T-2 d.o.o.
T-2, d.o.o. je sodobna telekomunikacijska družba, ki na trgu ponuja kakovostne in zanesljive telekomunikacijske, informacijske in medijske storitve. Njena platforma so najsodobnejše tehnologije, razvojno pa je družba usmerjena v konvergentno širokopasovnost in personalizirane interaktivne storitve.
Storitve mobilne in fiksne telefonije, interneta in televizije zagotavlja posameznikom, družinam, podjetjem in ustanovam po dostopnih cenah. Te ponuja prek lastnega optičnega omrežja (FTTH), z gostovanjem v nacionalnem fiksnem omrežju (storitve VDSL) ali v mobilnem omrežju z gostovanjem v omrežjih UMTS drugih ponudnikov. Prek fiksnega omrežja T-2 ponuja storitve interneta, VoIP in IP TV, prek mobilnega pa mobilno telefonijo in mobilni internet.
Družba T-2 je pri nas vodilni ponudnik tehnologij na optičnih povezavah. Svoje lastno optično dostopovno omrežje je zgradila že v vseh večjih mestih po Sloveniji, ob tem pa nenehno skrbi za njegovo posodabljanje in širitev. V omrežju VDSL ima na številnih kolokacijah svoje operativne centrale. V letu 2013 svojo vlogo T-2 izkazuje z več kot 150.000 priključki na optiki, VDSL in mobilni telefoniji. Priklop na omrežje je za uporabnike brezplačen.
T-2 is the future: the best provider of premium technology at the lowest prices. Our modern and entirely company-owned optical (FTTH), VDSL and UMTS networks are constantly adapted to technological innovations, as well as customer needs. This enables us to provide all our customers, residential or business, with the highest quality services at the lowest prices.
T-2 is a network provider that offers landline and mobile telephony services, digital TV and broadband Internet access to users everywhere in Slovenia, entirely through company-owned FTTH, VDSL and UMTS networks.
KONTAKTI / Contacts:
eMail: [email protected], [email protected]
Telefon/phone: 064 064 064
Positioning is no longer enough. As a full service agency, T3 helps brands create value for consumers first, then build messaging around that value. For the past three decades, we've been subscribers to the philosophy of "do, then say." T3 is passionately invested in Building the Useful Brand.™
You can also find us on:
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/T3thinktank
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/T3thinktank
Blog: http://www.t-3.com/thinking-news/
Tape à l'oeil
The adventure started in 1993 with the name '0-13 comme des grands'. It's later in 1996 that the Tape à l'oeil concept is born with the will to make quality clothes with colors and styles for children from birth to 14 years old and with great prices
Our company has now got more than 350 stores around the world in 21 countries and we're expanding to satisfy more and more happy customers. Our main shareholder is the Association Familiale Mulliez.
Our successful project are made possible thanks to our teams who lead them. Believe in one project, share the same ambitions, that's what makes us strong.
At Tape à l'oeil, we continue to write to own path and go beyond.
Thomas Allen & Son Ltd.
Thomas Allen & Son is a Canadian distributor; marketing and selling books, stationery, and calendars from leading publishers including the Canadian-authored books from its own award-winning publishing division, Thomas Allen Publishers.
Thomas Allen & Son is the oldest family-owned and operated agency publisher in Canada, serving the Canadian book trade for more than nine decades.
T&G Constructors
The building construction landscape has been transformed by challenging conditions in the financial environment: Accelerated schedules. Tighter budgets. Complex building systems. At T&G, we help clients succeed in today's economy with the right vision and the right course of action. Integrity and quality workmanship, together with a proven commitment to minimizing your risks and safeguarding your investments, are the cornerstones to our success. Since 1987, we've worked hard to provide a level of customer service for which clients believe there is no substitute. Repeat business is the truest measure of our success.
At T&G, we believe the ability to serve clients throughout the U.S. and in a variety of specialties markets are crucial to developing partnerships and maintaining a premium level of service. Today, we're closing in on $1 billion in renovations and new building projects and are privileged to serve such Fortune 500 clients as Walt Disney Company, Wal-Mart, Marriott, and JC Penney. With offices in Dallas, Miami, and Orlando, and licenses in 23 states, we specialize in nine industry sectors: hospitality, entertainment, retail, professional offices, financial & banking, healthcare, higher education and municipal & federal. Some of our long term and current continuing contract clients include the Walt Disney Company, Miami-Dade College, Broward College and GSA.
't Assurantiekantoor Risicomanagement
Full service dienstverlening
‘t Assurantiekantoor biedt u een ‘van-begin-tot-eind' oplossing. Anders gezegd: een oplossing die loopt vanaf een duidelijk beeld waar u nu staat tot en met het realiseren van optimale risico-beheersing. Alles wat u nodig heeft ter besparing van tijd, stress en financiële middelen.
‘t Assurantiekantoor Risicomanagement
Burg. J.C. van den Bergplein 36
7642 GT Wierden
T-BDH Capital
Aqui você acompanha as principais atividades do T-BDH Capital.
O T-BDH Capital foi fundado no ano de 2013 pelo empresário Flávio Augusto.
T-BDH significa "to Be, to Do, to Have" e tem o objetivo de investir em grandes projetos no Brasil e no mundo. Seja bem-vindo.
Techno Canada Inc.
TCW (Tables Chairs & Workstations)
Designer furniture solutions for office, education, retail, hospitality & healthcare projects | Australia | Follow for interior & product inspiration | www.t-c-w.com.au for more info and products
T-Cellular, Inc.
T-Cellular, Inc. was a Sprint Preferred Retailer with corporate headquarters in Tampa, FL. T-Cellular, Inc. grew to operate 34 Preferred Retailer Stores in Tampa Bay, SouthWest Florida, Orlando, and the greater Atlanta area. T-Cellular has ceased all operations effective April 30, 2013
Gemeente Tytsjerksteradiel
De gemeente Tytsjerksteradiel biedt een prettig werkklimaat aan ongeveer 260 medewerkers. Er wordt 'noflik' met elkaar omgegaan en er is ruimte voor nieuwe ideeën en ontwikkeling. De organisatie Tytsjerksteradiel is ambitieus.
De gemeente telt iets meer dan 32.000 inwoners, verdeeld over 17 dorpen.
Getinge IT Solutions
Saving lives is – without question – the greatest job in the world. Everything we do from architectural planning to the equipment, therapies and solutions aim to secure the safest and most reliable care.
As a partner for integrated medtech solution Getinge provides innovations for operating rooms, intensive-care units, sterilization departments and for life science companies and institutions. Based on first-hand experience and close partnerships, we help to improve every-day life for people, today and tomorrow.
Founded in 1904 with roots going back to 1838, Getinge has grown both organically and through acquisitions to become a global market leader in many segments. Our portfolio combines well-known product families such as Maquet, Pulsion, Atrium, Lancer and Datascope – just to name a few. Today you can find us in over 40 countries.
Getinge IT Solutions is part of Getinge. We were founded in 1986 and became 100% owned by Getinge in 2003. In 2016, we celebrated 25-year anniversary with our first customer to use our sterile supply management solution; T-DOC to track its instruments.
Getinge IT Solutions is today organized under Integrated Workflow Solutions, which is part of the business area Surgical Workflows. We offer best-in-class IT solutions within the areas of patient flow management, OR integration and sterile supply management. We help create a safer, integrated and better utilized facility that supports greater consistency and efficiency, enabling healthcare professionals to focus on delivering the best possible care for patients.
T-DRILL - Tube and Pipe Fabrication Solutions
T-DRILL is the world-class supplier of tube and pipe fabrication solutions. T-DRILL machinery consists of both industrial solutions for several customer segments as well as portable solutions for mechanical contractors and plumbers.
One of T-DRILL's cornerstones is the ability to foresee customers' needs and supply the right machine tools for their purposes. Supplying the right tools means that the special features of the tools meet the customers' special needs – a hand-operated machine tool for smaller purposes or an entire production line as a complete solution for industry.
In addition to our extensive product range, we have a strong emphasis on product development and after sales support. This development has been backed up by an effective production system and many decades of experience.
IIn short, the T-DRILL family of professionals helps their customers to increase their productivity by offering a long-lasting advantage and edge. T-DRILL is part of Leinolat Group.
Официальное представительство немецких компаний Ascentec GmbH и Tube-Tec GmbH по производству энергетического оборудования: котлов (термомасляных, водогрейных, электрических, паровых), котлов-утилизаторов, теплообменников, блочно-модульных котельных. Кроме того, компания предлагает своим клиентам различные теплотехнические решения: комбинированные установки по выработке тепла и электроэнергии, газотурбинные установки, установки по сжиганию различных видов топлива (биомасса, уголь), установки различной степени сложности.
Инженерно-технический опыт совместно с тесным сотрудничеством с поставщиками, проверенными производителями и партнерами по вводу в эксплуатацию гарантирует высокое качество, надежность и долговечность произведенной продукции.
TEG Pty Ltd
TEG is Australasia's leading ticketing, live entertainment and data analytics company.
The integrated business is a market leader in promoting live sports and entertainment, a provider of essential ticketing, technology and e-commerce services and a major player in data science and analytics, digital marketing and customer research.
Every day TEG connects fans to unforgettable experiences and connects customers to their favourite brands. In partnership with iconic venues, leading promoters and top sporting bodies we help make great events come to life. We empower our clients to unlock value by providing insights and knowledge.
TEG is at the heart of the live event experience for millions of fans. The company operates worldwide with our corporate headquarters in Sydney, Australia.
TEG's origins go back four decades to the foundation of Ticketek and the inception of the Dainty Group in the 1970s. Through the presence and stature of Ticketek and Dainty over this long period the company's influence in the Australian sports and entertainment industry is remarkable and sustained.
Today TEG stands as the Asia Pacific's largest diverse entertainment business, the premier ticketing company in Australia and New Zealand and a dynamic player in the data science, digital and technology space.
Welcome to TEG.
Evenementenbureau daarnaast vallen T-bookings, T-design en T-stages ook onder T-events.
T-events voor alle soorten evenementen inzetbaar maar vooral eigen concepten.
T-Fitness Denmark
T-Fitness Denmark is a part of Sport-Tiedje GmbH. The company Sport-Tiedje looks back to 30 years of company history. Since the beginning in the 80s, we have been growing steadily, which has made us Europe's leading home fitness specialist.
Find our products and services in online on our +25 webshops or at one of our +90 Fitness specialist stores.
Telemark county council
Telemark county council (Telemark fylkeskommune) is the level of public government between the national government and the municipalities. It is the second largest employer in the county, with approximately 1600 employees.
While the term county (fylke) denotes the geographical area, the county council (fylkeskommune) is the democratically elected body, with responsibilities for public welfare in the county.
Norway's public sector is comprised of three levels: the national government, the municipalities, and between them, the county councils.
t-interim is een uitzendkantoor dat al meer dan 30 jaar actief is op de arbeidsmarkt.
Ondertussen staat t-interim dan ook stevig in de top 5 van de uitzendmarkt. Met meer dan 60 kantoren is t-interim aanwezig in Vlaanderen, Brussel en Wallonië.
Door de jaren heen heeft t-interim haar productaanbod voortdurend uitgebreid en gespecialiseerd om u een nog betere service te bieden. Daardoor staat t-interim niet alleen sterk in algemene uitzendarbeid, maar ook in gespecialiseerde niches zoals t-office, de gespecialiseerde dienstverlening voor de rekrutering van hogere bediendenprofielen, t-heater, het Sociaal Bureau voor Kunstenaars en t-interim dienstencheques, de gespecialiseerde afdeling voor huishoudhulpen met dienstencheques.
't Heem
zorgstichting met 4 woon/zorgcentra en woonstichting
't Heem werkt met inspiratie, plezier en betrokkenheid aan kwaliteit van leven en welzijn, voor een verzorgd thuis in de lokale samenleving. 't Heem is vanuit haar maatschappelijke opdracht dienstbaar aan de klant en aan de lokale samenleving waarin zij werkzaam is. 't Heem ontwikkelt samen met belanghouders en plaatselijke organisaties op basis van lokale wensen en behoeften, eigentijdse en duurzame woningen en gebouwen met bijbehorende services, diensten en zorg.
T-Impact Ltd
T-Impact exists because we hate waste, and we can't stand failure.
We've spent years talking to organisations who have spent millions to recover from failed change and transformation projects and unsuccessful technology implementations. It taught us how to succeed the first time, and develop our unique Process Driven Design methodology which delivers a powerful, structured and scalable approach to business change.
Business Case for Change -End-to-end customer journey analysis, for improvements in efficiency, profitability and business agility.
Process Automation- A process driven design approach to scaled agile deployment enabling rapid, cost-effective delivery.
Continuous Improvement - Embedding a continuous improvement culture in your organisation, made real with technology.
T-ink is the global leader in the application of conductive inks in the retail sector, creating deep links between the physical and the digital world.
For over a decade, we've supplied some of the top brands in the world with new ways to leverage conductive ink for marketing purpose. In the process, we've acquired unparalleled know-how in the development of applications around conductive ink.
Our patented technologies enable cost effective solutions allowing retailers to unlock the full potential of the Internet of Things at a fraction of the cost of other solutions in the market… and to do so in a way that is safe for the environment.
Our global supply chain includes some of the world's top printers, packaging converters, advertising agencies, and technology companies.
Transports publics de la région lausannoise SA
The tl manage and run the public transport services of the Lausanne region. Mindful of our corporate and economical responsibility, we provide and guarantee safe, reliable and comfortable travel throughout our transport network.
Within our mission statement, we are in a position to bring forth innovative ideas to the council and canton, in order to improve the quality of life and participate in the sustainable development of this urban region.
Every day, the tl bring life to the Lausanne region, strengthening ties between its inhabitants. Providing daily transport to some 300,000 travellers on a 250km road and railway network, the tl go beyond their primary mission of transporting people.
As a leading company in the conceptual and operational fields, we also plan and engineer the development of public transport, thus contributing to the great attractiveness and quality of life of this internationally renowned urban area.
Texas Mgt. Associates, Inc.
Receive high-quality professional services, from Texas Mgt Associates, Inc. based in San Antonio, TX. Whether your project is large or small, our team of experts can provide the resources and solutions you need to get the job done right. Our track record for consistency, timely service, and subject matter expertise make insurmountable tasks possible to overcome.
Our multifaceted company is here to assist by providing a wide range of services at affordable prices. To speak with an experienced member of staff, simply contact our Corporate Office in San Antonio, TX at your earliest convenience.
As a leading provider of manufacturing, engineering, and support services to meet the unique needs we take pride in offering outstanding customer service. We are dedicated to serving the needs of our customers each and every day. For over twenty years Texas Mgt. Associates, Inc. has provided a wide variety of specialized technical and management solutions to industry. Built upon strong experience and proven performance.
Team Mental Health Services
Mission Satement
Enhance the lives of others by providing services in an environment that promotes quality of life, continuous improvement, and social awareness; in a manner that compliments the goals and needs of the consumer.
It is our goal to be the premier provider of mental health services. This will be accomplished by improving and maintaining audit and service scores while pursuing the link between computer technology and service accountability.
T-Mobile Austria
T-Mobile Austria ist mit 4,6 Millionen Kunden und rund 1.300 Mitarbeitern der zweitgrößte Mobilfunkanbieter Österreichs. Mit den Marken T-Mobile und tele.ring spricht T-Mobile unterschiedliche Zielgruppen an, vom privaten Smartphone-Konsumenten über Ein Personen-Unternehmen bis zur börsennotierten Aktiengesellschaft.
Als Teil der Deutschen Telekom Gruppe profitiert T-Mobile dabei von der Innovationskraft und der finanziellen Stabilität des Konzerns, einem der global größten Player im Telekom-Markt. Im Geschäftsjahr 2016 erzielte der Konzern einen Umsatz von 73,1 Milliarden Euro. T-Mobile Austria fungiert für die gesamte Deutsche Telekom Gruppe u.a. als M2M-Experte (Machine-to-Machine). Für den Geschäftskundenbereich bietet T-Mobile umfangreiche Lösungen durch seine internationale Kompetenz bei Cloud Services an.
About T-Mobile Austria
T-Mobile Austria is the second largest mobile telecommunications provider in Austria with 4.6 million customers and approx. 1,300 employees. The brands T-Mobile and tele.ring address various target groups – starting from smartphone consumers to sole proprietorships and even large enterprises.
As a part of the Deutsche Telekom group T-Mobile benefits from the innovative capacity and the financial stability of the group, one of the biggest global player in the telecommunications market. In the fiscal year 2016 the group reported a turnover of 73.1 billion Euros. T-Mobile Austria serves amongst other functions as machine to machine communication (M2M) expert for the Deutsche Telekom group. For its business customers T-Mobile offers a wide range of cloud based solutions.
T-Mobile UK
T-Mobile, owned by Deutsche Telekom. It operates in Europe and the United States. Also has financial stakes in mobile operators in Central and Eastern Europe. Globally, T-Mobile has some 150 million subscribers. T-Mobile has recently become part of a joint venture with France Telecom's mobile network provider, Orange. Together they make the UK's Largest Mobile Phone operator.
As America's Un-carrier, T-Mobile US, Inc. (NASDAQ: TMUS) is redefining the way consumers and businesses buy wireless services through leading product and service innovation. The Company's advanced nationwide 4G LTE network delivers outstanding wireless experiences to millions of customers who are unwilling to compromise on quality and value. Based in Bellevue, Washington, T-Mobile US provides services through its subsidiaries and operates its flagship brands, T-Mobile and MetroPCS.
T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.
Jsme T-Mobile. Ukážeme vám cestu do mobilní budoucnosti. Jednoduše a s lidským přístupem vám poskytneme všechny výhody mobility - spolehlivě a dostupně, vždy a všude.
Klademe důraz na poskytování spolehlivých a kvalitních služeb, které splní očekávání našich zákazníků. U zaměstnanců podporujeme týmovou spolupráci, tvořivost a firemní kulturu zaměřenou na výsledky. Snažíme se pracovat transparentně a efektivně. Naše obchodní cíle budou vždy v souladu s odpovědností vůči společnosti, v níž žijeme.
Our mission is: To become the most highly-regarded service company
Satisfied users are our final objective, so we try to adjust our operations to your needs. With the services we provide, we always try to be a step ahead so that we could make your professional and private daily life even more pleasant and simpler. We are especially pleased that the family of T-Mobile customers in 2006 exceeded the 2 million mark, while the strong growth has continued in this year as well, which is the best confirmation that we have successfully fulfilled your expectations.
Besides excellent results which we are proud of, we also confirmed our leading position with unique actions in very important, but often forgotten areas of activities, such as environment protection and disposal of old devices. This way we disposed of more than 55,000 old mobile devices, and became the only mobile operator that launched drives of this sort in Croatia.
By regularly giving donations, especially in healthcare and sponsorship support to Croatian sport, we actively help all citizens, especially the young, and developing mobile solutions tailored to all customer needs, we are a reliable partner of Croatian economy. The main criterion according to which we evaluate our performance is customer satisfaction. Thus we will put the biggest emphasis on the quality of services, as well as on further construction and modernisation of the network in the future. The results of surveys show that we have also been recognised as the most desirable employer in Croatia.
We are proud of the excellent quality of our network which is reflected in first-class signal coverage, in the interior and the coast and islands (population coverage with GSM signal is over 98%), which was also recognised by our users.
Thanks to the membership in the multi-national T-Mobile family, we daily offer a wide range of attractive devices and services belonging to the very top of the world market of mobile communications.
T-Mobile Nederland
Welkom bij T-Mobile.
T-Mobile biedt klanten op eenvoudige en aantrekkelijke wijze toegang tot mobiele telecommunicatiediensten. T-Mobile Zakelijk stelt ondernemers centraal. We streven er altijd naar om innovaties in onze dienstverlening eenvoudig en toepasbaar te maken. Dit doen we door te luisteren naar onze zakelijke klanten en op te lossen waar zij tegenaan lopen bij het gebruik van onze producten.
Altijd online
De mobiele telecommarkt is sterk in beweging. Vooral de opmars van mobiel internet de laatste jaren is indrukwekkend. T-Mobile loopt voorop met mobiel internet in Nederland. Als eerste introduceerden wij in 2008 de iPhone in Nederland. Begin 2009 waren wij ook de eerste die een Android smartphone op de Nederlandse markt bracht. Sindsdien is de smartphone met onbeperkt mobiel internet van T-Mobile niet meer weg te denken uit het dagelijks leven.
T-Mobile is in Nederland actief met twee merken: T-Mobile en Ben
T-Mobile Polska
T-Mobile is one of the leading mobile operators in Poland providing a wide range of telecommunication services for almost 15,7 mln, both individual and business, customers. Upon the integration with GTS Poland which started in 2014, the company offers, among other mobile and fixed-line, also full range of ICT services. From the mobile operator, T-Mobile Poland turns into fully integrated operator. The customers of T-Mobile also have the possibility to use T-Mobile Banking Services – the most advanced and innovative example of banking and telecom synergy.
T-Mobile Poland network covers almost 100% of country population with 3G and over half of the population with 4G LTE thanks to high-tech, fully modernized network infrastructure.
The company employs 4400 people, basing on the highest international HR standards. It was acknowledged by the Top Employers Institute which in 2015 awarded T-Mobile with certification for the sixth consecutive time.
The co-founder and sole owner of T-Mobile is global concern - Deutsche Telekom Group. The DT Group employs globally almost 230 thousand employees in 50 countries all over the world, serving 200 mln customers. Deutsche Telekom is one of the global leaders in the market of integrated telecommunication services.
Produits multimédia, informatique et vidéo
T.O Computer
Established in 2004, T.O Computer Co., Ltd. is a major Total IT Solution and Computer Retail Company, offering a wide range of key vertical and horizontal customized solutions. From retailing strategy to providing IT Solutions and Technology Services for customers, T.O Computer straddles the entire IT space. It has excellent domain competencies in verticals such as Banking & Financial Services, Shipping/Forwarding, Garment and Manufacturing, Telecom and ISP, Government Funded Project, NGOs, Hotel & Restaurant, and Retail Stores. As a diverse end-to-end Total IT solutions provider, T.O Computer is committed to provide top-level services and support to customer throughout Cambodia and offers a wide range of expertise aiming at helping customers to re-engineer and re-invent their businesses to compete successfully in an ever-changing marketplace in Cambodia.
T.O Computer has vested resources, technology capabilities to deliver a seamless and consistent solution, to work with clients on how to make the best use of information technology in improving their businesses. Our core expertise is in bringing together business and operational skills to provide truly integrated services and solutions.
The-O Network
The-O Network is company based in the San Francisco Bay Area that focuses on promoting pop culture from Asia to the United States.
Our Mission
•Promote recognition of the accomplishments of entertainment from Asia
•Improve diversity in the entertainment industry
•Build global entertainment opportunities
•Support Asian entertainers and industry professionals
Utilizing professional-level resources and talents, based on skills gained from working at various industries [including education, tech, financial, etc.], The-O Network provides media-based enterprises with solutions helping them reach thousands of new customers through brand awareness. Services include translation for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, guest relations, product development, brand awareness, outreach marketing solutions, and content creation.
Our primary publication, t-ono.net is an all encompassing Japanese pop-culture site that covers the latest news on entertainment such as animation, video games, and music. We offer exclusive interviews with some of the hottest names in the Japanese industry including directors, animators, designers, artists, and musicians.
Each year, t-ono.net is continuously growing as one of the leading sources for Japanese content industry news and receives over 8 million hits, 4 million pageviews, and 1 million readers from 168 countries around the world.
Recently The-O Network has also expanded into the Korean entertainment industry with their up and coming online publication, Wave-K Hallyu!
Our translators are certified in the following:
Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) - N-1
Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC) - GOLD
サービス (Services)
Компания «Т-Платформы» — лидер российской суперкомпьютерной индустрии и ведущий отечественный разработчик оригинальной вычислительной техники для массового IT-рынка.
Компания поставляет высокопроизводительные аппаратные и программные средства «под ключ» с 2002 года.
Гордостью компании являются несколько поколений высокопроизводительного оборудования собственной разработки, на основе которых в России и Европе построены суперкомпьютерные комплексы мирового уровня. Наши системы выполняют ресурсоёмкие расчёты в промышленности, применяются сотрудниками ведущих университетов и научных центров для ускорения фундаментальных и прикладных исследований во многих областях. 9 из построенных нами суперкомпьютеров вошли в мировой рейтинг TOP500. По совокупной реальной производительности наших систем из 46-й редакции рейтинга мы в три раза опережаем остальных российских производителей, и среди европейских компаний находимся на 2 месте.
Мы уделяем большое внимание развитию национальной культуры проектирования электронных изделий. Все схемотехнические и механические решения в составе вычислительного оборудования Группы являются отечественными разработками. Все компоненты вычислительных систем, кроме микросхем, были разработаны в России. Интеллектуальная собственность и рабочая конструкторская документация на эти компоненты принадлежит нашей компании. С 2015 года компания работает над переносом производства оборудования, в т. ч. всех электронных плат, на территорию России.
Наша группа компаний предприняла разработку собственных современных отечественных процессоров. В настоящее время мы ставим своей целью создание широкой линейки вычислительной, телекоммуникационной и встраиваемой техники на основе собственных процессоров. На этом пути мы уже добились результатов — мы создали различное оборудование для корпоративных заказчиков, представили инженерные образцы разнообразных устройств на лучших российских процессорах серии «Байкал».
T-Project is a translation company. In T-Project, we translate documents from Arabic to English and vice versa. Also, we translate resumes and present them in a way that is appealing to recruiter and agencies.
We also offer individual interpreting services in the city of Riyadh.
Target Research
Target Research offers qualitative and quantitative marketing research in order to meet with success various activities of customer insight. We develop tailored dashboards, necessary to establish a valuable Business Intelligence and to enhance the qualitative and quantitative information available in the company and to make knowledge based decisions. In order to analyse internal data we recommends Datamart design, customer table and quantitative methods, that are particularly suited to addressing issues such as behavioral segmentation, study of the propensity to purchase products and services, churn analysis, market basket analysis, forecasting with/without data series.
Torre de Ruesga s.l.
+ Hotel Restaurante**** en el 'Palacio de los Valle' del S.XVII en el valle de Ruesga Cantabria.
+ Consultoría turística para productos y proyectos en el medio rural.
+ Asesoría y auditoría de empresas hosteleras y turísticas.
+ Estudios de mercado, económicos y de viabilidad para promociones inmobiliarias y turísticas.
Techstroycontract, ltd.
TSK do Brasil Ltda.
A TSK do Brasil faz parte de um grupo de empresas espalhadas por todo o mundo. Com sede na Alemanha, presta serviço de vendas e assitência técnica em todos os países da Europa e está presente em todos os continentes.
Com qualidade e tecnologia, a TSK desenvolve e comercializa sistemas de teste e adaptações para controle de chicotes elétricos na indústria produtora de cablagens, além de sistemas de teste de funções para componentes e conjuntos elétricos na indústria automotiva e fornecedora de autopeças.
Nosso sucesso é resultado do esforço de colaboradores jovens e motivados, que aliam trabalho em equipe e know-how para o desenvolvimento de produtos inovadores e adequados para as necessidades do mercado.
A TSK agora é parte do Grupo Komax.
T-shirt.ca is an online distributor of blank T-shirts, sweat shirts and other promotional apparel at wholesale prices. No accounts or minimum orders required. We offer low prices on brand name apparel like Anvil, Bella + Canvas, FlexFit, Gildan, King Fashions, M & O Knits, New Balance, and Valucap, We only sell and ship within Canada..
Basisschool 't Startblok
Basisschool in Elst, Gelderland
Een basisschool is een stukje van je leven. Voor de kinderen en voor u. Wist u dat u in de loop van de jaren uw kind in totaal zo'n 7500 uur toevertrouwt aan de zorg van de juffen en meesters van de basisschool? Dat is een belangrijk deel van een kinderleven. Een school kies je dan ook weloverwogen! Scholen verschillen in sfeer, werkwijze, zorg voor leerlingen, activiteiten en in kwaliteit. Ouders en leerkrachten delen de verantwoordelijkheid voor de opvoeding van het kind.
T-Systems Multimedia Solutions GmbH
A T-Systems subsidiary, T-Systems Multimedia Solutions develops web-based solutions for large corporations and medium-sized enterprises. Around 800 employees serve customers from every sector, developing web innovations for services used in domestic and commercial digital contexts. This includes e-commerce, information management and knowledge management. In 2009, the company came first in the New Media Service Rankings, for the seventh year in succession.
T-Systems Austria
T-Systems gestaltet die vernetzte Zukunft von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft und schafft Wert für Kunden, Mitarbeiter und Investoren durch innovative ICT-Lösungen.
Mit einer weltumspannenden Infrastruktur aus Rechenzentren und Netzen betreibt T-Systems die Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik (engl. kurz ICT) für multinationale Konzerne und öffentliche Institutionen. Auf dieser Basis bietet die Großkundensparte der Deutschen Telekom integrierte Lösungen für die vernetzte Zukunft von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft.
„Alles in allem kann ich sagen, dies hier ist ein sehr guter Arbeitsplatz", das bestätigen 89 % der MitarbeiterInnen von T-Systems in Österreich. Zu diesem erfreulichen Ergebnis kommt die im Jahr 2016 von Great Place to Work® durchgeführte Benchmarkstudie.
Mehr dazu erfahren Sie in unserer Borchüre:
T-Systems Austria GesmbH
Rennweg 97-99
A-1030 Wien
+43 (0) 57057 - 0
E-Mail: [email protected]
T-Systems Schweiz
Als bedeutende ausländische Tochtergesellschaft von T-Systems International GmbH beschäftigt T-Systems Schweiz AG an mehreren Standorten in der ganzen Schweiz rund 650 Mitarbeiter. Ihr breites Wissensspektrum und ihr spezifisches ICT-Know-how sorgen für unser hohes Level an Servicequalität. In der Verknüpfung von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie liegt ein weiterer Schlüssel für die hohe Qualität, Effizienz und Innovationsfähigkeit – sie geben wiederum den Ausschlag für unsere Fähigkeit, Services zu verbessern und Ideen sowie Projekte rasch umzusetzen. Über alle weltweiten Standorte von T-Systems hinweg verbindet uns das zentrale Ziel, die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit unserer Kunden zu steigern. Bei T-Systems können Sie sich auf ein Höchstmass an Flexibilität verlassen und darauf, dass wir Ihre individuelle technologische und finanzielle Situation in allen Belangen berücksichtigen. Wir bieten Ihnen ausschliesslich die vorteilhaftesten Lösungen an, die passgenau auf Ihre Anforderungen zugeschnitten sind.
Wir freuen uns über eine persönliche Kontaktaufnahme 0848 11 22 11
T-Systems South Africa
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) from T-Systems South Africa enables the business competitiveness of our customers in industry sectors spanning telecommunications, travel, transport and logistic, automotive, retail, finance, energy and healthcare as well as public sector. We optimise processes and cut costs for our clients, providing them with agility and flexibility within their core business activities, this we achieve by making use of industry expertise and cutting edge technology. T-Systems' services encompass all levels of the ICT value chain, spanning from infrastructure services, networks services, application services and support and enabling services.
T-Systems International GmbH
With a footprint in more than 20 countries and some 48,000 employees (2016), T-Systemsis one of the world's leading providers of information and communications technology (ICT). T-Systems offers a range of integrated solutions for business customers, including the secure operation of legacy systems and classic ICT services, the transformation to cloud-based services (including tailored infrastructure, platforms and software) as well as new business models and innovation projects for the business fields of the future, such as data analytics, the Internet of Things, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication and Industrial Internet.
T-Systems can provide all this thanks to its global reach in fixed-network and mobile communications, its highly secure data centers, a comprehensive cloud ecosystem built around standardized platforms and global partnerships, and the ability to offer top levels of security.
Who do we look for?
Personalities! Whether you have a bachelor's or master's degree or a diploma, all qualifications are welcome at Telekom. There are exciting prospects waiting for you - internships, cooperative master's degree courses, Start up! program, direct entry or expert and executive careers.
Why T-Systems?
Money might not bring happiness, but it does make life easier. Because we want you to be able to focus fully on the tasks at hand, we support you with an attractive salary and numerous benefits. For example health promotions, apartment service, training & education and much more!
Follow our other social media channels:
XING: www.xing.com/companies/t-systems
Twitter: www.twitter.com/tsystemscom
YouTube: www.youtube.com/TSystemsINT
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tsystems.international
Blog: blogs.t-systems.com
Apply now: www.t-systems.jobs
E-mail address: [email protected]
Impressum: www.t-systems.com/de/en/imprint
T-Systems Argentina S/A
.Con una infraestructura a nivel mundial de centros informáticos y redes, T-Systems opera la tecnología de información y comunicación (las TIC o ICT, según la abreviatura inglesa) para grupos multinacionales e instituciones públicas. Sobre esta base, la división de grandes clientes de Deutsche Telekom ofrece soluciones integradas para un futuro en red (conectado?) para la economía y la sociedad. Unos 46.000 empleados combinan la competencia en industrias puntas con las innovaciones en el ámbito de las TIC para poner a disposición de sus clientes en todo el mundo un valor añadido en su negocio principal. En el ejercicio 2008, T-Systems obtuvo una cifra de facturación de aprox. 9.300 millones de euros. .
T-Systems Argentina .
Con presencia en Buenos Aires y Córdoba, brindamos servicios a empresas líderes de la industria manufacturera. Con nuestros especialistas y consultores en ICT podemos proveerle de soluciones a la medida de sus necesidades. Siendo usted parte de una empresa mediana o grande, podemos ayudarlo con soluciones a lo largo de toda su cadena de valor, dándole servicios de calidad desde el análisis, desarrollo e implementación hasta la integración y operación de su infraestructura de ICT. ..
T-Systems do Brasil
A T-Systems é uma empresa do grupo Deutsche Telekom, que fornece soluções completas de Outsourcing de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicações (TIC).
Atendemos a demandas de mobilidade, computação em nuvem, big data e colaboração e, globalmente, são cerca de 47,8 mil funcionários e faturamento de 8,6 bilhões de euros no ano fiscal de 2014.
Presente no Brasil desde 2001, com 12 escritórios, quatro data centers Tier III e mais de 2 mil colaboradores, a T-Systems tem forte presença em indústrias altamente estratégicas no País, como a automotiva, manufatura, bancos, seguradoras, serviços, utilities, varejo e telecomunicações, com destaque na atuação para o mercado offshore.
T-Systems Malaysia
As a result of a global outsourcing contract with transitions of more than 400 employees, T-Systems Malaysia legitimately commenced its operation in Cyberjaya, the ‘silicon valley' of Malaysia in early 2008. Founded slightly later than the delivery units in Slovakia and Hungary, T-Systems Malaysia, also known as Point of Production Malaysia marches into the IT outsourcing business with highly skilled workforce, inherited from a former global IT outsourcing centre. It was a successful changeover as the outsourcing center was very soon transformed to a multi-customer operations hub, which is today's T-Systems Malaysia, servicing multiple accounts across the industries and countries.
T-Systems Malaysia supports corporate customers in the area of infrastructure operations, as well as managing end-user services such as Sharepoint and Livelink. Services currently rendered to the customers are ranging from IT Infrastructure Management, SAP Application Operations, Database and Middleware Support, Project Management, to Service Delivery Management and Quality Management, as well as Information Security and Risk Management. In addition, T-System Malaysia is also operating data centers in Cyberjaya and Petaling Jaya.
T-Systems Iberia
En un mercado extremadamente dinámico, T-Systems es el proveedor líder de servicios de TIC en Europa. No se trata de un éxito accidental, sino el resultado de una larga experiencia y la creciente fortaleza en la innovación.
Aún cuando usted sea el líder, siempre podrá aumentar su ventaja sacando partido de nuestras nuevas soluciones para el mercado de hoy con modelos para los mercados del mañana con rapidez y con eficiencia.
Descubre ahora nuestro nuevo 'Open Telekom Cloud'. Desarrollada sobre la plataforma de código abierto OpenStack, OTC permite ofrecer nuevas opciones de gestión multi-nube, aumentando la autonomía del cliente y reduciendo, a su vez, la dependencia del proveedor.
Regístrate y pruébalo GRATIS: http://promocion.opentelekomcloud.es/
T-Systems France
Drawing on a global infrastructure of data centers and networks, T-Systems operates information and communication technology (ICT) systems for multinational corporations and public sector institutions.
On this basis, Deutsche Telekom's corporate customers unit provides integrated solutions for the networked future of business and society.
Some 52,700 employees at T-Systems combine industry expertise with ICT innovations to add significant value to customers' core business all over the world. The corporate customers unit generated revenue of around EUR 10 billion in the 2012 financial year.
T-Systems Hungary Ltd.
T-Systems Hungary is the largest Hungarian service provider that can cover the entire range of ICT technologies. The company in the 100 percent ownership of Magyar Telekom has a clientele comprising large corporations and public sector institutions, to whom they supply ICT solutions using the latest technological advances and business trends.
The satisfaction of its more than 5000 clients is owed not only to T-Systems Hungary's technological readiness and versatile competences, but also to its customer support system, which brings clients simplicity and peace of mind. T-Systems was the very first in the country to implement a vertical approach in its operation, which is focussed on understanding customer demand and market opportunities, and the provision of services at a high standard. As a partner in transformation, T-Systems Hungary endeavours to cooperate with its customers in finding solutions that can genuinely address even the most complex business and operating problems encountered by the customers.
Its extensive ecosystem comprises 1700 companies, 85 percent being Hungarian small and medium-sized companies. Being a member of the Deutsche Telekom and T-Systems International Groups, T-Systems Hungary is present with its range of services and products on the markets of many East-Central European states and numerous countries worldwide through local partners, cooperation agreements, and subsidiaries.
From plan to operation, T-Systems Hungary provides world-class services throughout the entire life cycle of its products to the greatest satisfaction of its international clients. In the past 25 years, the company has participated in a number of major ICT projects as a principal contractor, a consortium leader, or member mainly in the field of finance, public administration, transport, healthcare, industry and commerce.
T-Systems Nederland B.V.
T-Systems is Deutsche Telekom's corporate customer arm. Using a global infrastructure of data centers and networks, T-Systems operates information and communication technology (ICT) systems for multinational corporations and public sector institutions. We have offices in over 20 countries and global delivery capabilities. Approximately 43,700 employees worldwide use their industry expertise and ICT know-how to provide top-quality service. T-Systems generated revenue of around EUR 7.9 billion in the 2016 financial year.
Our employees are the foundation and strength of our company. Deutsche Telekom's goal of becoming the market leader in connected life and work, and the most highly regarded service company in the industry, can only be achieved by because our staff, all over the world, shares the same working principles. We have formulated five guiding principles that reflect what we stand for and how we work together to support the objectives of our clients.
- Customer delight drives our actions.
- Respect and integrity guide our behavior.
- Team together, team apart.
- Best place to perform and grow.
- I am T, count on me.
Company characteristics
Leading ICT-Outsourcing provider according to Gartner and IDC research, quality in ICT services (grundlich), innovative and cost-flexible ICT outsourcing solutions to support the business of our customers, good career possibilities and personal approach of employees.
T-Systems CIS
T-Systems shapes the networked future of business and society and creates value for customers, employees and investors thanks to innovative ICT solutions.
T-Systems is Deutsche Telekom's corporate customer arm. Using a global infrastructure of data centers and networks, T-Systems operates information and communication technology (ICT) systems for multinational corporations and public sector institutions. With offices in over 20 countries and global delivery capabilities, T-Systems serves companies in all industries – from the automotive industry to telecommunications, the financial sector, retail, services, media, energy and the manufacturing industry all the way to government agencies and the healthcare sector. Approximately 47,600 employees worldwide use their industry expertise and ICT know-how to provide top-quality service. T-Systems generated revenue of around EUR 9.2 billion in the 2011 financial year.
Since 1994 we are close to the transit operators and we know their needs , we propose innovative, integrated , reliable and tailor-made solutions. We provide products and integrated system characterized by : open modular architecture , high flexibility, simple maintenance , simple installation , high reliability.
We design and develop solutions using hardware and software standard , assuring the technological progress and protecting our customer's long–term investment.
Our solutions are cost-effective at the purchasing and keep cost-effective by lowering operating and maintenance costs and increasing overall system efficiency.
For solutions for the monitoring and management of vehicle fleets, the certification of the services, the traveler information systems , the environmental monitoring
T&T Consulting SAS
T& T Consulting est une société de conseil en Télécommunications, Réseaux et Systèmes d'Information qui depuis 18 ans réalise des projets à forte valeurs ajoutées sur les secteurs des Télécoms / Transports / Banque-Assurances / Défense-Spatial / Energie-Industrie. Nos grands clients sont les suivants: ORANGE, NOKIA, SFR, ERICSSON, SNCF, RATP, THALES, DASSAULT, AIRBUS, NATIXIS, CREDIT AGRICOLE, GIRC, ....)
Le siège social de T&T Consulting est en France à Paris / Sèvres avec des filiales en Europe Centrale en Slovaquie et République Tchèque. T&T Consulting compte plus de 250 collaborateurs impliqués sur des projets en France comme à l'étranger et un chiffre d'affaire de 17M€ en 2016.
Spécialisations :
Télécommunications Mobiles & Réseaux IP, Big Data, Sécurité Informatique & Réseaux, AMOA / AMOE & Pilotage de Projet et Système & Applicatifs
Chez T&T, nous sommes convaincus que l'information est la clé de la transformation de la société du vingt-et-unième siècle, et nous souhaitons y contribuer activement.
Ce que nous partageons : l'esprit d'entreprise, la passion pour la technologie dans toute sa diversité, l'importance donnée à l'humain et au relationnel, le plaisir de travailler ensemble.
Siège social
IDF - Sèvres
Taille de l'entreprise
201 à 500 employés
Site web
Technologies et services de l'information
Fondée en 1999
Touchstone Underwriting Limited
Touchstone Underwriting are a team of innovative and experienced underwriters, specialising in commercial insurance business including the following areas:
• Property & Commercial
• Liability & Construction
• Travel Agents and Tour Operators Liability
• Hospitality & Leisure
Our Underwriters have a wealth of experience and deal exclusively with brokers, working with them to secure business and ensure that the best service and products are available.
Touchstone is an authorised and regulated MGA and underwrite on behalf of a range of A-rated Insurers including XL Catlin, Allianz, RSA and Aviva. Not only this, but Touchstone Underwriting also have a dedicated in house claims department to assist you and your clients when the worst happens.
Touchstone Underwriting have been trading since 2007 and are constantly looking to develop and evolve to meet the needs of our brokers and clients.
For more information please visit our new website www.t-u-l.co.uk
The company started with constructing small local area networks and develop interactive dynamic webapplications.
After a few years the attention shifted toward delivering reliable temporary infrastructures (internet/WiFi, VOIP telephone, PIN over IP) for indoor as well as outdoor events and conferences.
The Winchester Hotel & Spa
The Winchester Hotel & Spa is privately owned and managed by Quantum Hotels Limited; a subsidiary of Carnarvon Hotels Limited a family owned and managed business with over 45 years of hospitality experience over multiple sites in the UK.
The Winchester Hotel & Spa was acquired by Quantum Hotels in 2011; it is a 96 bedroom boutique style contemporary city centre property located in the historic city of Winchester.
The hotel offers a perfect base for both business and leisure guests comprising of luxury accommodation, alongside a sumptuous food and drink selection from either the AA Rosette awarded Hutton's Brasserie restaurant, Gershwin's Cafe Bar or alfresco on The Terrace.
The Health Club at the hotel caters for both private members and hotel guests. The Health Club comprises of a swimming pool with resistance jets, Jacuzzi, Swedish sauna and aromatic steam room alongside a well-equipped fitness suite offering tailored personal training programs.
2012 saw a decadent addition to the leisure offering with the opening of The Spa at The Winchester Hotel. The luxury Spa offers a wide range of holistic and beauty therapies in tranquil treatment rooms paired with a dedicated Spa relaxation area and spray tanning salon.
Other hotels in the Carnarvon collection include The Rathbone Hotel and the Collingham Apartments both situated in central London.
T-Zone Health
T-Zone Health is a division of the T-Zone Group of companies. We are passionate about health and about supplying outstanding products - and our commitment to warranty service and back up support is unparalleled.
Our principals have been distributing cutting edge products in Canada for over 23 years. Our outstanding team of engineers and designers focus on products made only to our strict specifications. Along with our dedicated sales and dealer network across Canada we aim for 110% customer satisfaction.
Our specialty is Whole Body Vibration - an exciting product that has revolutionized the health and fitness industry. It is heavily researched and demonstrably the most important product that has been produced in our memory.
T-Zone is one of the pioneers in Whole Body Vibration in Canada - we are the largest in the country. Our machines are produced for the home and professional market and currently used by hundreds of outlets including chiropractors, physiotherapists, personal trainers, sporting clubs, nursing homes, retirement centers, and many more. Contact us by phone or email to find out your nearest Vibration specialist or to join our team.
The Eleven Agency
The Eleven Agency (www.t11a.com), is a fast-paced, face-to-face marketing agency dedicated to delivering superior customer service and results through passion, creativity and trust. T11A offers numerous opportunities working for the largest & most successful companies in the world, connecting their products & services with customers & associates in markets across the country. We pride ourselves in "going to 11" every day by exceeding expectations and understanding that our hard work does make a difference in the success of our clients, and ourselves. We are part of the bigger picture and believe, what's the point of doing anything if you are not going to 11?
7 Processing
7 Processing is a global payment processing company that specializing in e-commerce merchant services.
T2 Yazılım
T2 is a software company specialized in telco domain, targeting CRM and Billing Systems. T2 delivers high performance, reliable and robust solutions for customers. Customer satisfaction is the most important motivation of T2.
T2 has tens of highly qualified engineers specialized in Telecom industry.
THERAPY 2000 is a pediatric home health agency dedicated to providing the highest quality occupational, physical and speech therapy to children across Texas in the comfort of their home or daycare.
We have therapists in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, Houston metroplex, San Antonio/Austin metroplex and East Texas areas of Texas.
Visit us at https://www.t2000.com/
Tech 2000
For more than 25 years, Tech 2000 has worked with Fortune 50 companies to develop and deliver solutions to support their IT training needs. Our customers rely upon our quality training solutions and leverage our technology expertise as an Authorized Cisco, Apple, and MEF Learning Partner.
From traditional classroom and computer-based training, to virtual delivery and today's enhanced eLearning, Tech 2000 has been a leader in the delivery of knowledge and skills, how and when you want to learn. We remain on the forefront of IT training, providing Next Generation Learning Solutions that best fit your needs.
To complement our training delivery services, Tech 2000 also provides industry-leading educational development tools, mobile apps, and learning systems. Our content development team has extensive experience creating and enhancing instructor-led and eLearning content for partners and customers alike. This specialized team integrates custom-built and public APIs to provide sophisticated web and mobile application development. We focus our efforts on helping firms develop systems and learning environments that provide measurable benefits.
Tech 2000 is headquartered in Herndon, Virginia, in the heart of the Dulles Technology Corridor.
T21 Grupo Comunicación y Medios
Grupo Comunicación y Medios is a 100% Mexican print & digital media group, committed to delivering instantly the highest quality of information on transport, logistics, and international commerce topics of the Mexican & international markets. Directing these Medias towards top level executives and decision makers of these industries in Mexico and USA. We are proud to have a specialized and an experienced team of reporters in the different means of transport, as well as the logistics industry. Grupo Comunicación y Medios has: • A Monthly Magazine (Revista T21) • A Web Portal (www.t21.com.mx) • A Transport, Logistics and Cargo Directory (Directorio T21) • An Annual Transport & Logistics Conference (Encuentro T21).
t2b AG - the Swiss enterprise and integration architecture experts
We provide vendor independent consulting and support in the area of integration and architecture. We support our customers with the design and build of IS architectures, information systems, integration backbones / ESBs, as well as with planning and managing their IT with enterprise architecture and MDM concepts.
We help you to transform technology to business.
T2 Biosystems
T2 Biosystems is developing innovative diagnostic products to improve patient health. With two FDA-cleared products targeting sepsis – the cause of one out of two hospital deaths - and a range of additional products in development, T2 Biosystems is an emerging leader in the field of in vitro diagnostics. Our initial development efforts target sepsis, hemostasis, bacteria and Lyme disease, which are areas of significant unmet medical need. The Company is utilizing its proprietary T2 Magnetic Resonance platform, or T2MR®, to develop a broad set of applications aimed at lowering mortality rates, improving patient outcomes and reducing the cost of healthcare by helping medical professionals make targeted treatment decisions earlier.
At T2 Biosystems, we know that our passion to advance the medical diagnostic landscape relies on our ability to attract and retain the very best people in the world – and to encourage them to flourish. We invite you to apply for one of our open positions at www.t2biosystems.com/careers.
T2C | Top Tier Consulting, A Cognizant Company
T2C | Top Tier Consulting is a premier healthcare management consulting firm within Cognizant that provides world class consulting for major healthcare organizations. T2C works with healthcare industry organizations to develop winning business strategies and achieve results in response to these market conditions. Our experienced team can help you prepare your organization for the future. Our clients are organizations from across the spectrum of healthcare. We are healthcare focused. Our core consulting practice areas are in strategy, operations, IT and business intelligence.
T2C's client-focused management consulting practice produces pragmatic, tangible and measurable results for our clients. Our approach features well-developed methodologies and practices customized to each client and executed by highly experienced professionals.
T2 Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
T2 Technology Consulting provides AV, ICT, Acoustics, Architectural Lighting, Technology Project Management, Strategic Technology Planning and Training Services to Corporate, Hospitality, Education, Heritage and Culture, Residential, Retail and Healthcare Sectors.
T2 Data AB
T2 Data is a provider of software tools, services and solutions.
Highlights :
MAIA is a software tool designed to create a seamless experience across the DevOps tools stack and provide a unified real-time view of all activities in the software delivery pipeline. MAIA also offer comprehensive traceability across tool borders with the ability to automate software vulnerabilities detection. With MAIA you can create a 'single source of truth' without putting 'it all' in one place.
Cyber Security focuses on protecting computers, networks, programs and data from unintended or unauthorized access, change or destruction. T2 Data is focusing both on 'low-level' features with patents, software and tools like our Secure Boot for ARMv8, VirtuOSe - the thin middle layer virtualizer, and DevOps security automating the detection of software vulnerabilities in products.
T2 Design Solutions
Welcome to T2 Design Solutions, a digital studio specializing in 3D visualisations and 360 photography, and with over 50 years experience between us, we believe in helping our clients achieve the best possible results.
Utilising our passionate design team, we create memorable customer experiences which are designed to inspire, entertain and wow any audience.
From product specific animated environments to fully revolving graphics and packaging, T2 is a company with a lot to offer. With our 3D asset library and our pitch winning presentations, our spirited and creative teams are committed in transforming your ideas into spaces that engage and entice your consumers.
Our in-house team combine knowledge with strong technical expertises to bring any concept to life.
T2e Energy
T2e Energy is a renewable energy company focused on converting municipal solid waste to electricity utilizing existing gasification technology. The company's strategy includes helping the world reduce its dependency on fossil fuels by promoting job creation and providing distributive electricity using feedstock that is normally discarded, incinerated, or taken to landfills.
T2e Energy's scalable model consists of building facilities in inner cities, creating jobs, producing electricity, and keeping trash out of landfills. This model could easily obsolete landfills and add needed energy production from a renewable source (we will always have trash) while greatly reducing the handling of trash. This process will also have a positive impact in minimizing the greenhouse gases produced in the current way landfills and trash is handled.
t2i trasferimento tecnologico e innovazione - Treviso
t2i trasferimento tecnologico e innovazione è la nuova società consortile per l'innovazione, nata dall'integrazione di Treviso Tecnologia e Polesine Innovazione, promossa dalle Camere di Commercio di Treviso e Rovigo nella quale vengono integrate attività, progetti, risorse umane e infrastrutture delle due aziende speciali per l'innovazione.
La missione della nuova società per l'innovazione è quella di favorire lo sviluppo tecnologico e l'innovazione produttiva e organizzativa che possa far crescere sia il tessuto produttivo che la classe dirigente del Veneto.
Gli obiettivi, della NewCo t2i trasferimento tecnologico e innovazione, sono quelli di:
- razionalizzare l'offerta di strutture omogenee, riducendo costi gestionali, valorizzando le risorse e competenze concentrandosi su una risposta eccellente alla domanda delle imprese
- ottimizzare i servizi specialistici e le loro capillarità già offerti da Treviso Tecnologia e Polesine Innovazione
- incrementare la capacità di attrazione e utilizzo di risorse economiche europee
- migliorare la coerenza nell'offerta con le linee di sviluppo economico regionali ed europee (Smart Specialization)
- condividere piani di investimento per l'aumento delle capacità tecniche dei laboratori e la creazione di nuova offerta dei servizi
- sviluppare nuovi mercati locali oggi isolati o poco orientati all'innovazione
- identificare nuove aree di operatività all'interno della nuova programmazione europea Horizon 2020
- aprire a nuovi programmi di finanziamento nell'ambito transfrontaliero e interregionale
- acquisire importanti qualificazioni come quella di Incubatore Certificato secondo il decreto Restart Italia.
Fundada em 2003, a T2S atua projetando e desenvolvendo sistemas exclusivamente para o setor portuário. Nossa base de clientes ativos operacionais representa 66% de toda movimentação de contêineres do Brasil.
Focada em Projetos e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas, Integração, Consultoria em TI e Outsourcing, a T2S conta com parcerias estratégicas para utilizar as melhores ferramentas e plataformas do mercado.
Envolvida com instituições de ensino locais, a empresa absorve e capacita os melhores profissionais do mercado. Além disso, cultivamos um ambiente jovem, competente, criativo e inovador.
T2 Systems
T2 Systems has led innovation in the parking industry since 1994. Our UNIFI Parking Management Platform puts the tools you need at your fingertips to manage permits, enforcement, PARCS, multi-space pay stations, business intelligence, vehicle counting, citation services, and events. Our state-of-the-art dashboard allows you to make critical operational decisions whenever you need, from wherever you are.
T2 Tea
At T2, we're about reinventing and reimagining the humble tea leaf, and sharing our teas with anyone who'll listen.
We're inspired by the people we meet, and the far-flung places we visit. We get a kick out of taking ancient tea rituals and reimagining them, bringing them to a modern tea table. Every cup we brew is a chance to make tea more enjoyable, more accessible and more experimental; it's our opportunity to connect, understand and share with the world our love for a better cup of tea, everyday.
Our brand have 90+ stores globally including Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom, United States and Singapore!
T3 (Telecom 3 Sverige AB)
Allt vi gör på T3 ska bidra till att människor kan bo och verka på den plats de älskar. Genom att erbjuda ett tryggt och pålitligt bredband så skapar vi förutsättningarna för att ta Norrland till världen och världen till Norrland, och på så vis blir vi en bidragande faktor till att Norrland växer, frodas och utvecklas.
Turismo 360 Consultoria
A Turismo 360 é uma empresa de consultoria especializada, focada no planejamento e gestão do turismo nos territórios. Possui como missão 'trabalhar para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico sustentável dos territórios por meio do turismo, promovendo a inovação e transferência de conhecimento para os atores locais e contribuindo para o protagonismo das regiões'.
Considera o turismo como a ferramenta de valorização da cultura, conservação do meio ambiente e geração de trabalho e renda, através de práticas sustentáveis. A empresa trabalha a criação e implementação de metodologias inovadoras buscando soluções globais e totais que abrangem desde a concepção até a implantação e acompanhamento de projetos.
T3 Communications
T3 Communications Inc. was founded on a vision, which
was, to meet the needs of a growing business community
enabling them to communicate and compete in the global market
from the local level. In 2002 a group of local like-minded
business people came together and discussed what their
telecommunications companies were providing them compared
with what they as business people, wanted and needed.
From this humble beginning T3 Communications was
created. It was founded on the principles of providing the
best of local service, while bringing the newest advancements
in telecommunication technologies to Southwest
Florida. Over the years, the company has successfully weathered
the economic storms to become the go-to telecommunications
company for businesses. T3 has established itself
as a leader in employing local people, who understand their
client's needs for personal attention, while providing world
class global communications services.
T3's focus from its inception has been to meet the needs
of SW Florida businesses and exceed the expectations of our
clients with a robust selection of communications and IT
solutions. Backed by cutting-edge technology, superior reliability,
and unrivaled support, T3 Communications is the
answer for voice and data solutions.
T3 Communications provides:
# Cloud Based Hosted PBX
# Integrated Voice & Data
# Broadband & Metro Ethernet
# Colocation & Disaster Recovery
# Secureboost
# Accession Communicator Application
T3i Inc
T3i Inc is an Information Technology and Services company located in 300 Satellite Blvd Nw, Suwanee, Georgia, United States.
TT Technologies, Inc is an Information Technology services Company that engages and specializes in providing Enterprise Resource Planning, Business Intelligence,
Our highly experienced I.T. Professionals are committed to understand your business needs in providing an array of solutions for every business situation and problems. We ensure that we study your business thoroughly before providing futuristic and robust solutions on various platforms.
Our state-of-the-art facilities provide full infrastructure and 24 X 7 support staff. Our 10 years of customer loyalty has proven to deliver mission critical applications on-time with unparalleled quality.
Our in-depth knowledge of various Industry Verticals like Health care, Insurance, Energy, Government, Banking and finance will enable us to provide a perfect solution for your industry. Our global presence and experience, supports us in leveraging best practices in providing affordable and high quality solutions to our Customers.
Key Areas of Expertise
Development Tools – Microsoft‚ Sun‚ IBM and legacy tools
Web Application Tools and Portal Development platforms
Packaged Applications – SAP‚ Oracle‚ People Soft‚ etc.
Middle ware Tools – Application‚ Web and Commerce Servers across various technologies
Document Management tools
Reporting and Business Intelligence Tools
Testing Tools
Project Management
Members will see the Company Name and Description that match their language preference. Otherwise, we will display your Default Language selection.
T3 Lacrosse
T3 Lacrosse is a New Jersey-based player development and education organization focused on the introduction and development of a players lacrosse skills.
T3 offers year-round opportunities for girls and boys from Pre–K through high school. Whether a beginner or advanced player, T3 has a comprehensive offering to meet the various levels of player development. Programs include leagues, small group instruction, clinics and highly-competitive elite tournament teams.
T3 Lacrosse hosts 9 lacrosse tournaments throughout the year. Most events are in NJ, however events have also been held out of state. T3 has proven their event management expertise by successfully branding and executing a series of tournaments over a 10 year history. Their events bring participation from all across the country and also attract the attendance of collegiate coaches from the DI, II and III levels.
T3 Motion
With the professional marketplace actively searching for environmentally-conscious and job-specific vehicles, the T3 is an immediate response to the needs of the professional community. The T3 is an electric three-wheel stand-up vehicle that is directly targeted to the public safety and private security markets. The T3 is incredibly effective in a variety of day-to-day professional applications while still being true to its original vision--a vehicle that both preserves and protects the environment.
The T3 has been designed to tackle a host of daily professional functions, from community policing to patrolling of airports, military bases, campuses, malls, public event venues, and other high-density areas.
From the beginning, the T3 project has incorporated professional feedback from the law enforcement and security industries for its design, features, and performance characteristics. This active dialogue has led to a crystal-clear understanding of the professional and fiscal needs of the law enforcement and private security marketplaces.
The T3 squarely hits the target for an environmentally-friendly, cost-effective professional vehicle that is designed to improve efficiency, reduce fatigue, and increase the ability to interface with others.
As the marketplace continues to evolve, so will T3 Motion, Inc. through its commitment to research, development, and manufacture vehicles and products that continue to revolutionize the way we think about transportation.
T3 Network Solutions Ltd
T3 are IT specialists providing IT support, cloud services, hardware, bespoke development, website hosting and many other services to companies across the East Midlands and beyond.
T3Tec is a Small Business specializing in management and technology solutions consulting.
Our core business is the provision of management and technology to defense and intelligence agencies as a defense contractor and support in program management and business development strategies to commercial entities that are focused on the federal government. Short-term or long-term – we can provide support.
In addition to management and technology consulting, T3Tec also specializes in geospatial integration and other technologies that support Geographic Information Systems (GIS) integrations.
We work closely with clients and partners to transform business goals and objectives into competitive advantages, while ensuring that your vision and values are exemplified. With deep industry knowledge and functional expertise, we are able to add value by identifying high-value opportunities for our clients, providing advice on critical challenges, and committing to your success.
T3 Trading Group, LLC
Please send all resumes to [email protected] for consideration to join our proprietary trading desk.
T3 Trading Group, LLC, a Registered SEC Broker-Dealer & Member of the NASDAQ PHLX Stock Exchange, strives to be a complete destination for traders looking to maximize their performance in today's financial markets. Our proprietary traders focus primarily use technical analysis over various time frames, employ position, swing and intra-day trading strategies. We aim to help traders succeed by providing elite training, premier technology and a highly professional, value-added environment.
We seek individuals with an entrepreneurial spirit, strong work ethic, exceptional business instincts and a demonstrated ability to make sound decisions under pressure.
Equian - T3 Worldwide
T3 is reorienting an industry that is paid to capitalize on payor and healthcare system inefficiencies. We offer a unique auditing platform that allows payors to review 100% of your claims prior to or after payment, managing your claims auditing efforts and balancing your recovery vendors at a fraction of the cost. The T3 team works closely with our client partners to collaborate and build an audit library that is configured to each payors data, policies, and contracts, and continue to provide root cause analysis to stop future overpayments and underpayments. Our approach is refreshing and different and works with any solution you may already have in place.
We design and produce graphic communication projects on-line and off-line, for companies and individuals.
Gerakan Belia 4B (M) Shah Alam Welfare And Education Fund (T4BUNG)
Gerakan Belia 4B (M) Shah Alam Welfare And Education Fund (T4BUNG) is a non-profit organization established under the initiative of Gerakan Belia 4B (M) Shah Alam (GB4B) an NGO registered with the Ministry Of Youth And Sports Malaysia.
This project started back in 2008 and completed in 2013
Tatweer Company for Educational Services Ltd. (t4edu.com)
Tatweer Company for Education Services (t4edu) was established in 2012. The purposes of t4edu include provision of core and support educational services, development, establishment, acquisition, operation and maintenance of educational projects, and execution of related works and activities. T4edu is tasked with implementation of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Project for Development of Public Education and any additional educational programs.
Time For Fun
We are the leading live entertainment company in South America and the fourth largest in the world in terms of box office revenue in 2011, according to Billboard.
In addition, we believe we are the only diversified and vertically-integrated South American live entertainment company. We promote a wide range of artistic, cultural and sports content, drawing upon our relationships with agents and content providers in Brazil and around the world, as well as content developed internally, such as our Copa Caixa Stock Car, Copa Petrobras de Marcas, Copa Chevrolet Montana and Mini Challenge (BMW Mini Cooper racing series).
We currently operate five of the most important entertainment venues in South America, of which three are ranked among the top 35 venues worldwide in terms of number of tickets sold in 2011, according to Pollstar.
T4 Italia S.r.l.
La T4 Italia S.r.l. e' in grado di offrire quattro differenti servizi ai propri Clienti:
Assistenza informatica direttamente presso la sede del Cliente
Fornitura di apparecchiature Hardware direttamente presso la sede del Cliente
Riparazione apparecchiature con ritiro e consegna direttamente presso la sede del Cliente
Materiali di consumo (consumabili, carta, cartucce, toner, cd, ecc.) con consegna presso la sede del Cliente
T4TD Restoration & Renovations
T4TD Restoration is a family run commercial and Residential flood Restoration Company specializing in Mold Removal, Water Extraction, Flood Restoration and cleaning. We offer 24 hour emergency service across the greater Toronto area. Our company is CDR and IICRC certified.
Tana Water (UK) Ltd
Tana Water is the UK subsidiary of Strauss Water, a global company that provides drinking water solutions. The Strauss Group identified the drinking water category as a significant strategic opportunity to improve the quality of life of millions of people worldwide. As a first step, the company invested in a breakthrough water-purification technology that was developed at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. With their next step, Strauss Water acquired Tami 4, a market leader in Israel and one of the world's leading companies in the development, production and marketing of drinking water purification, filtering, heating and cooling systems, for both the in-home and away-from-home markets. Strauss Water, which currently operates in Israel and the UK, is planning expansion into additional geographies in the future. Wherever it operates, the company intends to provide the basic need of clean and safe water through innovative technologies for cooling and purifying water and a unique business model, while caring for people, water and the environment.
T7E Aftermarket Connect Pvt Ltd
T7E is currently partnering brands in the field of automotive to deliver innovative & cost-effective go-to-market solutions.
• Holistic in Approach
• Agile in Execution
• Driven by Outcomes
T7E helps brands overcome challenges by developing customised solutions for them. We have experience in delivering solutions in the area of events, brand activation, digital marketing and channel relationship management.
We have clients across automotive and sports verticals currently, with a specific focus on growing our automotive portfolio.
To know more about us, log on to our brand new website: www.t7e.in
Tømrermester Thomas Andersen A/S
Tømrermester Thomas Andersen A/S er et byggefirma, som fortrinsvis arbejder i total- og hovedentreprise.
Vi har et bredt samarbejde med leverandører, underentrepernører og rådgivere i form af arkitekter og ingeniører.
Vi har hovedkontor i Skive og afdelinger i Viborg, Silkeborg og Aarhus
TravelCenters of America
TravelCenters of America LLC (TravelCenters), headquartered in Westlake, Ohio, is a leading travel center business in 43 states and Canada operating under the TA® and Petro Stopping Centers® brands. With 249 convenient full-service locations off interstate highway exits, TA and Petro Stopping Centers offer customers diesel and gasoline fueling services, more than 500 full- and quick-service restaurants, 24-hour convenience stores, heavy truck maintenance services, RoadSquad Connect™ (24/7/365 emergency roadside service), Reserve-It™ (truck parking reservations), and many other services – all within large, high traffic facilities. TravelCenters also operates gasoline/convenience stores in Kentucky and Tennessee under the Minit Mart brand name. For more information on TravelCenters and TA, please visit www.tatravelcenters.com. For more information on Petro Stopping Centers, please visit www.petrotruckstops.com
T&A Survey
T&A Survey is an experienced, independent and technologically advanced subsurface research company specialised in subsurface research, geothermal energy and mining. To obtain the best measuring results, T&A develops geophysical hardware and software, including the patented 3D Borehole Radar technique.
T&A Survey BV is specialized in environmental, geological and explosives subsurface investigation and in underground energy systems & mining. T&A was founded in 1992 and is located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Our Team
T&A employs more than thirty highly qualified researchers operating in different fields of expertise: geologists, geophysicians, physical geographers, UXO experts, historians, project managers and installation advisors. Combining their extensive theoretical knowledge and practical experience, we can always ensure optimum performance.
Among its customers, T&A can name all major engineering offices, building contractors, oil and gas companies, as well as regional and national authorities of the Netherlands.
TA Associates
TA Associates is one of the largest and most experienced global growth private equity firms. We have nearly five decades of demonstrated success helping to scale profitable growth companies around the world in our five core industries – business services, consumer, financial services, healthcare and technology. As a partner to our portfolio companies, we believe our deep domain experience and dedicated resources allow us to identify strategic acquisitions, recruit high-impact talent, and provide informed guidance and market intelligence, helping companies accelerate growth and achieve lasting shareholder value.
Our global team of more than 85 experienced investment professionals and our Strategic Resource Group have one core objective: to help build great companies. TA's culture encourages collaboration and creating opportunity. Our industry specialists work with owners and management teams to meet their business goals, and bring to each relationship deep experience across industries, borders and market cycles.
Since our founding in 1968, TA has invested in nearly 500 companies around the world and raised $24 billion in capital.
TA-Yhtiöt tarjoaa asumisoikeus-, vuokra-, osaomistus- ja omistusasuntoja usealla paikkakunnalla ympäri Suomea.
Southeast Delco School Dist
Southeast Delco School Dist is a Public Safety company located in 1560 Delmar Dr, Folcroft, Pennsylvania, United States.
Evroprogres Trade
EVROPROGRES TRADE was founded back in 1989 in Skopje, the Republic of Macedonia.
The basic activity of the company is import, distribution and sale of high taxed goods. Mainly distribution and sale of cigars, cigarillos & cigarettes on the territory of the Republic of Macedonia and the area of the Balkans.
The time line of professional experience goes:
From 1992: Importer and Distributor of Rothmans of Pall Mall for the Balkan Region
From 1995: Importer and distributor of Karelia Tobacco Company
Since 2003: Distributor of Bulgartabak cigarettes in the Balkan region
From 2008: Starting the Project Ta2
Besides the headquarter which is located in the heart of the Balkans, in Skopje- Macedonia, we have established companies in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro & Albania
Turkish American Association
Taaeen Training & HR Consultancy
Taa'een is a National Training & HR Consultancy Firm supported by Khalifa Fund, established by Emarati & Arab HR Professionals & Experts aiming to help the Federal & the local government entities & the private sector in the UAE to hire, develop & retain UAE Nationals employees.
We are specialized in providing Leadership and Human Resources Courses, in addition to a wide range of soft skills and technical courses that covers all sectors. Our HR Consultants and Training team can work directly with our clients to conduct Training Needs Analysis in order to develop an effective training plan and accordingly design a customized courses meet their specific needs. In addition to that we support our clients to fulfill their Emiratization gaps by helping them developing an Emiratization strategy and finding for them the right calibers to join their teams. We are working closely with a number of a government entities in the UAE and we are engaged in many HR projects where we participate as a business partners to our clients.
We are an ISO Certified firm, proudly accredited by the Federal Authority of Human Resources (FAHR) as one of their preferred Training Partners and we are also an Accredited Service Provider by the Institute of Leadership and Management (ILM).
To find out more about our services please browse our website (www.taaeen.ae) or contact us on 00971 2 4454419 and we will be more than happy to meet with you to discuss you HR and Training needs
TAAG Angola Airlines
TAAG Angola Airlines is an electrical and electronic manufacturing company based out of Calle Laguna del Marquesado Nª 19, Nave 16 Edificio Adriana 1ª Planta, Polígono Industrial La Resina (Villaverde), Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain.
TAAG - The Automation Associate Group
TAAL is a company based out of India.
Dertig enthousiaste taal- en communicatieprofessionals die staan te trappelen om jouw woorden te laten werken: dat is het Taalcentrum-VU. Met aandacht en zorg denken we mee over de beste oplossing voor jouw (ver)taal- of communicatievraagstuk. Vanuit onze centrale locatie naast de VU, aan de rand van de Zuidas, zijn wij preferred supplier voor opdrachtgevers in de sectoren onderwijs, onderzoek, overheid, vastgoed, advocatuur, verzekeraars, woningbouw en vele andere. Ons vertaalbureau staat garant voor kwaliteitsvertalingen van en naar elke taal. Voor taal- en communicatietrainingen schakelen we onze trainers in die je helpen met meer gemak, vertrouwen én plezier te spreken of schrijven in het Nederlands en Engels. En heb je een tekstvraag? Onze tekstredactie laat woorden écht werken voor jouw organisatie en natuurlijk de lezers.
Taalcentrum-VU is an independent language agency that provides high-quality language solutions. We can meet all your translation needs, offer you outstanding training courses in written and spoken communication in English and in Dutch, and give you the best in text editing and copywriting. This makes Taalcentrum-VU the ideal one-stop shop for all your communication needs.
Taal doet meer
Taal doet meer zorgt er met meer dan 600 vrijwilligers per jaar voor dat Utrechters kunnen meedoen in de samenleving. Het leren van de Nederlandse taal is een rode draad in ons werk. Taal is nodig om een baan te vinden, met de leerkracht van je kinderen te praten, naar de huisarts te gaan, met een computer te werken of je huiswerk te maken.
Vrijwillige taalcoaches bieden taalcoaching en activering aan mannen en vrouwen die het Nederlands niet als moedertaal hebben. Onze vrijwillige mentoren en huiswerkbegeleiders ondersteunen risicoleerlingen op de middelbare school. Zij krijgen een extra steun in de rug om een goede start te maken in de brugklas en bij het maken van huiswerk. Voorlezers brengen het voorleesritueel in taalarme gezinnen.
Ons werk levert alle betrokkenen wat op: cursisten leren de taal en de samenleving kennen. Scholieren presteren beter op school. Vrijwilligers verbreden hun blikveld, ontwikkelen hun sociale vaardigheden en dragen bij aan begrip en samenhang binnen de Utrechtse samenleving.
Taaleem, which means education in Arabic, has been establishing, operating and managing early childhood, primary and secondary schools since its inception in 2004 in Dubai.Taaleem seeks to raise the regional educational standards through the committed development of individual student's talents and passions, which is in turn facilitated and supported by the recruitment of top international educators and the implementation of international education policies, operations and global best practice.
Each project is tailored to answer the specific educational requirements of a wide range of families by offering top international curricula including British, American, the International Baccalaureate, International Primary Curriculum and the International Curriculum for Languages and Creative Arts (ICLCA).
Taaleem is wholeheartedly committed to creating and implementing benchmark educational initiatives, nurturing educational excellence through the attraction, retention and development of the best educators. The continuous evaluation and improvement of standards across all schools has ensured that the Taaleem schools have been established as valued cornerstones of their communities.
Taaleem's portfolio:
Al-Mizhar American Academy
Dubai British School
Dubai British Foundation
Dubai British School Jumeirah Park
The Children's Garden Green Community
The Children's Garden Jumeira
The Children's Garden Barsha
Greenfield Community School
Jumeira Baccalaureate School
Uptown School
Abu Dhabi:
Raha International School
The Taaleem College of International Studies (TCIS), a research & knowledge led institution,evolved from the need of a world-class collegefor what the young generation and business needs for India& Global Environment. It is a member of Taaleem India, India's leading Skill Development and Capacity Building Organisation.
Our founders, academic partners and team are some of the most thought provoking leaders from the corporate and the academia from across the world. It is their realization of the changing world that our pedagogies are designed to enable young leaders to understand the future needs and act on it today.
The TCIS credits itself as the first institution in India to come up with unique Eco-System, including adoption model which has all students adopted in first trimester by companies, issuing Letter of Intent, and further investing in them throughout the tenure of the program in the adopted student to make them ready as per business need.
The TCIS connects some of the best names in academia and researchers in the world in the field of Sustainable Development, International Business and Teaching Pedagogies. This has been possible as these programs are delivered through unique face-to-face and Collaborative Learning Space (CLS) or Learning Management System (LMS) model.
Know more about the college at www.taaleem.edu.in
TCIS courses are in collaboration with its academic partner, Asian International College, Singapore. Know more about AIC at www.aic.edu.sg
Natuurlijk staat uw bedrijf al met een site op internet. Maar levert dat ook nieuwe klanten op? Taal&Digitaal vergroot uw succes op internet. Wij maken goede websites die eenvoudig zijn te beheren, met teksten die er voor zorgen dat uw site ook echt door zoekmachines als Google worden gevonden. En vervolgens zorgen we er samen met u voor dat uw bezoekers ook klanten worden en blijven.
TAAL Tech India Pvt. Ltd. is a global service provider of Engineering services, Embedded and IoT solutions. Headquartered in Bangalore, India and with offices in USA, Germany, Austria and Netherlands, TAAL Tech leverages its global delivery model to enable customers in their pursuit of technological & business excellence
As a trusted partner for globalized innovation, TAAL Tech provides Engineering services, Embedded and IoT solutions through a team of high-quality engineers driven by professionalism, proactive approaches, and flexible business models.
TAAL Tech endeavors to deliver high quality and cost-effective solutions to ensure customer satisfaction while safeguarding their data and intellectual property. TAAL Tech commitment to these values is reflected by its ISO certifications (ISO 9001 and 27001) for product design & information security and the stringent aerospace AS 9100 certification for design and development.
Key Industries We Serve
Aerospace | Automotive | Industrial| Rail | Plant Facilities, Systems & Equipment's | Infrastructure | BIM
Visit us online at www.taaltech.com or follow us on Twitter: @TAALTech
TAAM Business Services Private Limited
Founded in January 2009, TAAM Business Services is now one of the country's "Most Preferred Business Solutions & Services Providers", focusing on the niche areas of delivering corporate message to the end customer/client in a simple, effective and value-generating manner.
TAAM Business Solutions strengthens its own identity by the success of its clients and strives to validate the same through a successful long-term association with the clients.
Happy to Share:-
• TAAM Business Solutions established in Jan 2009 with Head Office in Hyderabad.(Now Pvt Ltd Since Nov 2011)
• 1000+ clients in India & few International Clienteles.
• TAAM Business Solutions launched "1st SMS – Based Job Portal" – www.mobilecv.co.in. (Beta Version)
• TAAM Business Solutions launched 'India's 1st TRULY Local Search Engine' – www.clickezee.com. (Beta
Kliniek Dr. J. Taams
Taana Baana
Taana Baana is a company based out of Pakistan.
Tårnby Kommune
Tårnby Kommune er beliggende på Amager og har lidt over 40.000 indbyggere.
Kommunen er arbejdsplads for cirka 3.000 ansatte. Vi lægger vægt på at give borgerne en hurtig, høflig og korrekt betjening – og at være en god arbejdsplads.
Tårnby er et godt sted at bo og arbejde. Der er et meget stort antal arbejdspladser i kommunen – hvilket ikke mindst skyldes lufthavnens placering i kommunen.
Vi har en god blanding af parcelhuskvarterer og områder med etagebyggeri.
Kommunen har en yderst fordelagtig nærhed til hovedstaden. Familierne trives i Tårnby Kommune, som prioriterer velfungerende fritids- og kulturtilbud. Mht. infrastruktur har vi både bro til Sverige, metro, motorvej og gode togforbindelser.
Taashee Linux Services
Taashee Linux Services is a technology and software services firm located in India with its Head Office set up in Hyderabad and overseas location in Singapore. The 10 million USD firm serves a wide range of customers by focusing upon multiple technologies and has formed strategic partnerships with Red Hat, JBoss, Liferay, Alfresco, VMware, EnterpriseDB, Qlik, Amazon, Ubuntu, Nagios, Veeam, and Crafter.
Incepted in 2007, Taashee Linux Services has got remarkable achievements to its credit since a decade. It was inducted into CRM Hall of Fame in 2016 besides having been featured in APAC Outlook magazine as one of the 25 Most Promising Red Hat Solution Providers in 2016. Taashee is best known for its propensity towards individual strength, open source technologies, and backs these low-cost solutions with leading proprietary technologies.
Taashee's technical expertise helps organizations that require increased developer productivity, higher quality applications, and lower maintenance costs. Our list of services comprises of AWS Total Care, Alfresco CMS, EnterpriseDB APS, Nagios APS, Qlik Sense Development, Red Hat APS, and VMware APS. Determined to bring immense value and global recognition to its reputed clientele from contrasting domains, Taashee provides support to its valued customers through its 24x7 Network Operations Center (NOC).
The company generated 9.8 million USD in revenue for the FY 2015-16. With a string of products developed in-house such as iOrbit 360, WAP and QoSMAT slated to be released in 2017, Taashee's growth prospects are expected to multiply.
For more information, please email us at [email protected]
Taatta Bank
Comfort banking with Taatta Bank - personal, business and private banking.
Successfully operating and developing since 1990.
Taatta Bank offers a broad variety of financial services - from current accounts to investment tools.
We respect our clients' time and appreciate their trust. We care.
Taavun (Pvt) Ltd
Real Estate Construction & Management
Taavura Holdings
Taavura Holdings Ltd. is Israel's largest road haulage and logistics company, jointly owned by Avraham Livnat Ltd. and Nesher Israel Cement Enterprises Ltd.
The Taavura Group engages primarily in various types of Road haulage (car transport, bulk transport, agricultural produce, containers and general cargo), earth moving and mining, Cranes & Heavy Lift as well as oversize loads and heavy haulage, air cargo terminal operations and various types of logistics services as well as importing and servicing DAF, KENWORTH & ISUZU trucks and VDL bses.
TA'AZ Security
TA'AZ Security has been formed around the nucleus of an experienced expatriate management team formerly working for leading global security companies.
This management team fully understands the strategic and tactical requirements of business within Iraq and strives to provide a service that is superior to any other in a cost effective package.
Personnel are carefully selected to ensure their suitability for role and investment is made to improve retention and reduce staff turnover. TA'AZ uses a variety of approved suppliers for the provision of personal and team equipment. This equipment is selected for its reliability, ease of use and fitness for purpose and has been proven in a number of previous operations. Only suppliers who can offer outstanding whole life support with their products are used and this ensures maximum operational effectiveness.
All staff receive comprehensive training and a remuneration package designed to promote corporate loyalty and improve retention. A Systems Approach to Training (SAT) is utilized to identify all necessary generic and specific-to-role objectives and ensure that correct instruction is given to all staff. Best efforts are made to instill a sense of pride in the teams and guarantee performance. Innovation
TA'AZ Security's Mission
…Through the delivery of innovative and dependable security solutions, provide a safe environment which enables our client's to conduct their business with the minimum of disruption.
This group consist of unit's Industry, Manual Industrial, Building, Agriculture,Food,Nano,Beauty and Health,Transportation, Import & Export,JCG Founded in 2014 year in Kermanshah city of Iran, For all people of Iran,Middle East, Asia, Africa, Europe and America.
TAB ERP Solution Working in analysis and design of software, production and development of programs and applications of various kinds, Create databases and electronic information systems.
TAB ERP system include General Ledgers, Inventory Control, Accounts Receivable, Sales Process, Accounts Payable, Purchases Process, Import Costs, Cash & Cheque System and Fixed Assets.
TAB ERP provide specialized systems for most Sectors like Real estate, Construction, Sportive Clubs, Swimming Schools, Customer Relationship Management CRM, Shipping Companies, Occupants Union, Fleet Management, Car Rental, Retail, Hospitals, Restaurants, Archive System, Dashboard and Workflow.
TAB ERP Solution also introduce implementation, training, project management and maintenance services for its programs and applications.
TAB ERP Solution also working in Creating, managing and developing 'information and communications centers', Administrative restructuring of the projects 'with the exception of the financial structure',
TAB helps you save money, optimize business processes and reduce risk by improving the way you work with paper and electronic information.
TAB provides organizations with a wide range of solutions to optimize business processes and to organize, access and manage paper and electronic documents. Our offering includes consulting and services, software, and filing and storage products.
Our solutions help you:
• find the information you need, when you need it
• go digital
• reduce costs and increase profitability
• manage risk and maintain compliance
• navigate mergers, acquisitions and divestitures
• manage shared drives and cloud storage
• optimize physical file storage and access
• manage the hybrid information environment
Founded in 1950, TAB is a private company with over 200 employees and a sales office in most major U.S. and Canadian cities.
At TAB, we are proud of our track record of successful client relationships. We serve clients in a diverse range of industries, including energy, finance, healthcare, government and legal.
T.A.B. - Think About Business
Un equipo de valor que hace su trabajo con pasión sobre la base de la honestidad intelectual y personal, trabajando de la mano con sus clientes e interpretando sus necesidades para definir e implementar soluciones alineadas a sus prioridades de negocio.
Nuestra Razón de Ser
Beneficiar a nuestros clientes en sus negocios con servicios de Tecnología de la información a través de consultores y soluciones especializadas.
Hacia Donde Vamos
Ser reconocidos como consultores especializados en implantar soluciones de Gobernabilidad y Gestión de Servicios de Tecnologia de Informacion (GGSTI) en América.
Lo Que Nos Identifica
Tabacalera Incorporada
Tabacalera Incorporada has been manufacturing the finest hand-rolled Philippine cigars for 130 years, remaining unmatched in quality, selection, and craftsmanship. We follow the strictest traditions garnering much international acclaim for our cigars brands, including Don Juan Urquijo, 1881, Tabacalera, Alhambra, and Calixto Lopez.
The Manila Cigar, as it came to be known, is mild and smooth, with a subtle mix of floral, nutty, and toasty notes, finishing with a sweet aftertaste. Our cigars produce a pure white ash—a sign of expert manufacture, and the quality and purity of our ingredients.
Save for our century-old wooden cigar presses, no machine yet invented can match the experienced sight, smell, and touch of our master cigar makers. Developed through tradition of over 100 years, the uniquely human ability to judge every leaf, assemble the correct proportion of ingredients, and roll the cigar properly to achieve the perfect draw, makes a Tabacalera cigar beyond compare. Tabacalera cigars are a testament to our painstaking process, "Totalmente Hecho a Mano", or "completely handmade".
Tabacon Grand Spa Thermal Resort
Welcome to a unique Costa Rica vacation experience, unparalleled in the world. Tabacon Grand Spa offers the unique combination of the energy of the active Arenal Volcano, the heat of the Tabacon Hot Springs and the purity and mystic of the surrounding rainforest blend into what many have described as "paradise" or "the eight-wonder of the world". The four elements of nature are present in this unique Arenal Volcano luxury hotel and resort, featuring the heat of the volcano, the flowing waters of the hot springs, the pure air of the rainforest and the fertile earth of the of the Fortuna de San Carlos Region.
Tabacon Grand Spa Thermal Resort is a 102 guest rooms and suites Costa Rica luxury hotel located at the base of the Arenal Volcano. This five star resort is recognized as a member of The Leading Hotels and The Leading Spas of the World. It is a Signature Travel Group preferred hotel, and has been recognized and named to numerous travel publications and the recipient of many accolades, including Conde Nast Johansens list, SpaFinder Magazine Reader's awards, a ranked as a world's top ten eco-spa by National Geographic Magazine and mentioned by Modern Bride magazine as a must-include visit during a Costa Rica Honeymoon, ranked as a top 5 worldwide honeymoon destination.
Tabaknatie NV
Tabaknatie, opgericht in 1896 is dé een specialist in de behandeling, opslag en transport van tabakproducten. Ons bedrijf is vooral bekend om haar belangrijke ervaring en knowhow in de tabakswereld. Wij beschikken over gespecialiseerde magazijnen (ongeveer 700.000 m²), die de meest geavanceerde technologieën bieden voor opslag en behandeling zodat we een hele waaier aan high-quality services aan kunnen bieden aan onze klanten.
Tabakum export- import d.o.o.
• Batteries
• Lead
• Gardening, farming and vineyard equipment
• Forestry equipment
• Batteries, battery maintenance and service
• Gardening, farming, and vineyard equipment
and accessories
• Hardware
• Oils and lubricants
Tabakum stands for: Tasev Blažo akumulatorji
(Tasev Blažo car batteries)
1974 Akumulatorska delavnica (car battery work shop)
1991 TABAKUM- a new company name is born
1992 New ("old") building, agricultural machinery
1993 first agricultural house fair in Slovenia
1995 general representative for forest winches- Igland,
2005 general distributor for Moll batteries, made in
Germany in Slovenia
2006 expansion plan developed
2007 Development of new premises
additional warehouse is bought
general distributor for Ecotech Italy
general distributor for ISSE Safety
local distributor for Honda
2008 new retail and office building is build
general distributor for Marina Systems
general distributor for Benassi
local distributor for Wolf Garten
local distirbutor for Jonsered
Tabani Real Estate
"Selling Solutions, Not Promises"
Tabani Real Estate is a family business which has over 25 years of experience in the Real Estate Industry headquarters in Dubai. With the start of the property era in Dubai offering some of the world's best residential and commercial investment opportunities, Tabani Real Estate has always been with a vision to be known as a distinguished player in the real estate market.
We are one of the few realtors to invest and remain known focused in freehold segment of the market. By doing so, has gained valuable experience and has specialized in predicting and analyzing trends. With the huge database of properties and market trends and project information, we have created separate divisions where we specialize in, namely:
- Investor Relationship and Portfolio Building
- Buying
- Selling
- Corporate
- Property Management
We have a dedicated team of individuals who are working on each segment to deliver the best of our services. At Tabani Real Estate we are dedicated and focused towards the benefits of our clients, and bring to them the most desirable location and the most reputable developers. Whether it's a matter of buying a single property or accumulating a portfolio, we will make an investment strategy to suit their needs.
We have been there in this market in the good as well as the rainy days. Therefore, we know the trends and opportunities that come and go along in every period. At Tabani Real Estate, we believe in developing a relationship built on trust as we claim to be one of the most honest and transparent companies of the world. Our vision and mission has been very clear since the inception and we are very blessed to be able to achieve that.
309 Deyaar Barsha Building, Al Barsha-1, Dubai, UAE.
Tabanlioglu Architects
Tabanlıoğlu Architects was established by Arch. Murat Tabanlıoğlu in collaboration with Dr. Hayati Tabanlıoğlu in 1990; Arch. Melkan Gürsel Tabanlıoğlu joined the group in 1995.
As the Design Manager, Murat Tabanlıoğlu directs all the architectural projects and activities of the project leaders. He presents seminars and conferences, and advises on various projects, locally and abroad.
Managing Director, Melkan Gürsel Tabanlıoğlu is responsible for the general management of the company, and conducts various projects.
Employing 130 architects and 35 administrative staff members, Tabanlioglu head office is located in Istanbul, Turkey. Due to emergent work abroad, branch offices projected at different locations, starting with the one in Astana, Kazakhstan, in 2006.
During the first period of the company, 1956-1990, Dr. Hayati Tabanlıoğlu accomplished major state buildings in Turkey, such as Erzurum Atatürk University (1958-1970), Atatürk Cultural Center Istanbul (1956-1977), Istanbul Atatürk Airport (1969-1984), and several pioneering works like the first shopping mall in the country: Galleria Shopping Center (1986).
During the second period (1990 to present) the company's scope and portfolio has enhanced, providing services worldwide; in architecture, consulting, master planning, interior design and coordination of related services such as engineering and restoration.
Tabarak Holding
.Tabarak Group established in 1979 Through Al Nahda Company for Contracting. The Group established in order to cater market needs in various sectors such as investment, real estate development and touristic development. TABARAK has attentiveness to real estate market needs and has ability to transform them into projects through meticulous implementation strategies' granting varies of choices - which has made it one of the leading national real estate companies in Egypt. Tabarak's companies embody an integrated work scheme based on the design, implernentation, and marketing of all projects,
Today, the Tabarak Group comprises of:
• Maadi for Development and Investment
• Al Ofoq for Investment and Touristic Development
• Tabarak for Housing and Construction
• Delight Tours
• Depac for Pharmaceutical Products
• Y2M for Marketing
• All the Time Service
Tabarja is a company based out of Australia.
Tabarka Studio
Tabarka Studio has been handcrafting custom terracotta tile one piece at a time since 2000. Designed by creative visionary Meir Zenati, our handmade terracotta tiles are inspired by cultures worldwide and embody artisan craftsmanship and beauty.
Having established a reputation as a leading producer of custom hand painted terracotta tiles, we couldn't stop with just a few concepts and we have grown to be a bespoke collection of stones, terracottas, antique elements, hand painted tiles and wood and parquet collection.
Our mission is to build sales apps that Shopify should have built in their core to be even more flexible and powerful. All the apps we build have one goal: bringing high ROI for cheap.
McIlhenny Company
The world famous TABASCO® brand products are made by McIlhenny Company, founded in 1868 on Avery Island, Louisiana. To this day, the company is still family-owned and operated on that very same site. Over 145 years later, TABASCO® Sauce is made much the same way, with three quality ingredients - distilled vinegar, tabasco peppers, and salt - and loved by millions of people around the globe.
Mission of the agency is to create effective marketing solutions, which deliver results. This is what our clients are looking in Tabasco.
Our Ideas are to become the basement for integrated advertising campaigns, and are not limited to TV commercials and print. Big Ideas change the business situation of the Client and achieve prospective results.
Why our Ideas are successful? They are based on:
• Deep understanding of the market, our client's business and the relation of different factors on the future results media-neutral approach to strategy development.
• The Idea is to select a strategy that provides maximum results with the less investment.
• Our creative concepts are always based on Big Idea, unique to every client.
• We created unique team within the agency with extensive experience to plan and manage cross-media campaigns with a number of suppliers and media channels involved,
independent selection of reliable suppliers for each project.
The success of the Agency approach you may evaluate by the results, which made our Clients market leaders in such categories as: confectionary, dairy products, alcoholic beverages and beer, food and semi-finished meat products, snacks, banking, insurance, retail.
Gobierno del Estado de Tabasco
Página Oficial del Gobierno del Estado de Tabasco en LinkedIn 2013-2018.
El propósito de este sitio es crear una red de profesionales que laboren al servicio del Estado e intercambien experiencias, creen vínculos y amplien su red profesional dentro del sector gubernamental, todos con el mismo propósito: Servir a Tabasco para hacer el Cambio Verdadero.
Tabasco Cambia Contigo.
Tabash & Asociados
Asesoria Financiera y Capitalizacion de la pequena y mediana empresa.
Administracion de Inversiones realizadas por extranjeros en Costa Rica.
Desarrollo de empresas nuevas, restructuracion de empresas y salvataje de negocios en riesgo.
Estructuracion de inversiones en Costa Rica.
Tabatchnick Fine Foods
A famiy soup company that is over 100 years old.
Tabba Heart Institute
Tabba Heart Institute is a specialty Cardiac Care Hospital established in the year 2005 with a vision to provide quality services and compassionate care at an affordable price. The prime objective is to promote excellence in the field of cardiovascular health. To realize our vision with an uncompromising attitude, the hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and technology with highly qualified professionals with a proven track record. We believe that a serene environment is vital and serves as a catalyst in the healing and recovery process.
The most modern architecture of the building reflects the vision, their passion and commitment of the people behind it.
The team of professionals at Tabba Heart Institute shares the same vision and passion that led to the establishment of this facility. It is the responsibility and willingness to help mankind and provide comfort and relief that drives this team and connects us all. This team spirit is radiated through our actions and deeds, as we all believe in striving for a positive outcome.
TAB Bank
TAB Bank customizes solutions to serve the needs of small- and medium-sized commercial businesses across the US. With lasting commitment, we provide working capital solutions, equipment financing and deposit products during all stages of our customers' business life cycle in any economic environment.
TABB Group
TABB Group is a financial markets research and strategic advisory firm focused on capital markets. Founded in 2003 and based on the methodology of first-person knowledge, TABB Group analyzes and quantifies the investing value chain from the fiduciary, investment manager, broker, exchange and custodian, as well as the operations that support them. Our goal is to help senior business leaders gain a truer understanding of financial markets issues and trends, and develop with them a workable roadmap and approach to the future so they can grow their business.
TABB Group focuses our industry knowledge into practical application to provide clients with unparalleled insight into the Securities and Investment Management industry segments, with experience in the various sectors including derivatives, equities, foreign exchange and the bond markets.
TABCo International Food Catering K.S.C.C.
TABCo International Food Catering K.S.C.C. (TABCo. Food) was found in June 2010 in Kuwait by a young group of local entrepreneurs. TABCo. Food was formed to seize the opportunity of a growing F&B sector in Kuwait and the Gulf region (GCC) and began its business by signing its first franchise agreement with Elevation Burger, one of the fastest growing burger chains in the US. Elevation Burger currently serves as the company's flagship franchise as it ventures with it into new markets in the region.
Currently, TABCo is running with a capacity of over 100 dedicated employees working in its head office and around its numerous operating units. TABCo Food is actively expanding and growing Elevation Burger in Kuwait. TABCo. Food's growth will continue by expanding its portfolio of brands and bringing new food concepts to the region that comply with TABCo. Food's mission. TABCo. Food is licensed to practice all food related operations including opening restaurants in Kuwait and other countries around the world.
Our Mission is to advance the region's food experience with smarter and sustainable choices.
We Value: Good Food | Innovation | Empowerment | Rationality | The Process | Integrity
One of the largest e-tailers in the United States (Internet Retailer - 2008), TABcom (www.tabcom.com) is a multi-divisional, multi-channel internet-based company that focuses on the pet, equine, garden and green spaces. Based in Hazleton, PA, TABcom develops and maintains 'conscious lifestyle' websites that offer products, social engagement and interactive content for enthusiasts with a variety of interests. There are now over 5000 sites under the TABcom umbrella and 1 Million unique visitors click through these sites every month. TABcom's family of web-based brands include Dog.com, Horse.com, Garden.com, Groomer.com, Ferret.com, Fish.com, Bird.com, Petsupplies.com and Stateline Tack.com.
Tabcorp is an Australian gambling-led entertainment business and an ASX100 company.
Our iconic brands TAB, Keno, Luxbet, our stable of Sky Racing subscription television channels, Sky Sports Radio and Tabcorp Gaming Solutions ignite passion and excitement in millions of customers each year.
We're the biggest financial contributor to the Australian racing industry and we proudly back racing and its people.
Our 3,000 passionate people advance the way we play and love the game we're in.
At Tabeer Tourism we specialise in offering a complete solution to all your travel needs. Whether it is Dubai or New York, weekend break or a family package holiday, a special occasion trip to Hawaii with stopovers in Las Vegas on the way, we can provide tailor made trips to suit you, if you need ideas of where to travel, no problem our team is full of suggestions.
We are UAE based licenced independent tour operator having branches in the UK, Pakistan and America. The progression of the Company has been made possible for many reasons; the continuous support and recommendation from existing clients, coupled with the commitment from our dedicated team and the high level of service we are proud to deliver.
Whatever your holiday requirements, and wherever you choose to go, our friendly team at Tabeer Tourism look forward to having the opportunity to discuss your requirements with you, and are always happy to help.
Taberna del Volapié
Ángel María Gutiérrez, Jerezano y joven emprendedor apostó por la restauración del sur gracias a su afición a la cultura gastronómica de esa zona. En 2008 y con España sumergida en la peor crisis de las últimas décadas, inaugura Taberna Casa del Volapié en Fuengirola, Málaga, con la intención de recrear en ella el ambiente del "tapeito y la cervecita" que tanto le había cautivado en su tierra.
El éxito es rotundo y en apenas un año desde la primera apertura, abre dos tabernas más en Málaga capital. En estos primeros locales se perfeccionan los procedimientos, sus estructuras de costes, las ofertas comerciales y el saber hacer, consiguiendo un modelo de negocio óptimo y extrapolable a otras localidades.
Un año y medio después y tras la apertura de otro establecimiento propio en Benalmádena, comienza la expansión por España mediante el primer local en regimen de socio franquiciado en la capital de Córdoba. A este se unen a principios de marzo 2011 dos tabernas más en Ronda y Jerez.
En estos momentos la compañía se plantea comenzar una expansión nacional mediante el sistema de franquicias en Sevilla capital y a lo largo de la Comunidad de Madrid.
Tabga Production s.r.l.
TABGA PRODUCTION nasce dalla congiunzione di un team di professionisti esperti nelle discipline creative.
Attivi nell'ambito della produzione multimediale nel Nord e Sud Italia, con individualità specializzate in filmmaking, arti grafiche e giornalismo, hanno accumulato una consolidata esperienza mediante la collaborazione con le migliori società editoriali e di broadcasting italiane.
Sicuri di poter dare il loro contributo al mondo delle comunicazioni, grazie all'avanzare dello sviluppo tecnologico hanno fondato una Casa di Produzione e Agenzia di Comunicazione che offre le attività di Produzione Televisiva, Ufficio Stampa, Video Aziendali, Advertising, Animazioni Grafiche, Art e Web Design.
TAB Gıda Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.
Türkiye'de 1994 yılından beri gıda sektöründe faaliyet gösterenTAB Gıda'nın hızlı servis sektöründeki faaliyetleri, 1995 yılında Burger King'in master franchisee haklarını alarak Türkiye'ye getirmesiyle başlamıştır.
TAB Gıda hızlı servis restoran sektörünün lideri olan Burger King'in dünyadaki en büyük franchiseesi olma özelliği de taşımaktadır. Bugün Türkiye genelinde 500'den fazla Burger King restoranı bulunmaktadır. Hazırladığı muhteşem lezzetler ve müşterisi ile kurduğu samimi bağ sayesinde onlarca ödül alan Burger King, 2011'den bu yana 3 yıl üst üste Mediacat ve Ipsos KMG'nin araştırması sonucunda Fast Food kategorisinde ‘Türkiye'nin Lovemark'ı ve yine bu yıl en samimi fast food markası seçilmiştir. 2013 yılında "AVM'lerde En Çok Beğenilen Marka Ödülleri" Restoran kategorisinde birincilik ödülü de alan Burger King, aynı zamanda resmi web sitesi olan burgerking.com.tr ile de "Interactive Media Awards" ‘Gıda' kategorisinde ‘Sınıfının En İyisi' ödülü almıştır.Burger King'in Dünya çapındaki en başarılı master franchisee'si olan TAB Gıda 2012 yılında Burger King China'nın çoğunluk hissesini satın almıştır. 2012 yılında 65 şube ile devralınan BK China, 2014 Haziran ayında 213 şubeye ulaşmıştır. Burger King China uzun vadeli hedefi olarak 5 yıllık bir süre zarfında 1.000 adet Burger King restoranının açılmasını hedeflemiştir.
TAB Gıda, 2007 yılında ise Napoli'nin geleneksel ve taze ‘İtalyan' tatlarını sunan Sbarro markasını bünyesine kattı. 30'dan fazla ilde toplam 90'dan fazla restoranı olan Sbarro'nun dünya lezzetleri TAB Gıda güvencesiyle Türkiye'deki tüketicisiyle buluşmaktadır. Nefis İtalyan lezzetlerini büyük bir özenle müşterilerine sunan Sbarro Türkiye, LLC tarafından "2012 Yılı En Hızlı Büyüme, 2012 Pazarlama Alanında En Başarılı Franchise, Sabiha Gökçen Havalimanı'nda yer alan Sbarro Restoranı ile de 2013 Yılı Önceki Yıla Göre En Büyük Satış Artışı Gerçekleştiren Restoranı" ödüllerine layık görülmüştür.
Tabique - Engenharia, Lda.
Founded in 1997, Tabique started its activity in the building, targeted for the provision of Work Safety in Construction.
Currently about 70 employees and a turnover in 2010 of around 2.5 M €, is positioned as the leading provider of services under the Coordination of Work Safety in Portugal.
A Tabique is strengthening its position in the domestic and international, being present in six countries - Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Morocco and Angola, with a big bet on the diversification of areas, particularly in terms of Environmental Management , Quality Management and Innovation & Development.
In terms of sustained growth, the strategy of Tabique passes by reaching new markets internationally, and through in R&D as well as quality, competence and training of its human resources, having as a goal the satisfaction of its customers. TABIQUE is pioneer by the work system who decrease the risk of work accidents thanks to efficient management tools, valued by the experience and recognized by AENOR.
Tabisam, SLU
Empresa lider en distribucion de materiales de construccion decoracion y transformados de cemento en las provincias de Alicante y Murcia. Tenemos 5 centros, 4 en Alicante (Torrevieja, San Miguel de Salinas, Los Montesinos y Alicante) y 1 en Murcia (Sucina-Murcia). En Los Montesinos tenmos 2 plantas de prefabricados y el San Miguel de Salinas una planta de hormigon, con esto cerramos el servicio integral a nuestros clientes de edificacin y obra publica.
En nuestros centros de Torrevieja, Alicante, Murcia y San Miguel de Salinas nos hemos centrado en la atencion profesionalizada y personalizada al particular, reformista e industrial.
TAbiTA: Taste And breathe italian True Atmosphere
TAbiTA can make your dream come true:
if you have a passion
and you wish to experience this passion in a Country like Italy
TAbiTA can design for you a made-to-measure experience tour
TAbiTA is your local friend, your personal traveler in Italy
TAbiTA is your local friend, your personal traveler in Italy
TABITA is the Personal Traveler in Italy for foreign travelers
TABITA operates in Italy offering innovative incoming services to foreign travelers
Tabitha Health
Tabitha is a "mission driven" national leader and innovator in designing and delivering services that enrich life experience for older adults and the communities where they reside. As a faith-based nonprofit organization serving 28 counties, Tabitha's love embraces a society where everyone is valued and empowered to live life to the fullest with compassionate at-home support, innovative living communities, exceptional rehabilitation, health care and hospice services. Est. 1886
Tabitha Foundation Inc
Tabitha Foundation Inc is an International Trade and Development company located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States.
Tab I.T Solutions
TAB IT Solutions is a company focused on delivering technical excellence in IT. Fully owned, managed and staffed by people from previously disadvantaged backgrounds, we used our experience to build a dynamic IT company.
TABITS started out as the IT Department for a national medical aid brokerage and soon became a division within the company. This incubation period allowed us to refine many of the technologies we commercially sell and support, by implementing them within our own organisation first.
In June 2007, nearly two years after inception, TAB IT Solutions was formed as a separate closed corporation to market our custom products and solutions to other companies.
Our business operates in three areas of specialisation : Network infrastructure, Application and Web development, IT Support Services and Open Source Software Consulting.
From inception our IT philosphy has been built on using 'the best tool for the job'. In line with this philosophy we do not restrict our solutions to either proprietary or open source software, instead choosing the best from both worlds to deliver an excellent price/perfomance/reliability ratio. We believe that each IT solution is unique and therefore solutions should be uniquely crafted to comply to your style of operation, not forcing you to discard your methods in order to embrace new technology.
George Media
Audited online business 2 business journal, promoting African Business. 117,000 monthly subscribers and over 200,000 unique visitors to the site monthly. George Media is the parent company, based in Toronto, Canada, with other branches in London, Melbourne and Johannesburg.
Table 95 Hospitality
Table 95 Hospitality (formerly Public House Investments) is a management company for independently owned and operated restaurants, providing administrative and marketing services.
Restaurants include:
Pennsylvania 6, a contemporary midtown American restaurant with raw bar, steaks & fresh seafood, and an extensive craft cocktail, beer and wine lists, locations in Philadelphia, Washington D.C. and NYC;
City Tap House, an elevated American pub, focusing on craft beer, approachable food and great community, locations in Philadelphia's Logan Square & University City, West Palm Beach, FL and Washington DC with upcoming locations in the Fort Point neighborhood in Boston, MA and SoBro in Nashville, TN;
Public House Sports Bar serves great food and cocktails in a lively, inviting atmosphere, locations in National Harbor, MD and NYC;
Reminiscent of a lively cantina, Lola's Mexican Kitchen serves up contemporary Mexican food in an atmosphere that radiates energy and fun with locations in White Plains, NY and Stamford, CT;
Brother Jimmy's is a full service, high energy sports bar and restaurant specializing in the finest of Southern BBQ, with locations in National Harbor, MD, White Plains, NY and Stamford, CT.
Public House's portfolio also includes Field House Philly located a few blocks from the Philadelphia Convention Center, Butterfield 8 in Manhattan, and The Irish Whisper located in National Harbor, MD.
GEH and Associates, LLC
GEH is an Arkansas based company striving to help businesses broaded their customer base
through the use of unique and innovative marketing, and promotion tools.
GEH markets and manufactures TableAds® and Custom Laminate® nationally.
GEH is also very excited to be marketing the MeNetwork™. MeNetwork™ is a revolutionary
mobile marketing platform that empowers and connects both merchants and consumers.
Tableau Software
Tableau Software helps people see and understand data. Offering a revolutionary new approach to business intelligence, Tableau allows you to quickly connect, visualize, and share data with a seamless experience from the PC to the iPad. Create and publish dashboards and share them with colleagues, partners, or customers—no programming skills required. See how Tableau can help your organization by starting your free trial at tableau.com/trial.
Table Charm
Whether preparing a five course meal or afternoon snack, you should serve it with pride on dinnerware that reflects your style. Table Charm offers everything from classic to contemporary. There is one perfect for your table... Check out www.tablecharm.com for more information.
Direct Linen Textiles International Ltd
Major manufacturer and supplier of quality table and hospitality linen to the UK and Europe.
The only supplier to offer online customisation of tablecloths, napkins and chair covers to fit any size requirement. Delivery within 7 days to all Europe. Localised websites for Ireland, France, Germany, Italy and the United States.
Table for Six Total Adventures
Table for Six is a unique dating and matchmaking service in California. Priding itself with experienced matchmakers, Table for Six reviews all member profiles before setting up a date. Years of quality customer service have kept Table for Six complaints to a minimum.
Branches of Table for Six can be found in Mountain View, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento, Irvine, San Jose and Walnut Creek. A large database of eligible singles serves as the center point of the matchmaking process. Before an individual is add to the database, he must first undergo a number of Table for Six reviews. Once a member is approved, all his preferences are written down as well as any previous dating complaints they had.
Each member is assigned a personal matchmaker that carefully reviews their profile. After finding a like minded single, all historic complaints are reviewed to make sure that a couple is truly compatible. After the couple meets for the first time, their matchmaker checks in to get any feedback, reviews or complaints from the date. Assuming all went well another date will be set up for the couple.
Years of matchmaking have made Table for Six a trusted name in the California dating scene. Many happily married couples have filled the web with great Table for Six reviews. Although complaints do trickle in here and there, a fast web search will show that most members have no Table for Six complaints.
Old Plaw Hatch Farm is a community-owned, biodynamic mixed farm in Sussex. We produce a wide range of raw and pasteurised dairy products, fruit, vegetables, flour, meat, eggs and wool, all of which you'll find in our farm shop along with many other goods sourced as locally as possible. We are an open farm and invite you to come for a walk and meet the farmers, watch the milking, cheesemaking or feeding the animals.
Tablemac es una empresa líder en innovación y desarrollo constante de tableros de partículas aglomeradas de madera, siempre comprometida con la protección de la naturaleza, ya que todos nuestros productos están elaborados con madera proveniente de bosques cultivados.
Empresa Colombiana que produce y comercializa tableros de partículas de madera aglomerada, con y sin recubrimiento melamínico ó de películas decorativas. El medio ambiente es una de nuestras mayores preocupaciones y es por esto que nuestras acciones se encaminan al mejoramiento tecnológico en procura de una producción más limpia que demuestre ese respeto por la naturaleza.
Table Mountain Aerial Cableway Co. Ltd.
The Cableway takes you to the summit in less than 4 minutes, giving you a 360 degree view of the city
Table Mountain Inn
The Table Mountain Inn is a Southwestern-style, boutique hotel, located in the heart of Downtown Historic Golden. The Table Mountain Inn features a popular onsite restaurant: The Table Mountain Grill & Cantina, 74 spacious guest rooms and over 5000 square feet of meeting space, ideal for meetings and events of 10-150 people. The Table Mountain Inn also offers offsite catering services for groups of any size and is the preferred caterer for several larger venues in the Golden area.
Table Talk Pies, Inc.
Table Talk Pies, Inc. is a Food Production company located in 120Washington St, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States.
TabletKiosk is an early innovator of business Tablet PC solutions for the enterprise and was one of the first to offer touch screen enabled Windows tablets. The company regularly integrates modern technology with key legacy and embedded components to create forward thinking mobile systems, while still providing backwards compatibility and long product life cycles.
As a manufacturer and distributer of proven mobile computing solutions since 2003, the company's line of Tablet PCs, including the Sahara Slate PC, has been widely used in Healthcare, Hospitality, Automotive, Government and Manufacturing both as TabletKiosk branded and OEM/Private Label deployments.
For more information about TabletKiosk, visit www.tabletkiosk.com.
Table to Table
Table to Table is a New Jersey community-based food rescue program that collects prepared and perishable food that would otherwise be wasted and delivers it to organizations that serve the hungry in Bergen, Hudson, Essex and Passaic counties. This fresh food is delivered free of charge to more than 80 agencies throughout the area, including elder care facilities, drug rehab centers, homeless shelters, homes for victims of domestic violence, HIV day centers, and pantries serving the working poor.
Table to Table is the first and only food rescue program in Northeast New Jersey solely dedicated to redistributing fresh, healthy, perishable foods. In 2017, we will deliver enough food for more than 18 million meals.
Table Trac Inc
Today's gaming markets are highly competitive so having the edge is critical to success. Streamline your casino gaming operations with CasinoTrac™, the most affordable, secure and scalable casino management system on the market today. Now processing millions of transactions daily at upwards of 50 casinos worldwide. The CasinoTrac™ casino management system by Table Trac, Inc. provides operators with full functionality from accounting and revenue audits to players club and promotions.
Tablets (India) Ltd
Tablets India Limited (TIL) is one of the leading manufacturers of various types of Pharmaceutical and nutraceutical formulations. The vital therapeutic range includes nutritional supplements, haematinics, hepatoprotectives, novel antipyretic, a unique G.I. Lavage preparation, Anti-Ulcerant, Osteoporotic Formula, Respiratory Medicine, etc. Tablets (India) Ltd has entered into the Probiotic segment with the introduction of a novel and specific probiotic for GI health and more recently has in its fold, a unique probiotic product for women health.
Tablytics Market Research Private Ltd
TablyticsMR enables companies to understand their business better by shedding light on their data-performance, results, customers, and stakeholders-and more importantly by allowing them to carry and access data easily.
We are an end-to-end service provider in market research wherein it addresses its clients' needs for organizing data, assessing audience and reporting critical information.
TablyticsMR redefines the modus operandi in every facet of MR industry through its cutting-edge solutions that harness traditional research methodologies with new-age technology.
Managed by industry experts, our well-trained and motivated resources spread across 4 Locations in India (Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore & Chennai) wonderfully complement the firm's services-solutions delivery model.
Our mission is to
• Enable brand managers to research and re-organize data.
• Enable easy access and on-the-go decision-making by delivering device-neutral reports.
• Provide new-age platforms & solutions to help companies stay ahead.
TOUCHPOINT - Integrated Workflow
SURVEY beat - Custom Paper-less Survey
Mellat Bank Behsaz
Tarh and Andisheh Behsaz Mellat Company was established on April 9, 2007 and registered under No. 293899 with Tehran Companies and Non-Registry Institutes on (P.J.S.).
Tarh and Andisheh Behsaz Mellat Company has agreement for collecting debts with companies including:Bank Mellat allover Iran, Leasing Bank Mellat (VASPARI Co.), Leasing of Industry and Mine, Leasing of Rayan Saypa, Tadbir Investment Group Co., Shargh Cement Co., Azarbayjan Diesel Vehicle Mfg. Co., Pirouzan Sanat Nikou Co., (manufacturing of vehicle equipment), Parsa Rayaneh (Pars Electronics), Saipa Central Main Group, Saipa Diesel Co., Pars Khodro Co., Hepco Heavy Machinery Equipment Mfg. Co., Mehr (Basijian) Interest-Free Fund, Iran Insurance Co., Asia Insurance Co., Iranol Oil co., Harir Paper Products Co., Latif Paper Products Co., Iran Star Co., (Mercedes Benz Agency in Iran), Almaseh Saz Co. and Glass and Gas Co., karsazan ayandeh finance & credit institution.
1- Accepting agency of Financial and Credit Institute, banks and other individuals and legal entities in collecting arrears and debts and other financial referrals.
2- Preparing feasibility plan and economic, technical and financial study of projects
3- Providing consultation services in the technical and engineering field, production, new investments, development and fulfillment
4- Technically supervising over production and services plans and providing consultation services in the field of budgeting and financing of plans
5- Designing, collecting and starting up financial and administrative systems
6- Presenting any accounting services
Tab Media
The original is always better than the remake.
Since we were founded by three students at Cambridge University in 2009, our company has been run by young journalists and producers who like being first.
From the beginning, exclusive stories from The Tab's campus reporters have been syndicated by the biggest newspapers and TV channels on the planet. Now babe makes original video series with millions of fans which are in demand from major platforms and production companies.
Tab Media is built on an unusual working partnership: between our young editors in New York and London, and a network of bold, subversive reporters at universities across the US and UK.
That's why we have such a deep connection with millions of young people in the most transformative phase of their lives.
Tab Media publishes The Tab and babe.
TabMo goes one for all : Mobile programmatic platform for agencies and advertisers.
Since 2014, TabMo has built its own & operated mobile programmatic full stack platform..
Based in London, Paris and Montpellier (South of France), New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and Cologne, we define ourselves as new generation mobile programmatic technology for agencies and advertisers, enabling them to access premium publishers inventory through deals, and leverage mobile audience data from trusted and selected partners.
Full stack means we provide one single platform for all your needs, that can deliver your mobile display, video and native campaigns, on worldwide scale, to selected audiences
Contact us on TabMo.io
Taboca provides Consulting & Development for Web-based Applications and Extensions to Browser apps such as Firefox, Thunderbird, Fennec, and Songbird.
Tabocas Participações Empreendimentos S/A
Empresa mineira, com 18 anos de atuação, a Tabocas é hoje referência no setor de engenharia na construção de linhas de transmissão e subestações de energia elétrica.
Com obras realizadas em todas as regiões do país, tendo construído 7.500 km de linhas de transmissão e 84 subestações de energia elétrica.
Tudo isso graças à dedicação e ao empenho dos profissionais que trabalham para o sucesso do negócio. É esse compromisso que possibilita a Tabocas cumprir seu principal objetivo: levar desenvolvimento as regiões brasileiras por meio da geração de energia e da absorção da mão de obra.
Tabone Ind. e Com. de Plásticos Ltda
Empresa do ramo plástico. Há 24 anos desenvolvendo tecnologias para a criação, confecção das ferramentas de injeção e extrusão de plásticos e a introdução dos produtos no mercado e assessoramento ao cliente na linha de produção. Atua nos setores moveleiro, automobilístico e cosmético
Taboola is the leading discovery platform, serving 360B recommendations to over 1B unique visitors every month on some of the Web's most innovative publisher sites, including USA TODAY, Business Insider, Chicago Tribune, and The Weather Channel. Headquartered in New York City, Taboola has offices in Tel Aviv, Los Angeles, London, Bangkok, New Delhi, Tokyo, Sao Paulo, Shanghai, Beijing, Seoul and Istanbul.
Publishers, marketers, and agencies leverage Taboola to retain users on their sites, monetize their traffic, and distribute their content to drive high-quality audiences. Learn more at www.taboola.com and follow @taboola on Twitter and Instagram.
Tabor College
Tabor College is a comprehensive, liberal arts college offering you associates, bachelors and masters degrees. We prepare people for a life of learning, work, and service for Christ and His kingdom. Tabor College strives to be the college of choice for students who seek a life-transforming, academically excellent, globally relevant and decidedly Christian education.
Tabor College Hoorn
Het Tabor College te Hoorn is een brede scholengemeenschap en biedt als college onderwijs aan ruim 4300 leerlingen op drie verschillende scholen: d'Ampte, Oscar Romero en Werenfridus.
d'Ampte is een vmbo-school en biedt de leerling alle leerwegen en vele uitstroomprofielen in de sectoren Techniek (ook vakcollege), Zorg & Welzijn (ook vakcollege) en Economie en de intersectorale opleiding Sport, Dienstverlening & Veiligheid.
Oscar Romero is een school voor mavo, havo en vwo, die leerlingen kansen biedt op een optimale ontplooiing in een prettige en veilige omgeving.
Werenfridus is een school voor havo, atheneum, gymnasium en tweetalig onderwijs. Dé school voor leerlingen met ambitie.
De leiding van het Tabor College is in handen van het College van Bestuur, verantwoordelijk voor de strategie van het Tabor College. De drie scholen binnen het College geven op eigen wijze invulling aan de doelstellingen van het Tabor College. De scholen binnen het Tabor College kunnen gekenmerkt worden als scholen waar niet ‘slechts' op de winkel gepast wordt, maar waar onderwijsontwikkeling nadrukkelijk op de agenda staat. Zo wordt expliciet gezocht naar de mogelijkheden die ICT ons biedt als ondersteuning van het onderwijs. Daar gebruiken we op veel plaatsen in de school iPadsvoor.
Tabor Academy
The Mission of Tabor Academy: Tabor Academy is a coeducational, rigorous, college preparatory boarding and day school. Tabor enrolls students demonstrating academic ability, strong motivation, sound character, emotional stability, and a willingness to participate fully in the school community. Tabor is founded on the belief that a healthy school community finds common ground while embracing differences and, therefore, accepts a racially, ethnically, religiously, economically, and internationally diverse student body. Tabor students are expected to respect one another and to care for their school. Tabor's academic, artistic, athletic, and community programs provide distinctive opportunities for students to achieve genuine understanding and significant skills and to identify and pursue personal goals. As "the school by the sea," Tabor sustains a unique maritime heritage that embodies, in all its programs, the qualities a seagoing life requires: thoughtful preparation for and awareness of the wider world, perseverance, courage, good humor, a sense of direction, and humility. Tabor's faculty commit themselves to balancing high demands with genuine affection for their students and to fostering relationships founded on the compassion, personal integrity, and trust that anchor Tabor's community.
Tabor Adelaide
Tabor Adelaide is a multidenominational Christian education centre, offering government accredited tertiary courses to both on campus and distance students.
The areas of study Tabor Adelaide offers are:
- Counselling
- Education
- Humanities
- Ministry, Theology and Culture
- Youth Work
- Year in the Son
- Postgraduate
- Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Please visit the website for further information.
Taborda Solutions
Taborda Solutions Inc. (Taborda) was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in the City of Folsom, just outside of Sacramento, California. Taborda has grown into a $55M company and was recognized this year in the Inc.5000 list as one of the fastest-growing, private companies in America.
Taborda offers a full range of world-class IT products, services and solutions. We aid government leaders in improving citizen engagement, empowering employees, optimizing operations, and transforming their organizations by harnessing the Cloud, mobility and new digital services. Citizens, businesses and employees expect a greater level of service and innovation from government. Taborda's offerings provide government organizations with digital transformation; empowering citizens and employees through increased productivity and efficiency while also reducing costs.
Our clients include federal, state and local government as well as education, health care and private sector companies. As a company, and as individuals, Taborda values balance, commitment, community, excellence, fun, and integrity. We are committed to our customers, partners and employees, and have a passion for technology. We hold ourselves accountable to honoring our commitments, providing results and striving for continuous improvement.
Tabor Hills Senior Living
Tabor Hills provides housing to residents through the operation of a retirement community consisting of 104 town homes, an affordable assisted living that operates a 95-unit community, and a 211-bed long term care skilled nursing facility located in Naperville, Illinois.
Tabor Law Firm, LLP
Tabor Law Firm has more than 75 years of combined legal experience leveling the playing field for injured victims and families who have lost a loved one. If you have suffered a serious injury or lost a loved one, contact us to speak with an experienced attorney. Our accident attorneys and staff will walk you through every step of the legal process and fight for your rights. Though we are based in Indianapolis, our dedicated attorneys meet with injured clients across the state of Indiana.
We have successfully resolved thousands of personal injury and wrongful death cases. We represent clients involved in automobile accidents, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, bicycle accidents, pedestrian accidents, bus accidents, construction zone accidents, premises liability and products liability cases. We have earned a strong reputation by providing injured clients throughout the state with excellent legal counsel in highly complex cases.
Tabor Law Firm advances all costs of litigating the injury cases we accept. When you retain our services, you pay nothing until we resolve your case by obtaining compensation through trial or negotiated settlement. To find out how our firm can assist you, call us to schedule a free consultation at 317.236.9000.
Our lawyers understand the devastating nature of your injury or loss and are devoted to supporting you and your family through this difficult time. We understand that no amount of compensation will reverse the lasting effects of an accident, but we will work tirelessly to see that you receive the compensation you deserve. Your Partner in Life Changing Cases.
Tab Placements
TAB is a young, dynamic, knowledge based company that has deep insight into the working of Textile/Apparel /Home lifestyle industry.
Established in 1996 in New Delhi the company is a trend setter to be the first to set up an exclusive executive search and placement firm catering specifically to the Apparel /Textile/Home Lifestyle, Export and Retail Sector.
An unprecedented growth in demand for professional service led the company to set up another office, South of India in Bangalore city in 1998.
Our consultants are drawn from within the industry and enjoy a high professional valuation of their experience.
Tab enjoys the distinction of having worked successfully on prestigious mandates for Multinational Companies who have set up sourcing offices in India and the sub continent. The recruitments handled are in Senior Management positions such as Regional Director, Country Manager, Vice President, General Manager till the executive level.
Tab also enjoys the reputation of being one of the first to place candidates internationally since 1997. Successful mandates executed range from COO,CFO to mid management and executive roles. Countries covered are Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, U.K and U.S.A.
National Central Cooling Company (DFM: Tabreed)
From commissioning its first district cooling plant in Sweihan, Abu Dhabi in 1998 to 72 plants today across the GCC, Tabreed has defined the region's cooling excellence standards with an unwavering commitment to quality, safety and efficiency.
Built on a successful track record acquired over the last 20 years, our partners trust us to deliver innovative and reliable solutions that meet their cost and operational efficiency goals as well as drive energy efficiency and sustainability.
As a UAE-based regional utility leader, Tabreed offers stable financials returns and shareholder value as a publicly listed company on the Dubai Financial Market.
For more information, visit www.tabreed.ae
Empresa dedicada a proveer una plataforma tecnológica de RRHH, con portal de empleo, evaluación psicométrica, reclutamiento de personal, estudios socioeconómicos, integración con la imagen institucional, análisis, descripción y evaluación de puestos entre otros.
TabSal - Sistema de Tabulação Salarial
O Sistema de Tabulação Salarial, através do site www.tabsal.com.br , é direcionado para empresas, grupos informais, consultorias, sindicatos patronais e profissionais autônomos que fazem pesquisa salarial e que não dispõem de um sistema para tabulação.
O Sistema de Tabulação Salarial permite filtrar os resultados fazendo a combinação de três variáveis: o mercado de atuação das empresas participantes, o porte das empresas e a categoria dos cargos cadastrados.
TABS Analytics
TABS Analytics (formerly TABS Group), founded by Dr. Kurt Jetta in 1998, is a technology-enabled analytics firm that services the Consumer Products industry. Our mission is to simplify and improve the way analytics is conducted in the Consumer Products industry. Our Analytical Innovation accomplishes this and translates into a competitive advantage for our clients.
TABS is the leading outsourced Sales and Marketing analytics firm in the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industry. All TABS consultants have been leaders at major consumer products companies and know what insights Sales, Marketing and Retailers are looking for to grow revenue and maximize profit.
Our clients include: Unilever, Edgewell Personal Care, Wyeth Nutrition/Nestle Nutrition, Nutrisystem, Matrixx Initiatives, Physicians Formula, Philips Consumer, Prestige Brands, GNC, Profoot, Zarbees, Nutramax and Evenflo.
TAB Security Technologies (India) Private Limited
TAB Security Technologies (India) Private Limited
D-TAB Safety & Security Systems Private Limited
TAB Technologies
D-TAB Security Systems
We are the only Manufacturer of Digital Video Recorder in India, manufacturing high quality and high Specification DVRs Worldwide.
Founded in 1927 in Cantù – Italy , TABU is the world leader in dyeing wood. Thanks to its experience developed through three generations, TABU introduced throughout the years sophisticated and advanced technologies to give the best answers to the needs of the market . In its long history , TABU complemented its deep knowledge of wood with scientific knowledge to develop newer treatments, always advanced and adaptable to any kind of wood.
Tabuk Pharmaceuticals Manufacturing Company
Tabuk Pharmaceuticals develops, manufactures, markets and distributes branded generic pharmaceuticals and under-licensed products globally, with a strong focus on the Middle East and North Africa region. Since its foundation in 1994, Tabuk has passed several milestones in its journey towards becoming a successful player in the global branded generics pharmaceutical industry.
Headquartered in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the company has strong presence across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
Today, Tabuk is the second largest Saudi pharmaceutical manufacturer and one of the top five in sales in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. TABUK is among the few companies in the Middle East that can manufacture oral as well as sterile Cephalosporin antibiotics.
Täby kommun
Täby kommun är en av Stockholmregionens snabbast växande kommuner, nära både centrala Stockholm och Arlanda. Inom tio år har Täby vuxit från dagens nästan 70 000 invånare till 90 000 och år 2040 beräknas finnas 20 000 nya arbetstillfällen.
Just nu förbättras kollektivtrafiken och vägarna, på sikt kommer Roslagsbanan att förlängas till city via Odenplan. Hög kvalitet i välfärden och möjlighet för invånare att välja bland annat skola och omsorg är en del av kommunens signum.
Tycker du att det låter spännande att vara en del av utvecklingen?
Transportation Association of Canada / Association des transports du Canada
The Transportation Association of Canada (TAC) is a national, not-for-profit, membership-based association that serves as a neutral forum for exchanging information and knowledge on technical guidelines and best practices in Canada's transportation and roadways sector. / L'Association des transports du Canada (ATC), une association à but non lucratif comptant des membres, offre une tribune neutre de collecte et d'échange d'idées, d'informations et de connaissances à l'appui de l'élaboration de lignes directrices techniques et de bonnes pratiques exploitant les domaines des transports canadiens et des routes.
TAC Design
We are TAC. A Design Agency in Newcastle upon Tyne.
We help our clients build meaningful relationships with their audiences with honest, long-lasting design, an obsessive attention to detail and results-driven strategy.
Tactical Engineering and Analysis, Inc.
Tactical Engineering & Analysis, Inc. (TEA) is a professional services company providing Systems Engineering, Analysis and Software Support for the development of Military Combat Communication Systems. Our technical support facilities are located in San Diego, California; Fredericksburg, Virginia; and Washington, DC.
Since 1998, TEA has developed a reputation for providing high quality services to our customers at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR), the Program Executive Office Ships, the Naval Surface Warfare Centers at Dahlgren and Port Hueneme, and the Naval Air Systems Command.
Our experience provides us the background and expertise to offer similar services to other Department of Defense agencies, while continuing to provide and expand our services to existing clients.
Tactical Engineering is committed to providing leading edge technical support to our customers in the tactical combat system and related communications systems business areas. Our past performances on many of the programs we have participated in have been well received by our customers.
Tarsus American College
Tarsus Amerikan Koleji, 2004 yılında IB Diploma Programı'nı uygulamak üzere yetkilendirilmiş ve böylece Akdeniz Bölgesinde IBDP veren ilk okuldur ve halen Akdeniz Bölgesinin tek IB okulu olarak uluslararası diploma programı eğitimi vermeye devam etmektedir. 10. sınıf sonunda öğrenciler 11.sınıfta IB Diploma Programı'na başlama konusunda kararlarını verirler. 11 ve 12. Sınıflarda devam eden iki yıllık bir eğitimin sonunda okulumuzdan hem Tarsus Amerikan Koleji Diploması hem de uluslararası IB diploması ile mezun olurlar.
Transport Accident Commission (TAC)
The TAC is working Towards Zero deaths and serious injuries on our roads.
A Victorian Government-owned organisation, our role is to pay for treatment and benefits for people injured in transport accidents and to promote road safety.
The TAC is a no-fault scheme where medical benefits are paid to an injured person - regardless of who caused the accident. This is funded by vehicle registration payments Victorian motorists make each year to VicRoads.
Payments and conditions are guided by the Transport Accident Act 1986.
For more information on Towards Zero visit: https://www.towardszero.vic.gov.au/
Taca Construction
Taca Construction has aimed to develop with using high-end technology and specialized staff, working with strict quality principles and perfect timing and investing at right fields. It soon reached its goals by completing the projects it has engaged with high completion speed and quality.
The projects that Taca Construction has delivered both in Turkey and abroad include hotel and shopping centre constructions and decorations, project controlling and consulting services, office constructions, residences and prefabricated residences, data processing center constructions and infrastructures, construction automations and security, steel construction applications and firm furniture production and woodworking.
TACA Construction has completed a total of 1,587,149 m² until now; 391,913 m² of shopping malls, 726,700 m² of hotels, 171,930 m² of commercial, 33,926 m² of residential, 262,680 m² of Congress Centers.
Taca Construction with the faith in high-end technology and unlimited quality works for tomorrow with its four subsidiaries all specialized at their fields.
TAC Air is an aviation services provider focusing on traditional fixed base operation (FBO) services for all segments of aviation, including general aviation, military/government, and commercial air carriers. Our areas of expertise include ground handling, aircraft fueling, hangar development, cargo handling, and aircraft de-icing – all done with superior customer service.
What started with a single location in Texarkana, Arkansas, has grown into a national network of FBOs, serving customers in a variety of markets, both large and small. Setting the network of FBOs apart from its competitors is the TAC Air philosophy that success is based upon well trained, friendly employees with a passion for service.
TAC Air's employees are dedicated to exceeding customers' expectations each and every day. This way of doing business has always been – and will continue to be – an integral part of TAC Air's day-to-day operations.
Keystone Aviation, a TAC Air company, is positioned as The Complete Solution for general aviation services. For nearly 20 years, Keystone Aviation has been an award-winning provider of aircraft charter, management, maintenance, and sales & brokerage services.
TAC Air began in 1986 by acquiring the FBO in Texarkana, Arkansas. At the time, TAC owned and operated more than 100 Road Runner convenience stores across the nation and needed reliable aviation support services for its own flight department. Since that time, Road Runner Aviation has evolved into TAC Air. A passion to provide quick turns, competitive prices and award-winning service to every customer, on every operation, has led the growth and success of our business.
Tacala, LLC
At Taco Bell, food is more than fuel – it's an Experience. And working at Tacala the largest franchisee group for Taco Bell, is more than just a job – it's an Opportunity. With over 250 locations across the Southeast United States and Texas, there are many ways to grow with us. We offer employees the opportunity to work in a culture that values and encourages advancement, provides the tools and training to help you succeed, and recognizes and rewards achievement.
Temporary Accommodations
Temporary Accommodations, Inc., founded in 1996, is a leading provider of Additional Living Expense (ALE) housing for the insurance industry. We find and deliver housing and furnishings for policyholders displaced by man-made or natural disasters.
As a result, Temporary Accommodations has grown in size and reputation, becoming one of the insurance industry's leading providers of temporary housing, coast-to-coast.
TacBit Technologies
TacBit Technologies has been pioneering in providing innovative and next generation ‘Information Technology Solutions and Services' with superior quality of service, aligned with International implementation best practices which are adapted to the working environment for all types of organizations in Asia & EMEA.
ICT Services
TacBit Technologies has helped major companies implement solutions by expertise in technology areas of Converged Data networking, Broadband wired/wireless networking, Optical networking, Unified Communications (UC), Unified Computing Systems (UCS), Virtualization & Cloud Computing, Storage networking, Network and Physical security, Carrier Grade Voice networking, and Network Management and Monitoring.
Web & Software Services
TacBit Technologies Applications sector specializes in producing high quality Software and Web Applications in a variety of domains. Which includes ERP solutions, CRM applications, Schooling Systems, Web Application Development using, Industry Management Systems, Distribution Management Systems, Patients Management systems, Content Management Systems.
Resource Outsourcing
The existing vibrant era in the Telecom sector owing to the Telecom post Deregulation Regime in the EMEA region demands readily available technical HR. As an outsourcing agency we provide resources across EMEA and Asia. We also provide hunting facilities though our job boards and partners. Thousands of candidates available across globe are registered with us looking for opportunities.
Training & Development
If you shoulder the responsibility of choosing training for your organization, our trainers will work within your training budget – and can deliver exactly what they've promised. That's where we come in. Not only can we provide you with world-class training that's earned us the enviable reputation as one of region's leading training companies, we make it incredibly convenient.
Tacca Industries
Australia's leading supplier and manufacturer of plastic thermoformed packaging servicing the bakery, fruit and produce and FMCG markets.
Huge range of 'off the shelf' containers available or let our designers customize for your specific application.
Fundada no começo de 2011 por profissionais dos setores de tecnologia, consultoria e acessibilidade, a t-access surgiu no mercado como uma empresa de serviços profissionais, especializada na execução de testes de testes de software e acessibilidade. Com foco na melhoria de qualidade de software focando na acessibilidade, testes funcionais, performance e automação.
Somos el nuevo concepto de Agencia de Comunicación.
Nos reinventamos constantemente para ofrecer a nuestros clientes, lo mejor de la comunicación inteligente para la construcción de experiencias de marca que producen resultados impactantes.
A través de la creatividad, la innovación y la implementación creamos experiencias que transforman marcas y hacen crecer sus negocios.
Conoce en forma detallada nuestros servicios, visitando: www.tacctica.com
Town & Country Event Rentals
Town & Country Event Rentals is the largest independently owned and operated event rental company headed by industry veteran, Richard F. LoGuercio; former owner and founder of Classic Party Rentals. Since its opening in May 2005, it has gained the respect of many of L.A.'s top event producers through dedication to personal service and outstanding quality, as well as a massive inventory of the latest designs. Today, Town & Country consists of almost 300 dedicated event professionals, a new 160,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art facility to house new inventory, and a fleet of 45 trucks. In 2011, a second showroom in Pasadena opened to expand the company's services to the Greater San Gabriel Valley, along with the opening of a third showroom in Santa Barbara in the summer of 2012.
1989 yılnda kurulan TACER, kurulduğu yıldan itibaren ürettiği asma tavan ve duvar malzemeleri ile ülkemizde pek çok çağdaş binaya imza atmıştır. İlerleyen zaman , değişen piyasa koşulları , teknolojideki hızlı değişim ve Ar-ge çalışmalarımız, üretilen malzeme çeşitliliğini arttırmış, projelendirme, pazarlama, satış ve destek çalışmaları ile uygulama konusunda da birçok proje tamamlanmıştır.
Bugün itibarı ile üretimi devam eden alüminyum doğrusal panel, metal kaset pano, akustik alçı plaka, akustik ahşap tavan&duvar ve petek asma tavan sistemleri dışında, modern makine parkı ile özel çözümlere de imza atmaktadır.
TAC Forensics LLC
Hello, everyone!
I am Dave Pettinari, a retired commander from the Pueblo County (Colorado) Sheriff's Office, CEO of TAC Forensics, a business I have operated since 2004.
My company offers skip tracing (locating people -- debtors, witnesses, missing persons), witness interviewing, criminal defense investigations, insurance fraud investigations, court and criminal history checks, background checks, process serving, surveillance and records searches, and executive protection. I also offer a full range of computer forensic analysis services, including cell phone and PDA forensics, my specialty.
I am an experienced investigator -- 20 years in law enforcement, five years in private business, six years with the Air Force Office of Special Investigations. I worked for eight years with the Colorado Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, so have lots of online investigative know-how. I also am a certified computer forensic examiner (EnCE – EnCase) and certified cell phone and PDA examiner (Paraben). I have taught all over the country on these issues, and have been nationally published 100+ times, 25 of those articles on computer crime and Internet crime investigations. I have conducted 330+ computer forensic exams in all facets of the investigative field and in all types of crimes. I taught computer forensics and investigations at Colorado State University-Pueblo for five years, cybercrime and information systems security at the University of Phoenix (online), a computer forensics and Internet investigations course at Regis University, along with other law enforcement and security management courses, and cell phone forensics for the High Technology Crime Institute.
I am a member of the Professional Private Investigators Association of Colorado (PPIAC), and former member of the International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists (IACIS).
Please e-mail or call if I can be of assistance to you.
Dave Pettinari, M.A., EnCE
Ta Chen International Inc.
Ta Chen International, Inc. is a leading master distributor of stainless, aluminum and nickel alloy coils, sheets, plates, long products, tubes and PVFs. TCI is an industry leader in inventory depth, breadth and availability and efficiently serves over 3,000 customers nationwide through 8 strategically located warehouses.
Tachi-S Brasil
Since the founding in 1954, TACHI-S has made continuous efforts to manufacture products that satisfy its customers. It has grown into the largest Independent Seat System Supplier in Japan, and brings world-class technology and the most advanced engineering and manufacturing to every project – from initial concept through final production.
In recent years, the environment surrounding the auto industry has faced big turning points such as the slump of auto sales (especially in advanced nations), the shift of market preference to compact, more fuel efficient vehicles and the increase in sales to emerging countries. There has also been an increase in not only safety and environmental demands but also to the diverse demands of customers worldwide.
In response to these circumstances, TACHI-S has implemented measures steadily so as to achieve its medium- and long-term growth strategies to become a company which continues delivering trust and inspiration for its customers worldwide as a global seat system creator.
History Of TACH:
Established in 1987, TACH was started by Mr. A.P. Singhal (BTech, IIT Delhi) as one of the most dependable link between the machine manufacturers and the customer throughout the world.
21st Century TACH:
Today, TACH represents a vibrant group of people with exceptional engineering, marketing and entrepreneurial skills. It is a professionally managed machine tool marketing company having its headquarters in New Delhi poised to grow across India.
Our Strength:
With decades of Learning, Training, and ExperienceTACH has built a team of professional and passionate engineers who are not only obsess about giving the best solution for various engineering needs but also closely supporting the customers in their endeavor.
This core team and years of experience makes TACH the most reliable choice.
Tachi Palace Hotel and Casino
Situated in the heart of the South Valley in Lemoore, CA, this hotel features a full on-site casino, spacious accommodations, friendly service, and all the amenities needed for a relaxing and enjoyable stay. With slot machines, table games, as well as live entertainment, spa and fitness center, there is something for everyone at the Tachi Palace. Tachi Palace Hotel and Casino offers modern accomodations, on-site wedding arrangements, spacious convention facilities and a variety of restaurants.
Jüdische Medien AG
Jüdische Medien AG publishes weekly its magazine called Tachles for the German part of Switzerland and a few times a year Revue Juive for the French part of Switzerland.
Tachodata A/S
Tachodata er et IT hus, som hjælper alle størrelser af virksomheder med IT.
Det værende sig fra infrastruktur og hosting til IT-konsulenter, der hjælper onsite i virksomheden.
Vi har derudover egne software udviklere, der udvikler forretningsystemer, som er med til at optimere virksomheden og fjerne tunge administrative processer.
Tachodata vil være den rigtige samarbejdspartner for virksomheder, der ønsker en dedikeret og kompetent samarbejdspartner i øjenhøjde. Vort ønske er at skabe et tillidsfuldt forhold og en længerevarende relation til vore kunder, ved gennem forretningsforståelse at levere værdiskabende it-løsninger, samt overholde de aftalte priser og leveringstider.
Ønsker I at høre mere om Tachodata, så kontakt os på tlf. nr. 70 222 330 eller på [email protected]
Tacirler Yatırım Menkul Değerler A.Ş.
Quarter-Century in Turkish Capital Markets
Tacirler Investment, one of the leading investment organizations of country, is the Finance market representative of Tacirler Holding, which was established in 1958 and contains 13 companies operating in various sectors such as construction, trade, industry and Finance. Tacirler Investment, which is the investment firm with the biggest equity among the independent brokerage firms, and which hosts the investments claiming 'Trust First' with its strong financial structure since its establishment in 1991, offers all investment products and services to be expected from an investment firm all together.
With its experience of quarter-century, experienced expert team and strong technological infrastructure, Tacirler Investment provide services in 17 Investment Centers in Turkey and TRNC, 4 of which are in Istanbul along with the Headquarters.
While aiming to grow and spread the investment brokerage market in Turkey, Tacirler Investment also provides a safe flow of information to protect the corporate and individual investors due to its service concept based on innovative, transparent, quality and accurate values.
Leading the growth of the capital market with new participants, Tacirler Investment mediates the contribution of country investments to the economy with its interest in all developing sectors, mainly non-bank Financial services sector.
Tacirler Investment, leading the technological developments in Finance market, makes all kinds of Financial services and products available to the investors through its constantly updated, easy-to-use, fast and secure Internet site www.tacirler.com.tr, and thus, makes a Difference with the quality reached in all service channels.
Our Fitch Rating: A+(tur)
Tacirler Investment is the first Turkish brokerage firm with independent capital that has been assigned a national long-term (tur) rating of 'A+(tur)' with a stable outlook by Fitch Ratings.
Tacirnet Bilişim Limited Şirketi
2010 yılının Mart ayında YCEO Group bünyesinde başlayan çalışmalarımız 2011 yılında YCEO Group bünyesinde ayrılarak sürdürmeye devam etmekteyiz.
Tecrübeli ve deneyimli yönetici kadromuzla günden güne büyüyen müşteri ağımız ve genişleyen Pazar payımızın yanı sıra yenilenen teknolojik alt yapı, şirketin sürekli kendini yenileyen dinamik yapı içerisinde olmasının en büyük etkenidir.
TacirNet bilşim sektöründe e ticaret alt yapı platformundan web danışmanlık ve kurumsal tasarım hizmetlerine alt yapı kurulumundan xml dağıtımına aplikasyon ve oyun üretiminden satış sonrası desteğe kadar geniş ürün/çözüm yelpazesiyle müşterilerine hizmet sunmaktadır.
İnternet pazarında ürünlerini ya da hizmetlerini satmak isteyen her sektörden her ölçekteki firmaya, ürünlerini sergileyip satabilecekleri bir platform altyapısı hazırlıyoruz.Firmalara e-ticaretin derinliklerinde e-pazarlama ve teknik konularda destek olup yön veriyoruz.
Tacit Investment
Tacit Investment działa na polskim rynku nieruchomości. Inwestycje spółki to m.in. dobrze znane, warszawskie obiekty takie jak hotel Rialto, ekskluzywny klub tenisowy i fitness Sinnet, studio nagrań Sound&More czy budynek biurowy przy ul. Karowej.
Flagowym okrętem Tacit Investment jest oddany do użytku w 2014 roku Cosmopolitan Twarda 4, który wyrósł w samym sercu stolicy, tuż przy zacisznym Placu Grzybowskim. Wysoki na 44 piętra, całkowicie przeszklony budynek apartamentowy jest elementem nowoczesności w krajobrazie słynącej z kontrastów historycznej przestrzeni. To pierwsza tego typu ekskluzywna, funkcjonująca inwestycja w Warszawie.
Tacit Investment jest też właścicielem Park Lane – kameralnej, nowoczesnej rezydencji, która skrywa zaledwie dwanaście apartamentów wykończonych w najwyższym standardzie. Inwestycja usytuowana jest w prestiżowej, spokojnej okolicy - przy ulicy Podchorążych, w pobliżu Parku Łazienkowskiego.
Spółka wchodzi w skład grupy kapitałowej kontrolowanej przez Grzegorza Jankilewicza i Sławomira Smołokowskiego, udziałowców firmy energetycznej Mercuria Energy Group. Do MEG należy również znana w Polsce spółka J&S Energy.
Dane teleadresowe:
Tacit Development Polska JS sp. z o.o. sp.k.
ul. Twarda 4, 00-105 Warszawa
Tel: 570 002 300
TACNA Services
TACNA is a professional shelter services organization, helping companies manufacture in Mexico's low cost labor market. TACNA has assisted companies in establishing and operating border region Mexico manufacturing facilities since 1983. The shelter strategy allows companies to establish operations quickly and focus on manufacturing by letting TACNA handle the complexities of operating in Mexico.
We handle the administrative and regulatory burdens associated with operating in Mexico, allowing you to focus your full attention on manufacturing. Our highly experienced team of professionals can perform a start up in as little as six to eight weeks. Operating under TACNA's existing legal structure avoids tax and legal risks to which your company would otherwise be exposed. You save significant startup costs and valuable time. You avoid the pitfalls and false starts. In short, our operating model is Mexico Manufacturing Simplified.
To ensure Mexico's maquiladora industry is a fit for your manufacturing operations, we invite you to visit our operations, at which time we will prepare a pro-forma cost analysis, interact with our management team, and visit various Mexican maquiladoras where you gain an appreciation and understanding of the Maquila industry.
TACO - Roupas, Moda / Varejo
A História da Taco
A marca TACO foi criada no ano de 1985 cidade do Rio de Janeiro, tornando-se, rapidamente, um referencial de moda básica. Na década de 90 a empresa iniciou o seu processo de expansão e hoje tem 151 lojas operando em todas as regiões do Brasil, sendo 100 franquias e 51 lojas próprias. A nossa proposta é oferecer produtos de qualidade, de moda básica, buscando sempre a qualidade e o preço justo. É por isso que o nosso lema é TACO. "Todo Mundo, todo Dia".
Outro fator importante é a exclusividade: Os produtos TACO você só encontra nas lojas TACO. Por isso, investimos em layouts modernos e confortáveis, procurando oferecer um ambiente agradável e um serviço eficiente. Seja navegando pelo Site, seja em uma de nossas lojas no Brasil, tenha a certeza de que estamos trabalhando para oferecer o melhor pra você. TACO; 'Todo mundo, todo dia'.
Taco Bell
At Taco Bell, we've had innovation on our mind since Glen Bell opened the first restaurant in 1962 in Downey, California. Always hungry for Más, we've grown to be a culture-centric, lifestyle brand that provides craveable, affordable Mexican-inspired food.
As a subsidiary of Yum! Brands, Inc., we are the nation's leading Mexican-inspired quick service restaurant (QSR). Taco Bell consists of more than 350 franchise organizations with over 210,000 team members who serve more than 42 million customers each week through 7,000+ restaurants across the nation, as well as through our mobile, desktop and delivery ordering services. We have over 350 restaurants overseas with plans to add 2,000 more restaurants internationally within the next decade.
We also provide educational opportunities and serve the community through our nonprofit organization, the Taco Bell® Foundation™, and connect fans with their passions through programs such as the Live Más Scholarship program. In 2016, we were named as one of Fast Company's Top 10 Most Innovative Companies in the World. We're striving for Más.
Taco Bueno Restaurants
Taco Bueno has served "Tex-Mex Made Fresh" since 1967, when the first restaurant opened in Abilene,
Texas. Since opening its first restaurant, the Company has expanded to 177 locations while maintaining its commitment to offer meals that are prepared fresh, by real cooks, in real kitchens, using real ingredients. Taco Bueno restaurants showcase fresh preparation and a comfortable environment. The combination of delicious food and an inviting atmosphere has led to a loyal following of customers. These self-described "Buenoheads" have paved the way for Taco Bueno to expand into new markets and enjoy industry leading customer satisfaction and quality ratings. Taco Bueno restaurants are located in Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Colorado. Learn more about Taco Bueno by visiting www.tacobueno.com or www.facebook.com/buenoheadquarters.
Taco Bueno is owned by TPG Growth. TPG Growth is the middle market and growth equity investment platform of TPG, the global private investment firm. With over $7 billion under management, TPG Growth targets investments in a broad range of industries and geographies. TPG Growth has the deep sector knowledge, operational resources and global experience to drive value creation and help companies reach their full potential. The firm is backed by the resources of TPG, which has approximately $75 billion of assets under management. TPG Growth's current and past investments represent a mix of iconic and innovative companies across tech, retail and entertainment including Uber, Airbnb, e.l.f. Cosmetics, Angie's Artisan Treats, Fender, SurveyMonkey, and Red Book Connect. TPG Growth has offices in the United States, China, India, Brazil, Turkey, London and Singapore. For more information visit www.tpggrowth.com.
Taco Cabana
People travel to San Antonio thinking, "Remember the Alamo" and leave saying "Remember the great Mexican food?" So, it shouldn't come as a surprise that Taco Cabana got its start right in the heart of the Alamo City. The family that opened the first TC in 1978 wasn't trying to create a chain. Just a friendly, casual, neighborhood gathering place. A relaxed destination to savor great, affordable Mexican food crafted from authentic family recipes. Served in a welcoming atmosphere that invited friends to sit, relax and enjoy.
Go to your local TC today and you'll see the vibe is still the same. Sure, you can get in and out quickly or grab and go at the drive-thru, but we also encourage you to take a little time, slow down and chill out.
That's life on the patio. That's TC.
Taco Comfort Solutions
Taco Comfort Solutions is a third generation, family-owned American manufacturer of high quality, high-efficiency heating, cooling, plumbing, and irrigation products.
Headquartered in Cranston, RI, Taco is global in scope with manufacturing facilities in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Arkansas, Ontario, Vietnam, and Italy. Its skilled employees produce precision pumps, valves and controls, air-dirt separators. heat exchangers, tanks, domestic hot water recirculation systems, and web-based building management controls.
Since its founding, Taco has been dedicated to the success of its people and its customers, bringing products to market that save energy, enhance system longevity, and provide a superior level of safety and comfort to building occupants.
With nearly 100 years in the HVAC industry, Taco's knowledge and engineering expertise is passed along to professionals through the company's expansive factory training and online learning programs. That same depth of experience is applied every day at hundreds of job sites across the country, making Taco one of the most trusted names in controlling the flow of water.
Website: www.TacoComfort.com
Taco Del Mar
The very first TACO DEL MAR® (TDM) restaurant opened its doors on June 8, 1992 on Pier 57 in Seattle's historic Waterfront District creating a marriage of the Mission style burrito and Seattle's own renown seafood. Entering a TDM restaurant is like taking a step onto the sandy shores of your favorite beach. The combination of Baja-inspired food and atmosphere is truly enough to take you away from the daily grind and transport you to your favorite place, one bite at a time.
The TACO DEL MAR® menu offers a fast, fun and delicious alternative to traditional Mexican food. We feature large, hand-rolled burritos and rippin' fish tacos made to order just the way you want them. The service is fast, the people are enthusiastic, and the restaurants are inspired by beach culture.
TDM is developing in both the US and Canada. Check us out on the web at www.tacodelmar.com.
TATA AutoComp Systems Ltd
Tata AutoComp Systems (TACO) provides products and services in the automotive industry to Indian and global customers, including Audi, Ashok Leyland, BMW, Fiat, Ford, General Motors, Honda, Hyundai, John Deere, Mahindra and Mahindra, Mercedes-Benz, Piaggio, Tata Motors, Toyota, Volkswagen and Volvo as well as many Tier I companies.
Tata AutoComp operates through offices in India, Germany, China, Japan and US. The company also has 10 Global Partnership and 7 Joint Ventures with leading companies from the global auto component industry.
Taco Holding
We are a platform for various leading brands in the food segment. Starting operations in March 2011, we currently have over 450 retail outlets in major shopping malls around Mexico.
We are conformed by successful brands in the food segment, such as Krispy Kreme, Neve Gelato, Nuny's Yogurt, Café Diletto, Arrachera House, Sixties Burger, Sbarro, Taco Inn, and El Farolito.
Committed to the development of our country, we are more than 2,700 employees and are involved in various social responsibility programs, always aiming to be leaders in each of our different food concepts.
Taco John's International, Inc.
Taco John's isn't just about food—it's about family. Our customers are fans for life and that's because we deliver delicious food with a homegrown attitude. Eating here feels more like being in a neighborhood diner than a national chain.
At Taco John's, we serve traditional Mexican food—with a West-Mex® twist. Our fusion of bold and savory American flavors with south-of-the-border spice has created a signature menu, starring our trademark Potato Olés®, freshly prepared tacos and famous Meat and Potato Burritos.
We pride ourselves on giving back locally, keeping a neighborhood focus and treating our guests more like family than customers. Whether it's the big game, a first date or a family dinner, Taco John's has been there through it all. Just call it a little bit of nostalgia in a crunchy shell.
In 1968, a small taco stand opened in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The "Taco House" was an instant success with the locals because of the distinctive seasonings in the tasty tacos and generously sized burritos. In 1969, the franchise rights were purchased by two local businessmen, Harold Holmes and James Woodson. The pair decided to name the franchise after the man who opened the first store—John.
Taco John's is committed to developing new products. Whether it is sourcing fresher, better tasting ingredients or the joint venture with Frito Lay and the Flaming Hot Cheetos Burrito; TJ realizes it is the food that keeps people coming back. We have a pipeline of new products and the future is looking great. I would highly recommend Taco John's as a franchise opportunity.
At Taco John's® we strive to exceed your expectations. Let's Go!
We will be the fastest growing Mexican quick service restaurant brand in America.
Make a Difference - Have Fun - Win - People Development - Teamwork
Tacoma Public Schools
Tacoma Public Schools is one of the largest districts in Washington state serving more than 30,000 children in preschool through grade 12. The district has 35 elementary schools, nine middle schools, five comprehensive high schools and 14 alternative learning sites.
We are a district on the rise. Named by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction as the state's only innovative school district, we share a passion to make a difference in the lives of students.
We're relentless about achievement. And we're proud to report that our high school graduation rate reached 85 percent in 2016.
Join our dynamic, supportive team, guided by committed leaders whose focus is always on:
• Students first
• Continuous improvement
• Data-driven decision making
• Results
• Rigor and relevance
Achieve. Collaborate. Nurture.
If this sounds like you, consider Tacoma Public Schools. Not just a job, a chance to be part of the extraordinary.
Tacoma Community College
Reach higher. Go farther, go further, advance at Tacoma Community College. TCC is ranked among the top 50 schools in the nation according to Washington Monthly Magazine. With more than 65 degree and certificates, small class sizes and the latest technology, TCC offers a high quality education without the high price tag. An open door to success. An engine to rev up the economy. A part of the Tacoma community for almost 50 years. There's a lot to get to know about your community college. TCC has grown up in the past half century, with a modern campus, relevant program offerings, a clear mission, and strong leadership. The results are documented in contributions to the economy and the community. TCC Changes a student's life. People move up, regardless of where they start at TCC. More than a half million people have attended TCC since it opened in 1965.
Tacoma Community House
As one of the longest continuously-operating social service agencies in Washington state, Tacoma Community House has improved the lives of generations of immigrants, refugees, and long-time residents. Serving more than 3,000 families each year, TCH aims to provide the highest quality of comprehensive and wrap-around services to all individuals who come seeking services.
Serving the south Puget Sound region for more than 100 years, TCH has remained true to its founding principles: Commitment to Neighborhoods, Enriching Lives, Multigenerational Services, and Ethnic Sensitivity. Today Tacoma Community House annually serves more than 3,000 individuals through four core programs of education, employment, immigration, and advocacy.
Mission: Tacoma Community House creates opportunities for immigrants and other community members in the Puget Sound region through comprehensive services focused on self-sufficiency, inclusion and advocacy.
Tacoma Housing Authority
The Tacoma Housing Authority's mission is to provide high quality housing and supportive services to persons and families in need. We try to do this in ways that get two other things done. First, we want people we house to succeed not just as tenants but as 'parents, students, wage earners and builders of assets.' Second, we want to help Tacoma develop and to help ensure that it has room for households of all types and incomes. We seek to make Tacoma 'safe, vibrant, prosperous, attractive and just.' Our status as a Moving to Work (MTW) housing authority and a public development authority help us do this. We do this work in four main ways.
First, THA develops housing. THA seeks to create communities that serve a range of needs and that are financially sustainable, environmentally innovative, and attractive.
Second, THA rents its apartments to households in need. We seek to maintain our properties so they are attractive and enjoyable places to live.
Third, we help people afford rent for apartments or homes that they lease from private landlords.
Fourth, THA also provides supportive services. These serve people who need help to succeed as tenants. Elderly or disabled persons, for example, may need help to live on their own. Families coming from homelessness or domestic violence may need help to stabilize. Moreover, we seek to help families prosper. We help people increase their earned income. We help children succeed in school. We help families build assets.
In these ways, THA seeks to serve its communities.
We are a Board of five volunteers and a staff of about 125 people. We do our work with many partners, both public and private. THA's statement of values conveys our belief that this work in service to others is 'honorable' work. We mean to do it 'honorably, effectively, efficiently, with pride, compassion and respect'. We invite you to learn more about us and our work. We hope this site helps you do that.
Tacoma Public Library
Tacoma Public Library serves the residents of Tacoma, Washington. It operates eight library branches, which include a central library in downtown Tacoma, two regional locations in north and south Tacoma, and in five neighborhoods. Tacoma library has nearly 170,000 registered users, and close to 1 million items in circulation. Tacoma Public Library System serves a population of 210,000 people.
TACO MAMACITA is a company based out of 109 N Market St, Chattanooga, Tennessee, United States.