael D Roberts (Dee)
I created Take the Cake back in 2007 when i was writing a sitcom idea for TV along with my writing partner Steve Collins. It just became a name on a piece of paper. Until the day i recived a letter from the BBC telling me that my sitcom idea i sumitted wasnt what they where looking for. within the letter i was told by someone at the BBC that I must feel disheartend and upset with the news... quite the oppersit. My instand thought was, How to i prove them wrong? how do i go about making my own way in this world and cutting out the middle man.
Take The Lead Dogs LTD
Take The Lead offers friendly and professional Dog Walking & Day Care Services for your beloved canine companion. Providing a personal service to you and your pooch we provide group walks, solo walks, swimming lessons and lots more.
Takeuchi Mfg. (U.S.) Ltd, was established in 1979, being the first construction equipment company to introduce quality Compact Excavators and Track Loaders to the US construction equipment market.
The rapid growth of the compact equipment market has resulted in the need to reinvest capital to support our customers and dealer network. Takeuchi U.S. has expanded seven times over the years and recently moved to a new 250,000 square foot, state-of-the-art training, parts and machine distribution facility on 34 acres in Valentine Industrial Park, near Atlanta, Georgia.
Takeuchi Mfg. Company Ltd, was established in 1963, in Nagano, Japan. In 1971 Takeuchi began initial production of the world's first Compact Excavator and in 1986 they introduced the first Compact Rubber Track Loader to North America.
TAKEV - Turkish-German Culture and Education Association School
Takeya USA
Our mission is to inspire, energize, and celebrate fitness enthusiasts everywhere, one refreshing sip at a time.
Headquartered in Huntington Beach, California, Takeya USA is a fast-growing active fitness brand that specializes in insulated hydration solutions for people on the go. Established in 2008, Takeya USA brings 55 years of Japanese design heritage and innovation to provide simple solutions that work. Whatever you do to keep active and strong, Takeya will be there to keep you refreshed and hydrated along the way.
Takhzeen Self Storage
TAKI VITA is a Packaging and Containers company located in 16 El Fardous Street, CAIRO, Egypt.
Posicionada como uma das melhores consultorias e integradoras de soluções do Brasil, a Taking é uma empresa de gerenciamento tático especializada em Consultoria de Negócios e Tecnologia.
Nossa capacidade de entender as necessidades dos clientes, tanto no âmbito técnico como nas prioridades de negócio, é o que nos leva a provocar evoluções (melhorias) e revoluções precisas e sustentáveis com foco no resultado para cada um dos clientes.
Fazemos o que tem que ser feito!
Acompanhe a Taking nas redes sociais:
Instagram: https://www.taking.com.br/takingconsultoria/
Facebook: https://www.taking.com.br/taking.consulting/
email: [email protected]
telefone: +55 (11) 4102-6121
The Vision
Youth everywhere actively engaged and connected in shaping a more inclusive, peaceful and sustainable world.
Our Mission
Empowering young people to understand and act on the world's greatest challenges.
Our Programs
Digital Youth Engagement
We facilitate intercultural dialogue, power micro-actions and support place-based discovery through our award-winning global online community and mobile apps, including Commit2Act, Culture Connect and Explore150.
Global Education
We offer professional learning experiences and resources for educators, and provide certification for Future Friendly Schools, fostering shared practices in the areas of global citizenship, environmental stewardship and student voice.
Social Innovation
We offer training courses and events for aspiring social entrepreneurs, and connect graduates to mentorship and seed funding. We enhance and share the success of youth-led development.
Taking Shape
Celebrate Your Curves!
Taking Shape is a global leader in plus-size clothing with stores in Australia and New Zealand. For over 30 years, we have been a cornerstone brand for curvy women, specialising in fashion forward designer collections in sizes 12-24.
We began as Taking Shape in 1985 and over the past three decades have expanded our range to include; TS, Virtuelle, Taking Shape Shoes, Accessories, Swim, Active, Core Basics, Sport Luxe, Dream and Shapewear. We pride ourselves on being a one-stop-shop for the plus size woman.
We have over 150 locations in Australia & New Zealand where you can find our ranges, including; Boutiques, Myer Concept Stores, Clearance Outlets and Online at TakingShape.com.
The Taking Shape Design team has the customers at the centre of that they do. With over 150 years combined experience, Plus Size is not an afterthought; it's our designers' only thought. We strive to make fashion that fits well and makes you feel fabulous. Our unique styling, prints and colours translate the latest trends to suit the curvy figure, and combined with our own avant-garde twist that allows you to connect this season's range to the next.
At Taking Shape we keep our customers at the heart of everything we do. From Personal Styling Experiences and Girls Night Out store events to One Day Only Pop Up Shops we endeavour to provide fashion & styling that reflects the quirkiness, personality and verve for life that is the Taking Shape woman.
Taking You Forward
Our Mission & Vision
To be your business partner of choice, delivering innovation to you and our people with commitment.
Our Principles
The principles of Organization, Innovation, Leadership, and Service Excellence are fundamental to our success.
Our Commitment
Taking You Forward is genuinely committed to make your company grow.
We diligently practice transparency, honesty, and integrity to assure you of no hidden charges, no hidden provisions, and no surprises.
Our Drive For Excellence
We sustain excellent service while keeping up-to-date with the latest technology trends through industry involvement and partnerships.
Our Competitive Edge
Why choose us over other BPO providers?
- System
We can provide you with a complete business package solution.
- People
We have highly skilled and dedicated English-proficient professionals headed by an open-minded CEO.
- Culture
We nurture a family-oriented culture while adhering to an effective Western management approach.
Industries Served:
- Ecommerce
- Travel
- Financial Services
Connect with us:
Philippines: +63 346-5551
Australia Local (02) 8317 3193
Australia Intl +61 (2) 8317 3193
UK Local (20) 3769 7126
UK Intl +44 (20) 3769 7126
USA Local (312) 279 2958
USA Intl +1 (312) 279 2958
Canada Local (514) 400 9614
Canada Intl +1 (514) 400 9614
TAKK Tampereen Aikuiskoulutuskeskus
TAKK on yksi suurimmista ammatillisista aikuiskouluttajista Suomessa. Koulutuksia tarjotaan noin 20 koulutusalalta ja tutkintoja on valikoimissa 118. Opiskelijoita on vuosittain noin 14 000 ja henkilöstöä 260.
Tarjoamme ammatillisia perustutkintoja, ammatti- ja erikoisammattitutkintoja sekä ammatillista lisä- ja täydennyskoulutusta. Oppimisympäristömme ovat ajantasaisia, ja niitä kehitetään yhteistyössä yritysten ja mm. korkeakoulujen kanssa. Viime vuosina olemme satsanneet voimakkaasti työelämäyhteistyön vahvistamiseen sekä ohjaus- ja neuvontapalvelujen kehittämiseen. Tavoitteemme on edistää asiakkaidemme menestymistä kestävällä tavalla tarjoamalla koulutus- ja kehittämispalveluita sekä kotimaassa että kansainvälisesti.
Pohditko opiskelumahdollisuuksiasi? Ota yhteyttä: [email protected]
Tarjontamme löydät: www.takk.fi
TAKK - Tampere Adult Education Centre is one of the biggest Adult Education Centres in Finland and a provider of a large scale of vocational course programmes for more than 14 000 students yearly. The personnel of TAKK is about 260.
The course programmes that TAKK provides include vocational basic, further and supplementary education from several vocational fields, competence based qualifications and short courses according to the needs of the work life. The policy consists of up-to-date learning methods and environments, specialized customer services and expert knowledge in our fields of adult education. During the recent years lots of effort has been made in developing models of work life co-operation both in training and other services, and also for developing counselling services for adults. Our mission is to promote the success of our customers in a sustainable way by offering both education and development services – domestically as well as internationally.
Takko Fashion International
Takko Fashion
Our Company
When the first TakkoFashion store opened in March 1982, the foundations were laid for a successful story of growth and expansion. From its head offices in Westphalia's Telgte in Germany, Takko Fashion has used three decades of stylish fashion, appealing store designs, and value for money in its products to carve out a strong position among the leading international fashion brands. Takko Fashion is now a recognized value fashion retailer. its approx. 1,9000 stores and over 18,000 members of staff are testimony to this story of success.
With our 1,900 stores across 16 countries, we are always near to where our customers live. Since entering the internal fashion market in 2000, we have been committed to establishing Takko as one of the leading fashion retailers in Germany and Europe. We are already making customers happy in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Belgium, Slovenia, Estonia, Lithuania, Croatia, Italy, and Serbia. To get even more people to love and enjoy our styles, we are continuing our successful expansion campaign in our home market in Germany and beyond its borders.
Our People
Behind every successful brand stand committed people, reaching for a shared ambition with joy and passion. That ambition: To continue our story of success. Takko's success is built on the work of our people! Over 18,000 members of staff are working every day in the many different parts of our business to strengthen Takko's position in the domestic and international fashion business.
Join our team
We are looking for ambitious and talented people, who fit our culture and stand motivated by the Takko Brand. We offer opportunities to grow your career all around Europe, with positions ranging from sales in our stores and until openings in our central headquarter in Germany.
Discover your opportunities in our Job Portal.
Taknia Engineering
Taknia Libya Engineering Company (TLEC) was established in May, 2009 as a Libyan share company totally owned by National Oil Corporation (NOC) and took over all the activities and the manpower of the British company Teknica (UK) Limited, which also was owned totally by NOC and liquidated by the owner due to the transfer of all its activities to TLEC.
Taknia represents the integration of technical and practical expertise in consultancy, engineering and project management services to the oil, gas and petrochemical industries.
Taknia's experience and understanding of client objectives enables project goals to be met both for projects onshore and offshore, and offers a complete service to the industry including Project Management, Engineering, Procurement, Construction Management, Training and all related services.
The Company is committed to seeing in its execution a quality product completed on time and within budget. Taknia has a dedicated workforce, with its Head Office located in 167 Al Naser Street, Tripoli Libya.
The type of activities Taknia is involved in are varied and depend on the requirements of our clients, and, as such, it has a multi-disciplined workforce of engineers and specialists
available to meet the demands imposed on it. The Company assigns dedicated staff to locations on a worldwide basis to perform services as necessary for its clients.
Taknia has represented the North African oil and gas industry for many years. It has the experience and ability to undertake full project management of onshore and offshore ass
assignments using the most up-to-date project management and engineering control systems.
Takoda Group
Takoda Group is a social enterprise dedicated to providing quality, innovative business solutions while advancing social goals. We offer expertise in staffing and creative services that generates innovative business solutions at nonprofit rates, building capacity on both sides of the business transaction.
With strong ties to our roots in the American Indian community, we create social profit by putting people to work. We supply opportunities for every worker to succeed in the job market, by enhancing their experiences and advocating for inclusivity in workplace culture. Not only do our business activities create social profit for the broader community, but all of the funds generated support the programs and students of American Indian OIC.
Summit Leasing Slovenija d.o.o.
Odpiranje slovenskega gospodarstva je spodbudilo japonsko multinacionalno korporacijo Sumitomo Corporation Group, da je leta 1999 ustanovila finančno družbo Summit Leasing Slovenija d.o.o.
S kapitalom tega finančnega velikana, ki se uvršča med največje japonske multinacionalke, je zagotovljeno poslanstvo podjetja Summit Leasing Slovenija d.o.o.
Poleg visokega zneska ustanovnega kapitala, ki zagotavlja najkvalitetnejši dolgoročni finančni vir, je pomembna predvsem ekipa visoko usposobljenih mladih strokovnjakov s področja komercialnega poslovanja, financ in zavarovalništva ter najmodernejša programska oprema. Skupaj predstavljajo jamstvo za zagotavljanje najvišje ravni storitev.
Kupcem in dobaviteljem ter dolgoročnim strateškim partnerjem zagotavljamo najkonkurenčnejše pogoje financiranja, podkrepljene s kakovostjo storitve v najširšem pomenu.
Podjetje Summit Leasing Slovenija d.o.o. je že več let zapored vodilno podjetje na področju financiranja osebnih vozil v Sloveniji.
TAKO Painting
TAKO Painting is a firm founded by Tadeusz Kolodziejczyk with son Rusty. Established in 2001 specializing in quality decorative finishes. Throughout the years we have completed jobs ranging from high end residential, commercial or just adding beauty to an average home. Please call us today as we offer Free Estimates for all five Boroughs. Customer satisfaction is a top priority each and every time. We are fully Insured and Licensed by the EPA.
Takoradi Gas Limited
Takoradi Gas Limited is a leading industrial gas manufacturing company located in Takoradi, a key oil producing city in Ghana.
The objective of the company since 2008 is to become a one-stop-shop for our customers. In order to achieve this, the Takoradi team has expanded their business operations to include the exclusive distributorships to import Hilco welding consumables from Holland, Cigweld & Victor welding accessories from Australia & US and Weld-Ro welding Accessories from Malaysia.
Industrial Gases (Oxygen, Acetylene, Nitrogen, Argon, Mix gases, Co2, Helium, LPG etc)
Quality imported Refrigerant Gases (Freon) European brands/ TGL brand
Welding Consumables (all types of Electrodes) from HILCO, Holland (Authorized distributor in Ghana)
Welding & Cutting Accessories from Cigweld Australia, Victor Technologies, US.
TGL is the Authorized Distributor for Cigweld (Australia) and Victor Technologies (US) for all welding & cutting accessories.
Takoradi Gas Ltd is the authorized distributor for following product in Ghana and we only deal with genuine products.
Cigweld /Victor/Tweco products from Cigweld, Australia
Hilco brand welding consumables( electrodes/cutting & grinding discs) from Holland (EU)
Weldro brand welding & cutting products from Malaysia
Refrigerant Gases from France and TGL own brand
T A Krause Roofing
T A Krause Roofing is a renewables and environment company based out of 11275 N Leach Rd, Lodi, California, United States.
TAKREER - Abudhabi Oil Refining Co.
This is the Refining arm of ADNOC, Abudhabi National Oil Co. in the United Arab Emirates.
Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) was established in 1971 to operate in all areas of the oil and gas industry and since then has steadily broadened its activity in establishing companies and subsidiaries and creating an integrated oil and gas industry in the fields of exploration and production, support services, oil refining and gas processing, chemicals and petrochemicals, maritime transportation and refined products and distribution.
Taksee Business Mobility Solutions
Taksee, facilita una solución profesional para la gestión del gasto del taxi adaptada a las necesidades de las empresas.
En muchas empresas existe un gestor de la cuenta de viajes o travel manager ocupado en gestionar las relaciones con compañías aéreas, cadenas hoteleras, agencias de viajes, etc. El elevado peso de esta partida en la cuenta de pérdidas y ganancias – suele ser una de las tres mayores partidas de gasto- han centrado los esfuerzos de muchos profesionales en su optimización.
Pero... ¿y los taxis? Intuimos que ésta es una partida relevante dentro de la cuenta de viajes de la empresa pero tradicionalmente su gestión ha implicado gran dificultad: oferta local muy fragmentada, inexistencia de un proveedor que consolide distintas ciudades y falta de un servicio integral. Taksee ha desarrollado una solución innovadora para dotar a las empresas un sistema de reserva y gestión centralizada de su cuenta de taxis y además... ¡reduciendo costes!
Taksha Events & Exhibitions
Built on the mantra of trust & reliability, we work dedicatedly on solutions that are creative, feasible, cost efficient, meticulously planned and successfully implemented.
Our events team handles all your requirements from conceptualization to execution, leaving you free to focus completely on achieving your objectives. With proper planning and logistics management and the ability to activate requisite resources, we have undertaken a wide variety of projects. Our professional operations team will manage every aspect of your event, from invitations and RSVPs, branding, sound, light and technical solutions, to local and international entertainment and event staff. With dedicated suppliers in place we are able to handle any event requirement our clients may have.
We're good at what we do. We're straight-talkers and we care about our clients and for our people. We work mainly on repeat business and referrals from current clients..
Takshila Schools
Takshila schools (TKS) are initiative of Educomp solutions Limited, with an objective to cater to the needs of Indian Middle class. TKS operates at a fee structure of 30,000 and were launched in 2008 in Ahmadnagar, Gaya and Sangli followed by Hoshiarpur and Bhubaneshwar in 2009. Last year i.e. 2010 we launched two schools i.e. Begusarai and Barnala, taking total tally to 7 across India. TKS, as a brand will be franchised now and road map for next 5 years has been created, where in we are targeting at 1000 schools pan India; good number of deals have been already signed for next years. The parent profile associated with TKS in existing locations is from SEC A.
taksim osgb
taksim osgb is a company based out of Turkey.
Taksu Sanur Hotel
Taksu Hotel Sanur offers a luxurious retreat with a restaurant and an outdoor pool amidst lush greenery. A 10-minute walk from Mertasari Beach, it houses modern suites with a private balcony. Free Wi-Fi is accessible throughout the property.
Semawang Beach is also a 10-minute stroll from Taksu Hotel Sanur, while Ngurah Rai International Airport is a 20-minute drive away.
Bright and spacious, air-conditioned suites each come with a personal safe, flat-screen cable TV and a seating area. An electric kettle and a minibar are also among the in-room comforts. Free bottle water and free bath amenities are provided.
To relax, guests can lounge on the sun terrace. Taksu Hotel also offers the convenience of concierge and daily maid services.
A spread of Indonesian and Western delights are served at the on-site restaurant.
Hotel Rooms: 80
Taktik is the company behind Flowr, Ozone, and iCure.
We are a medium-sized company and are active in 7 different countries: Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Netherlands, Poland, and the USA.
We keep things personal at Taktik. It shows in how we work as a team and in the connections we have with our clients. The relationships that we build are as important to us as our products. This is why our company grows every year in revenue and talent.
Our three flagship products are:
intuitive and customizable IPTV software that allows clients to connect with their customers on any device and at all times.
Ozone is the communication hub for companies across Europe through its media distribution optimisation.
A decentralised network for patients, doctors, hospitals, insurances and government. It is the most secure and intuitive way to share patient information.
AB Taktik Sweden
Taktik är ett kompetensföretag med inriktning på individ och organisation. Vi jobbar med behovsanpassade strategier för att skapa öppna arbetsklimat, ökad motivation hos individer och mer effektiva organisationer.
Taktil Software GmbH
Taktil Software is a small app development studio based in Zürich, Switzerland. It was started by Marco Klingmann and over the past four years we designed and developed high quality apps for various purposes and industries. Amongst others we created an augmented reality mini game, a beautiful eBook store and a map based info graphics app. In addition to that we have also created various productivity apps for enterprise use.
Takushoku University
Takushoku University's educational objectives are based on its founding principle: "The cultivation of talented individuals who have an enterprising spirit and who have been equipped with the education and quality of character worthy of the respect of all people." With the goal of improving educational quality and enhancing its recognition in international society, the university has set the following three basic policies and strives to equip students with a high degree of internationality, specialized knowledge and character.
Takween Advanced Industries
Who we are:
A publicly listed Saudi pioneering company specialized in Nonwoven fabrics, Plastic packaging and PET preforms, offering cost effective solutions to the hygienic, medical, and industrial markets worldwide.
Takween Advanced Industries today is headquartered in Khobar, comprises of five subsidiary companies and serves a global customer base through nine production facilities located across Saudi and Egypt.
We currently employ over 2,000 dedicated members who are always pushing the boundaries of what is possible to achieve excellence and meet global standards of quality, service and value.
We can proudly say that our:
• Devoted People
• Values & High Performance Culture
• Innovative Minds & Creative Approach
Are what make Takween what it is today!
What We Promise:
• We Recognize Talent & Reward Excellence!
• We Value Innovation & Creativity.
• We Guarantee Competitive Compensation Packages.
• You'll Work among a Diversified Team of Passionate Professionals.
• We Nurture Growth & Development.
• A Golden Opportunity for You to Realize Your Full Potential and Professional Aspirations.
TAL Aviation Group
TAL Aviation has emerged as a leading and dynamic airline representation company since it was founded in 1987. Providing airlines with in-depth knowledge of local markets and a full range of services, TAL Aviation is able to deliver cost-effective solutions for developing new markets.
TAL Aviation's global network, experienced and dedicated team and a range of services that includes sales, marketing, financial systems, legal advice and more offers your company creative and adaptable strategies in order to effectively compete in today's highly competitive airline industry and travel marketplace.
With a proven track record and steady expansion, TAL Aviation is ideally placed to represent international airlines and tourism wholesalers seeking to establish a presence in new locations.
Transalpine Ölleitung in Österreich Ges.m.b.H.
Talent Search
Executive Search Multinational.
Winning companies are those that invest in talent, enabling people to express themselves through their actions and creating conditions for them to remain in the organisation, for them to set an example.
At Talent Search, we help our clients to manage their most precious asset – their TALENT.
The specialised teams at Talent Search put their skills at the service of talent management: researching, recruiting, assessing and helping companies to retain their best and most highly qualified staff.
And we do this because we believe that talent, when working for a common objective, is what makes all the difference
TAL Manufacturing Solutions Limited
TAL Manufacturing Solutions Ltd (TAL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of TATA Motors Ltd, pioneer in providing turnkey manufacturing solutions, right from concept to commissioning. TAL Corporate office is located in Chinchwad, Pune, the industrial hub of Maharashtra, we operate through a footprint of offices in Chennai and Delhi
TAL Australia
TAL is Australia's leading life insurance specialist and for over 140 years, we've been protecting people, not things.
Together with our partners we protect more than 4 million Australians and their families, helping them look after what matters most, so they have the freedom to keep living the life they planned.
We have an important job to do in the Australian community, however Australians often experience a Life Insurance industry that is complex and hard to understand. This is something we're committed to change. For this reason our ambition is straightforward, ‘To ensure our customers understand and value the protection they have and are confident that we'll be there when they need us most'.
And because no two lives are the same, we believe in giving Australians choice when it comes to accessing live insurance. Our business model reflects this fundamental principle - that's why TAL cover can be accessed in a number of different ways:
• directly from us,
• through a financial adviser,
• through a superannuation or employer fund, or
• through an existing relationship with one of our corporate alliance partners.
*'TAL is Australia's leading life insurance specialist" based on Inforce premiums for risk only life insurance policies, NMG Consulting (2016).
Pipe distributor and stock.
Application: Line Pipe, Petrochemical, Offshore
Talaat Moustafa Group Holding
Talaat Moustafa Group (TMG) Holding is the leading community real estate developer in Egypt, with a land bank of 50 million square meters. The group has a strong track record of over 37 years in the housing and real-estate development industry, having developed 8.5 million sqm of land so far. TMG's vision is 'community development' through establishing self-sustained residential city and community complexes for the upper and middle classes. Amongst the group's largest and most prominent development projects are Al Rehab City, East of Cairo, spread over 9.9 million sqm to host 200,000 residents, and "Madinaty" project, started in July 2006 spanning over 33.6 mn sqm of land with 600,000 target residents, making it the biggest all-inclusive enclosed city in the Middle East. TMG's achievements also include signature compounds like May Fair in Al Shourouk, East of Cairo and Al Rabwa I & II in Six of October City, West of Cairo.
In 2004 a small group of entrepreneurs had the aim of creating an online food ordering service that gave people order from restaurants easier than the phone. With just a few taps, customers could easily order food to be delivered to their locations, from a wide variety of restaurants ranging from global franchises to local concepts.
What started as a vision soon turned into a reality and Talabat's success grew beyond Kuwait and expanded to the rest of the GCC region & Jordan. In 2015, Talabat became part of Delivery Hero, the leading global online food ordering, and delivery marketplace.
Fast-forward to 2017, Talabat has become the largest and most popular food ordering app in the region connecting users to more than 4,000 restaurants that cater to all taste buds.
We invite you to check out our Careers page, to see what people have to say about working here, as well as the latest vacancies.
Established in 2004, TALACO is the leading telecom distributor for the mobile operator TOUCH in Lebanon.
TALACO's sales strategy has horizontally diversified across the years and covers B2B and B2C, partnering with wholesalers, retailers, and end users.
We have also developed a mobile top-up app "i-Tel" that utilizes an online wallet solution where the POS can withdraw vouchers and perform service transactions online based on customers' needs, thus saving capital and stock allocation. i-Tel currently has the widest spread and highest turnover (over 25 million $/yr) in the Lebanese market.
TALACO is also an authorized mobile and tablet distributor and retailer. The product range is Apple, Samsung, Blackberry, Sony, HTC, and Nokia and we have sales agreements with giant retailers such as Carrefour and Virgin Megastores.
TALACO currently operates through 9 TOUCH Certified Outlets across Lebanon:
1- Downtown
2- Raouche
3- Jal el Dib
4- Saida
5- Zgharta
6- Kafaat
7- Zouk
8- Hadath
9- Tyre
The above Touch Certified Outlets do offer services similar to TOUCH's own service centers:
1- Change blocked or lost sim.
2- Pay bill with no extra fees.
3- Prepaid line migration to postpaid.
4- Purchase postpaid/prepaid lines.
5- Features activation on sim.
We also offer Western Union and OMT services in our stores that range from money transfer and bill settlement to tax payments and other governmental financial dues.
TALA is an integrated supplier of hotel interior products. The company's mission is to provide clients with a combination of expertise, organization, and manufacturing resources to realize a successful hotel installation. The Company's management team is based in CEBU (Philippines) and we operate 3 factories – CEBU, China and Indonesia! Tala has a professional staff of over 120 personnel focused on project management, technical services, manufacturing, sourcing and quality control.
Welcome to Talagy!
We are the national recruiting firm that growing companies love to work with. You can count on us to fill any position that you need—from the front desk to the boardroom: Technology; Sales & Marketing; Engineering; Human Resources; Accounting & Finance; Professional Placement; Clerical & Administration; Executive Search; Customer Service & Call Center; Skilled Trades & Light Industrial; Non-Clinical Healthcare; and Manufacturing.
With Talagy, there is no typical assignment, but there is a typical outcome—delivery of just the right person to meet your needs. While you focus on growing your business, we'll make sure that the right people show up to help you do it. We match hard skills with the softer things that matter—culture, work ethic, and communication skills. Engage us in any part of the recruiting process or use our full-service suite—whichever meets your needs.
If you need great people, need a job, or know someone who needs a job, you've come to the right place. Let's work together.
Hebrew Curriculum Development
Major French player in the Business and IT Consultancy world, Talan HQ is based in Paris and we have offices in London, Geneva, Luxembourg, New York, Hong Kong, Montreal, Toronto and Tunis.
With more than 1,500 employees, we support our customers through a wide range of services from high-level business consultancy… to fully packaged solutions including IT production and support engineers, developers, business analysts and nearshore capacity.
Since fifteen years now, we help our customers run and change their organization and IT facing disruption and fast-pace evolving environment.
Talan focuses its sector expertise on Major Service Operators and delivers its business, functional and technological know-how on an international scale through the sharing of its values: transparency, respect, team spirit, entrepreneurial spirit and commitment .
Therefore we are looking for consultants eager to join a growing and evolving team in a quality and result-driven environment and contribute to services and solutions delivery to our customers.
Creating and sharing value, coaching and developing skills, attractiveness of services, management and control of activities are the pillars of our business model that make the exceptional course of Talan.
With organic growth of more than 30% each year, the group recruits nearly 800 employees this year.
With Talan, empower your transformation.
Follow us :
Our news - http://www.talan.fr/en/
Recruiting news and job offers
Talan Tunisie
Créée en 2007, Talan Tunisie est le centre de développement « Nearshore » du groupe Talan, regroupant à ce jour plus de 200 ingénieurs de développement nouvelles technologies, plus particulièrement autour des technologies Java J2EE, Open Source, issus des plus grandes écoles d'ingénieurs tunisiennes et européennes, et travaillant pour les plus grands clients européens.
En huit ans, nous avons acquis un savoir faire spécifique dans la mise en œuvre de projets au forfait en mode Nearshore et de centres délocalisés de services pour le compte de plusieurs clients grand-compte en France, mais aussi pour des éditeurs en forte croissance qui souhaitent bénéficier des avantages que peut offrir un centre de développement Nearshore en Tunisie (baisse des coûts de production, proximité géographique et culturelle, maîtrise du français, ressources humaines de qualité et en profusion, flexibilité), tout en en minimisant les risques.
Notre offre a ainsi permis aux entreprises qui nous ont fait confiance d'accélérer la mise en opération de leurs projets, d'en réduire les coûts tout en les soulageant des contraintes du 'sourcing' et de la gestion des ressources humaines.
Talana Hotel
Talani Quantity Surveyors
Talani Quantity Surveyors provides an independent, professional property and construction cost advice service to built environment clients through the professional business of quantity surveying.
Een plek voor opvang, wonen of dagbesteding is pas fijn als het vertrouwd voelt. Zorg gaat in de kern om menselijk contact en wij zijn daarin - op z'n Fries - heel nuchter en noflik.
Iedereen met een verstandelijke beperking en een indicatie voor langdurige zorg (WLZ) kan een beroep doen op de 24-uurs zorg van Talant. Zij kunnen of mogen meestal niet alleen zelf beslissen, daarom is het samenspel met ouders, familie of andere naast betrokkenen óók heel belangrijk.
Globaal verdelen we onze cliënten in de volgende levensfases: kinderen van 0 tot 18 jaar, jongvolwassenen, volwassenen en ouderen. Iedereen maakt een ontwikkeling door, want verandering hoort bij het leven. Daarom houden we – ook door de tijd heen – bij zowel opvang, wonen als dagbesteding rekening met leeftijd, levensfase en zorgvragen.
Astana Property Management
Astana Property Management is a new but quickly developing company, has a professional team with great experience in development on an international level. The main project of the company is the first high-end mixed-use development in Astana - Talan Towers.
Situated in the heart of business activities of the capital (Dostyk St. - Turkistan st.) Talan Towers creates a new level of lifestyle and luxury experience in Astana. Talan Towers consists of two towers of 26 and 30 floors connected with a 3-level podium with a luxury fashion gallery 'EMPORIUM'. In one of the towers, there is the first international A-class office center in the capital 'Talan Towers Offices', in the second one – 'The Ritz-Carlton, Astana' hotel.
Talanx Group
About Us
In order to enhance transparency, the Group has tailored its clear and efficient structure to the needs of customers and investors by creating four operating customer segments. The Group mainly transacts its
business with professional market players.
Industrial Lines Division
The Industrial Lines division is led by HDI Global SE. The company is active in more than 130 countries through branches and subsidiaries as well as network partners.
Retail Germany Division
The Retail Germany division concentrates the activities of companies serving retail and commercial customers in the areas of P&C insurance, life insurance and bancassurance in Germany. The divisional company bears the name Talanx Deutschland AG.
Retail International Division
This division concentrates the activities of companies serving retail and commercial customers in the areas of 14 countries at present. It is managed by Talanx International AG.
Reinsurance Division
The Reinsurance Division within the Talanx Group is handled almost exclusively by the Hannover Re Group, one of the leading reinsurance groups in the world by premium volume. Hannover Re transacts all lines of property/casualty and life /health reinsurance and is present on all continents.
Financial Services
Above and beyond insurance business, the Group offers financial services which consist most notably of asset management services as well as the Group's internal reinsurance broker Talanx Reinsurance Broker. For asset management and funds provider activities aimed at institutional and private clients Ampega Investment, Talanx Asset Management and Talanx Immobilien Management are responsible.
TAL Apparel Limited
One of the world's largest and most admired apparel manufacturers, TAL Apparel produces shirts, blouses, knits, pants, outerwear and suits for many of the most famous garment brands. We join our skills and creativity with theirs to create the best garment in the world.
Headquartered in Hong Kong, TAL Apparel has 11 factories in Asia and a workforce that is more than 25,000 strong.
Since 1983, we have sold over 1,000,000,000 garments. Indeed, 1 out of every 6 dress shirts sold in the U.S. is manufactured by TAL Apparel.
TalareBourse.com | تالار بورس - آموزش بورس
تالار گفتمان بورس | بحث و تبادل نظر در باره بازار سرمایه بورس اوراق بهادار، بازار آتی سکه طلا، ارز و ... تحلیل و شایعه، گفتمان بورسی، عرضه اولیه، سهام و تمامی مواردی که مربوط به بازار سرمایه ایران و بازارهای مالی بین المللی می شود................................
Welcome to fabulous Talarius!
We are part of the United Kingdom's largest operator of Adult Gaming Centres (AGCs). Through our High Street brands of Quicksilver, Silvers and Winners, we own 150 gaming venues and have around 1000 colleagues in permanent employment across the UK.
In June 2016, after a number of years exceptional growth, Talarius was acquired by Novomatic UK- the UK's largest gaming industry operation comprising manufacturing, distribution and online. The Group operates over 240 AGCs across the UK.
The Talarius Support Centre is based in Milton Keynes.
Talarius is fully compliant with the Gambling Commission's licensing system and fully adheres to trade body BACTA's code of conduct. BACTA aims to improve the image of the industry, encourage good practice, and create an optimal trading environment for all sectors.
Talascend - Where Opportunities Await.
We thrive on opportunity. Opportunity to help professionals achieve their ultimate career aspiration. Opportunity to contribute to our valued partner's organizational successes. Opportunity to learn, grow and build upon our individual and collective accomplishments. We are Talascend and we create opportunities that make the world a better place. Who gets a chance to do that every day? We do, and we never take that for granted.
Talascend, a veteran owned staffing company, has been one of the most reliable and effective providers of recruitment services since 1946. From engineering and technical professionals to specialized skilled trades disciplines, we get the honor of creating opportunity the world's best talent with the world's most recognizable employers in the Automotive, Telecom, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, IT, Aerospace/Defense and Energy business sectors.
Through our contract, contract-to-hire and direct hire staffing services, we leverage our vast community of professionals to provide solutions for our clients' unique workforce augmentation. We carry a proud reputation for being the preferred supplier of talent for some of the most sought-after employers. At the same time, we have become known as an employer of choice among the top talent in the industry, identifying long term and contract job opportunities that have progressed the careers of technical professionals who work with us across the globe.
We are proud of our history, passionate about our people and grateful for our success within the staffing industry.
If you want to find out what a relationship with Talascend could do for you, please contact us today. We'll talk you through the possibilities.
Talas Electric
Talas Electric is a company developing and manufacturing electrical devices for corporate clients. The mission of Talas Electric is to provide new innovative solutions for reducing energy and maintenance expenses. Talas Electric has four founding partners that are all involved in company's daily operations.
Talas Electric's major products are a dryer devices called Talas Dryer, Talas Measurer a monitoring system called Talas Monitoring. Talas Measurer and Talas Dryer measures winding insulation resistance and Dryer dries the winding insulation when necessary. Reduced winding insulation resistance is one of the most common reasons for unexpected failures of electric motors operating in damp conditions. Talas Monitoring allows users to monitor the insulation resistance development via internet from any computer or smart device. In addition to Talas Dryer and Talas Monitoring Talas Electric has other innovational measurement devices under development.
3E Enginyers
3eenginyers es una empresa de ingeniería y Project Management creada en 2009 y formada por un equipo de 18 personas a su servicio.
En estos momentos la empresa está desarrollando un ambicioso proyecto de crecimiento gracias a la confianza de nuestros clientes.
Nuestra empresa cuenta con un enfoque de calidad, sostenibilidad y avances tecnológicos siempre de vanguardia. Nuestros servicios destacan por ser innovadores y adaptados a las necesidades de cada cliente.
Todos nuestros proyectos están certificados según la normativa vigente. Además superan controles internos de calidad que aseguran una finalización de las obras con mejores resultados. Hoy en día un buen proyecto no solamente se trata de gestionar y presentar la documentación necesaria, un buen proyecto tiene que representar una garantía de ejecución y la posibilidad de un ahorro importante a nivel de coste energético y también a nivel económico.
En estos momentos la empresa tiene contratadas como obras destacadas la realización del proyecto de ingeniería y el control de obra del CENTRO DE TECNIFICACIÓN RAFAEL NADAL y del Complejo hotelero de la cadena HIPOTELS en la playa de Palma.
TALA Training Ltd
TALA Training is a leading provider of construction-related health and safety training and consultancy services throughout the UK, with specialist Training Centres in Manchester and Glasgow.
We have accreditation from many of the leading awarding bodies including CITB ConstructionSkills, ECITB, CCNSG, PASMA, IOSH and SQA.
Our trusted team of industry-focused chartered health and safety instructors are fully qualified to deliver the full range of these essential accredited courses, as well as offering short duration in-house courses and health and safety consultancy services to a diverse mix of clients across all sectors.
Textile Association of Los Angeles (TALA)
The Textile Association of Los Angeles (TALA) provides more value for the California Apparel and Textile Industry, helping its members navigate the landscape of the international market. TALA provides valuable resources, and connects textile companies, sales reps, manufacturers, importers, agents, and allied associations world-wide.
TALA is affiliated with the California Fashion Association, and together, we will continue to create international awareness of California's significant position as one of the largest distribution centers for fashion merchandise.
Talawanda School District
-Manage and support a High School Apple based media production lab
-Provided hardware and software support to staff and students across entire district
-Teach media production & design techniques to a wide range of students
-Close communication with faculty to plan technology projects and activities around Ohio curriculum
Talbert House
Talbert House is a community-wide nonprofit network of services focusing on prevention, assessment, treatment, and reintegration. Services are provided at multiple sites throughout southwest Ohio for children, adults and families.
Talbert House's mission has two basic purposes: to improve social behavior and enhance personal recovery and growth. The organization has a culture of innovation that thrives on the creation of new services that meet the community's needs while maintaining effectiveness, excellence and professionalism. Talbert House values an integrated system of high quality care focused on best practices, easy access to services, and providing a full range of services in a cost effective and efficient manner.
Each year, Talbert House helps thousands of men, women, and children across southwest Ohio overcome adversity to become healthy and productive citizens. Talbert House employs over 850 staff, and has been rated the #1 mental health agency in Hamilton County for the number of cases evidencing progress.
Talbert Insurance Services
Talbert Insurance Services is an independent insurance agency. We have been in business for nearly 30 years and have over 100 years of insurance experience. Due to our knowledgeable, experienced, and talented staff, we have been able to emerge as a top agency in the greater Atlanta area.
We take a client-centered approach to our business; putting the needs of our customers above all else. By representing over 30 quality insurance providers, we are able to match you with the company that offers the exact coverage you need at the best price. We stay on the cutting edge of insurance, always reviewing new programs and passing the knowledge and guidance on to our clients to save them money.
Our diligence has paid off as we have been named as one of the 10 fastest growing agencies in Georgia, have received the Best of Gwinnett award for 5 years straight, and were the only insurance agency to be nominated for the Gwinnett County Chamber Pinnacle Award in 2014! These awards are great, but the true indicator of our success is our over 95% client retention rate.
We are a full service agency and can take care of your business insurance, personal auto and home insurance, and your life and health insurance needs. If you are curious about getting a quote or have any insurance questions, please give us a call at 770-497-9400 or toll free at 1-800-353-8355 and we'll be happy to help!
Talbot Promo
Talbot is one of Canada's leading corporate branding, recognition and incentive program providers since 1886. With over 125 years of experience, Talbot provides every client with a customized solution to meet their individual branding requirements. As an award-winning, global leader within the promotional products industry, we are committed to driving positive marketing results while offering quality service, each and every step of the way. This is why many organizations have trusted their brand with Talbot than any other distributor in Canada.
Talbot & Associates
Talbot & Associates (T&A) is a bilingual accounting firm that has been serving Manitobans and corporations for over 25 years, led by founder, Jean-Guy Talbot, FCPA, FCGA. With locations in Ashern, Birtle, Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, Oak Bluff, Steinbach and Winnipeg (St. Norbert & St. Boniface), our team of over 60 staff offer a wide range of services steeped in decades of combined experience of varying backgrounds. We treat our clients like family and are passionate about helping them uncover new opportunities and reach greater levels of success.
Mission Statement
Talbot & Associates (T&A) exists to give our clients support and true peace of mind and our team members the opportunity to live their dreams, and have fun doing it.
What We Believe
We believe in offering services that in all respects are carried out in a professional, easy to understand, and prompt fashion. Our bottom line is that our clients are 100% satisfied with our services.
What We Do
T&A offers a wide range of accounting and business services in both official languages. For a list of services, learn more here. We have ample experience serving many specific industries including:
Condominium Corporations
Hospitality Industry
Non-Profit Organizations / Associations
Property Management Companies
Real Estate Companies
Retail & Wholesale
Service Industries
And more
The Talbot Group
The Talbot Group is a privately owned business employing over 420 staff with 250 clients availing of our services. The Group was established in the early 1990s with the opening of two nursing homes.
In the early 2000s, as well as expanding our nursing home business, we also expanded our residential care expertise into residential services for adults with significant learning disabilities. A specialist facility for adults with Autism, Intellectual Disabilities, Down Syndrome and other similar disabilities was developed in Stamullen, Co. Meath. This facility is a modern-build specifically catering to the needs of these clients groups. The service for these clients includes a seven day programme of educational, vocational and recreational activity.
A service for Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) was subsequently developed with the setting up of a neurobehavioural rehabilitation unit on the Stamullen complex.
For more detail on our specific services please visit our websites:
Talbot House Ministries
Talbot House Ministries is a Non-profit Organization Management company located in 814 N Kentucky Ave, Lakeland, Florida, United States.
TALBOT TECHNOLOGIES LIMITED is a company based out of 78 WIGRAM RD, WIGRAM CHRISTCHURCH, Christchurch,, New Zealand.
Talbot Primary School
Established in 1947, Talbots is a leading specialty retailer and direct marketer of women's classic clothing, shoes and fashion accessories. The company is known for providing gracious service and a quality selection of timeless wardrobe essentials in a broad range of sizes.
Rudolf and Nancy Talbot opened their first shop in Hingham, Mass., a quaint town not far from Boston, in 1947.
Their retail and catalog enterprise flourished and, with five stores in upscale outskirts like Hingham, Duxbury and Lenox, they sold the company to General Mills in 1973. Expansion ensued up and down the East Coast, but when General Mills divested its Specialty Retail Division, Talbots was acquired by the Japanese retailing conglomerate JUSCO Co., Ltd. (now ÆON Co., Ltd.) in 1988. Talbots went public in November of 1993 and was acquired by Sycamore Partners, a private equity firm specializing in consumer and retail investments, in August of 2012.
At the end of fiscal 2012, the company operated 504 Talbots stores throughout the U.S. (45 states) and Canada, including 432 Talbots stores (U.S. and Canada), 56 Talbots Upscale Outlet stores (U.S.) and 16 Talbots Clearance stores (15 in U.S.; one in Canada). Customer Profile
The Talbots customer is smart and well-educated, with the majority professionally employed in a range of fields. She's active in and passionate about her community. Ageless in style and attitude, she appreciates classic styling and values quality workmanship.
Talbots Chartered Accountants
With more than 85 years of experience, Talbots of Sydney has been at the forefront of accounting. Talbots business consultants of Sydney pride ourselves in being friendly, accessible accounting specialists who make it our business to make your business successful.
Apart from having great reputation within financial services, continuous clients' loyalty and high tech knowledge–we are masters of explaining all these complicated accounting and financial matters in the simple terms!
Talbot Hotel Stillorgan
Talbot Hotel Stillorgan is a 4 Star Failte Ireland and AA accredited hotel situated in the prime location of Stillorgan on the periphery of South Dublin City. Each of the 150 air conditioned modern hotel bedrooms are relaxed and inviting and offer everything that you would expect from a four star hotel including free WiFi internet connection throughout the hotel & free car parking. Boasting an Award Winning Restaurant and a Contemporary Style Bar.
Top Reasons to choose Talbot Hotel Stillorgan:
* Excellent location close to University College Dublin UCD, Radio Telefis Eireann RTE, Royal Dublin Society RDS, Aviva Stadium, 3Arena, Dundrum Shopping Centre & Sandyford Industrial Estate
* 150 Executive, fully air-conditioned guest bedrooms.
* Meeting Rooms & Conference Venue catering for up to 500 delegates.
* FREE WiFi throughout the hotel.
* FREE Car Parking on site.
* FREE Courtesy Bus Service
* FREE Fitness Facilities for residents of the hotel
* Award Winning Restaurant & Traditional Bar.
* All Inclusive Wedding Packages.
Municipalidad de Talca
Una municipalidad es la organización que se encarga de la administración local en un pueblo o ciudad. Es un órgano similar al [[b y en algunos países es usado como sinónimo. En algunos países de Asia se resume como municipalidad a diversas tipologías de ciudades importantes gobernadas por el gobierno estatal, los municipio bajo jurisdicción central.
Municipalidad de Talcahuano
La Municipalidad de Talcahuano (mapudungún Talcahueñu: 'Cielo Tronador') es la organización encargada de administrar la principal ciudad - puerto de la llamada Zona Centro Sur de Chile, ubicada en el centro geográfico del país, su población estimada es de 160 mil habitantes y pertenece al área metropolitana del Gran Concepción, situándose al noroeste de ésta.
Talcahuano es uno de los más importantes puertos del país, y su economía está basada principalmente en la industria naval y siderúrgica, la pesca y los servicios Su lema es: 'Primer puerto militar, industrial y pesquero de Chile'.
Tala Construction Co
Tala Construction Co is a Higher Education company located in 7215 NW 12th St, Miami, Florida, United States.
Talcott Franklin PC
Talcott Franklin Professional Corporation (P.C.), pursues investor rights in securitization transactions and assists businesses and individuals with intellectual asset protection, with the exception of patent prosecution. The Firm also acts as local counsel in jurisdictions where it can provide unparalleled insight into local practice and custom and advises on issues related to education. By maintaining a focus on its core competence, the Firm can provide its clients with in depth expertise in its niche practice areas.
Nongovernmental Organization
'Knowledge is the only sustainable competitive advantage in today's world'
Mission statement:
TALDi searches for the best options and directly contributes to the overall social and economic development in Bosnia-Herzegovina and beyond, acting along with other relevant protagonists and guiding itself by universal democratic values and principles in its work.
General scope of interventions:
- TALDi offers an integrated, systematic approach to social-economic reconstruction and sustainable development
- TALDi supports the work and development of the NGO sector, providing education, consultancy and information services, aiming to contribute to the promotion and strengthening of the civil society
- TALDi applies a holistic approach to the support of small and medium enterprises (SME's) through education, advice, consultancy, information and promotional services as to accelerate economic grown
- TALDi provides a comprehensive gender balance approach
- TALDi initiates and supports different local development initiatives
Our values and principles are:
- Responsibility, solidarity and a winner's spirit.
- Devotion to the organization, its mission and business policy.
- Full commitment to our clients.
- Honesty and responsibility in relationships with our partners.
- We base our position and positive image on a professional, dedicated and relevant operation, keeping up with high standards in our performances.
- We build up our reputation in the community on the results which we achieve, a high level of work effectiveness and enthusiasm of our employees and associates.
- We encourage and win recognition for team work and a multidisciplinary approach, securing the application and synergistic effect of all available knowledge, skills and appropriate methodological approaches in our work on different projects and assignments.
- In our dealing with partners and clients we promote and consistently apply the principles of openness, impartiality and equality regardless of gender, social, ethnic, religious, political or any other kind of affiliation or commitment.
- We accept only those kinds of partnership / financing / sponsorship which are in line with the objectives of our organization's operation and which in no way jeopardize the autonomy and mission of our organization, the interests of our beneficiaries and transparency in our dealings.
- We ensure transparent reporting on our activities and operation in accordance with the principles of good management.
- The personal political activities of our employees do not have any impact whatsoever on the political neutrality of the Citizens' Association TALDi as a nongovernmental and non political organization.
- In our operation we adhere to universal democratic values and the principles of justice and equity.
Taldor, founded in 1986, quickly became one of Israel's leading IT companies.
We design, develop and provide complete solutions to our clients. Our solutions consist of software systems, project operation, infrastructure setup and support services.
With a workforce of over 2,200 technology-savvy professionals, we help companies in all industries to focus on their core business, enabling operational flexibility in today's frantic business world.
Assisted by strategic partnerships with international technology providers,along with a local understanding of each client's unique attributes - we successfully integrate a range of advanced products to provide a comprehensive system solution.
Our varied clients include all sectors of the Israeli economy including finance, public, military, commercial, health, etc.
Our solution portfolio covers customer relationship management, information security, IT experts, business process outsourcing, data improvement and scanning, geographical information systems, ERP systems, government systems, self-service workstations, software system development, communication networks, support and service.
We have been abiding by our values of fairness and integrity for more than a quarter of a century, and so have our clients abided by us. Among Taldor's clients, over 90% are repeat clients. We believe in doing business differently - adhering to our customers budget, schedule and requirements on each and every project.
משרות טלדור באתר הבית:
טלדור בפייסבוק:
טלדור ביו-טיוב:
דוא'ל לשליחת קורות חיים:
דוא'ל לפניות :
Big Data, Data Cleansing, Software development, CRM, ERP, SAP, Oracle, Cloud computing, Full Data Center Solutions, GIS, e-Gov, Business & Military Intelligence Systems, Outsourcing, Self Service, BPO, Imaging, Scanning & Optical Archiving, Call Center, Networking, Cyber & Security Information, Infrastructure, Computing, Unified Communication, HLS, Nearshore, offshore, Google, IVR, CTI, Help Desk, IT projects, Integration solutions, Voice, System, IP Telephony, etc'
Taldumande Youth Services
Taldumande Youth Services is a not-for-profit organisation that supports vulnerable and homeless children, young people aged 12-21 years and their families. We operate the only 24/7 crisis refuge for young people in Northern Sydney and offer supported accommodation and community programs that provide a streamlined pathway, from homelessness and family breakdown, to independence and stability.
TALEA consult
• Selling and delivering consultancy services to enterprises through business offerings that span all technology solutions of hardware, software and applications.
• Develop strategies of information technology that can support companies and mostly their people to address their technology challenges, to achieve business goals and objectives.
• Qualifying accounts, identifying opportunities and closing deals to then project manage their delivery.
测聘网是缔造人才供应链理念的人岗匹配专家,是行业内唯一运用IT技术手段提供人才管理咨询、人才测评、人才发展及人才招聘 的人力资源综合服务商。借助 "测+聘" 、"测+训"相结合的智能人才供 给模式,测聘网旨在助力企业实现可持续发展。
※ 测聘网成立于2011年1月18日,总部设在广州,目前在全国有12个分支机构,200多名员工为超过6000多家企业提供线下人力资源综合服务。
※ 测聘网智能招聘平台于2014年7月7日上线,目前已为3万多家企业及200多万求职者提供线 上测聘一体化服务。
※ 测聘网与全国60+家人力资源服务机构达成战略合作伙伴关系,这些合作渠道帮助我们把测 聘网的产品和服务推广到全国各区域和客户。
凭借2000万标杆企业人才测评数据、400个标杆岗位剖像数据、40多位 心理学家和专业顾问团队、3项人岗匹配关联发明专利以及3个全球顶级 测评机构(Facet5、LSI、CEB)权威认证,测聘网堪称中国最了解"人"和 "岗"的公司。
测评系列、经理人测评系列、职业人测评系列、360产品系列、经典测 评系列在内的数十个标准测评产品和各类定制测评产品。凭借专业的技 术研发实力,测聘网的人才测评产品具备准确、实用、个性、灵活四大 核心优势。
3 因为专业,客户认同
成立以来,测聘网获得了许多新老客户的信任,服务包括腾讯、顺丰、万科、华为、华润、中国移动、中国工商银行、中石化、安踏、宝洁、 梅赛德斯-奔驰等500多家龙头企业,以及一大批快速成长企业。
Talecris Biotherapeutics, Inc.
We are a biopharmaceutical company that is one of the largest producers and marketers of plasma-derived protein therapies in the world. We develop, produce, market, and distribute therapies that extend and enhance the lives of people suffering from chronic and acute, often life-threatening, conditions, such as chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), primary immune deficiencies (PI), alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, bleeding disorders, infectious diseases and severe trauma. Our products are derived from human plasma, the liquid component of blood, which is sourced from our plasma collection centers or purchased from third parties, located in the United States.
Taledo is a curated recruiting platform connecting the top 10% of candidates with top companies in the digital ecosystem.
Candidates can sign up for free in a few clicks, and are put in touch with one of our Talent Managers. Talent Managers guide candidates throughout the complete application process - from initial contact with recruiters to signing the contract and beyond.
Employers get access to curated candidates via a dedicated Account Manager and to the current talent pool via our platform, thus expediting the recruiting process.
Taledo was founded in 2015 by Berlin-based entrepreneurs with experience at BCG, Google, Rocket Internet, and HitFox, and is now serving clients ranging from DAX corporations to early stage startups.
International Education Company (TALEEM)
International Education Company 'Taleem' is an investment company specialized in the education industry. Taleem has a prime focus in improving the educational process in the early stages of young generations learning, through a clear vision and direction to provide unprecedented quality of education that will reflect on the outcome of the students.
The major client base is expected to be in the mid-income group of citizens. The values of all subsidiaries are strictly committed and governed by "Taleem's" main concept:
* Achieving the highest standard in every aspect of their work.
* Commitment to insure sufficient resources (human resources, facilities and tools) that allow each subsidiary to invest in developing its own internal processes and deliverables continuously, to improve quality of their target audience experience.
Find your place.
We put heathcare professionals on assignment to do the work they love - in places they fall in love with.
TaleMed helps healthcare facilities manage their resource needs, prioritizing in the healthcare staffing field. We provide healthcare professionals the opportunity to showcase their skills and learn and grow at facilities throughout the country. We work diligently to find them the position and/or financial compensation they desire. We do this while providing incredibly reliable customer service.
Our Mission:
We screen, validate, and match the most talented healthcare professionals in the country with fulfilling assignments in all 50 states.
Our proven process is backed by a talented staff that understands the healthcare industry. We constantly re-imagine old methodology, provide an environment of open communication, foster teamwork, encourage honesty, and act responsibly.
Talemetry® works with your applicant tracking system enabling you to reach candidates quickly using all recruitment marketing and sourcing channels and activities on a single powerful technology platform. Improve candidate experiences, optimize recruiter efficiency, control costs, and measure what works.
Talemetry leverages its extensive partner network, including ATS partners such as Oracle and SAP, to
provide deep integration and seamless configuration with customers' existing system and service providers. With thousands of organizations using Talemetry's technology to process 80 million applicants every year, Talemetry has been helping employers find better talent faster since 2000.
To learn more, visit http://www.talemetry.com or follow us on Twitter @Talemetry.
Talen. Professional web development by Talen'ted people
Talen is a small Australian business providing practical web development, hosting and support, with a particular focus on business process management, online forms and workflow solutions and mobile development.
Talen operates out of Bunyip, Australia and has several large corporate customers including CSL Limited, BMA and BHP Billiton.
Talence Gestion
Créée en 2010, Talence Gestion est une société de gestion française indépendante spécialisée dans la gestion d'actifs et la gestion de portefeuilles. Elle gère aujourd'hui plus de 875 M€ d'actifs pour une clientèle de particuliers et d'institutionnels.
Tous passionnés par l'actualité économique et la vie des entreprises, les fondateurs et gérants de Talence Gestion placent l'analyse financière et l'analyse « terrain » au cœur de leur méthode d'investissement.
Talence Gestion place également le client au cœur de ses préoccupations et crée un véritable réseau interprofessionnels (experts comptables, notaires, fiscalistes, AG2R La Mondiale, Neuflize…) pour répondre le plus précisément aux attentes et besoins de ses clients.
Suivez nous sur www.talencegestion.fr ou @talengestion
Talenco - Talents in engineering & construction
Als onafhankelijk technisch consultancybureau levert Talenco zowel technische als technisch-administratieve expertise voor onderhouds- en projectorganisaties in de industrie.
Dankzij ons uitgebreid netwerk en onze lange termijn partnerships met zowel opdrachtgevers als consultants vinden we steeds de geknipte professionals, ook voor vacatures die niet of maar moeilijk via de klassieke kanalen ingevuld kunnen worden.
Onze ervaren en gedreven consultants worden op regelmatige basis bijgeschoold, opgevolgd en geëvalueerd. Zo kunnen we onze opdrachtgevers steeds de meest competente consultants aanbieden.
Talend is a next generation leader in cloud and big data integration. Our open, adaptive, and unified integration platform gives companies the data agility needed to rapidly adopt the latest technology innovations and scale to meet the constantly evolving data demands of the business. With over 1500 global enterprise customers across a range of industries, including Air France, GE and Lenovo, Talend is a proven partner on the journey to being data-driven.
If you want to follow Talend, get the latest news and know when events will happen, join Talend's group on LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/812977
Talen Energy
Talen Energy is one of the largest competitive energy and power generation companies in the United States. We generate and sell electricity, capacity and related products from a fleet of power plants that uses diverse fuel sources: carbon-free nuclear, clean and flexibly dispatched natural gas, and efficient coal that is well-positioned to meet current and pending environmental regulations.
We sell the output of our power plants to Regional Transmission Organizations, Independent System Operators, utilities, cooperatives, municipalities and power marketers, as well as Commercial & Industrial customers.
Talent 100
Our mission is to help students maximise their ATAR in order to pursue their dream career and embrace an inspiring future. Founded in 2008 by Richard Chua, Talent 100 was the first tutoring college to introduce a truly results-focused approach, backed by the concept of scaling.
We've delivered exceptional results for more than 5000 students, attracting over 100 world-class Mentors and PhD / Masters qualified teachers to our state-of-the-art learning centres. We've also introduced the concept of peer-to-peer learning and often hire our brightest former students to share their knowledge and learnings for HSC success.
Our learning spaces, designed by award-winning experiential design architects, provides a truly inspiring ‘third space' between school and home, where students can master their studies in a safe, dynamic and collaborative learning environment.
We are passionate about helping students achieve their very best. Most importantly, we recognise that it's our people that make the difference.
Founded in 2002, TalentAge is an international executive search firm which specialises in placing mid to senior level professionals in diverse sectors. We have been highly successful with placements covering Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Australia.
Equipped with proven methodologies and market expertise, we are highly skilled at matching the right talent with the right opportunity. We emphasize on the importance to understand our clients' business needs in order to bring value as a real business partner on every assignment.
Talent-ETC Artist Management
Representing the most talented and renowned actors, performers and personalities in the South African entertainment industry. Since its establishment in 2006, Talent-ETC™ Artist Management has quickly positioned itself as one of the fastest growing local talent agencies in providing a unique, exciting and professional management service to performing artists. Talent-ETC™ has grown from strength to strength and their artist accolades keep growing.
Talent Gallery
TALENT GALLERY BELGIUM, founded in May 2000 and operating since 2005 in the Netherlands as well, provides innovative executive and management search services locally, in Europe and Worldwide.
We enjoy long-term relationships with the great majority of our clients because of our unrelenting efforts to provide them with the highest possible level of service.
Our clients include small to mid-size firms as well as Fortune 500 companies looking for a business partner to help them acquire and retain top talent.
VISIT US on our website : www.talent-gallery.com
• Executive Search, when we say 'YES WE CAN', we deliver the candidate. Our delivery level is 98%.
• As strategic partner we service you from pre-employement to onboarding
• From Board membership to RPO (recruitment process outsourcing)
• International searches trough the NPA worldwide network (+ 500 offices in all continents).
This allows us to be your single point of contact for all of your hiring needs globally.
• Have a look at our sister company Talent Monitor. Your partner for inspiration,
coaching and guidance in order to transform companies and people into purposeful businesses.
Just phone or mail Dirk Minnebo (+32 583 58 95 - Email: [email protected])
Website Talent Monitor: www.talent-monitor.com
Talent-Partners Ltd
Talent Partners is a fresh new people and talent consultancy that is reinventing how companies approach recruitment and talent management.
We work with a broad range of clients from emerging start-ups to global multinationals, partnering with them to attract, engage and retain the very best talent.
Our team is made up of consultants, psychologists and technologists, each of whom bring a different perspective to your talent agenda.
Talent Partners is committed to driving revenue and business growth for our clients through the recruitment and development of talent in Data, Digital and Mobile.
Talent Management
Our Talent management solution is a composed of a unique set of revolutionary tools, which for the first time give companies a unique vision of employee sentiment.
Talent Capital
Combining our cutting edge technology with proven psychological techniques, our Human Capital solution is a powerful tool that empowers and enables your workforce to make the changes your business needs to move forward.
Talent Search
We excel in creating, shaping and delivering an individual message on behalf of our clients, which is constructed, to exclusively connect and entice passive candidates. That means we don't advertise, we don't use job boards or CV databases and we don't send mail shots or in-mails.
Talent Coaching
We work with employees and employers delivering a range of coaching solutions that are designed around an individual's personal development needs. This enhances workforce empowerment and innovation.
TalentPlus is a premier talent and entertainment booking agency with a global network of professionals available for your projects. Our expert staff engages in creative partnerships with talent and buyers to make each project, program or celebration a rewarding experience.
TalentPlus has been noted as the senior and most prestigious full-service talent and entertainment agency in the Midwest and selected as one of the ‘Most Fun Places to Work' by St. Louis Magazine. Sharon Lee Tucci, founder, knows the importance of perseverance and boundless energy, and also understands the importance of selecting an ambitious, creative, and passionate staff and representing talented actors, models, entertainers for the TP roster.
TALENTPLUS ENTERTAINMENT - Live music, comedy, cirque and specialty performers, professional speakers, venue and event programming, national entertainment buying of celebrity appearances and national headliner booking for private and corporate events.
TALENTPLUS COMMERCIAL - The region's best on camera, voice and commercial print talent, ranging from kids to seniors. Union and Non-Union roster.
CENTRO MODELS - National Fashion, Beauty & Lifestyle models for print and runway. New Faces scouting, development and international placement services for fashion types who have the "IT" factor.
TALENTPLUS PRODUCTION SERVICES - Behind the scenes experts in makeup, hair, wardrobe, props, location scouting and more.
Talent en Pro
Talent&Pro is de marktleidende totaalpartner in Nederland op het gebied van detachering, projecten en advies in de financiële dienstverlening. Talent&Pro is actief in het bank- en verzekeringswezen, de actuariële markt en de pensioen&levenmarkt. Binnen deze marktsectoren werken ruim 800 hoogopgeleide talenten en topprofessionals aan het actief ondersteunen van de werkprocessen van onze opdrachtgevers. Het hoofdkantoor staat in Utrecht.
Avec plus de 500 magasins implantés dans 27 pays et 2000 collaborateurs, Jennyfer est l'acteur incontournable du prêt à porter féminin. Jennyfer, c'est un état d'esprit positif, un concept boutique innovant, des collections sans cesse renouvelées qui ciblent principalement la jeune fashion.
Parce que la mode est bien plus qu'un métier, venez exprimer votre personnalité et votre savoir-faire pour une marque pleine d'ambitions. Nous misons sur le talent de nos collaborateurs pour nous réinventer et répondre aux évolutions de notre secteur et de nos clients.
Notre engagement : permettre à nos collaborateurs de développer leurs compétences. L'audace, l'esprit d'équipe, la passion et l'excellence nous guident au quotidien.
Mettez du style dans votre carrière et rejoignez Jennyfer !
TALENT Tree consulting S.r.l.
TALENT Tree società specializzata nella ricerca e selezione del personale, si propone quale operatore qualificato in grado di supportare i propri interlocutori, aziende e candidati, in un processo di incontro tra domanda e offerta di lavoro ponendo al centro la risorsa umana con le sue caratteristiche e potenzialità.
Per fare ciò si avvale di un team di professionisti con una solida esperienza nella valutazione e nella selezione di personale qualificato, professionisti che attraverso un approccio accurato e specializzato sono in grado di interpretare e soddisfare le esigenze specifiche di ogni Cliente.
La metodologia applicata, modulata sulla base delle esigenze del Cliente, utilizza gli strumenti della Ricerca e Selezione per profili con specifico contenuto professionale e dell'Head Hunting per l'acquisizione di risorse strategiche.
Per saperne di più, visita il nostro sito: www.talent-tree.it
TALENT Tree, specialized in the recruitment and selection of personnel, is a licensed firm capable of supporting both companies and candidates throughout the process of matching job supply and demand, while focusing on the unique characteristics and potential of each human resource.
This is done by a team of professionals with proven experience in the assessment and selection of qualified personnel who, thanks to a thorough and specialized approach, are able to interpret and meet the needs of each Client.
The methodology used, shaped by the Client's needs, calls for the use of recruitment and selection tools for specific professional profiles and head hunting techniques for the acquisition of strategic resources.
Please visit our website for further information: www.talent-tree.it
Talent Trust Consultants
TTc is a Christian ministry founded in 1991 based on the principles in our Lord's Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30). Dedicated to the fulfillment of the Great Commission, TTc exists as a ministry committed to serving church and mission workers around the world by providing them with affordable and effective medical and travel insurance. We believe that medical insurance is vital for a missionary to be a good steward as they go about their ministry. We have heard numerous stories of ministries that have collapsed or fallen into disrepute as a result of unpaid medical bills. This can affect the entire community and ministry that may have taken many years to set up. In the same way we use these same principles to manage ourselves and ensure that our costs are contained so that as much of your premium as possible goes into paying for claims as opposed to paying for administrative expenses.
TTc's first members were YWAMers serving in a refugee camp on the Thai-Cambodian border. Since then our ministry has grown significantly and now provides insurance for more than 13,000 lives from over 1,200 different churches and mission organizations serving in 180 countries.
Our ministry's strength lies in a heartfelt commitment to serve others, providing a personal touch that is backed by twenty years of overseas missions' experience. Our insurance policies are fully underwritten by Aetna Global Benefits which is one of the larger international insurers, rated A (Excellent) with stable outlook by Standard and Poor's.
TTc is convinced that mission deserves the best. Thus we strive to offer missionaries and church workers the best service and excellent medical insurance at an affordable price. This is demonstrated by the fact that 11 of our original 25 members from our first year, 1991, are still members today.
We are grateful to the Lord for entrusting us with such responsibility and enabling us to serve in this capacity.
Talent Zone
موقع الكتروني يوفر للمدربين مواد تدريبية عالية الجودة مع امكانية التخصيص باستخدام (الكومبو) ونشاطات تدريبية مجانية، نقدم مواد ادارة، تنمية بشرية، اعمال، سكرتاريا، موارد بشرية، التسجيل المجاني يعطيك دورة مجانية، مع ضمان الجودة، وتحديث دائم على الحقائب التدريبية، وعروض خاصة مستمرة
Talent2 has Rebranded!
Upon conducting in-depth research with our clients and candidates, we have made the strategic decision to decommission the Talent2 brand to realign our recruitment services under three global brands, specialising in distinct skill categories:
Aerotek: focused on industrial and technical professionals within Engineering, Clinical & Scientific, Property & Construction, Supply Chain & Logistics. Visit the Aerotek company page here - https://www.linkedin.com/company/aerotek
TEKsystems: focused on IT professionals within Applications; End-User Support; Leadership; Network Infrastructure; and PMO & Project Management. Visit the TEKsystems company page here - https://www.linkedin.com/company/teksystems
Aston Carter: focused on business professionals within Accounting & Finance; Audit, Risk & Compliance; Banking & Financial Services; Human Resources; Operations; Sales, Marketing, Communication & Digital; and Strategy, Change & Transformation. Visit the Aston Carter company page here - https://www.linkedin.com/company/aston-carter
As part of Allegis Group, the global leader in talent solutions, we have rebranded to provide a greater level of specialisation to our recruitment services for contract and permanent roles. To learn more about Allegis Group and out network of specialised companies visit www.AllegisGroup.com.
Talent4Assure Assessment Services Private Limited
Talent4Assure is a leading and globally accepted Assessments & IT solution provider and currently at the forefront of offshore software development to serve the people across the world. We spread our wings in the business of Skill Assessments, Education Consulting, Software Development, Web Designing & Multimedia, E-Commerce Solutions, Search Engine Optimization, Mobile Application Development, Business Software Services etc. across India.
Talent4Assure was founded in 2009 with a view to endowing our clients with the optimum IT solutions in terms of content management, software and network integration. The main functional areas were merely assessments. Functioning since a half decade, today Talent4Assure is a well-known name in assessments and software development.
U wilt het beste personeel in huis halen. Goede, gemotiveerde mensen die flexibel inzetbaar zijn. Maar wel tegen de laagst mogelijke kosten, uiteraard. Daarnaast zoekt u naar de beste invulling van uw Social Returnverplichting. U wilt voldoen aan de nieuwe wet- en regelgeving omtrent personeelsbeleid, maar wellicht vindt u het lastig om daar vorm aan te geven of heeft u moeite om uw weg te vinden in het doolhof van de nieuwe wetgeving. Talent4Taxi helpt u om op een structurele manier kosten te besparen op personeel en tegelijkertijd maximale flexibiliteit te behouden. En dat terwijl mensen altijd centraal blijven staan in onze dienstverlening.
Met ons totaalconcept kunnen wij alle aspecten van uw personeelsvraagstuk aanpakken. Dus zoekt u méér dan alleen een laag uurloon, dan is Talent4Taxi de partner voor u.
Ga naar www.talent4taxi.nl voor meer informatie en naar www.talent4werk.nl voor actuele vacatures.
Talent4Taxi is een label van Talent4Werk.
Talenta is a cloud-based Software as a Service that aims to help small and medium businesses manage their HR processes, from attendance, leave requests, overtime and most importantly: payroll. Talenta encourages efficiency, transparency, and self-sustenance, because we believe that it is through these that a company can grow.
As we zone in to Human Resource, we realize that a lot of small and medium businesses are still downplaying the importance of HR. The majority of small and medium businesses are using spreadsheet for their payroll, e-mail for leave requests, and even using paper for some of the processes. Why can't we all just breeze through all the paperwork? This is a problem and also an opportunity for us to step in and become the cost-effective yet powerful solution for growing businesses. For a while now, most of us are not able to purchase HR software because they are too expensive, not catered for small teams, and take too long to train and implement the system. We believe that a software should be easy to use, intuitive, and available for all sizes of companies. Therefore, Talenta.
Talent Academy
Nata nel 2015 dalla sinergia tra Eulab Consulting e Solco Srl, Talent Academy propone corsi di formazione altamente professionalizzanti rivolti a neo laureati e professionisti.
L'esperienza consolidata dei soci fatta di decine di migliaia di ore di formazione all'anno e un tasso molto alto di placement ci consente di non offrire semplicemente formazione ma di costruire dei ponti tra le persone e il mondo del lavoro.
L'offerta formativa spazia su molteplici ambiti: psicologia, informatica, comunicazione, marketing, project management, giurisprudenza, economia, ingegneria, architettura, avvio di attività, management, arte e spettacolo, progettazione, lingue e food & beverage.
Corsi di Alta Qualità, docenti esperti e professionisti affermati nel loro settore, una didattica che valorizza il 'saper fare'.
Scegliendoci decidi di dare più valore al tuo talento e al tuo futuro.
Visita il nostro sito www.talentacademy.it e scopri l'offerta formativa che abbiamo pensato per te!
TalentAhead India Pvt. Ltd.
TalentAhead India Pvt. Ltd. is specialized provider of Board & Executive Search, NewAge Organogram and Talent Acquisition Consultancy.
TalentAhead is promoted by Dr. Suresh Surana (Chairman and Founder RSM Astute Group) & Mr. Rajaram Agrawal (MD).
Our team is mentored by Mr. Dalip Sehgal (ex. ED- Unilever India & MD-Godrej Consumer) as an Advisory Board Member.
Our dedicated team of over 70 qualified and experienced professionals has the required knowledge and insight of industry trends and client requirements.
The testimony of our team's dedication and success is that TalentAhead, since its inception in 2000, has handled over 6,000 placements at various levels and across various industry segments including
We have current database of Independent Directors from various streams including Women Directors, Digital and Gen-Y Directors. The database also includes retired Bureaucrats, Bankers, Academicians, Strategists among others.
We specialize in identifying, assessing and recruiting suitable candidates for our clients, with a commitment to provide the best talent in the Industry.
Focus Sectors: Banking, Consumer, Industrial, Technology (IT, ITES, e-commerce), Media, Education and Services verticals.
TalentAhead operates through its offices at Mumbai – Andheri, Bangalore, New Delhi, Ahmedabad and its representative offices At Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata.
We cater to Cross border Executive Search through IMSA International Executive Search Network present in 20 countries
Talent & Acquisition
Talent & Acquisition LLC is an Information Technology Services Company that was founded in 2009. It is headquartered in Los Angeles, California with additional offices in New York City and Atlanta.
The company's founders combined 20 years of technical experience and solutions delivery experience to form a company that is based on supporting clients with a "customer comes first mentality". From its inception, our central operational strategy has been to support clients with best in class service and delivery. Our mission statement is one of the most critical components to our culture: Relentless Commitment to Quality and Delivery.
Talent & Acquisition LLC listens to our clients. We understand technologies and complex business environments where changing technical needs and demands are commonplace. We craft customized support, services, and solutions to ensure our client's success. Our commitment to our clients is always our top priority and with our quality based solutions /delivery we build true partnerships to ensure that business goals are met.
PT Talenta Prime Resources
TALENTA is the company providing
management expertise through training,
consultation, coaching, supervision and
professional services.
TALENTA has wide range of discipline
provided, such as Strategic Program & Project Management,
Contract Management, Human Resource & Professional Skill Development, IT & Communication Network Technology.
TALENTA is developed to be a character
of excellence to empower personal and
company in facing current and future
business requirement. We provide the
services through a periodic public
training or in-house training as requested
to tailor company requirement or
consultation and coaching program
provided by our talented, skilled and
experienced professionals with a high
commitment for company success.
TALENTA is established to promote
professionalism and competencies and to
meet the needs of professionals,
employees, corporate executive and
government officers in a global dynamic
organization and business environment
Talent Assessment, Inc.
Talent Assessments has been publishing assessment programs and curriculum for special education for over 35 years.
Corporate headquarters is in Jacksonville, Florida and has a national and international.
School to Work Transition Programs for Exceptional Students
→ Career Exploration →Training → Assessment → Planning → Placement
Talent Attestation
Talent Attestation are the premier certificate authentication, attestation and apostille consultants in India. It is managed by high-skilled professionals to offer you efficient, fast and reliable services, which is truly unmatched by others. Genuine documentation and hassle free services are our prime commitments. Thousands of our satisfied customers are working all around the world with prestigious companies and organizations.
Talenta | Samen Werken
Stichting Talenta is een christelijke organisatie voor (job) coaching en re-integratie.
Binnen Talenta is een scheiding aangebracht tussen Talenta Samen Werken en Talenta Voor Ondernemers. Talenta Samen Werken voert diensten uit voor het UWV, Gemeenten en Sociale partners
TVO voert trajecten uit voor ondernemers, bijvoorbeeld outplacement en re-integratie 2e spoor.
Kijk voor meer informatie op onze bedrijfspagina's.
Mensen helpen bij het vinden en behouden van een baan is onze passie én ons vak.
De kracht van onze dienstverlening schuilt in de uitstekende samenwerking met opdrachtgevers en werkgevers, onze jarenlange ervaring met de doelgroep, grondige kennis van het vak, een voortvarende aanpak en professionele manier van werken.
TalentBeacon Solutions Group
TalentBeacon International is a leading global recruitment and consulting company focused on optimizing and enhancing client company's regional and global recruitment and vendor management capabilities.
TalentBeacon's focus is to provide a breath of value added services, increased operational capabilities, and cost benefit advantages to our clients. TalentBeacon focuses on our consultative approach and operational expertise in delivering Staffing related services locally, regionally and globally. We have an extensive track record of building, managing and maintaining exceptional teams in both emerging market and developed market locations.
TalentBeacon's capabilities are based upon the company's executive leadership, international experience and consultative background, as well as our trusted executive team, management leadership, technology expertise.
TalentBeacon is most successful with companies and departments that are looking for a partner organization that emphasizes strong execution, an organized collaborative approach and cost benefit advantages of incorporating offshore, nearshore or virtual components to their overall delivery capabilities.
Major Clients Include: MasterCard, Salesforce, Barclays, Microsoft, BMC Software, Emirates, Amazon, Deloitte, Polycom, Infor Global and others
TalentBoard is het ideale platform voor focus op talent. Je krijgt met een TalentenAnalyse inzicht in jouw talenten, drijfveren en persoonlijkheid en in welke rol je die talenten het beste kunt inzetten. En ben je niet helemaal fit-for-the-job, dan heb je de beschikking over meer dan 30.000 mogelijkheden waarmee je de juiste stappen kunt zetten om jouw ambitie te verwezenlijken. Wij helpen jou met een succesvolle carrière!
TalentBridge Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
TalentBridge expertise in creating world class IT products that matters. We at TalentBridge believe in the simplicity of solutions and superior user experience for users of our products. We bring on our expertise and hard work to make things simple and intuitive. Our passion in creating next generation products comes from our exposure and understanding of the domains on which we work.
We believe in continuously improving our products to make better.
TalentCircles is a Platform that enables Talent Connection Solutions for Staffing, Education, Government and Diversity Organizations. We have integrated everything from Dashboard Analytics to Video Screening, all in one talent community. TalentCatch®, our candidate recruiting mobile app is also included. With TalentCircles. you have everything you need to provide real connections between Candidates and Employers.